Speaker ‘Ed Garner’

Transformational Transition

Sunday April 11, 2010

Perfect love casts out fear. What are the steps to transformational transition? 1) Walking in perfect love. What are you entertaining, speaking, thinking on? Phil. 4:8 says to think on the good report, the noble, pure, just, lovely. Speaking fear activates it. We carry royal love. 2) Walking into your royal identity. We are the children of God, new creations. Live in your eternal destiny and believe the report of the Lord. Listen as Pastor Ed gives many scriptures to build our faith. 3) Walking forward in the call of God. Cut off the rope to those things that you are dragging along and carrying. Receive the call, forgive, and ask God to guide you to your glorious destiny. 4) Walking fully immersed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we surely do, too. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you will receive revelation, boldness to love, intercede, and to minister, pray directly to the Father, a life that testifies of Jesus, your prayer language- speaking in tongues, and transformation.

Questions For the Leaders Panel

Saturday September 26, 2009

Listen to questions written by the audience and the answers given by the panel, hosted by Pastor Dale Armstrong. What 5 books have impacted your life the most? Why do we get lots of ideas, but the man with the idea cannot make it happen? PDAC (Plan, do, check, adjust). What tools have you used to stay focused on your way with God? How do we plan for the future? How do you know what to focus on? Can someone’s life vision be to help someone else’s vision? What are good tips to give to an emerging leader?

Roadmap To a Successful Destiny

Saturday September 26, 2009

The roadmap to a successful destiny is Mark 11:22-24. Have faith in God. Tell your mountain where to go. Have absolute confidence in victory. Your spoken words have power, and you will have what you say. Be specific in what you say. Ask in prayer. Believe and write down your goal, and take personal responsibility. Where have you quit? Dr. Seuss was rejected by 22 publishers.

Choose To or Have To

Saturday September 26, 2009

Dogs love steaks, but they will settle for bones. Where is the steak in your life? Choose to, rather than have to. Conformity is your enemy. Take authority over your life. Ed tells the story of a trip to a gold mine and the lessons he learned there. Be diligent. Find the gold dust in what you are doing. Be a support to those in the harvest field. Support someone to replace you. Create a solution. You have to let go to get the gold. Release it to God. Practice NOT condemning, complaining, or criticizing for seven days. Be a gate-keeper: the ear gate, eye gate, the spoken word gate, association gate, and the environment gate. Who do you associate with? Are you in a dead church? Pre-play your vision. Do you have a scarcity or abundance context of life? Convergence- focus on one thing and get rid of distractions. Congruence- Are you congruent with your destiny? Get rid of “pop-ups”. Be a laser and get rid of the grumpy, critical, condemning, and complaining. Be a believer first.

Your Inheritance Is a Gift

Friday September 25, 2009

A competing commitment is a commitment that competes and undermines your true commitment. Examples are: rejection, looking good, fear of man, and fear of failure. Commit to the destiny God has for you and accept your inheritance- you are a new creation, an overcomer, and strong in the Lord. Commit to read the book of Acts.

Fear Hesitates, Faith Invades

Sunday October 5, 2008

Ed teaches by asking important questions and giving much wisdom. Do I have any unbelief in my roots? What do I have to do to step into my authority 100%? Am I comfortable with the uncomfortable? What have I confessed that is controlling me? He explains: prayer, invasion, and dominion. Invade with the power of God!