Year ‘2010’

Praise and Worship Part 5

Sunday January 3, 2010

God is good, and the devil is bad! When you understand that God is good, you stop asking, “Why?” Being emotional is not getting into the presence of God. (Ps. 100) It’s in His presence and recognizing His presence that we can worship God. We need to worship God in Spirit and truth. The Word (spoken or sung) is truth. Make sure you are worshiping the true God, not the God” you’d like Him to be. Believe Jesus. What God are you serving? Eph. 5:17, 18 We are to be “drunk in the Holy Spirit”. Get filled up with the Word and ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit and choose to praise and worship God before and so that you see the victory.

Spiritual Gifts

Wednesday January 6, 2010

Spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12-14) are corporate gifts to the body, as well as to individuals. In I Cor. Paul tells about the gifts in the context of the body and love. Love is to maintain our life with the Father. The fruit of the Spirit is love and all the other fruit come because we love (Gal. 5:16-22). Don’t forsake the fruit of the Spirit as well as the gifts of the Spirit. DO YOU WANT THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT? We are to covet them. We can’t desire the gifts, if we haven’t seen them. We can easily mess up tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy, but the others are farther from the human element. God doesn’t want us having dumb idols. GOD SPEAKS TO US. It marks you when God speaks to you. Jesus is the head over all the offices (apostle…), but the Holy Spirit is over the gifts. Every office and every gift is unique, so one person’s gift or office won’t look like someone else’s. We are to covet the best gifts. Which are the best gifts? Paul looked at prophecy as the one that edifies the body, but the gift you need to minister to someone in need is the best gift at that time. When we get to the end of our faith, we have nine gifts to take over. Covet miracles and the power of God.

Prophetic Conference Part 1

Friday January 8, 2010

Joshua 3:4b, 5 Joshua knew what to do when he got to the river, because he had been following and watching Moses, but when he got to the Promised Land, he did not know what to do, because he had never been there before. He needed God to tell him what to do and where to go because it was new to him. We are in a new place in a new day. Our leaders were never where we are going. Like in Joshua’s day, we must consecrate and sanctify ourselves because God is going to do amazing things among us. We do not know what revival looks like, because what happened in the past will not happen that way again. Joel 2:15-17 We need to remove the reproach of Jesus from Lancaster County caused by ministries that have gone wrong, or by ministries that became distracted or lost their vision, or by the world speaking disparagingly about Jesus. God speaks. (Ex. 30:22-32) The fear of the Lord is an abiding Presence, the beginning of wisdom, a recognition that God is here. God’s anointing is holy. Just as Moses had to be consecrated to anoint and sanctify the tabernacle and its contents, we need to consecrate ourselves to get ready for the anointing, because the anointing does not go on the flesh. Emotions and professionalism are not substitutes for the anointing. Pastor Dale shared two experiences of the anointing telling him something that he needed to know. Do not allow a little prophecy to satisfy you, but ask for the strong anointing. Do not live without prophecy. In Gen. 18:17 God said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?” In II Kings 4:25 the woman laid her dead son on the prophet’s bed, said “it is well”, and went to find the prophet. The prophet said that God had hidden from him why her soul was in deep distress. Sanctify yourself for the real anointing, for prophecy, for a miracle. Mary Hudson, Pastor Dale, Keith Hudson, Pastor Bob, and Bruce Ladebu gave a prophetic words. Step in to take possession of what belongs to you.   Offering Sermon: Amos 3:7 Amos tells us that God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants, the prophets. What has God not done because His prophets did not share it? When we give, we give to a living God, and it puts a draw on God’s anointing. Jesus prophesied to the woman at the well after she gave Him a drink of water. An angel showed up to a man who prayed and gave alms.

Prophetic Conference Part 2

Saturday January 9, 2010

Bruce Ladebu preaches on: “Are You Being Pulled Back and Forth?” Why would we settle for anything less than God? Bruce preaches on the stages of dynamic change (kingdom dynamics). CWI is to bring transformation regionally. There must be a desperation for God, His Presence, His touch. We are designed for the supernatural. He tells powerful experiences of the supernatural power of God at work. SEEK, LOOK, BE DESPERATE. Get out of your comfort zone. Desperation brings revelation. Revelation brings confrontation. Examples of men who faced confrontation are Joseph and David. Every time you get a revelation, you will get a confrontation, whether it is from Satan, the flesh, your mind, or other people. Obey and submit to God to get through confrontation and don’t allow fear to control you. Religion is getting comfortable, but we are to invade the darkness, which takes confrontation. When you are sent, there will be a test. We are tested by fire. Confrontation brings transformation, changing from the world’s way or our way to God’s way. The final stage is manifestation and restoration. We see a greater manifestation of God and can bring restoration to others. There were prophetic words and laying on of hands for people who wanted to be able to handle confrontation and be transformed by the power of God to fulfill their destiny. Offering Sermon: Amos 3:7 Prophecy indicates that God is moving. Just as in II Chron. 20:20 sometimes God will move in a unique way. Believe in God and in His prophets, in their prophetic office. Honor the anointing and the office of the prophet. We need prophecy to live. Whoever receives a prophet, receives a prophet’s reward. God warns by His prophets and by His Spirit. We need to be listening.

Prophetic Conference Part 3b

Saturday January 9, 2010

Pastor Bob also preaches on the anointing and speaks prophetically about this new year and decade. It is a year of risks, a time of pushing in the realm of intercession, and of praying in tongues and expecting interpretation. He, Keith, and Mary spoke prophetically over individuals.

Prophetic Conference Part 4

Saturday January 9, 2010

Keith Hudson tells the testimony of his salvation experience and how much God loves us. Get God connections in your life. Is. 48:6, 7 says that God has made us hear new things, even hidden things. Revival is now, waiting for you to move into it. What does it take to hear and see the new things? It takes God’s anointing. The congregation’s eyes and ears were anointed with oil to receive the seeing (and hearing) anointing.

Prophetic Conference part 5a

Sunday January 10, 2010

Listen as Pastor Dale teaches on giving in a unique way through Bible examples and his personal experiences. He also teaches on the need for the prophetic gift. Anna the prophetess and Simeon probably birthed Jesus’ coming. Jehoshaphat received God’s help through a prophet. Prophetic words can warn and direct and help in turning points.

Prophetic Conference Part 5b

Sunday January 10, 2010

Pastor Bob ministered prophetically and then shared: “In the Door of 2010 into the Advancement of God’s Kingdom”. We are drawing on God, and we need more and deeper revelation. He ministered the prophecy for CWI: supernatural favor to God’s faithful ones, seasons of natural and supernatural impartations, seasons of separation for many, and the moving of the Holy Spirit to understand the fear of the Lord.

Prophetic Conference Part 6

Sunday January 10, 2010

This is a new decade. It’s important how we start it. God is going to do surgery on our hearts. (Prov. 4:23) We need to allow God to take the anger, resentment, bitterness, and pride out of our hearts. Ezekiel 36:25, 26 tells us that God will cleanse us, give us a new heart and a new spirit. God is cleansing the pulpits and down through the pews. He and Mary ministered to individuals and couples and then the pastors and Keith and Mary laid hands on each person to receive a new heart- cleansed spiritually and healed in the physical.

Activation for Action: Supernatural Living for Extraordinary Results

Wednesday January 13, 2010

II Tim. 1:6 and II Peter 1:12, 13 tell us that we need to be reminded to stir up the gift that’s in us. Dr. Kandole gives experiences and talks with us about stirring ourselves up to supernatural living for extraordinary results. What does God expect of us for all that we have received? The world needs what we have to give. We are the light to go into the darkness. GO AND PREACH THE GOSPEL! Talk about Jesus Christ and introduce Him as the Healer, Savior, and Deliverer. The lost will come if we stir up the anointing. Find one person to share what you have and begin to release what’s in you and signs will follow you. Mark 16:15 … Signs will follow you IF you activate them. You have the authority over the devil. You do not need an angel appearing to you, because you have the Bible and Jesus’ words which are as strong. Walk in His power.

Praise and Worship Part 6

Sunday January 17, 2010

Pastor Dale preaches on Ps. 100:1-5; Ps. 8:2; Matt. 21:16; Phil. 4:6. Learn to quiet the devil. How? Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord when the enemy comes. The devil hates women and also praise and worship. Learn about and focus on Jesus and remember the devil is scared of you. Look to the Lord, not at the problem. Praise will help you keep your perspectives and motives straight. Listen to many powerful experiences Pastor Dale has had to demonstrate the power of praise in the face of serious conditions.

Offering and Tithe teaching

Sunday January 17, 2010

Phil. 4:9-17; James 2. If you hear the Word and don’t do it, you will enter into deception. Giving to someone in need is an opportunity. God wants us to receive. Peter gave his boat to Jesus to use, and then Jesus provided a boatload of fish for him, causing Peter to repent. Faith grows. You can’t expect to believe for miracles of big things, when you have not learned to use your faith for small ones.

Cycles of the Kingdom

Wednesday January 20, 2010

Ben shares two revelations the Lord gave him after the first night of the CWI Prophetic Conference. 1) 2010 would be the beginning of the decade of supernatural harvest, and 2) it would be the decade of the apostles. The Lord said that we are sitting in the middle of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2:17 and 18 He said that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and on our sons and daughters. MaryAnn Stoltzfus shared a vision the Lord had given her concerning bringing the children in with you in the Spirit. Ben told us that the first portion of the anointing according to Acts 2 is the believer’s anointing. The second portion is the anointing on those dedicated to a life of service, such as pastors. The personal cycles of a believer are: 1) You become intimate with God through prayer and fellowship with Him. 2) You are filled with the Holy Spirit. 3) You get personal victory in a challenge in your life that helps you to grow. 4) You help someone else. The corporate cycle of the Kingdom in the Body of Christ is: Corporate prayer and prophecy, which result in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit (during which time you push hard and expect greater results), which results in evangelism and outreach, which results in discipleship and mentoring. We are in the evangelism and outreach cycle, but we must need to go to discipleship.

No Condemnation

Sunday January 24, 2010

Pastor Dale teaches on John 8:1-12 and Rom. 8:1. Do you believe that Jesus does not condemn us? Do you understand that He loves us, even when we sin, and yet does not condone sin? Satan uses condemnation, which becomes a worse problem than the sin you committed. Everyone has sinned, and condemnation will only drive you away from God. Godly guilt is an indicator that you need to go to Jesus when you sin, and then run to Him. Pastor Dale tells a story of a hard-hearted mechanic, who had been hurt by a pastor, and how condemnation almost sent him to hell, but God’s grace saved him on his deathbed. Christianity is not morality and ethics. It’s the redemption of man from sin to righteousness. The real you, the hidden man of your heart, is a new creation. After being born-again, your flesh and mind can sin, but you can train your flesh to righteousness, because your flesh obeys you. Where does condemnation work? It works in your flesh, so do not give in to your flesh. Pastor Dale tells an experience of ministering to a senator and how he was victorious over the flesh, but how the devil made him feel condemnation. Stop condemning yourself. Celebrate the victories in your life.

Spiritual Gifts

Wednesday January 27, 2010

Pastor Dale teaches on the gifts of the Spirit from I Cor. 12:1-3, with a focus on prophecies and testing them. In I Thess. 5:16-22 we are told to test and judge prophecies, holding on to the good in them and avoiding and abstaining from the evil in them. He shares various testimonies of himself wanting to receive a prophetic word with the wrong motive, and other people who did not judge correctly prophetic words they thought God had given them. A prophetic word should bring glory to God, not to the one giving it. A woman spoke prophetically to Pastor Dale, telling him that it is not necessary to test the distrusted (those words that are from “flaky” sources), but to test the words given by a tried and true minister/prophet. We are of God, and we know that Jesus came in the flesh, because He has come in OUR flesh personally. His Spirit is in us. The false religions may acknowledge that Jesus came in the flesh, but they do not believe He comes into our flesh.

State of the Ministry Address

Sunday January 31, 2010

CWI is a Word of Faith church. We are part of the Body and members of one another. Pastor Dale relates his experience of being called into the apostolic ministry while he was pastoring a church and feeling the pull of “either-or”. When he was in Russia, he felt that he should be in PA pastoring his church, and when he was home, he felt tugged to be in Russia. He quit and realized he can do both, because it is not either-or. He can be a pastor and still be an apostle. Listen as he tells how he came to Lancaster. CWI Lancaster is to be an apostolic ministry. The Great Commission is still in effect. It is time for breakthrough. Be a “lion-flipper”. Don’t react, but respond. Pastor Dale briefly informs us of special times of ministry coming during the first part of this year.

Fervent Effectual Prayer

Wednesday February 3, 2010

After a prophetic word and ministry time, Pastor Bob preached on James 5:13-20. He spoke prophetically about reaching back-slidden Christians, not letting the devil come into the church bringing schisms, offenses, and division, and having assignments to bring the gifts of the Spirit to others. To get there, prayer is needed to open the doors to push through the new thing. This prayer must be dynamic with a corporate anointing backing up the work and workers. We need to be persistent (Luke 18), stand when you have done all you can, ask for wisdom and apply it, and believe the Word and not our circumstances. The answer to prayer is linked to praise. James 1:2-7 tells us faith, patience, wisdom, and not doubting are keys to receiving from the Lord. The prayer of faith is always bold, confident, and has a peace that goes beyond understanding. Do not settle for anything from the devil, because it does not belong to you. Live in your covenant rights and fight. Faith always obtains the victory. There was also a time of praise and worship, prayer for Dr. Kandole and intercession for a young man in a coma.

Walking in Grace Toward Others

Sunday February 7, 2010

We are to walk with the living Jesus, which means we will love others as Jesus did, not condemning them, and at the same time not condoning their sin. (John 8:1-11) Don’t even listen to other people’s accusations of another person. Why do people consider the church an enemy? They do not see God’s love or our love. Get to know Jesus so that you can act like Him. Remember the devil tries to get people to not operate in mercy and grace. Romans 8:1-6 People act according to their nature. When a person gets born-again and gets God’s nature, he might still sin because he has a body, and he need to (re)train it. You don’t have a fight with your flesh unless you have a new nature to fight against it. Peace comes when you change your old nature. Operate in the law of the Spirit of life and not the letter of the law. A person’s body should submit to his/her soul and his soul should submit to his spirit. Your spirit should rule you and lead you in love. We need Jesus and His love for ourselves and others.

The One

Sunday February 14, 2010

Dominic Russo, international evangelist, who ministered to the youth at their retreat/conference this weekend, exhorts CWI to seek for the lost “one”. How do you reach that “one”? 1) Feel the “one”. Go to where the people are and be consumed with finding that “one”. Jesus reconciled us to God and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2) Locate the “one”. God has given us a global mission. There are 66,000 unreached people who die every day, and we are so privileged and blessed. We must have a global vision. 3) Go to the “one”, no matter what! Leave your comfort zone. Dominic ministered to those who are willing to go to the “one”, and Dominic and Lindsey laid hands to give an impartation to those who have a call to be evangelists. Pastor Bob gave a word to the Russos.

His Goodness Will Change You

Wednesday February 17, 2010

Ps. 34:8-10 The Lord is good and blessed is the person who trusts in Him. Healing is a good thing, and God is not holding it back from you. If you’re not receiving your healing, God is not the problem. Don’t get comfortable with your mess. You must use faith with works, not having sin hanging onto you. If you seek Him, you should not lack any good thing. To receive His promises, you probably need to change. You need to repent. (Listen to the meanings of repentance.) What are the areas of your life, your thinking, that need to change in order for your behavior to change? Check up on your heart and make sure it doesn’t have anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, gossiping, lying, etc. in it. Repent (think differently) first and believe the Gospel, so you can pull what you need from the spiritual realm into the natural world. Ps. 27:13, 14; Rom. 2:4; Prov. 4:20-27; Mark 1:15; Mark 9:23.


Sunday February 21, 2010

Rom. 6:4. We ought to walk in this life by the glory of the Father, which is the Holy Spirit. Then we can walk in the newness of life. If we want to walk in revival, someone has to preach the Gospel. Listen as Pastor Bob gives many definitions of the word “revival”, from “the return from death to life” to “to recover from neglect or depression”. We are the ones to awaken the church. To do this, we must be being filled with the Holy Spirit, so that we will flow in the Holy Spirit, and He, the Holy Spirit, will flow from us. Living in the Spirit is fighting in a war. We must rely on God. There was ministry to those who wanted to be filled or “re-filled” with the Holy Spirit. (Other scriptures: Ps. 138:1-8; Eph. 5:14-21; John 7:37-39; Eph. 3:14-21; Deut. 30:19; Rom. 6:1-3.)

Possessing a Conquering Spirit

Wednesday February 24, 2010

Dr. David Kandole shares about his recent trip to Uganda and Kenya and about impartation of truth and the importance of our words. Jesus had a conquering spirit, and we are conquerors, too. We all have the same Spirit and the Word, regardless of age. You need to watch with whom you associate, so that you and the church can build a conquering spirit. Listen as Dr. David establishes the truth that we are in Christ and Christ is in us. Jesus released all the fullness of God in us. We don’t have to wait for God to move! That’s Old Testament and pre-resurrection. We move God to cause something to happen. Faith produces what you need. You don’t need someone else to receive from God. Your faith is your connection to possessing a conquering spirit. (Rom. 1:11; John 6:63; I John 4:4; II Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:11; Eph. 3:17, 18; Eph. 1:19, 20; II Cor. 2:14; John 5:1-7)

Your Body is Not the Real You Don’t Let It Condemn You

Sunday February 28, 2010

(John 8 and Rom. 8) Listen to powerful testimonies of how God has ministered in Russia. Pastor Dale exhorts us to spend so much time with Jesus and in the Gospels that you speak and think and act like Him. Do not listen and look at everything. The conflict is between your inner man and your outer man, your flesh and your spirit. Your body is not you. Condemnation is a negative view of yourself that conflicts with the Word of God. The mind is the gate-switch that either puts you in agreement with the flesh or with the spirit. As long as we have bodies, there will be lusts. You can’t resist on your own, but you can by being strong in the Lord. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is stronger than the power of the devil to tempt you. Which one are you focusing on?

Go Deeper Down Into The Well

Wednesday March 3, 2010

We are a possessing generation, but oppression will try to haunt those who need to possess. Rom. 5:17 says that those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through Jesus Christ. The righteous are bold, have the ministry of reconciliation, and don’t quit. We possess the Holy Spirit, the free gift of salvation and righteousness, and life by faith. God’s righteousness is revealed to us from faith to faith in the gospel of Christ. If we know who we are, we won’t give into strife, gossip, jealousy, and sin. We won’t receive oppression and the spirit of fear, because we’ll know it’s our enemy. There’s a call on our lives to take possession. Don’t pet the devil. He wants to take you out of your reigning. Jesus already defeated Satan, and we have already won. We have a new family and bloodline. (Listen as Pastor Bob defines righteous and oppression.) There were many prophetic words given

No Condemnation in Christ: Empowering Grace

Sunday March 7, 2010

Freedom from condemnation is because of freedom from sin. Grace is more than forgiveness. Grace empowers you to live holy in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. What we lack in self-discipline (which is the same as those in the Buddhist or Muslim religion), God supplies with His Holy Spirit. Grace isn’t a cover-up, but it is an empowerment. We cannot avoid temptation if we are alive. We need to draw on the grace of God. How? 1) Practice the presence of God. Devotion to God is a lifestyle and an approach to life. 2) Recognize your need for God and His strength. Make God the supremacy in your life and depend on Him. Grace is more powerful than sin.


Wednesday March 10, 2010

Desire to have God’s best. Our desire for God must be stronger than the pressures of the world. In Ps. 37:4 and 5 David wrote for us to delight in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts. We are to commit our way to Him, trust in Him, and God will bring it to pass. It takes both knowledge and desire. We are to be built up in our faith by praying in the Spirit and check our desires each day. We may not fit into the world’s mold; Jesus didn’t. Coming to church is not about the experience, but it’s about the heart for Jesus in worship. Don’t hold too tightly to the relationships in the CWI body, because we are a sending-out church. Ignite the fires and allow the Holy Spirit to fan the flames. Before anointing, there’s desire. Have a supernatural mindset that our desire for God will not be stopped by circumstances. Words were spoken over Gideon and Rhonda Lapp.

No Condemnation: The Spirit of Life

Sunday March 14, 2010

When Adam disobeyed, he lost dominion over himself. He had been clothed by glory. Your spirit is supposed to have dominion over your soul, and your body can be trained to righteousness. We must minister, worship, commune, talk, listen, praise, and spend time with the Lord, so that His strength is exchanged for ours. Doing works is not righteousness, but we must work (labor) to enter into His presence. Being led by the Spirit is not just for decisions. When you face temptations, you are not facing them alone. Walk with the Holy Spirit; He is greater than the temptation, and He will help you look at things differently. Don’t mix the law and the Spirit. Remember no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you shall condemn every tongue that rises against you.

How to Walk and Stay in Healing

Wednesday March 17, 2010

Using Mark 5:21-42, Ron Bruce clearly elaborates on how two people, Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood, were healed. Jairus’ faith was tested when Jesus’ healing power was drawn out by the woman needing healing and again when he received the word that his daughter was already dead. The woman received an instant miracle. Jairus had to keep believing, even when the facts did not affirm his believing. He trusted in Jesus, who is the Word. He kept quiet and let the Word, Jesus, do the speaking. We must come to the Word, Jesus, bow down to Him, seek the Word diligently, keep in faith, believing and speaking the truth regardless of the facts, and rejoice and be thankful for our healing, even if the physical facts do not agree.

Expect a Miracle

Sunday March 21, 2010

Listen as Pradeep Perera of Sri Lanka prophesies about 2010 for the body of Christ in this Kairos time (the time when God intervenes). Using John 11:1-44 of Jesus’ experience with Martha and Mary and raising Lazarus from the dead, Pradeep gives many comparisons of life’s lessons for us. Find out why intimacy with Jesus Christ is important to the miraculous.

The Hour of Visitation

Wednesday March 24, 2010

Mark 10:46-52 (The healing of blind Bartimaeus). Pradeep Perera of Sri Lanka teaches and speaks prophetically about the time we are in. There will be a shifting, new giftings, new doors opening, an opportune time, but we cannot hold on to the old ways. In order to receive we need to hear what Jesus is saying, not the secular news media. Focus on Jesus and the Word. We must have a spiritual breakthrough before a natural one. Blind Bartimaeus acted on the faith of what he heard about and from Jesus. Just like Hannah, who cried out to God for a child and made a vow to Him, we must be willing to pay a price. There will be doubters and adversities that will try to stop the hour of visitation, but press in and go from victim to victorious. Use adversity to climb into your success. Brokenness is the key to the opening of the heavens for you. PRESS INTO GOD’S PRESENCE. Praise God and He will raise you. Throw away any insecurities that are hindrances- whether unhealthy associations, habits, or the past. Pursue Jesus and His presence. Pradeep ministered and prophesied over those wanting ministry.

No Condemnation in Christ: Sanctification

Sunday March 28, 2010

Rom. 8:1-5; Ex. 28:41; Neh. 13:10. Listen as Pastor Dale explains the difference between legal and vital truth. Grace is not permission to sin, but empowerment to walk in love and in the Spirit. Sanctification is separation from the flesh- go and sin no more. Consecration means “to fill your hands”, such as filling your hands so full of God and His Word and work, and you cannot “pick up” sin. The time between the call of God on your life and the separation to Him is a time of pruning. We receive the anointing to serve when we are in a body of believers members of each other and of Christ. By focusing on the Spirit, we can better “see” the giftings in the body. The apostolic ministry of Apostle/Pastor Dale and CWI is gathering the called of God and setting them in their place.

Stir Up the Gift of God in You: The Body Needs Your Gift

Wednesday March 31, 2010

Rom. 1:11; II Tim. 1:1-9; Eph. 5:1-2; I John 1:7. We, as the body have been given gifts, which need to be stirred up, like reviving a fire. Doing what God has required us to do is an act of our will, whether it’s serving in the helps ministry, in giving, or in the five-fold gifts. We (corporately) have been given the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Corporately, we must get rid of the spirit of fear, which renders our gifts powerless and useless. We need to be connected with the heart of the Father. Eph. 5 tells us to awake, submit to one another in the fear of God- be real, honest, and transparent. What hinders the gift of God in you? SIN- transgressing the law of love. Let Jesus have first place, and let the gifts in you be released now. Anything that’s not love will take you out of what God has for you. Repent and live in repentance every day.

The Holy Spirit

Friday April 2, 2010

We need the Holy Spirit! Without Him there is no revelation of who we really are. He is the power of God. Jesus gave Him with a purpose- to empower us, to open our eyes, to carry life, the anointing, and victory, to do what we can’t do, so we can stand up and speak like Peter on the day of Pentecost, to do greater works than Jesus did, to awaken His ability in us, to reveal His power and His plan. Our minds may argue with God, but we need to let the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and mouths with the reality of Christ. The Holy Spirit opens ordinary people up to the realm of the Spirit, the supernatural, and possibilities so that we can get rebellious people saved, so they will be devil-destroyers.

Enter the Spiritual Realm

Saturday April 3, 2010

When our spiritual eyes are opened to the unseen spiritual realm, our needs are met, the walls come down by God’s authority (like those of Jericho), we can see God’s forces for us (like Elisha’s servant seeing the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire), and we can be set free by just one truth from Him. How do we enter this realm? We enter through the Word of God. Without the spiritual realm accessed through the Word, we have to rely on our natural senses. Get rid of the negativity. Listen to a powerful testimony of a woman who was set free by getting rid of the negativity in a very difficult situation and replacing it with the truth, “Jesus is the Answer”.

The Awakening: A Revelation of Who You Are

Sunday April 4, 2010

We all have been given the same truth and promises from God. Why do some break through to success? We are to triumph, overcome, do what He says for us to do. Our greatest need is to have a revelation of what God has done for us and what He wants to do through us. The truth we know will set us free, but the truth is filtered by our emotions and our mind. Push through and don’t tolerate what is not from and of God. We lose confidence and our emotions take over when we are hurt or disappointed. Then we drift away from faith and our destiny instead of being the church. Make a decision to believe God! God wants to control you. The Great Awakening is when we realize who we are. God’s dream is of a glorious church, a glorious bride.

No Condemnation to Those Who Are in Christ Jesus

Wednesday April 7, 2010

John 8:1-11; Rom. 3:9-11; Rom. 8:1-4; I Cor. 10:13; I John 1:7-9. The love of God is unconditional, but His blessings are conditional. Pastor Dale warns of cyclical errors in the church, such as the shepherding movement and now the “greasy” grace movement. Jesus died because sin is sin. Don’t go so far that sin loses its sinfulness. The purpose of the law is to lead us to Christ, so those laws you keep and follow should be those that lead you to Christ. Jesus took the place of the woman at the well when He went to the cross. Satan wants you to feel that you’re different. A lot of winning over sin is to run, to flee from it. The law cannot keep you from sin. It’s not as much putting down the flesh as it is picking up the Holy Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is how to get holy. Make sure your heart is not hard and seared. Before Christ- how does sin affect me? After accepting Christ- how does my sin affect Him?

Listen and See

Saturday April 10, 2010

Listen as 101 year-old Mary Jenkins of Baltimore shares experiences, teachings, wisdom, and testimonies from a lifetime of prophetic ministry. Her spiritual father was Smith Wigglesworth. She encourages us to use well what God has given us, do what He wants to be done, and not to talk about getting old. Let your works speak for you.

Transformational Transition

Sunday April 11, 2010

Perfect love casts out fear. What are the steps to transformational transition? 1) Walking in perfect love. What are you entertaining, speaking, thinking on? Phil. 4:8 says to think on the good report, the noble, pure, just, lovely. Speaking fear activates it. We carry royal love. 2) Walking into your royal identity. We are the children of God, new creations. Live in your eternal destiny and believe the report of the Lord. Listen as Pastor Ed gives many scriptures to build our faith. 3) Walking forward in the call of God. Cut off the rope to those things that you are dragging along and carrying. Receive the call, forgive, and ask God to guide you to your glorious destiny. 4) Walking fully immersed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we surely do, too. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you will receive revelation, boldness to love, intercede, and to minister, pray directly to the Father, a life that testifies of Jesus, your prayer language- speaking in tongues, and transformation.

Marriage Dreams or Demands and Expectations

Tuesday April 13, 2010

Oleg Popov, from Moscow, Russia, describes what happens in many marriages when each person has a “box of dreams” which turns into a “box of demands and expectations”. Two big “I’s” collide and what might happen is a divorce, which means that both partners are still carrying their boxes of demands, setting them up for a second failed marriage. In a marriage there is always a strong and a weaker person, so what might happen is that the strong person gets his or her way, and the other person is under constant pressure. A divorce may come after many years in the marriage, shocking the strong person, because he or she thought everything was okay. Another thing that might happen is that they try to compromise on everything. “You do your part, and I’ll do mine.” A marriage of compromise is one of contract, rather than covenant. Each person is not concerned about the other, but about the marriage. What is a gauge to know if yours is a marriage of compromise? A marriage of compromise has no romance. It’s like fulfilling an obligation. God wants us to remember that our mates do not owe us anything. How often do you thank each other? Do not use Bible verses like darts at your spouse, but submit to one another because God loves you. Your love for God can turn on your passion for your spouse, and your love for your spouse shows God’s love for both of you. Let God fill you with His unconditional love. Put Christ in the middle of your marriage, and God will give you grace. Pride causes resistance. (Eph. 5:21-25; I Peter 5:5,6)

Family Life Vision

Wednesday April 14, 2010

Julia Popov of Russia teaches on family life. The #1 reason for Christian families is to live for Christ. Family exists to serve the Lord. We serve God with our family. Marriage is the heart of the family. The wedding and honeymoon should not be the peak of the marriage, but our vision should be that the husband and wife keep getting closer and their passion for each other grows more and more. Your children should envy your love for each other as husband and wife. By loving Jesus, you can love your husband, and by loving your husband, you can love Jesus. When a wife serves her husband, she is serving Jesus. Eph. 5:1 starts by saying that we are to imitate God by living in love. It’s about serving God while married. The Hebrew word for love means to give. Marriage is giving love, not taking. The more you do for your spouse, the more your love grows. Eph. 5:28 is not for the woman to harass her husband, but it’s for the husband; so women, do not use it against your husband. Please Jesus in your marriage, because there will be many opportunities for your husband to disappoint you. It’s easier to respect God, because He is perfect. Wives, respect your husband. Believe in him, believe that he is a great man, speak well of him, especially when others are around. He is the glory of God. Husbands, reflect God’s nature. Take care of your wife’s needs and show love and affection. Show that she’s the most important person, even more important than your work and friends. If she does not get your love, nothing will satisfy her. Men, love your wife. Women, respect your husband.

Mercy and Truth, Not Tradition, Regarding Healing

Sunday April 18, 2010

Listen as Pastor Dale expounds on the truth about Paul’s thorn in the flesh and also God’s willingness to heal. What was God’s mercy to someone in the Bible becomes truth to us. Whatever is God’s grace to us is sufficient; we do not need to keep carrying around what Satan has tried to put on us. God is compassionate, but He is also willing to heal you. What did Jesus do on the earth? He taught, preached, and healed people. We are to be His laborers, doing the same things He did. There is life in holding onto the mercy that has turned into truth.

A Supernatural Generation Unleashing the Great Big God Within

Wednesday April 21, 2010

How do we unleash the great big God within us? First of all, we must know that God is in us. We carry Him wherever we go. We need to unleash the healer to the sick, the provider to those in need. Dr. Kandole elaborates on many scriptures to show us who we are in Christ. We don’t need to ask God for power and revival. We must unleash His power and revival from within us. We must understand these five things from Acts chapters 1-4: 1) The resurrected Christ, 2) The irresistible promise of receiving power, 3) The power generation of being filled with the Holy Spirit, 4) The empowered believer, and 5) The unstoppable spiritual force that causes riots. revival, and/or revolution. He led us in praying for one another and charged us to go out and unleash the big God that’s in us.

The Tithe and Vision for the Body of Christ

Sunday April 25, 2010

Mal. 3:8-11. When people ask, “Why did this happen to me?”, it is related to sin. It is not God’s intended will and blessings. Romans 5 says that even death came as a result of sin, because sin puts wages on us. When Jesus healed the crippled man, He told him to go and sin no more, or a worse thing would come upon him. In II Cor. 11, Jesus tells us that some people died prematurely because they didn’t discern the Lord’s Body. Poverty is not spiritual. In Ps. 112, God puts wealth and riches with righteousness. Losing your vision will cause you to perish (Prov. 6:10,11). The tithe is men carrying the vision of the Body of Christ in their hearts. We are in this with the Lord. Not giving the tithe is robbing God, and that brings a curse. Each person in the Body is part of you. We are members one of the other. Have a vision for the Body.

Healing at the Cross is for All

Sunday April 25, 2010

Ps. 103:1-3. Healing is about power and the true intellect of the Word of God. Biased pseudo-intellectualism has changed God’s Word. God’s benefits are forgiveness and healing. Is. 53:4 and 5 is a prophetic utterance of the crucified Christ. Pseudo-intellectuals changed the translation of “pain and sickness” to griefs and sorrows. Matthew translates it from the Hebrew in Matt. 8:16,17 to infirmities and sicknesses. Jesus bore our sickness at the same time He bore our sins. Jesus died for ALL, but just like all do not receive salvation by of their choice, so all do not receive God’s healing power by their own choice. Mark 9:14-29 tells of the demon-possessed boy that Jesus healed, but His disciples couldn’t. Jesus had to work with the boy’s father to help him have faith to get rid of all the previous religious teaching the man had about why God’s power doesn’t work. Listen to hear why people do not receive their healing. Healing gives God glory. Scriptures that tell us that Jesus healed all kinds of sickness and disease and healed all: Matt. 4:23; Matt. 9:35; Matt. 12:15; Matt. 14:14; Luke 6:17-19.

Answered Prayer: Practical Aspects in the Life of a Believer

Wednesday April 28, 2010

Text: James 4:1-2. Your first ministry is personally worshiping the Lord, and the second part of that is your personal prayer life. Prayer was meant for answers. If don’t we get what we pray for we need to check up on whether we asked and prayed, and whether we prayed amiss, praying with the wrong motive. Don’t take the world into your prayer closet, because God is against the spirit of the world and worldliness. Crises will make you pray negatively for needs because of bad circumstances, but positive needs will make us pray for things to change by changing ourselves. We pray to God in the name of Jesus, because we enter in by being in relationship with Him. If you don’t have joy, you don’t have a prayer life. John 16:23 and 24. Thank God for His blessings. Be specific in your prayers. Write them down. Joy is the result of a fruitful prayer life. Phil. 4:4-8 Rejoice, don’t be driven by lust, success, and how the world lives. Being prayerful and thankful brings God’s peace which guards your hearts and minds. Controlling your thoughts is being overwhelmed with the goodness of God.

Divine Healing: How to Receive Your Healing

Sunday May 2, 2010

Ps. 112:1-6. Jesus already provided for your healing. It is for you! Praise the Lord, give Him reverential respect (fear), delight in God’s Word, get to know Jesus, the Healer, and receive your healing by acquiring the Word. Value both the Word and His Spirit. An established heart precedes healing, which means that you’re not afraid of a bad report (evil tidings). Rom. 4:16 says that faith comes after grace. God gives us grace, and we receive by faith. Consider the Word and look at the Word, and praise and thank God for His healing promise. Act on the Word that has found its place in you. You won’t even have to think what to do.

Prayer That Receives Answers

Wednesday May 5, 2010

James 4:1-2. Pastor Dale teaches about prayer projects. #1- Turn your worries into prayer requests. #2- Turn your opposition and conflicts into prayer. #3- Turn your needs into prayer. Rom. 8:32 tells us that God wants to bless each of us with things that are free from Him. How do we pray? #1- We pray by and in the Spirit. #2- We pray by and according to the Word. The Word and the Spirit always agree. Eph. 6:10 tells us to be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might. It doesn’t matter if we are weak. He is the strong one. We put on His whole armor, stand against the strategies of the devil (worry, strife, contention), and resist the devil with the Word (Eph. 6:11-17; James 4:7; I Peter 5:8), use the shield of faith, have the sword of the Spirit, which is when you pray the Word of God. All of the armor has to do with the Word. Do you believe that you have overcoming faith? When the worry or conflict comes, turn it by praying in the Spirit and by praying the Word. What did Jesus do? He said, “It is written.” Follow Jesus’ example and use the Word to make the devil go.

Success Seminar

Saturday May 8, 2010

Successful motivational speaker, Bob Harrison also known as “Dr. Increase”, shares practical advice for success. #1- Life is a collection of seasons. You must recognize the ending of one and move to the next one. Seasons may start or end very quickly. You will find out what your friends are really like when you see them in different seasons- success, failure, crisis, etc. Multiple seasons reveal others and yourself and how you handle situations. #2- Acknowledge and recognize that your steps are ordered by God, not just your plans. Put God in the beginning of your day. Even with systems and organization in your day, live your life ready to be interrupted. Those interruptions can be blessings and opportunities. Your life can be changed by one person you connect with. Anything and everything only works when it’s in the right environment. Ask yourself: “What is the best environment for this to function in?” Create the right environment by avoiding strife. #3- Knowledge is a powerful force. Knowledge can fill what experience you don’t have. Get more knowledge- general (college…) And specific knowledge in the area you need the increase. #4- Success is reaching the segments that reach the masses. Offer something no one else has and build on your uniqueness and strength. #5- Demonstrate, experience what you’re selling. Create motion in the direction you want things to go. Your customers need to experience what you’re selling. #6- Plant seed for the harvest you want when you don’t have the harvest. Give first when you’re not in a time of plenty. Poverty is the fear of not getting and is a lack of knowledge. Don’t let fear keep you from planting seed.

Becoming a Person of the Good Report

Sunday May 9, 2010

Phil. 4:8 tells us to think on things of a good report. How do you become a person of good report? #1- Choose to see the good. Choose what to look at and think about, as well as what to remember and what to forget. It’s a matter of choice. #2- If there be any … Any is not a majority. Even in the midst of negatives, find the good. Zero in on the one small thing someone does right. Find out what you have and make that work for you. Look for people looking for solutions. Thank God for any good thing. #3- How you think determines how you feel, and then that creates a force field that attracts related thoughts. Habits determine your routine. Feelings follow your thoughts, so if you change your thinking, you can change your feelings. Positiveness attracts. You can make a difference in people’s lives by being positive. Look for the good in people. Be thankful. Being positive affects you physically. You live longer and affects your brain. Reinforce the positive things in yourself- e-mails, pictures, cards, etc. You reproduce what you are.

Prayer Intercession

Wednesday May 12, 2010

I Tim. 2:1. Because of Paul’s charge to Timothy, he told him that the first thing he should do is pray. Prayer doesn’t change things. God changes things. God doesn’t hear many prayers because they are prayed to false gods or prayed without faith. Prayer releases the Holy Spirit to work. Jesus represents your prayer before the Father, and there’s your confidence. He is your intercessor. To intercede means to go before a higher authority on behalf of someone else, like an attorney represents a person and goes to the judge and court for him. Ps. 103:20 tells us that the angels listen to the voice of His Word. When we speak God’s Word, the angels hear us. We need to respond to God’s promptings for prayer, because someone’s life might be at risk. Pastor Bill shares an experience of that when he was in Calli, Colombia. Nehemiah made intercession for Israel and Jerusalem, and God prompted an ungodly king to provide for restoration to the wall. Pray for your government leaders. Even if they are ungodly, God can use them. The key to intercession is identification with the people or city you are to pray for. Identification will cause compassion, and compassion will drive you to action, the action of praying. The love of God in you carries power for you to minister- in missions and personally. Does God have any room to move in your life? Identification with people brings compassion, and identification with God brings faith. Heb. 2:17 and 18 and Heb. 4:15 tell us that God is our Father and Jesus is our High Priest, who was tested and tempted, yet without sin. He understands us. He has compassion and is faithful. Identify with your church and pray for it.

Love Connection to Faith Activation

Sunday May 16, 2010

Faith works by love. Faith pushes your love into operation. I Thess. 3:12, 13 – May God make us increase and abound in love to one another and to all. We are God’s material, and He is transforming us every day. If your prayers aren’t being answered, check up on your love-walk. John 15:12- It’s God commandment that we love one another as He loved us and that we lay down our life for our friends. Faith without works is dead. The earmark (a mark on the ear by which sheep are known) is our love. Gal. 5:13 and 14 tell us by love to serve one another and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Other scriptures: Rom. 13:8-10; Phil. 1:3-11; I John 4:8, 16, 17; I Cor. 13. God is love, and His love is in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Make I Cor. 13 a part of your life in every part of your life.

Prayer Part 1

Wednesday May 19, 2010

Dwight Miller teaches on prayer. II Tim. tells us to study to show ourselves approved to God, rightly dividing the word of truth. Prayer is speaking- speaking to God, fellowshipping with Him. It is asking God to do something, a humble and sincere request to someone who can carry out the request. It’s inviting God near to you, where there’s power and “fire”. In the beginning Adam could speak things into existence, but that changed with the fall. The more we fellowship with God, the more He trusts us and gives to us, and then we can speak things into existence. SPEAK!

Earmark to Increase: The Love of God

Sunday May 23, 2010

I John 3:13-18 tells us to love in deed and in truth. Faith without action is dead. We must do His commandments, which are to believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and to love one another. I Thess. 3:8-13 … and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another … so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Phil. 1:8 Paul prayed that our love may abound in all knowledge and discernment. Ask yourself: “Am I still teachable?” (Prov. 1:5) John 13:34, 35. In the same way God loves and forgives us, so we need to love and see other believers. We are to be imitators of God as children, walking in love (Eph. 5:1, 2). Selfishness stops love from flowing and keeps us from serving God and opening our mouth for Him.

Love That Prevails

Sunday May 30, 2010

We are commanded to walk and act in love. Strife, bitterness, jealousy, etc., cause a person to disconnect from the love walk, and then God cannot reveal Himself to you. God IS love; you are love and are a vehicle of His love to others. We are to follow Jesus and imitate Him in the way He loves. God loved us first, and when we realize His love for us personally, we have a reason to love, give, and to serve. Monitor what you’re saying and make sure your words are life and blessing. Keep the enemy out of your heart, so you do not lose your fruit. Perfect love, a mature love, does not fear evil, because we know God is with us and is our helper. We build ourselves up by praying in the Holy Spirit. Scriptures: I Cor. 13:8; Rom. 13:8-10; John 13:34; John 15:9, 10; Eph. 5:1; I Cor. 13:4-8; I Cor. 13:13; I John 4:15-21; Jude 20.

Prayer: Spirit-Led or Flesh-Driven

Wednesday June 2, 2010

Rom. 8:1-32. God’s commandment is for us to walk in love and to pray in the Holy Spirit. If we pray in the flesh, our praying can be manipulative and will not release what God’s will is for whomever we are praying. These kinds of prayers displease God. We have to answer to God for what HE has called us to do, not all the “good” things that we do “in the flesh”. We are to pray for the body of Christ, our brothers and sisters, and pray for the them to go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Praying in the Spirit connects us to the divine commission and to the Word. Find out where you are not living to your full potential, because that is where you need to pray by the Spirit. Eph. 6:10-18 tells us to stand, take authority, not settle for good instead of best, and to pray and supplicate in the Spirit. PRAY FOR THE BODY, YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST. Do not limit and manipulate other peoples’ lives by what you speak and “prophesy”. Praying Spirit prayers produces things working for our good and allows God to take over. Trust the Holy Spirit to pray through us for the youth. (Also Eph. 6:10-18)

The Love Monitor

Sunday June 6, 2010

I John 4:7-21; I Cor. 13:4-7; I John 2:5, 15-17; Jude 20-25; Rev. 2:1-5; Matt. 24:3-14. Pastor Bob continues the series of sermons on the love walk with a sermon on monitoring our love walk. To monitor means”one who warns of faults or informs of duty; one who gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution.” (1828 Webster’s Dictionary)If you are in fear, there’s something wrong in your love walk. Do you keep God’s Word and your own word? Are you a doer of the Word? Do you love one another? Love never quits. We are to keep (prevent from escaping) ourselves in the love of God, not falling out of love with others and God. We are to repent and do the first works- those things we did in joy and enthusiasm of our new relationship with Jesus- obnoxiously passionate for Jesus. Don’t lose your love for God or for your spouse. He who endures to the end shall be saved. Love never fails, and he who does the will of God abides forever. Do not love the world.

How Hungry Are You – Marriage

Wednesday June 9, 2010

Matt. 5:6 says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed. John 6:35 tells us that Jesus is the bread of life and that when we come to Him shall never hunger. The first step is to come, to move for being blessed when the anointing is flowing in a service, and then step two- to believe in Jesus Christ that your spiritual thirst will be quenched. Don’t allow yourself to dry up. Gid and Rhonda share their testimony of the challenges and successes of dating and marriage. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, and the couple must leave their mothers and fathers. They encouraged the congregation with some insights: Eph. 4:32 be kind, tender-hearted, forgiving; be aware of outside influences that try to split a family, such as others’ demonic stronghold trying to come on you; cleanse your home; pray in the Spirit (Jude 20, 21); Eph. 6:12- our struggle is against principalities, not flesh and blood; don’t be afraid to ask for help with your marriage and family; stand together; husbands, know how to call your wife to life (spiritual and possibly physical life); and men, understand the authority that you walk in.

Preparation and Position in the Four Seasons

Sunday June 13, 2010

Dr. Paul Ang of Malaysia spoke prophetic words over several people, and then preached on the four seasons in the Book of Ruth. Each season requires the right response and decision to get to a greater destiny. The first season is famine, recession, loss, lack of opportunity, resources, etc. During this season it’s important to worship God, hold onto His hand, and move on, because this season does not last. Get better, not bitter. The second season is the barley harvest. This is the time when you see divine favor, provision, and connection. You can get connected with three types of people: walls (restrict you), windows (help you to see the right perspective), and doors (take you to another place). The third season is that of transition. This is preparation for the greatest season. It’s time to take off those old things and put on the new. Right now the church is in the midnight season. The fourth season is that of significance, when you can impact nations and generations. Ruth and Boaz were in the lineage of Jesus.

The Love of Light Part 1

Sunday June 20, 2010

Ps. 119:130 tells you that God’s words give light and understanding to the simple. Do you love the light? Eph. 1:16-18 is a prayer for spiritual wisdom (pray … that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened). God is your Father, and Jesus has already paid the price so that you are redeemed and can access your Father’s throne room. God wants to flood the eyes of your heart with light. You have a certain time from now until you die or Jesus comes for His church, whichever comes first, to reach the unsaved people. Are your eyes set on Jesus? What do you pour your life into every day? You need to make the decision to not be deceived, and the biggest deception might be your thinking that you’re going the right way when you aren’t. Keep your eyes on God and Jesus. Fellowship with God. Make sure your thinking is in line with His. We are headed to a great awakening, and the whole body needs to be motion. John 12:46, 47 Jesus Christ came to save, not judge, the world, and so should you be doing. Are people not being reached because the church too busy? Another deception is taking the Word for granted. If you believe in Jesus, you shouldn’t be abiding in darkness ( not understanding and tapping into all the grace and truth of Jesus, not being filled with the Holy Spirit, and having your understanding clouded, etc.). You are to be world-changers. What have you done with Jesus? What are you doing with what He has given you? Light is revelation. You should walk in the light (I John 1:5). Ask people questions to get into a conversation about Jesus. Reach souls for Jesus. Who have you reached with the Gospel? REPENT. Ask forgiveness and turn away from the sin and the distractions, not to go back to them again.

The Love of Light Part 2

Wednesday June 23, 2010

Prov. 20:27 tells you that the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart. Your spirit man must be fed on the Word, and you must take time with the Lord. It’s your spirit man’s strength that will give you the victory. Your future, purpose, and destiny are inside of you, but the enemy tries to cloud what God has done and wants to do in your life. God has revealed to you through His Spirit the things He has prepared for you. ((I Cor. 2:12-16) For you to get to the deeper place that God has for you will take your being hungry and thirsty for His presence. For you to experience the greatest pleasure and the perfect will of God, you need to be in fellowship with Him. There’s a caution: don’t let culture, fables, and worldly suspicions keep you from the purposes of God. Make sure what you’re believing and acting on is the Word of God. Let God direct you, not your mind, discern the spirits, and operate out of your spirit.

Light It Up

Sunday June 27, 2010

(There are several words, personal and general given at the beginning of the sermon.) God is light and God is love, and so are we. We are created in God’s image to do good works. What are you to be doing? Jesus did more than teaching, preaching, and healing. We are to be zealous for good works. Scripture is profitable. We can’t change if we don’t allow the light to expose our sin and the darkness in us. God wants profit from His church, and so we must present ourselves to Him to a higher degree. He wants to instruct us in righteousness. Where do you stand in your love walk?

The Law of The Spirit of Life

Sunday June 27, 2010

Rom. 8:1-2. The law of the Spirit of life has made (past tense) me free from the law of sin and death. How do we take knowledge of the Word and bring it to life? One way is to remind the Lord of His Word. Ask God what He wants to do in a situation or place. If you want revival, don’t give up praying, but keep proclaiming it. Never give up. (Listen to an example of holding on and not giving up- Lydia from Sweden.)

Prayer Part 2

Wednesday June 30, 2010

In Matt. 9:38 the word “pray” means “ask”. In Matt. 14:23 “pray” means to supplicate, worship, humble yourself before someone higher, to make a request. In Matt. 26: 53 it means to call near, invite, beseech, call for, desire. Prayer is communication with God. To please God we study the Scriptures to rightly divide the Word, and we use our faith. II Tim. 3:16 tells us that the Word can reprove and correct us. God created man for fellowship with Him on His level. Fellowship with Him helps us to get to know Him, and then we have a stronger anointing and more power. Can God trust you with His power? Are you a son of God? You are if you are being led by His Spirit. If you’re not in Christ Jesus, there is condemnation. Are you walking in the realm of the Spirit? God can’t have dominion of you if you’ve given yourself and your dominion and worship to someone or something else. You’ll have the results Jesus did when you spend time with Him. Get into the Word. Respond to others based on the Word, not on what the other person said or did. Be led by the Spirit. Pray. Fellowship with the Father on His level, not yours.

Light Us Up and Send The Fire

Sunday July 4, 2010

Pastor Bob reviews I John 1:5-7, I John 4:15–18, Matt. 5:14-16; Ps. 104:4, and Heb. 1:7. God is light. God is love. We are the light of the world, and God make His servants a flame of fire. Chester Petersheim and Rachel Stoltzfus share testimonies of the recent trip with Dominic Russo Ministries to the Dominican Republic. Two other team members also testified to God’s goodness on the trip. There was time for ministry.

Overcoming Temptation

Wednesday July 7, 2010

I Cor. 10:11-13 and I Peter 5:8. Temptation is anything that lures you away from God, and sin is when you agree with the temptation and act on it. Satan cannot “mess” with you, unless you’ve opened the door to him. Demons have the right to be on the earth, but they shouldn’t be at work in you. Learn from your past and be reconciled by the truth- how does that experience in the past relate to the truth? Judge yourself in light of the Word and the truth. The devil will tempt you relative to your need, but there is always a victory over the temptation. Call sin what it is- sin, realize and accept that Jesus is the only answer, and accept responsibility for your sin. Do not reconcile doctrine according to experience, but according to the truth. In Luke 4 Jesus was tempted by Satan, but He overcame. Deal with temptation wholeheartedly. Satan brings doubt and a temptation relative to a need that you have, but if you are looking to God for every need and speaking the Word and have no open doors to the devil, you can have victory. What are the principles for keeping the door shut? 1) Live by the Word and ask yourself what does God say? 2) Worship and serve the Lord only. You’ll be a servant of whomever is your source. 3) Do NOT tempt God by doing something to try to get God to respond to you. That’s pride. God does something first, and then we respond to Him. Our lives must be submitted to God. Do not try to prove yourself. Pastor Bill shared about dealing with a man with a demon and how the victory came to the man, because Pastor Bill spoke the Word of God in love.

Who Will Ascend into the Hill of the Lord

Sunday July 11, 2010

Pastor Alexey from Ukraine preaches in Russian as Alex Mirsaidov translates into English on Ps. 24:1-5. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall stand in His holy place? It is those who have clean hands and a pure heart. They shall receive the blessing from the Lord and His righteousness. When Moses was at Mt. Sinai, the people could not go to the mountain. In Ex. 24 Moses and the elders could go to God on the mountain, where he received a blessing. Moses could hear and see God more clearly than anyone else, because of his relationship with God on the mountain. He could see the Ten Commandments being written by God, and he saw God’s glory. He was in God’s presence and his face shone. When we are in God’s glory and presence, we are changed. The selected disciples who went with Jesus to the Mount of Transfiguration believed who He was when they saw His glory from the presence of God. Do you want to ascend the mountain? The veil is torn, so we can approach His presence. You decide. One word, one time of meeting with God can change your life. The conditions are: relationship with Him, pure hands, pure heart, asking, seeking, knocking, climbing to the mountain, repenting, sincerely asking forgiveness, being in peace with others. It takes effort to be in fellowship with God and sometimes we must wait, like Moses being on the mountain 40 days waiting and like the disciples waiting in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit. Part of the mountain is here in this church. The summit is eternal, and there are many summits. People have been willing to die for Jesus because they heard a word from God.

Being Led by the Spirit of God

Wednesday July 14, 2010

Rom. 8:12-16. In these end times we must be led by the Holy Spirit and not by the flesh. We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds and put to death the deeds of the body (flesh). Maintain your spirit life and don’t let your flesh control you through your mind. If we are led by the Spirit of God, we are the sons of God, which are the mature ones. We have not received the spirit of bondage to fear. Listen to Pastor Bob’s wife, Sharon, share her testimony of fear manifested in compulsive-obsessive behavior and her deliverance from it by using the Word and releasing forgiveness in her spirit and in her mind. Train your flesh to listen to the Spirit. Meditate on the truth that you are a child of the Almighty Creator God. Communicate with your Father through the Holy Spirit. Ps. 34:7-11 tells us about the goodness of the Spirit and what we have as God’s sons. Pastor Bob delivers a word at the end of the service.

Did I Ever Tell You About

Sunday July 18, 2010

Listen to Pastor Bob and Sharon Hawk’s testimony about proving God in tithes and offerings, a word given through Pastor Dale, and Pastor Bob’s prophetic words to individuals. Ps. 34:1-10 tells us to bless, praise, magnify, exalt, and seek the Lord and that He delivers us from all our fears and saves us; taste and see that the Lord is good. Jer. 32:17 records that nothing is too hard for God. (Also: Mark 9:23 and Mark 10:27) Pastor Bob shares many testimonies of God’s goodness and His limitlessness. Teaching from Job 22:21-30 -acquaint yourself with God everyday and make decisions only in the peace of God; receive and meditate on His Word; put away, resist iniquity; make Him the delight of your life; decide and decree your desire. Mark 11:12-24 tells you to say and not doubt in your heart, and you shall have whatever you say. What do you want? BE SINGLE-MINDED! Repent. Pray and speak the same thing. Desire Jesus.

The Fear of the Lord

Wednesday July 21, 2010

Acts 9:31 and Heb. 12:28 and 29. The fear of God means no compromise, but obedience to Him, His will, His Spirit, and His Word. His commandment is to love Him and to love one another. The sin of The Fall was disobedience. We can’t carry sin into the throne room. Confess your sin to Him. Jesus Christ shed His blood and went to hell for you. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. Become a living sacrifice for Jesus. We are called to His perfect will. Get right with Him in every part of your heart and minister to your family and to the people you meet. Reverence the Lord in church services. If we don’t reverence Him, He can’t draw the unsaved in.

Our Mouths and Our Words

Friday July 23, 2010

God has new things for us, so don’t get stuck in the old ones. Ezekiel 12:23, 25 says that the Lord speaks and that word will come to pass; He speaks and He will perform it. This is a time to declare and decree His word over people, places, and things. A decree is a decision. Keith encourages us to decree God’s word for whatever we are believing for. We are God’s mouthpiece. Is. 44:6, 7. Listen to what you are saying, and when you listen to what you are saying, ask yourself if you would be saying that. Get a prophetic word for yourself, your ministry, or whatever needs direction. Ps. 50:23 “… to him who orders his conversation aright, I will show the salvation of God.” Ask God to forgive you for your words, and then discipline your spirit man to line up your words with the Word (no negative speaking, complaining, and murmuring). Angels want to be involved with our words, but those words must be in agreement with God’s Word. Get rid of the cobwebs of sin – wrong speaking. Set things in order. Ask God for a word for what you need and make it a prophetic declaration. Keith and Mary ministered prophetically to the church body and to individuals and couples in the congregation.

Yes, Lord

Saturday July 24, 2010

Matt. 9:27-31 is the account of Jesus healing the blind men. When asked if they believed that He could heal them, they said, “Yes, Lord.” Saying yes causes things to move in your life. Your yes is actually faith. According to your faith (your yes), let it be done to you. The yes must be in your spirit and will get you through things. [God doesn’t go to the past to get your future. Forget the past.] Keith and Mary ministered prophetically to the church body and to individuals and couples in the congregation.

Heart Search Part 1

Sunday July 25, 2010

Ps. 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. We are going to enter into a greater revelation of the church, the Body of Christ. Ps. 138:8; Ps. 139:23, 24, 7-8, 17. Our sins separate us from God, and His grace has caused Him to turn away. Open the door and He will come in. Our prayer must be: “Oh God, I bare my heart before You.” God looks at the heart, and He desires mercy. Acts 1:8 tells us that after the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we shall be witness, not go witnessing, although that’s good, too. God is concerning about our “being” a witness. The woman who anointed Jesus was a witness. What are you devoted to? Jesus is more important than your life. Be sold out to Jesus. Satan’s sin was pride. For revival we need the spirit of repentance. Open the door of your heart, and God will bring purity.

Love That Can Change Your Family

Sunday July 25, 2010

Keith Hudson shared his testimony of how a tongue-praying “seasoned” woman brought God’s presence of love to him when he was a hippie and how he was born-again and transformed. Your love for people will save them. Don’t close the door on your family. Pray for them. Forgive their sins and love them. Jesus saved us and forgave us in our sin. Keith and Mary ministered to the 17 to 25 year olds and to several individuals and couples.


Wednesday July 28, 2010

Pastor Dale elaborates on prayer, including: a few conditions for answered prayer, strife being the result of a lack of prayer, desire being needed to motivate us to push out whatever is in the way of getting our prayers answered, acting on God’s promises, falling into joy, and patience ( we do not change because we know we have the answer). We need to ask for wisdom, which is a spirit, so that we know how to act on knowledge. If we lack wisdom, it’s a prayer failure. We need wisdom so that we don’t fall into temptation. Cry out for wisdom! When we keep His Word, but obey and live by His voice, blessings will overtake us. Scriptures: James 4:1-5; II Peter 1:3, 4; Eph. 1:16; Prov. 1:23; Prov. 2:1-6; Deut. 28:1-3

Heart Search Part 2

Sunday August 1, 2010

Pastor Dale looks at the tensions or paradoxes in scripture between what God does and what man does, as relating to our walk with Him. While a man’s response to truth is key, each response must be launched from your heart as directed by the Lord – not peer pressure, vanity or pride. God will do His part, but we must do our part. Key Scriptures: Psalm 127:1,John 7:17, Ezra 7:10, II Timothy 2:21, Phil 2:12/13

Benefits of Prayer

Wednesday August 4, 2010

Dwight Miller expounds on fellowship with God as being the reason God created us. An important part of knowing Him is the benefit of being led by His Spirit. Dwight shares experiences in which he depended on God to show him wisdom and knowledge of what to do and where to go. We can know God’s voice and be led by Him. John 10 and 11 tell of how the people (under Satan’s power) wanted to stone Jesus and how He escaped. Then Satan tried to lure Jesus back to the same place by Lazarus’s death, but Jesus, knowing God, waited three days to go to Lazarus. He was led by the Spirit of God, wasn’t “trapped”, and raised a dead man to life for God’s glory! Rom. 5:1 tells us that if we have peace with God, our struggle is not with Him. Rom. 5:8 says that God loved us when we were sinners. We don’t have the wrath of God because we have relationship with Him. That relationship can cause us to be led through and around the struggles. Be determined to hear God’s voice!

Heart Search Part 3

Sunday August 8, 2010

Lord, take out of me the things that don’t belong; Put in me the things that do…….. In this message, Pastor Dale Armstrong continues his series “Heart Search”. Foundational scripture: Psalm 127:1-2

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Wednesday August 11, 2010

Pastor Bob preaches about the importance of focusing on Jesus and the truth, especially in these end times, when the enemy would try to get our eyes on circumstances. Don’t let your circumstances control you. See Jesus, see His Word, and see things by faith. How do you see yourself? How do you see the church? Scriptures: Prov. 4:25, 26; Ps. 123:2; Rom. 3:4; Heb. 12:1, 2; II Cor. 4:17.

Heart Search Part 4

Sunday August 15, 2010

“The point of offence is your point of deliverance”. In Part 4 of his series “Heart Search”, Pastor Dale Armstrong continues to explore the depths of God’s searching of our hearts, and our responsibility to search to own hearts. Key Scripture: Psalm 127:1-2, Psalm 139: 1-3, 23-24

Heart and Treasure – Desire and Your Thoughts

Wednesday August 18, 2010

Heart and Treasure” (offering message) Listen as Pastor Dale shares experiences he had obeying God concerning giving money that made huge changes in other people’s lives and how Church of the Word International was named. King David’s “biggest sin” was when he allowed Satan to tempt him to number Israel (take a census) and because of his pride 75,000 people died. He (King David) gave money to buy a threshing floor in order to stop the plague. Your treasure reveals your heart. “Desire and Your Thoughts” Sermon: Text: Col. 3:1, 2. Jesus is no longer on the cross (dead), but He was raised (alive), and so are we. Don’t seek the world and what it has to offer, but put your eyes on Jesus. Who owns your heart? God deserves it. You control your thoughts and desires, and when you desire the things of God, that desire will separate you from the past. How do your create your desires? (Prov. 18:1) By controlling your thoughts through: 1) exposure (getting in the right environment); 2) associations (eat, drink, sleep that desire); 3) meditation (early in the morning and again before going to sleep). Set your affections above and imprint the things of God on your mind.

Heart Search Part 5

Sunday August 22, 2010

In Part 5 of his series “Heart Search”, Pastor Dale Armstrong explores the Biblical truths about suffering. “The hardest, most agonizing prayer Jesus prayed was…..(Mark 14:33-35, when Hhe told His disciples, in the garden of Gethsemane) ‘I am so grieved to the point of death’ “. Key Scriptures: Psalm 139:1, 23, Mark 14:33-35

The Key To Miracles

Wednesday August 25, 2010

Jim Kirkland shares the revelation he received when he learned about being baptized with the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Holy Spirit’s work in us today. (Jer. 23; Acts 2:4; Acts 10:44-46; Mark 16:17). He explains the significance of Jesus’ first miracle- turning water into wine at the wedding feast. Mary asked the servants to do whatever Jesus said to do. It was not easy and didn’t make sense. What’s the key to miracles? Unquestioning obedience to God’s Word. Facts, such as the doctor’s report, are in the natural physical realm. Truth comes from God and His Word and is in the spiritual realm. The spiritual was first, and from it God created the natural realm. We move truth from the spiritual realm to the physical when we speak it, which in turn changes the facts. Speak the promise of God in faith and keep speaking the truth, not the facts.

Man’s Free Will vs God’s Perfect Will

Sunday August 29, 2010

“No matter where you’re at in life, you know, God’s really not that concerned about your problems – Cause He’s really bigger”! In this message, Pastor Armstrong teaches on the compassion God has for you and the situations you face in life, but that He carries no worry or concern, because “He’s really bigger” than your problems. Learn how to best approach the dilemma of man’s free will versus God’s perfect will. Key Scripture: Mark chapter 10

God’s Not Done With You Yet

Wednesday September 1, 2010

You can be confident that God, who started a good work in you, will finish it (Phil. 1:6). Finishing means taking the imperfections and rough edges off. Col. 2:6 indicates that you are to walk in Him as you have received Him. How did you receive Him? You received Him by believing and confessing Him aloud. Philemon 6- our manner of life becomes effective by acknowledging (identifying and affirming) every good thing in yourself. Identify and affirm the way God made you unique. What is your curriculum in Him? What’s He teaching you? God feeds you what you need in the local body. Col. 2:6 also teaches you that you must be rooted and built up in Him, which are two different and yet parallel directions. What’s another form of confession? Thanksgiving- it’s a witness of victory and a form of confession.

Our Identification with Christ

Sunday September 5, 2010

“…..the Lord’s not done with you yet”…”. In this message entitled “Our Identification with Christ”, Pastor Dale continues to teach along the theme of his Heart Search series. Learn how God wants you to know that you are a person of value. Key Scrpture: Luke chapter 4.

Desiring God’s Word

Wednesday September 8, 2010

Do you want to be strong? Courageous? Prosperous? Meditate on Joshua 1:5-8, Ps. 1, and Ps. 112. Exposure and motivation help you to develop a desire for something. Get so much Word in you that you begin to mutter (meditate on) it. Worry is the opposite of meditation. Turn the negative to a positive and speak His Word aloud.

God’s Looking For You

Sunday September 12, 2010

Main texts: Ps. 139:23-24; Ps. 34:18-19. Other scriptures: II Chron. 16:8-9;Ezekiel 22:30; John 4:22-23. What is a broken heart? In Ps. 34 it refers to a heart that has been “tamed”, like a horse that has been broken to a bridle, bit, or a saddle. It’s when your heart becomes useable for God to move through. God “broke” Jacob. God is not the author of griefs and sorrows, so when He prunes and “breaks” us so that we become humble, NOT HUMILIATED, it’s so that we can bear more fruit. He wants to deal with your heart, so He can give you more. When you’re in trouble, your heart is the problem. Pressure reveals the heart problem. REPENT. It allows Gods to draw near to you. God wants revival, healings, and miracles, but He can’t unless there are people of a contrite, broken heart. #1 He needs people to stand in the gap on behalf of the land. That’s prayer and intercession. #2 He wants us to worship Him which glorifies Him. It takes work! The problem is lukewarm Christianity.

Who Will Stand Between the Living and the Dead

Sunday September 12, 2010

Peter and Tamarah Dudnyk of the Ukraine share how they took a stand between the living and the dead by adopting orphans. He challenged all of us to change a life and influence others through adoption. God calls us to stand in the gap for others.

Crossing The Jordan In Your Life and Winning Your Race

Wednesday September 15, 2010

Joshua 1:5. Crossing the Jordan means you’re going where you’ve never gone before, whether that’s healing or freedom from debt or whatever. Each of us is irreplaceable. Find your place in what God has for you and obey Him. He will not ever fail you! Heb. 13:5 and 6 tells us that He spoke that to Joshua so we can say that the Lord is our helper. Find out who you are in Christ. Look on the positive and on what you do have. Turn on the switch of boldness in order to obtain grace and mercy. Heb. 12:1 – run to win. You’re not running against someone. You’re running to win your own race that God has for you. Say, “Somebody is going to make it, and it’s going to be me!” Possess what belongs to you and cut off anything that holds you back. God will never fail you.

How To Change

Sunday September 19, 2010

Gal. 2:20; Gal. 3:2-6; II Cor. 5:7. Listen to find out what change is, how it does not happen, and how it does come into your life. Is it moral reform? Is it fighting the devil until you’re dead? Does change come by trying to make it happen? Can you change someone else? How do you get the victory over addictions, pride, selfishness, etc.? Allow Christ to enforce the death principle in you and be transformed.

Sophisticated Captivity

Wednesday September 22, 2010

The Israelites, especially those who were born in Babylonian captivity, did not want to go back to Israel, because they became comfortable and forgot that they were living in captivity. We, as Christians, get comfortable and forget that we have areas where we are still captives. Our captivity is in areas of doubt in God’s Word and in believing the lies of the enemy. For instance, we believe in healing, but are we sick? We believe in prosperity, but do we have enough? In what areas has Satan captured you? Just like Joseph, Queen Esther, Moses, and Jesus, turn the tables on the devil and capitalize on your captivity. Jesus led captivity captive. (Ps. 68:10-20) Be free by being a captive to Jesus Christ and continue in His Word. (John 8:31-36) Don’t be captive to the devil, but to Jesus.

Two Roads – Natural or The Supernatural

Sunday September 26, 2010

In every decision in life, there will always be two roads from which you can choose. In this straightforward message with many Biblical examples, guest minister Lavere Soper from Scotland outlines how these choices – and their consequences – profoundly impact your life. Key Scripture: II Kings 6:8-17, Matt. 7-13-14, Hebrews 1:14

Resist the Devil

Wednesday September 29, 2010

Pastor Dale teaches on how you can be victorious in resisting the devil. James 4:7 and 8 lets you know that if the devil is not fleeing from you, then you aren’t resisting him and submitting to God. HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF HATE TOWARD THE DEVIL. Matt. 6:24 informs you that you can’t love God and love the devil and his works. In Is. 1:19 you learn that you need to be willing and obedient to eat the good of the land. Get ANGRY at the devil and sin, sickness, lack, lying, overeating… Jesus taught that the people, not just the Pharisees and scribes, have authority in Mark 1:22-27. SHUT UP THE DEVIL! TURN AWAY FROM EVIL! USE YOUR AUTHORITY! Replace a negative thought with a higher thought. Jesus gives you the victory (I Cor. 15:57) and leads you in triumph (II Cor. 2:14). You get into God, and you’ll repel evil. HATE EVIL.

According To Your Faith

Sunday October 3, 2010

In Matt. 9:27-30 Jesus healed the blind men because they cried out to Him in faith, and Jesus said that it would be done to them according to their faith. In Mark 9:14-27 a man brought his son to Jesus after His disciples couldn’t heal him, and Jesus told the father that if he could believe, all things are possible. The father told Him he could believe, but asked Jesus to help his unbelief. He delivered the child of a deaf and dumb spirit, and when asked why the disciples couldn’t cast it out, Jesus said, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” Was He talking about this kind of demon? No, He was talking about that kind of unbelief. In Mark 10:46-52 when blind Bartimaeus was healed by Jesus, he had to leave behind his beggar’s clothes. Be specific when you ask God for something, and don’t quit believing for your miracle. Get your faith from the Word. (Find out the difference between unbelief and doubt.)


Sunday October 3, 2010

Using I Kings and II Kings, Pastor Anton preaches on dedication as the key to victory. Elijah took a big risk in calling a contest between Baal and God, especially when he took the most important thing, water, and poured it on the altar. Elijah was not a fence-sitter. He chose to follow God and a nation was changed. Are you sitting on a fence about your commitment to God? You are the one who has to choose to follow God. Elisha was dedicated to Elijah and received a double portion. Even when a dead man was placed on Elisha’s bones, the power and anointing was there and raised the man to life. Why wasn’t Elisha’s anointing and power transferred to someone else? His servant, Gehazi, was not dedicated to Elisha and God. Gehazi couldn’t raise the dead child of the Shunammite woman, because he was not truly dedicated. Be dedicated to God and let the mantle of Elisha touch you.

What It Means To Be In Christ Jesus

Wednesday October 6, 2010

Moses, Daniel, Joseph, and other Old Testament leaders did not know what we know, and that is the mystery Paul told about in Col. 1:25-27. What is the mystery? It is Christ in us. No other religion believes that deity can live in the heart of man. Rom. 8:9 tells us that God lives in us and that we are the temple of God, and if Christ Jesus does not live in us, we are not believers. Pastor Dale preaches on I John 4:1-4 and I John 2:20 and 27. Some false religions believe that Jesus came in the flesh, but they do not believe that He comes into our flesh, our hearts. Everything Jesus did was so that He could dwell in us. II John 7 and Col. 2:8, 18, 19 warn of deception. How can you not be deceived? Begin and end with Jesus Christ.

Understanding Faith: God’s Word is Alive

Sunday October 10, 2010

Scripture texts: Heb. 4:12, Is. 55:10-11, and Rom. 10:17. The Word is alive and ministers to a person’s heart (spirit). It’s only when the Word is received in the heart that faith can grow as a seed. It also makes it possible to reach people of all cultures because it causes change in the deepest part of man. The Word continues to produce. Prosperity, faith, and your relationship with God all take place in your heart, not in your head (mind). Principles and moral values are mind issues, and when fear comes, the mind shuts down. To get people born-again, they must believe the Word. If you don’t have faith in your heart, then God’s Word is not in your heart. Open your heart to the Spirit and the Word of God.

Understanding Who We Are in Christ Jesus

Wednesday October 13, 2010

Texts: Col. 1:15:22; Rom. 5:12; Luke 3:22-38; and John 9. Before we were in Christ Jesus, we were in Adam, which means we were born in sin and were open to sickness, disease, and poverty. Jesus brought an end to the Old Testament. Abound in grace and mercy. Pastor Dale exhorted us to read and study Romans 5.