Transformational Transition

Sunday April 11, 2010

Perfect love casts out fear. What are the steps to transformational transition? 1) Walking in perfect love. What are you entertaining, speaking, thinking on? Phil. 4:8 says to think on the good report, the noble, pure, just, lovely. Speaking fear activates it. We carry royal love. 2) Walking into your royal identity. We are the children of God, new creations. Live in your eternal destiny and believe the report of the Lord. Listen as Pastor Ed gives many scriptures to build our faith. 3) Walking forward in the call of God. Cut off the rope to those things that you are dragging along and carrying. Receive the call, forgive, and ask God to guide you to your glorious destiny. 4) Walking fully immersed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we surely do, too. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you will receive revelation, boldness to love, intercede, and to minister, pray directly to the Father, a life that testifies of Jesus, your prayer language- speaking in tongues, and transformation.