Speaker ‘Dale Armstrong’

Count It All Joy

Saturday November 2, 2024

Apostle Dale preached on joy from James 1:2-11 and Philippians 4:6-7. Joy is a spiritual attribute. He uses several stories to exemplify the importance of staying in joy. It is the indicator of strength in your life.

Grace and The Gifts

Saturday October 12, 2024

As believers, we have received several of the gifts of the Spirit. Live the supernatural life as good stewards of the grace of God. Allow Him to use you by developing your faith. Use the proportion of faith. Faith joins with the Spirit and will prosper you.

Grace – Mercy – Holiness

Saturday June 1, 2024

Apostle Dale defines the difference between mercy and grace, especially as it relates to holiness. Don’t “crash and burn,” or receive grace in vain. Pay attention to the small wrongs. If you live under sin, judgment will come. Sin hurts and kills people. Love is the commandment.

Who You Are – Your Identity

Saturday April 27, 2024

We are living in a time when Christians must break off sin and walk in the Spirit. Apostle Dale taught on how to grow in Christ and not confuse the spirit, soul, and body. All have a voice. Enforce what Jesus did.

You Are Not The Holy Spirit

Saturday April 20, 2024

Apostle Dale Armstrong taught on holiness. Holiness is the Holy Spirit’s job. It is about the heart and seeking the Lord. Walk in the light of what you know, and let God deal with you. Take dominion over sin and the power of it in your life. The power of God to convict you is stronger than the power of Satan to tempt you.

Authority of the Believer

Saturday January 13, 2024

The Authority of the Believer. We have the power of God in us and God loves us as much He loves Jesus. We are sent out to represent Jesus. We have been given authority to perfect the love of God. Find out why God made man, how to use  His authority, what authority commands, and much more.

War of Good Warfare

Saturday December 30, 2023

Apostle Dale ministered on missions with people sharing testimonies of sowing and reaping. What is God saying to you? Fan the flames of the prophetic words in your life, because they don’t have an expiration date. Do not neglect the gift that is in you. We will need the supernatural and the gifts of the Spirit to be our weapons for 2024. There was ministry at the end of the service. 2 Tim. 1:6; 1 Tim. 1:18; 4:14-15; 1 Cor. 12:11; 3 John 2; Ps. 118

Christmas eve eve

Saturday December 23, 2023

Pastor Syd read Matthew and Luke’s chapters 1 and 2 accounts of Jesus Christ’s birth and Scriptures telling why Jesus was born and came to the earth. Apostle Dale preached on the principle of death pertaining to Communion. The CWI children read Scriptures spelling out “Jesus Is Alive.”

Every Day

Saturday November 11, 2023

Apostle Dale taught on the importance of having a daily quiet time with the Lord in a “my place,” at a certain time, reading the Bible, and spending time in prayer and listening. Record your journey.


Saturday October 21, 2023

Apostle Dale teaches on the relationship between Israel and the Church.

It’s Included In The Ticket

Saturday May 27, 2023

Apostle Dale expounded on Ephesians 3:1-3, 13-14. We have already been blessed with all spiritual blessings. We need to know what belongs to us, such as salvation and healing. We are saved. We are healed already. We are already dead to self. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit: credibility, authority, and ownership.

Somebodies Going To Make It and Its Going To Be Me

Sunday April 16, 2023

We can live long by having an attitude of victory because of God’s promises. Be positive. Talk positive faith. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Refuse to be negative. Somebody’s going to make it, and it’s going to be me. Somebody’s going to be healed, and it’s going to be me… Live from a spirit of victory and make your greatest miracles your foundation for something better. Scriptures: Matthew 14:23-31; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Philippians 4:13; Hebrews 11:6; Mark 11:21-24.

Spiritual Preception

Saturday February 4, 2023

Spiritual perception can be developed and needs to be, especially in these
latter days. Believers must be aware that there are deceiving spirits and
doctrines of devils that sow bad seed in the church. Our doctrine is to do
God's will according to His Word. Be consecrated to do it. You must be born
again. Scriptures: 1 Timothy 4:1-3; John 7:16; Galatians 3:1; 1 John 2:18-
27; 2 Corinthians 3:12-14; Philippians 3:7-11; 2 John 7-11.

The Power of Speaking Out Loud

Saturday January 7, 2023
Apostle Dale Armstrong preached on the importance of speaking
the Word and increasing your confession, aloud boldly. It is your releasing
faith. Faith is when you cannot be made to doubt. There is the confession
unto faith and the confession of faith. It is important to find out where your
faith level is. Your heart is where your faith is. Abiding in Him comes before
the speaking. Scriptures: Mark 11:23-24; John 11:1, 4, 7-14; Genesis 27; 2
Kings 4:18; Psalm 91; Philippians 4:6-7. Other parts of the service:
Jen taught on the law of wisdom for prosperity. There was LTS graduation.
Pastor Syd shared about the church plant in Richmond.

Love Endures Long- Walking In Love

Saturday October 1, 2022

Enjoy life. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. We owe love to one another. The commandments are all based and fulfilled in love. Matthew 24 tells us to see that our hearts are not troubled. Deny the situation the right to steal your joy. Believe in and love on people. Text: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Love endures long. Walking in love is not jealous. You want the other person to do better. Jealousy is not the problem; it is a love problem. Verse 5: God’s love does not insist on its own rights or its own way. Concerning marriage, love your enemies! The answer is to fix you, and walk in the love of God. Smith Wigglesworth was saved because of his wife’s love of God and him. Love caused Apostle Dale to go to a church in New Jersey to minister, which was a great experience. Love establishes you. Love does not say, “What about me?” It is not self-seeking. Love is the way life works. In 1 Corinthians 13, put your name in place of the word “love.” Faith works by love. When you ask the Father to forgive you, He deletes the sin (Isaiah 43:25). Love brings you to a place of victory. Verse 6: Love speaks the truth. Verse 7: Love finds the good in the other person. Do not let circumstances take your hope and joy. Something good is going to happen to you today. Find someone and bless them. Verse 8: Love never fails! Say: (My name) never fails! There is no fear here (1 John 4:17-21). Live in the light of eternity. You do not need to cast out fear. You need to walk in love. Walk in victory. What you do to others, you do unto Jesus. Love never fails.

Can You Prepared For a Storm?

Saturday April 30, 2022

Matthew 7:24 is about two foundations, one like a wise man and one a fool. The one like a wise man is the one who hears and does Jesus’ sayings, which is building on the rock. It is not always easy to do the wise thing, but act on what God says, or you will learn from the consequences of the experience. Learn from others in the Bible. A storm is coming. Prepare for it by building on God’s Word- for finances, healing, and your marriage. The Lord told Apostle Dale in 2020 to prepare for war. The storm should not have an effect on you. Matthew 7:26 tells of a fool knowing what to do but not doing it when the storm was coming. Do not fear. Our goal is heaven, so keep your eyes on Jesus. Until you do what God told you to do, you are in disobedience. Apostle Dale told two stories of his obedience in Ukraine, and how he built on the foundation by walking in love, obeying, and doing the gospel. Galatians 6:7 tells us not to be deceived. God wants us to stop the war by winning. Whatever a man sows that shall he also reap. Seedtime and harvest work for or against you. Whatever you sow, sow to the Spirit. You should approach opportunities willingly. (We support the Ukrainian pastors and believers.) People who mock God cannot stand. Learn from the cycle of generations and the principles of God. God’s Word works, so act on it and be wise (Psalm 12:1-6). God assists you when you head in the right direction. Apostle Dale told of a friend who went through five beachheads during WWII. He did what he saw a fellow veteran do by cutting off his heavy backpack during the landing. Get rid of the weights. Crucify the sin in your life. Sometimes it is about what you forsake, not what you get. Live by this: “Somebody’s gonna make it, and it’s gonna be me!”

The Beatitudes

Saturday February 5, 2022

Jesus was a teacher, preacher, and healer. He kept on teaching the blessings that are in Matthew 5:1-12. He repeated these blessings, and He brought people into the blessings. You can identify with the people described in this passage. There is a progression of one blessing into another. The poor in spirit mourn for their sin, and as a result they are marked by meekness, so they hunger and thirst unto righteousness and are filled, and having received such mercy became merciful themselves. He starts in the kingdom of heaven and ends up inheriting the earth.

(Matthew 5:1) Jesus sat when He was teaching, which was a declaration that He was the Messiah. In Genesis 26:3-4 God said He would bless Abraham. Isaac sowed in famine and reaped one hundred fold, and the LORD blessed him. Paul preached the Christ would bring a blessing. “Blessed” is contrary to the word, “happy.” The root of happiness is “chance.” Happiness is fickle. Joy and blessings are here to stay. No man can take them from you. Blessed is a self-contained position put upon you. It is a victorious-consciousness. Say, “I am blessed of God.” Matthew 5 belongs to you. Poverty in spirit creates a detachment from things. No matter what you have, you need God. You live in the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn means mourning over a death. The second beatitude is an attachment to people.

In Matthew 6 Jesus was trying to get Philip to see that Jesus Christ was his source. He wanted him to think kingdom thoughts, to think in the supernatural. James 2:5 …”Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?” If you cannot give something away, you are tied to the flesh. Look to the supernatural where God has already blessed you. Get over into the kingdom of heaven, where all things are possible because you are doing it for God’s sake. In the beginning of Acts, they were united and did not own anything because it belonged to the Lord. It is about your heart. You can claim the hundredfold because you forsake your will. Know you are blessed.

Don’t Fear The Future

Saturday January 15, 2022

Come up hither. We have to set our minds on the things above and look at the things that cannot be seen. Jesus is still on the throne. It’s the question as to who you praise will refine you. Count it all joy. Your praise changes you.

Revelations 4:1-2
Hebrews 13:5-6
Genesis 22:1-2
John 6:5-610
Proverbs 27:21
Psalms 22:3
Psalms 100:1
Psalms 8:1-2
Proverbs 3:9-10 (tithe message)
Isaiah 29:13 (tithe message)

Nov 27th 2021

Saturday November 27, 2021

You are called. You are here for a purpose. You go to the church you belong. Unity will carry you places. Your purpose in your call it’s that people need you. God will take you out of Egypt into promises. Don’t neglect God’s gift. You don’t achieve ministry. It’s that you receive it. You put obedience first, you’ll be an over comer. First comes the call of God. Then, comes grace. Grace leads to favor of opportunities. You’ll have grace in places. Where God guides He provides.

Psalms 133:1-2
Ephesians 4:1, vs. 7
1 Timothy 4:14
Colossians 4:17
Romans 12:4-6

Nov 05, 2021

Saturday November 6, 2021

It’s what’s you do in the mist of your problems. Desperation brings you to pray. The only reason why God used Moses was because, there were people praying. It doesn’t matter how hard it gets. We get stronger. Apostle Dale gave testimony of a pastor who got beat and thrown in jail and to get out he had to pay $50. God seen him through victory and land was given to him to build a church on. The pastor’s kids returned to the Lord. You got to believe that your prayer time is important.

Exodus 2:22-25
Roman 8:26
Psalms 107:1-31
Acts 4:23-31
Acts 12:1-5

October 16, 2021

Saturday October 16, 2021

Shift, change, and rearrange (Bob H.) Your money is not your seed. You are giving out of faith. It’s easier to wake someone up from their sleep then it is from the dead. Your world is right through those doors. God wants you to walk in the realm of miracles. Be quick to give. Give your best. Give everyday. Desire spiritual gifts. The more you get to know who He is, the more you begin to understand. Alan had talked about how God healed him. Isaiah 43:21 Alan referenced. Robert got ministered to. God wants to use Robert for healing ministry.

Psalms 106:48,vs. 8-9
Luke 21:3-4
Luke 6:36-38
Mark 16:15-20
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Acts 2:22
Exodus 15:11, vs. 26

Oct 9, 2021

Saturday October 9, 2021

Due to major technology problems, the 1st 29 minutes weren’t recorded and are missing. Then the 1st 10 minutes on this recording were recorded from a phone.



Ordination of Josh and Elisha Shuman

Saturday October 2, 2021

The call of God is not given with repentance. We are striving for spiritual statue. Guard the good deposit of the Holy Spirit. The Lord gives the calling. Apostle Dale mentioned  accountability to the Lord. Recognize how God holds you accountable. Not to take it as a light thing. God’s grace will empower you beyond what you think you are able to do. Your gift will make room make room ( referenced the book of Psalms).The heritage of faith of what’s gone before you that. you’d pass on.

Ephesians 4:8, vs. 12-13,
1 Timothy 4:11-16
2 Timothy 1:13-14
Philippians 2:13

Aug 21, 2021

Saturday August 21, 2021

How do we establish victory? Change your thought process. Put your faith and confidence in the Lord. Deliberately take action. Put your focus on the Lord. Apostle Dale mentioned that you have a choice. When you get rooted it’s more about them the water and supply. We got to be rooted and grounded in Him. There is something about your fellowship. Your fellowship with the Lord and with each other. I don’t think you can confess His Word without praise.

Hebrews 13:14-15     1 Peter 2:9     John 4:24     Luke 12:30-33     2 Corinthians 10:3-5     Matthew 21:12     Psalm 8:2     Psalm 9:1-3     Psalm 21:13     Psalm 22:1-3     Psalm 56:1-9     Proverbs 1:33     2 Chronicles 20:1-6, vs. 12-29     Psalm 149:1-9     Colossians 2:6-7     Philemon 1:6     Philippians 4:4-6

Aug 23, 2021

Saturday August 14, 2021

You have to watch your Word level. When you’re full of the Word there is life. When we don’t worship the Lord we have forgotten what the Lord has done. Apostle Dale gave a testimony about a woman he prayed for that God gave a new heart. Praise is an act. Bless God who blesses us! How do we get in Him? It’s not just the consequence to your act. It’s the consequence of your act for the next generation. My existence is based on someone else’s decisions. One act of mercy never stops. Knowing the cure is what will help you. Don’t get sidetracked. Stay in the simplicity of God. You were born in Adam. Created man who fell to redeemed man.

Ephesians 1:3
Romans 5:8-17
1 Corinthians 15:22
Luke 3:24, vs. 37-38
Romans 8:11

Monday June 21, 2021

Apostle Dale mentioned that you can’t give first fruits second you can’t give instant obedience late. Apostle Dale talked about how the church name became about. Making disciples is the priority. The devil has no authority.

Messages come forth from the Lord by Apostle Dale, Pastor Bob, Sydney, Jay, and Brian for the Mirabella family.

Acts 4:12    Mark 3:14    Matthew 28:18    Acts 4:12    1 John 1:9    2 Timothy 1:1

Saturday May 15, 2021

Getting to know the person as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit isn’t power. Difference between getting to know someone or to become familiar. Becoming acquainted is letting your hair down. He is a person. The Holy Spirit is quiet. Hetero is of a different kind. Allos, meaning of the same kind. Most people don’t know how to be honest with the Holy Spirit. I find that God respects you when you are honest with Him. You want the power but, your not going to have the power without the person. When you learn to obey God then, you’ll be anointed. He is interested in you. He wants to have an encounter with you. Walking with the Spirit (Marie gave a testimony).

Job 22:1     John 16:12-16     Philippians 2:1

Philippians 4:19, vs. 15 ( tithe scripture)

The Person of the Holy Spirit

Saturday April 24, 2021

We have a more sure Word. We need to understand the role of the Holy Spirit. We are saved by grace through faith.  Experience doesn’t build faith. You can’t earn your salvation by good works. We need more Word on the Holy Spirit. There is a power. That power comes from a person. How can the Holy Spirit get more of me? Comforter meaning advocate. The reason your time is dry is because you’re not spending enough time with Him  in the Word.

Galatians 3:2    Romans 10:8-9, Vs. 17    Galatians 5:16     John 14:16     1 John 4:1-4    Acts 1:8    Romans 8:26

Saturday April 3, 2021

Proverbs 30:5     Malachi 3:10-11     Colossians 2:6-23      Matthew 15:1-6     Philippians 3:1-13     Galatians 4:6-10     1 Corinthians 11:23-33

You better worry more about your joy and not worry about loosing your salvation. Flesh and blood is not your problem. Don’t be afraid of having philosophy. Be afraid of having the wrong philosophy. I’m complete in Him. Traditions come in. Testimony of a girl who got healing for her ears had been given. It’s not in the service or in the ceremony.

Faith To Be Healed Is Not Faith In God

Saturday January 23, 2021

Gospel means good reason. God talks to you in your language. He prepares us for others. Good God, bad devil. Identify with the reality of the Bible. You are responsible for what you hear. Faith in God is always the subject. Why are we pleased without faith? What do you believe about God? Don’t let faith become mechanical. Become faith sensitive. There’s nothing between you and your blessing. Prayer for healing of an ear took place. Prayer against fever and the fear of an infection took place. Prayer for breaking the habit of smoking took place. Stir up within yourself  and run the race. For what I want to do is here. It’s time for revival. It’s time to recognize the kingdom of God in a greater way.
Acts 14:7     Mark 5     Luke 18:18     Hebrews 11:6

Mission Sunday

Sunday July 26, 2020

Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Matthew 28:18-20. Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke about how his ministry started and the great commission God has called him to do. You simply have to be available and God will prepare you. Jona  spoke about their work in the Middle East. She read out of Psalm 16:8, proverbs 4:23, and Luke 9:23. Mission Sunday.

Those Who Receive The Promises of God

Sunday July 19, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Hebrews 6:12, slothful or slow of moving. Achievement is what you want to follow. Hebrews 11:1,you won’t receive faith by following people but, encouragement would be gained. 2 Corinthians 5:7, faith is not in the sense realm. you believe it first before receiving. Hebrews 11:7, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Romans  4:17-18,  Your thought life don’t stop them but, replace it with something else. Replace  it with a greater thought. Do it by faith. Stop looking at the natural and begin to see what God sees. You need to see yourself walking and not in a wheel chair.

Praying In Tongues

Friday June 26, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong mentioned that he gets all his sermons from praying in tongues once said by John G. Lake. Apostle Dale read out of 1 Corinthians 2:1-13 and 1 Corinthians 14:13. Apostle Dale mentioned that you are to be praying in tongues with the expectation of getting the interpretation. 2 Timothy 1:9, when you are in the plan of God you are submitting to Him. There is purpose in what you do. God’s wisdom is not going to come through the ears. Wisdom comes through the heart. 1 Corinthians 14:2, pray in tongues with the intent of getting the interpretation.

Preparation Time

Thursday June 25, 2020

Pastor Bob Hawk read out of Psalms 37:23. Preparation time is never waisted time. You got to wake up and understand that we have to take our authority. If we don’t pray and intercede we could loose our freedom to be able to meet in churches and worship the way we do. The sermon belongs to us as the church. Part of the grace is to take the influence. We got to take to the heart of God and pray things through. Prayer for Apostle Dale took place.  Pastor Pat read out of Malachi 3:16-18. You don’t get promoted until you take the next step. Don’t minimize what God has call you to do. Prayer for Governor Wolf took place. Pastor Pat referenced Job 22:30. Man is a moral agent, mention by Apostle Dale. Karen read out of 1 Timothy 2 and 2 Thessalonians 2:10. 1 John 5 was referenced.

What Has God Called You To Do

Thursday June 25, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Colossians 4:17, you got to focus on what God has called you to do. Ephesians 4:7, what God has called you to do He’ll give you the grace. Mark 11:24, God gives you the desires of your heart. Apostle Dale read out of Romans 12:4. Pay attention to the Holy Spirit on the inside. Things don’t just get put into your lap. You have to pray your way through.

Ministry night

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong mentioned that He broke the bread for you. Jesus is alive. Apostle Dale called Allen up to tell the rest of his testimony on God’s healing. Apostle Dale asked, how much have we forgotten what God has done for us? Apostle Dale and Pastor Bob Hawk ministered to a young lady.There’s a rushing mighty river that will flow. There’s a place of freedom and liberty which, I will bring you into a place Where are the cares of the life and the cares that had surrounded you, the struggles, and pressures. Even the opinions of others will melt away. That which was is all changing though what used to be shall no longer be. But, this is a new day and a new hour. There has to be a new song. There is a banner of victory for those who will come in for those who are hungry. For those who are looking for that team, for those who are looking for that family, for those who are looking for the  Camaraderie.

Ministered Word for Blake
Things are adjusting even right now with the thinking process of things you seen or dreamed. there is a greater measure that is available.  In that measure there will be an increase for you to accomplish that what I have  called you to do. Know that I’ve given you a mouth and I call it My mouthpiece. As you use your heart as you healed your entire being. You will see a transformation take place. A transformation and some would say that is not the one I knew. Something has happened and that’s not the man I knew. He has become one who sits at the feet of the master. He is speaking the words of the Lord. Blake has become another man. Nations will come and be changed

Seeing The Impossible

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of 2 King 2:8 and Deuteronomy 21:14. We as a church have been blinded by assumptions.  Hebrews 2:10, ask for another comforter to come. The gift always come with a condition. Pastor Larry mentioned what God had given him. First , you got to take care of your physical body. Secondly, you have to stay on tract  with Me. You got to desire scripture. You don’t play with the gifts of the Spirit. We got to depend on God. Negative words are a curse. Look up to the mountain. Pray for big things. Lift your eyes off of the fig tree. If you see these things. The plan for your destiny is written on the inside. The reward is that double portion. We cannot afford to loose the power of of God

Love Never Fails

Tuesday June 23, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Ephesians 4:7. our are supposed to do what the pastor is doing. God is telling us that the anointing is to manifest. To be Subjective is how to enter into the call of of God. You got to have the Spirit of of Truth. Master to love. It’s first for the the Lord. You are in it because you love people. Apostle Dale read out of John 13:34 and 1 Corinthians 13:4. You got ears to hear and if you don’t do then, you’re self deceiving yourself. You can’t bless people and hate them at the same time. You want to fulfill the calling on your life. Learn to live and walk in love.

Pass The Submission Test

Tuesday June 23, 2020

The point of your pencil is a lot sharper than your mind. Write down everything the the Lord gives you. Luke 2:51, God is dealing with the heart. Take counsel and rest. Don’t quit before meeting your goal. The testing doesn’t come to an end. If you don’t know what what God is working on you about then, ask Him. We are subject to fail but, it doesn’t mean that you give up and quit. Don’t dismiss submission to authority. You’re not going to advance in the call of of God til you pass the test. Sometimes you got to take the test more than once. Apostle Dale read from 1 Peter 5. God told Apostle Dale that He couldn’t trust him because of the pride. To whom do we submit to? You are not to submit to an office. We are to submit to relationships. Relationships, submit one to another. Also submit to the Word. Submit to the mighty hand of God. Submit to to God’s anointing.

Spirit Of Victory- #1

Monday June 22, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong mentioned that every once in a while we need to orient ourselves. Landmark is a high point on a period of time. Armada is divine appointment. Apostle Dale read from 1 Corinthians 15:57. The Word of the the Lord came through Larry and a sister in the Lord. The Lord says let them have it, mentioned through Larry. There is victory in this place, there is triumph in this place, and there is glory in this place was mentioned through our sister the Lord. Because, the the Lord God Almighty is in this place. Rest in His faithfulness. Apostle Dale read out of 1 Corinthians 15:57, the the Spirit comes before the battle. You need to know that your labor is not done in vein for the the Lord. It always produces. Victory isn’t worldly success. How you define success, it will define you. God gives us victory first. You won’t worry if you get your mind thinking on the Lord. Apostle Dale read out of 2 Corinthians 2:14 and and Acts 16:6. Miracles aren’t just for the ministry. Learn to be led by the Spirit. The spirit of victory is contagious, 2 Corinthians 2:12. Quit talking about fear and start talking about peace. Pray with faith and pray with victory.

The Path Of Progress

Monday June 22, 2020

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of 1 Timothy 1:11, you have to be faithful. Matthew 20:15 and and Matthew 22:14, Jesus is speaking. Revelation 17:14, let’s be faithful.  Ephesians 4:10, it is according to to His purpose. Luke 2:42-51,  realize who who God puts in your life. God takes something and builds something with can trust. Apostle Dale got a message from the the Lord and wand was obedient.

Seeing by Divine Revelation

Sunday June 14, 2020

Psalm 27:1-14 was read from the the Bible as a congregation.

Main Message:
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Psalms 27:13, notice the phrase you believe to see the goodness of the the Lord. Psalms 119:18, unless God allows us we are not going to see. Apostle Dale read out of John 3:2. Always remember you can go to to God anytime.  Revelation is when God made known something. Apostle Dale read out of 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, John 7:17, and 2 Corinthians 3:14. Show  me your consecration then, revelation will come. Apostle Dale read out of John 16:12, 1 Corinthians 3:1-2. Just do you what you know to do. Ephesians 1:16-18. If you want to know what you are called to do, you  are going to have to pray. We got to pray and ask God to show us more. Apostle Dale read out of Hebrews 5:11-14.

Authority to Speak to Your Situation

Sunday December 15, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong Psalms 27:13Mark 1:15-22, the good news about Jesus Christ. The truth escapes us. The first step is to stop believing the bad news. You do have authority. If you don’t know that you have authority you don’t exercise it. Apostle Dale read out of Mark 1:24. Repentance is not I’m sorry. Repentance is turning away. The first thing you have to do is tell the devil to shut up. Apostle Dale read out of Mark 4:39 and Luke 17:5, learn to talk to your problem. Luke 4:38 and Matthew 16:21, you got to speak to the problem and not ignore it. There is more fight in you if you just stir yourself up. Thoughts are the most difficult because it takes energy. You are the master of your thought life. Quit inviting the devil and being passive.

The Great Escape – part 3

Sunday November 10, 2019
Apostle Dale read from Isaiah 59:1Romans 10:9-10, Acts 8:5, and Revelation 2:5. Apostle Dale mentioned that judgment is good. Judgement and mercy equals repentance.
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Hebrews 4. Conviction is showing where you are wrong and need to change. Condemnation, you did this so God won’t do this for you. Condemnation is pushing you away from God.

Sunday September 22, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Exodus 20:18, fear of the Lord. First don’t be afraid. We will behave differently around other people. Apostle Dale read out of Luke 3:2Proverbs 1:7Proverbs 2:1, and Luke 16:10. In the mist of the revival. Having wisdom to do with the knowledge.

Sunday August 25, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 1:28-29.  Apostle Dale mentioned that  the fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom. Malachi 3:16, fellowship between two believers. Apostle Dale read out of Psalms 34. It is not so much that we miss the gifts but, we miss the presence of the Lord. You are empowered to obey His voice. You must choose the fear of the Lord. Apostle Dale read out of Acts 5:1. Ananias didn’t dye because of lying, the devil was involved. We don’t know what is going on and we don’t know the whole story. It’s none of our business. When you choose the presence of the Lord, you got to press in.

Armada 2019 – Thursday session 5

Thursday June 20, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Acts 10 and Matthew 6, secrecy in giving and prayer. When He sees you giving alms, praying, or fasting in secrete then the Father should reward you openly. Identification is the first law of intercession. Every time you pray the Lords prayer, identification yourself is applied. Money might be easier to give but, your time is also valuable. As you are giving of your life you are giving to someone else. Isaiah 58, it is tied up in fasting. You can identify where you heart is by writing a check. As we give in alms we don’t do it for recognition. If you give in the wrong motive, you do not get the reward. When you start a fast declare the purpose. Before you need financial power you need spiritual maturity. Be Spirit lead when giving. Give, pray, and fast. These principles are all guaranteed, you have to be adamant about it. The key is that you got to start with the small things. You face your obstacle, give more. When you get into your private prayer closet, you don’t need the church to tell you where to give. Begin to look where you can give. When God begins to show you things in prayer it is not for you to brag or gossip about. Keep what God tells you private. Apostle Dale reference Psalms 2 and prayed for Sri Lanka.

Armada 2019 – Thursday session 2

Thursday June 20, 2019

Levi read out of Matthew 20:25-26. Levi read out of Nehemiah 13:10-11. Understanding of authority. Levi read out of Exodus 18:21. Armada Network and youtube website will soon have services from the various churches within the network to be posted. Pioneering college courses for individuals to grow in their gifting. Apostle Dale Armstrong referenced Ephesians 4, to equip the saints. Don’t forget that you are someone who equips. Armada is not a denomination. Armada is having the heart of the Father.

Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 4

Wednesday June 19, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Acts 10:1. God wants to reveal the Holy Spirit to you. He wants to tangible for you. God wants us to develop intimacy. Exceeding great reward means that I’m your paycheck is the meaning in  Hebrew. Daily intimacy with the Father prepared Jesus. Apostle Dale read from Matthew 6:1, take heed. Don’t give in pride because you will miss out. If you give in the right motive there will be a manifestation. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster focuses onb meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, guidance, submission, solitude, service, confession, worship, and celebration. Jesus has three disciplines. Motive, intimacy, and Jesus. Giving and praying are intertwined. If you are praying and your answers aren’t getting answered then there is something wrong with you. Apostle Dale reference Isaiah 58. Don’t be moved by what you see, be moved by what you believe. Apostle Dale referenced Psalms 57:2. Apostle Dale read out of Psalms 66:18 and John 15:4.

Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 4

Tuesday June 18, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong said God is good and the devil is bad. Apostle Dale read from Acts 10. Ministering, helping, or giving to the poor is what alms are. Alms are your giving before the Lord. If you don’t realize that God has done it, you cannot release your faith. God give Cornelius specific instructions. For Cornealus it was a vision and for others if may come another way. 1 Corinthians 12:7, God wants you to experience the gifts of the Spirit. Apostle Dale referenced John 3:16. Do not mistake that super natural  ministry only belongs to certain callings. Manifestation, phanerosis, to reveal or to make known. A memorial is a remembrance. Give, alms, pray, and fast to get specifics instructions from the Lord. We must have supernatural ministries. Matthew 6:1, be cautious. If you give in the right way you’ll receive a reward from the Father.  Celebration of Spiritual Disciplines, a book Apostle Dale had read. When you give alms, do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. We neglect fasting and praying. Alms given, prayer, and fasting. No man needs to know about anyone’s prayer life. Everybody knows what happens in the bedroom but, no body talks about it. It is intimate. Just like your prayer life with the Lord, it is intimate. The secret belongs to those that fear Him. God reveals His secrets to you, keep your mouth shut. It is between you and the Lord. When you give alms, you are preparing a heart that is good ground for the Lord to work in. Mark 10:17, knowing the commandants. Money wasn’t the problem it was what it was covering up. Give to the poor and you would have treasure in heaven. Where your treasure is, is where your heart is. Materialistic things hold you if you can’t give it away. The hundred fold is not in the giving, it is in the forsaking. Apostle Dale read from Psalms 41 and Isaiah 58:6. We are in a unique generation where we are in trouble. We are in a place where we need to embrace some of these principles. To get back to intercession in a prayer life and fasting. There are some things that only fasting can break. Mark 9:16, Jesus gives the answer to the question. It is the private prayer. There is a spiritual power in fasting.

Understanding Praise & Worship

Sunday May 19, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong mentioned that we miss the supernatural for looking for the spectacular. Apostle Dale read out of Luke 4:5, when Jesus met the devil. Not my will but, yours be done. Identify where the thought or idea is coming from. Apostle Dale  read out of Revelations 11:15, if you don’t act on the word then you would become self deceived. As we act on the word knowing the right answer is not enough. Apostle Dale mentioned that you have to do what you know to do. Resisting the devil isn’t enough. It is the submission of God that has to be done. You got to learn how to bring the presence of the Lord into your day. Pray first before dealing with the problem. When you begin to worship you become one with the Lord. When thinking of a loved one who is gone is not why are they gone? Our thought process should be, how is it that He spared our lives? Worship is what we know to do. Apostle Dale read out of Luke 4:5-6, there are three key words to look at. That is Kingdoms, glory, and power.

Answered Prayer?

Sunday March 10, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Luke 18:1. Faint means to cave in of faint. People generally can’t stay committed to something that doesn’t produce results. How often would you pray if you saw results and what would you be praying? Prayer should fill our lives. Apostle Dale read out of John 15:1. Prayer keeps you in tune. The answers to prayer is associated to bearing fruit. There is a differentiation between the written word and the spoken word. We are to have communion with the Lord. Gather direction from the Holy Spirit. Apostle Dale read from Philippians 4:6. Worry could be turned into a prayer request. If we don’t pray enough eventually we will cave. What happens to people when prayers are answered? 1). People want to pray more. 2). You want to be with people who pray. 3). Presence of two or three successful prayer warriors sparks a revival. 4). Tangible sense of God’s action in their life, John 15:4-75). A person’s prayers are answered consistently. If you do what you know to do, you’d be a whiz!

How To Live By Faith – part 3

Sunday February 24, 2019
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Hebrews 11:1. Faith works on hope. Hope comes first. Faith is not hope. Recognize faith. Learn how to live in faith. The fist thing is that satan wants to pervert you imagination. Apostle Dale John 15:7and Mark 11:121) Jesus spoke to the problem. 2) He spoke the end result.

3) His words are at work in the unseen realm. Sometimes healing takes time. Apostle Dale read out of Romans 4:17 and mentions that denial is not faith. We are taught to speak to the problem. Do not waiver. Faith is of the heart, you have to renew your mind. Your faith is deliberately applied, believe that it will come to pass. You want to find where your faith is, role of desire, and understand release. Forgiveness, we got to stay clean and keep our hearts right before the Lord.

How To Live By Faith – part 2

Saturday February 23, 2019

Apostle Dale read out of James 1:5 , the just shall live by faith. Faith is not just an isolated moment. Faith should be operating throughout our life all the time. It not something to us just when we get the bill in the mail. Every time we praise the Lord is an act of faith. Hebrews 11:1, evidence not seen. He references Luke 5:22, Jesus saw their faith. Sometimes fear will motivate people to pray. Our dirty laundry is not to be on display for people to see. Apostle Dale mentioned that if he saw faith he will throw gasoline on it. You have to take steps with faith. People get discouraged because they don’t see a result right away. You have to build your faith. It takes time, nourishment or food, and it takes exercise. Faith will make you do interesting things. You don’t have to waiver. When you drop a rock in the water, you never know how far the ripples will travel. Faith is important to release God’s purpose in your life. Apostle Dale encourages us to use our faith. A faith that you use to cast out the devil, a faith to use in church. There is a faith to be used out in the world, so use your faith.

How To Live By Faith – part 1

Friday February 22, 2019

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Hebrews 11:6, without faith it is impossible to please Him. He read out of 1 Peter 3, always be ready to give an answer. Apostle Dale encourages us to study faith. Prove yourself in your faith. Faith has no limits. “He wants to turn the tide of the battle in your life.” It does not mean that problems in your life are going to disappear. Thank God we have faith. It is called a shield of faith. Put up the shield of faith, defensive. You learn that healing is for your. You begin to learn that you can live in abundance.The tide of the battle turns when you begin to fight and do what God has created you to do. 1) What is faith and what is not faith? 2) How is faith developed? Romans 12 states that God has given faith to everyone. 3) How is faith applied? We need to examine our faith and we need to know when we get out of faith. Faith is not understood. Faith is based on us looking to God. You may know something and it may not be right. Apostle Dale read out of Romans 1:16 and Romans 10:17. We need to hear with our ears. Rama is when He is going to prosper you and the just shall live by faith. Logas, Greek word for written or recorded word of God. When you know you are right with God, faith works. Apostle Dale read from Luke 5:20Acts 14:7Mark 11:22, and Hebrews 11:3. We need to take time with the Lord. Feed ourselves food or the word of God. We need to exercise our faith.

Who Is The Real You?

Sunday December 30, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong read from 1 Peter 4:1 and mentioned that your mind is a weapon. Apostle Dale read from Romans 8:1, it reflected the opinion of ow people think of what words mean. Talks about sin nature. We are to walk according to the Spirit. Your mind should be on the will of the Father or you can mind the will of the Father. There is a sin nature in man. It will be sin if you do something contrary to your nature. Identity means a lot. Put your body under, keep your body under. Apostle Dale read from Romans 6:12. Sin reigns in you mortal body. The physical body is not the real you. Apostle Dale referenced 1 Thessalonians 35:22. Apostle Dale read from Mark 7, the true Spirit of man wants righteousness.  There was no new birth or guilty conscious. He read from Mark 7:20, Jesus was speaking. Apostle Dale read from Galatians 5:16, the spirit and flesh are contrary. Christian still sin because of their flesh. We need to walk in the Spirit. To get to a place of holiness to fast to get to a place of a break through (get born again). Arm yourself, deliberately choose love.

Sunday November 4, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Galatians 6:7, asking the Lord quite humbly where you are deceived at. Everything has significance. Actions are seeds. Some who are deserving and some who are not deserving. Those who are, they are of the household of  faith. Moral courage to choose. Apostle Dale read from Psalms 149:5. We fail to believe the book of Romans. If it wasn’t for the grace of God. His grace covers us. Ezekiel 22:30, why we intercede. There is a role of God’s church to be the sector. If the church will stand and say what is right. Judgment is a good thing. An absence of judgment brings lawlessness and sin. If we don’t have courage out on the sidewalks then we don’t have courage in our prayer life. Just as there is a harvest of blessing, there is a harvest of judgment. God honors delegated authority. Apostle Dale read from Proverbs 10:22Proverbs 11:31Psalms 9:16Psalms 58:11, and Jeremiah 5:4. If we forget the judgement of God we would get off course. Intercession, God uses you to stand in between. The way of the Lord, you need to see it. The way of the Lord comes before the great judgement of God. Learn about the way of the Lord, Psalms 9:16.

The Law of Cause and Effect

Sunday October 28, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Proverbs 26, sowing and reaping. As the bird by wonders swallowed by flying. In determinate. If you don’t watch them you don’t see the details. So the curse causeless it shall not come. “In the supernatural sphere there is a law of cause and effect”. That law you can cooperate with it. I am not saying you can manipulate it or control it. You can cooperate with it because it is God’s law. Electricity when it is controlled it is a blessing. When it is not controlled it is a curse. The wages of sin is death and most of us don’t believe we should have those wages. Ig your view of sin is weak than you view of grace will be weaker still. When you understand the terror of sin than you will understand the greatness of God’s grace and mercy. Galatians 6:7, I want to live in His grace. Don’t be deceived. Where the tree falls that is where it ends. God is not mocked. No matter how many good thing you do you cannot be saved. There is a life of salvation ,  a fullness of life. If you sow the flesh you going to reap corruption. If you reap to the Spirit you will reap life. 1) The words that you are the words that you sow. Psalms 34, keep your tongue from speaking evil. 2) Look for opportunities to give because you begin to create momentum that would push you further in the right direction. 3) Actions, taking the step in helping someone. Be sensitive to the atmosphere. We need to recognize that life has consequences. Matthew 6, you give and you  give the right way then you would get a reward from the Father. God blesses now. Galatians 6:9, keep giving. You want to sow to the Spirit!

Sunday August 5, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong read Deuteronomy 1:1. He mentioned that in the book of Psalms, it talks about boasting the Lord. We need to brag on the Lord. God sees the future and He is a good God. Apostle Dale mentioned that you have to start looking with God’s perspective. You go to to demand over yourself the victory because others depend on you (your part in the Body). Apostle Dale read from Joshua 1:1. If God sent you somewhere you are walking in His Authority. Boldness and righteousness is what He told Joshua to be like. It’s to give inheritance for others to be strong. There are some things that we believe but, we have to be strong about it.  Sin is bad because it you don’t hit the mark. Sin destroys, robs, and kills. Sin is incipient death. Apostle Dale read from 1 John 1:7. You got to walk in the light that you so that we can fellowship. It’s not a feeling or an emotion. The authority of a believer. Turning to right or turning to the left, you don’t want to miss the mark. Don’t miss the mark, stay in the light. God wants you in placed geographically. The purpose of sin is to destroy.

Salvation Comes First

Sunday June 24, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke out of John 3:16 and questioned who is eligible for salvation? Apostle Dale questioned why aren’t people going to church? It’s because they are going to hell. Jesus says obey this gospel if you don’t you’ll be damned. Sin has to be reckoned with. Until you recognize sin you won’t recognize that God had given His son so that we all might be saved. Apostle Dale mentioned that education is not salvation. He read out of John 14:15.  Salvation comes first. The Holy Spirit is involved in salvation. 1 Corinthians 12, the Holy Spirit baptizes you into the Body of Christ. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is subsequent. 1) Receive salvation .  2) Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Luke 24:49, be a blessing to others. Apostle Dale read out of John 7:37 and Acts 1:2. He also references Acts 2Acts, 8Acts 9Acts 10, and Acts 19. Apostle Dale asked, “is there was enough power in your life that someone would want to buy it”?

Sunday May 13, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of  2 Timothy 1:5 and Romans 16:13. Apostle Dale pointed out that Paul was mothered and it was acknowledged by him. He also read out of 1 Corinthians 14:33Galatians 3:1, and Galatians 3:26. Submit to the word of God, submit to relationships, submit to the anointing when the Holy Spirit moves. None of has to do with being male or female. Apostle Dale referenced Ephesians 5:1-2 and Ephesians 6. Long life, we should be starting to teach our children fr the very beginning. Honor your father and mother. Look for the good. Find the good in your past. Apostle Dale mentioned that women are more spiritual. However, It’s not an issue of male or female. It is an issue of truth and righteousness!

Capture What it Takes To Succeed

Sunday March 25, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke out of Deuteronomy 6:23, bondage meaning the past. God makes promises . We need to realize that it takes work. Things just don’t happen. It takes time, work,  and effort. Capture what it takes to succeed. When you think it’s one way and it is not, you will get disappointed. Recognize that you are building your life every time you open the bible. You are not looking for a quick fix. When you open your bible you are swinging a sledge hammer. He brought you out to get you into His promises. The coming out of Egypt by analogy of faith is the experience of the believer in new birth but, we just don’t stay there. There are actions we are to take in our Christian lives from babes, sons, and fathers.  Recognition in doing God’s will and getting to where God wants you to be. Apostle Dale referenced 1 Corinthians 10, this is for us. Apostle Dale read from Ephesians 6, the first promise had been made to the children. Honor your father and mother and it shall be well with you. Teach the children at a young age. We ought to be getting our kids’ interested in long life. Choices are important. The old testament was written for our sake and displays His promises. Some will posses His promises and some will not. An unpossessed promise does not weaken God’s promises. Apostle Dale talked about when he first got fill with the Holy Spirit. He thought to himself that there were two types of Christians. There were those that always wondered why people don’t receive. Then there were those who wondered why people to receive. He mentioned that if you spend your time studying why people don’t receive, then you’ll learn not to receive. If you spend your time studying why people receive, then you’ll learn to receive.  There are things that will destroy you, but you have to cut it off. Colossians 3:1, your focus on life is everything. There is no way that selfishness remains why are giving. Your value system isn’t on earthly things. Matthew 6:33, set your affection on things above. “If somebody is going to get it’s going to be me.” Apostle Dale gave a testimony of a missions trip he went on in the Philippines. If you are dealing with an addiction, get your mind off the addiction and get it on to Jesus. You thinking about the problem is not the solution. Keep your eyes on Jesus, worship Him!

Thursday January 25, 2018

Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Romans 1. Faith is our decision to act on His integrity. Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. We seed the power of salvation to everyone.  Romans 1:17, power of God equals salvation. It is from faith to faith and moving from glory to glory is an increase. God wants our faith to increase. Apostle Dale read from 2 Thessalonians 1:3. Apostle Dale referenced Romans 4:19, weak faith.Romans 4:20, strong faith. Apostle Dale references Mark 4:40Acts 6:5, full of faith. James 2:22. 1 Timothy 1:5, sincere faith. 1 Timothy 1:19. 1 John 5:4, overcoming faith. Apostle Dale compares a car and its gas tank to how our spiritual life is. He read from Mark 11:20. Apostle Dale encourages us to enlarge our perception and receptivity or our inner man. He read from Hebrews 11:3, when God spoke He created life. Use faith the way God is speaking faith, Mark 11:23. Jesus raised their expectations. He raised our capacity. Apostle Dale read Hebrews 10:35 and II Corinthians 4:13. He mentioned that we are going to have use some sort of imagination or vision. You have to see it before you believe. If you don’t enlarge your heart you wont be able to take your faith at a greater magnitude. Meditation is soaking in the word. Biblical meditation fill our minds with the living word of God. You can gain more on the inside with meditation. If you are not careful you’ll start to looking for experiences. Which is equivalent to being a substitute neglecting the word of God. Meditation will scar you in a good way. Apostle Dale continued to read out of Mark 11:24. When we meditate we develop desires. Faith gives substance. Things hoped for or desire is the common denominator. Your desire is for the righteous.

Single Focus Faith

Sunday November 12, 2017

Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Matthew 9:26. We need to be single minded or focused. Popularity is not a revival. This issue became men and women. What is not popular is to not talk about being civil and about honor. Jesus was not wrong because people didn’t like him. Jesus was not right because He was popular. Apostle Dale asked, “What are you going to do if you are the only Christian Left? Would you compromise what you believe?” Sometimes love says no. Sometimes love doesn’t listen. Sometimes love doesn’t tolerate. Never be led by your needs. Don’t let needs dictate your direction. Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith let it be to you”. Single focus faith. Agree with God and not your opinions. We have to look at our lives. Determine if you want change or do you want to tolerate things? ” Dale mentioned that in Matthew 9:27, the blind had opportunity to become offended and not to follow Jesus. Dale read from Matthew 15:22 and referenced Ephesians 3. Apostle Dale talks about how with childbirth the mother just doesn’t give up because, she’s got a baby to deliver.  Sometimes love doesn’t listen. Sometimes love doesn’t tolerate. Sometimes love doesn’t listen, Matthew 15:23. God loved this woman but, did not answer her. God does not talk to anyone when they are in unbelief. Matthew 15:25, we have to learn how to worship Him. Worship Him not to get healed, or to get a job, or to fix your marriage. Worship Him, because you love Him. Even after the Lord called the woman a dog, she still worshiped Him. God is trying to get her single focus. Not begging, crying, or hoping. God wanted the woman to have single focus faith that her child was not going to die. When people go to Jesus for help. Jesus changes them so that they can help themselves. Hebrews 11:6, pleasing God. Get into agreement with God, because He likes being in agreement with you. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. Dale shared a testimony of the faith he saw in two boys that had just gotten saved. That was more pleasing to him, then seeing Brother Copeland preach. Apostle Dale mentions about how he wears glasses and haven’t been healed because he has not focused it. If glasses had not been invented, he would then focus on being healed so that he didn’t have to wear glasses. Dale mentioned that he wears the glasses because, it is the easy way out. Mark 11:24.

Follow Your Heart, not Your Head

Sunday October 22, 2017

Apostle Dale Armstrong speaks out of Mark 11:23. Apostle Dale talked about an assignment the Lord gave us all to do. That assignment is to keep a journal to write the perceptions of our heart. The Lord wants us to monitor our heart and to become sensitive to the atmosphere. Apostle Dale continues to read out of Mark 11:23 and mentioned that we have to know the difference between heart faith and head faith. Your heart should always rule your head. Your head should never rule your heart. He read out of Romans 8Deuteronomy 23:1, God is showing us to obey the word of God. Apostle Dale gave examples of when he listened to what his heart was telling him in obedience to God and had all the equipment needed for what it was he had to accomplish that day. If he had not listened, the blessed opportunity would have been missed. If we learn to listen to our hearts, the blessings will over take us. Colossians 3:15 talks about being at peace. When you are not at peace that would be the time to talk about repentance, the love walk, or to give more. Apostle Dale mentions that you cannot not lose the peaceful state. He mentions to hold onto the peace of God. You want to have peace and monitor your spirit. Learn to discern what is taking place. Apostle Dale read from Romans 8:14, evidence of salvation is being led by the Spirit. He referenced Deuteronomy 28, if you follow the voice of the Lord He will bless you. Apostle Dale read from 1 Corinthians 14:2, the use of speaking in tongues. He mentioned that God speaks to man, man speaks to man, and man speaks to God. When you are praying in tongues don’t stop and ask for the interpretation, just push through and God will give you what you need. Listen to the peace. It can be a warning, it can be a red light, or it can be a green light. Things that were once difficult will be made easy. Be led by your heart.

Spirit Soul & Body

Sunday September 10, 2017

Apostle Dale Armstrong spoke out of 1 Thessalonians 5:23, the three elements are Spirit, soul, and body in that sequence. Apostle Dale mentioned that God is a spirit. Luke 1:46 was read from, worship starts in the Spirit and then it effects your soul. Galatians 4:4-6, Apostle Dale mentioned that crying is not weeping. God has a loud voice. We tend to say we are waiting for God to speak to us, but the question is are we always listening? Apostle Dale  mentioned that you cannot have crying without a loud voice, Romans 8:8. Apostle Dale mentioned that our body has its own voice. We don’t have to listen to that voice. The voice of our body is lust. We do not have a weight problem. It is a spiritual problem. It’s the product of you following and living by the Spirit. The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit. John 15:5, God needs us to get to the people. Deuteronomy 28:1, we shall learn to listen. Apostle Dale read out of 1 Kings 19 and talked about how every fresh revelation demands a  fresh consecration. He also reads from Galatians 5:14-16 and mentions that success is by avoiding disaster. He also referenced Psalms 121. Apostle Dale mentions that most people got a problem with denying the flesh. No matter how bad the devil messed you up, if you had accepted Jesus into your heart, you are still a child of God and He still speaks to you!

Aug 20

Sunday August 20, 2017

Apostle Dale Armstrong speaks out of Psalm 91 and talks about secrets, under valued or misunderstood. Apostle Dale shares a story about a gentleman who had been a billionaire who no education. He thought to himself that it was unbelievable and was not condescending the gentleman, but it was a reproach to himself of how low we aim. Apostle Dale also mentions about how little we believe of the things that are possible in our lives. Even when we hear testimonies of what God is doing in our lives. If we are not careful we turn people off. It’s almost too high, too far removed, or too incredible.God wants to bring us up and sometimes we have to go a little bit slowly. It ‘s the Sheppard’s job to not drive the sheep, but to go with the sheep. Apostle Dale encourages us that God wants to do great things in our lives. That what He had once done before He’ll do it again. Apostle Dale mentions the verse in Ephesians is what the Lord had dealt with him about. God’s power is exceedingly great, which Apostle Dale had translated that improperly. Exceedingly great meant to him very great. Although exceedingly means greater than the last time. It has to be something more profound than the last time. Apostle Dale continues to read out of Psalm 91 and mentions in verse one that the secret place is where we can live with God.

Apostle Dale shared a story about when he was working with an assistant who had been unsure of Apostle Dale and wondered how he accomplished things and pondered on what his secret was. The assistant had become very depressed in result of having fruitless meetings and had no clue as to what Apostle Dale was going to do. The assistant was clueless and was not in on the secret. Apostle Dale mentioned that when you are not in on the secret it becomes irritating. Apostle Dale had used a description of a mosquito worry and about how sometimes they can get through the net. He had dealt with that mosquito worry and had praised God. Apostle Dale asked the Lord, “What about that what are we going to do?” The Lord responded with, “Don’t you know there are always things that you don’t know”.

Apostle Dale had an encounter with a woman who was a widower of a very well known congressman. Him and his assistant went and had a meeting with this woman. By the end of the meeting everything they had needed accomplished got done. The assistant still unsure of what Apostle Dale does, continued to see more and more of how God moves. God wants you to prosper. As parents you want your children to prosper.

Looking at Matthew 6, Apostle Dale talks about the secrets of prosperity.  The first verse talks about taking heed, meaning to be warned or pay attention. You do not do things to be seen because you would loose your reward. Our Father wants to reward you. Give to get is life and there is always an exchange. Live in the secret place so that the blessing of God pours out on us to be able to give.

Apostle Dale talks about a pistol he owns and how valuable it is to him. It had belonged to his grandfather and to him that pistol is sentimental and has more value then a real pistol. Apostle Dale mentions that God wants to be the one to take care of us. He wants to be the author of our blessing.

Apostle Dale shares the story about a woman of God who had a message for him from the Lord. At that point and time he was being interviewed and was reporting news. The woman who had a message for Apostle Dale told him that the Lord said to stop being negative and that he needed to learn how to speak because he will be the senator someday. He had received the message and thanked the woman.

Apostle Dale goes on sharing about how people say that prosperity preachers are greedy. “How can you be greedy, if your goal is to give it away?” Apostle Dale mentioned that he wants to be the pipeline and that he wants to be the conduit of God’s blessing. He also mentions that the more that he gives away, the more he is blessed with. It becomes exceedingly great because God trust him and gives him more to bless with. Matthew 6:21, where your treasure is that is where your heart will be. Apostle Dale mentioned that he had learned from Oral Roberts that he could change the direction of his heart with his checkbook. He shared with the congregation that he did have a stinginess when he was a teenager and mentioned that it comes from having a view of limited resources. He learned from Roberts that you can break the nicotine or alcohol habit if you start penalizing yourself. Put back into the Kingdom of God. Eventually, your heart would begin to cry when you put money into good things that you would start to enjoy it. You start to put a constraint on your heart by the use of your money. The pleasures of life and the pleasures of sin that are pleasurable for a season are generally expensive. You can direct your own heart by putting the money of your life out there into the Kingdom of God. Apostle Dale talked about how not only ten percent of our finances belong to God that all of it belongs to God. God just wants us to sow ten percent of if back into the Kingdom and the other ninety percent for us to be responsible for. Our hearts are involved with the perception of money.
Luke 21. This will work as you walk along side with God when you go to pay off a car loan, a student loan, or a house. He uses marriage for example. When you get married everything expands. Instead of getting a nice sports car you invest into a van. A woman who’s husband died and she had no money. She was not defeated in life. The widow was not a loser. The woman gave everything. Your money is not your seed. It is your faith that is your seed. When you don’t put your faith in behind your giving, you really aren’t giving any seed at all.

Apostle Dale gave a testimony of when God told him and his wife that they were to move to Moscow at the Landmark in 2000. So he had to sell their house and it got sold. He thanked God for the profit of the house, but the Lord said that the hundred fold returned has everything to do with sowing and reaping, but the hundred fold returned has nothing to do with giving. The hundred fold is tied up in your forsaking where your heart goes. Apostle Dale read out of Mark 10. He was going to go speak and was told to just give the message and have and alter call. He was not there to cause any problems. At that service the Lord had Apostle Dale call a man forth for healing of his arm. God can protect you, but you cannot protect Him.

Learning the Fear of the Lord

Sunday May 7, 2017
Pastor Dale spoke on being able to be taught on how to fear the Lord. If one comes to having to make a decision on something to truly seek the Lord. If your spirit is uneasy about the situation to not act on making a decision until there is clarity. Pastor Dale also stressed the fact that when there is noise (fear, disobedience/sin, and so forth) it makes it difficult to hear that still small voice. To get into a place where you can be alone and just call out to the Lord. “When I don’t know what to do….I’ll lift my hands” was referenced because that is all we can do and He’ll direct us.
Psalm 34

Ephesians 5:17-21

Acts 5

Preparation to Do God’s Will

Sunday April 2, 2017

A word was given about God’s trust in Apostle Dale because of his obedience and the calling that He has placed in his heart. God is calling the church to go beyond where it is. God is calling the church to prayer and to lay a supernatural foundation. It is about God’s heart for souls and His kingdom. Pray. Intercede. God needs our intercession and obedience. Learn to know God’s Spirit. Jen Ropp shared a victory testimony of her son’s healing.Sermon: Preparations of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord (Proverbs 16:1). God has a preparation time in your life, which is like a pregnancy. Honor the prep time and where you are now in your life, and don’t get frustrated during it. Commit your works and ways to the Lord, and don’t plan God right out of your life. Enjoy your life where God has you. Commit your destiny to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. Then, your desires will pull you in a certain direction. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Nurture the God-dreams in you. If you don’t know God’s plan, you are in preparation. If you don’t have a job, spend 8 hours looking for one. Let go to get a hold of what is ahead for you. Ask the Lord: What do You want me to do? Learn what you need to go in the direction of your desires. Get busy where you are. Give. Pray. Do more. Desire puts you on a road that separates you from other things (the Hebrew meaning of Proverbs 18:1). Do not be afraid of your (good) desires, and one will lead to another one. God tells us to not be anxious, but to be filled with care for nothing, not careless, but carefree. Being carefree attracts others. Desires bring motivation. Worry is sin. Don’t fret, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests known to God (Philippians 4:6). Note: thanksgiving is important. A desire is a passion that you feel responsible for; it has made a claim on you. The result is that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Watch and follow God’s peace.

The Purpose of the Gifts of the Spirit

Sunday January 29, 2017

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-9. Paul must have thought that the gifts of the Spirit are important in that he wrote three chapters about them. He did not want the Body of Christ to be ignorant, lacking knowledge, of them but He wanted us to be informed to the point of operating in them. The dumb idols referred to in this passage are gods which do not speak. God speaks! The gifts of the Spirit are one way He manifests. The Holy Spirit will inspire you to speak. He is a now God. There are different ministries and gifts. Apostle Dale explained that Jesus is over the ministries (for example: prophet), and the Spirit is over the gifts (prophecy). The gifts are good. Respect all of the gifts of the Spirit. The gifts are not of flesh, talent, or experience but are of the Holy Spirit. Be more available to the Spirit. The gifts are given as He wills. Ask Him, “What do You want me to do?” The closer we are to Him, the more the gifts manifest. Apostle Dale told of a time he was not prepared to be going into a foreign country, so he did not have his passport with him. The Lord made him invisible when he went into and out of the country. The gospel serves His purpose. Years ago Apostle Dale’s mother’s back went out on her. She was healed when a Spirit-filled man ministered to her. She also was filled with the Spirit. If the gift of the Holy Spirit would not have manifested, she would not have been saved, healed, and filled, and all that Apostle Dale and CWI are doing would not have happened. One gift of the Spirit is still working in many people’s lives. If God asks you to do something, do it and expect a miracle.

Swift Kick and Taking Dominion

Sunday December 11, 2016

Sermon: Acts 12:6-10. Peter was in prison with not much hope. His hands were chained to two guards, and there were guards at the door. Like Jesus in the boat on the stormy sea, Peter was sleeping. An angel gave him a “swift kick,” telling him to arise quickly, and his chains fell off his hands. He told him to get dressed and to follow him. Peter did what he was told to do. When they got to the city gate, it opened for them, and the angel departed. God will not do for you what you can do for yourself. God will do what you cannot do. God did for Peter what Peter could not do, but Peter had to do what he could do. Sometimes we need a “swift kick.” Apostle Dale told of a salesman he discipled who was miraculously delivered from cocaine, but because he could not get delivered from cigarettes, he thought it was all a waste. Remember, your problems are not unique, and you are not special. We are all King’s kids. Understand Jesus more than your problems. Worship Him and not your problems. Do not worship your suffering. Bring your problems to Jesus, because He is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to handle. If the chains do not fall off, you can make it on your own. Baby chicks must peck through their egg shells in order to strengthen their neck muscles. Otherwise, they will die. You will come out better when you come through a struggle. God gives you to the problem to teach the problem. Are you bringing peace to the storm? You are a product of what you do when things happen to you. Change the environment and take dominion (Genesis 1:26). Be diligent. God never blesses lazy people. Be diligent. Prosperity is connected to diligence. There are things to be acted on today. The blessing is in Genesis 1:28. Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion. Say no to circumstances and weak areas. Take what belongs to you. Being a Christian means taking dominion, changing things, saying no, and taking a bold stand. Sometimes we just need a “swift kick.” Offering message: Be quick to obey a word from the Lord. It will quicken the reaping of what you sow. God wants to use what you have for His ministry. Simon Peter, in Luke 5:1-8, repented to Jesus when he saw the miracle He did when Peter obeyed, even though it would have been easy not to obey. Your efforts are not good enough. If God directs you to do something with your finances, obey.

The First Principle of Faith

Sunday September 11, 2016

Mark 11:12-24. Jesus spoke to the fig tree and cursed it loudly enough His disciples heard it. They remembered what He had said the next day, when Peter noticed it was dead from its roots. Many translations say that we are to have faith in God, but the correct translation is that we are to have the faith of God, or more exactly, faith the way God has faith. God created by speaking words. It was not faith in God that had to do with the fig tree miracle. It does not say, “Believe in God.” It was faith in what He said. Jesus immediately increased the level of what to believe for from a fig tree to a mountain. What are we to believe in? We are to believe that those things that we say shall come to pass. Jesus responded to the fig tree. We are to answer circumstances that “talk” to us by speaking and believing what we speak. Romans 4:16 and 17 are about calling the things that be not as though they were. It is NOT calling things that are as though they are not. That is denial, not faith. Jesus taught by: 1) the examples in His life, 2) examples from circumstances in parable form, and 3) by His teaching. Jesus’ examples are: 1) SPEAK TO THE PROBLEM, even small things. 2) HE SPOKE THE END RESULT, the desired outcome. 3) THE ANSWER BEGINS IN THE UNSEEN REALM, the spiritual realm. Go to the roots. The words that you speak and that you believe in, make things happen, good or bad. 4) NEGATIVE WORDS ARE A CURSE. We do not want to curse ourselves. You have to believe what you say, mean what you say, and say what you mean. Jesus took a circumstance to teach a parable. He went from a fig tree to a mountain. He wanted Peter to see how faith in your words can move mountains. We can apply this principle of faith to our desires. There are no limits to your faith. Use your faith for everything you desire. You can only receive from faith for those things you desire that are scriptural. What you say shall come to pass, the result being either life or death, because both are in the power of your tongue. You will eat the benefit of it. James three calls the tongue a rudder. 5) EXPAND YOUR FAITH TO THE MOUNTAINS. Seven lessons from Jesus’ teachings: 1) WHOSOEVER WILL SAY CAN USE FAITH. 2) SPEAK TO THE PROBLEM. Use your words. Speak to your wallet, or whatever is lacking. 3) SPEAK THE END RESULT. Do not speak denial, but affirm the Word of God so faith can come. Confession unto faith comes before confession of faith. 4) DO NOT WAVER. Stay the course, without doubting. Apostle Dale told of how he used his words when he was poisoned by a chef in Armenia. After being violently sick and getting a terrible rash, he spoke to his body. Shortly afterward he ministered to a Muslim man in Turkey who was burned with boiling water on his chest. Apostle Dale slapped the man so hard he fell to the floor. When he got up, he was totally healed, twelve Muslims were born again, and later Apostle Dale realized that the rash all over his body was gone! 5) BELIEVE IT IN YOUR HEART. Faith is not a product of intellect. Reasoning is not faith because reasoning is not in a person’s heart. It must be heart faith. 6) BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAY WILL COME TO PASS, AND YOU WILL HAVE THEM. 7) DESIRE. When Apostle Dale wrote down his answered prayers, he saw that the common denominator was desire. 8) Recognize that when you pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE IT NOW, AND YOU WILL HAVE IT. Apostle Dale told of being in bed with severe asthma. He realized that healed people do what healed people do, so he shuffled out of bed and decided to go for a run, since football season was coming. He quoted the Word, gained strength and breath, and ran for eight miles! [He had a word for Kyle.]

Trust and Desire

Sunday August 28, 2016

Psalm 1:2 tells of a person who delights in the law of the Lord. Look at the Word, and you will delight in it. If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). God gives you desires in your heart. Sometimes desire comes masked as anger at injustice. Anger at a situation is actually a desire for justice. The Lord told Apostle Dale, “I have called you to be Harry Hopkins.” Harry Hopkins saved western civilization and England by stopping Hitler. He was a failed social worker, went through a divorce, and was literally homeless when Roosevelt took him into the White House. Kennedy was ambassador to England and was trying to sabotage the communication between Churchill and Roosevelt, because he believed Hitler was going to win. Roosevelt became suspicious that he was not being told the truth, so he sent Harry Hopkins to Churchill and asked him to accommodate Harry. Harry responded to Roosevelt that Churchill had the situation handled and that we should fight this war and maintain a trusting relationship between Churchill and the United States. Harry had trust. The Lord said that Apostle Dale is Harry Hopkins. Do not ever underestimate what God will do in your life, the value of a child, or the investment of your time and tears. Have fun with God. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act to bring it to pass. Andrew Wommack came to their church in Corey, Pennsylvania in 1993. Andrew told Dale that he needs to dream bigger. Apostle Dale thought that what their church did by having Andrew there was big. Now, if he could change anything, he would dream bigger. When he was dreaming about playing football, it did not seem like a sacrifice to run his trap-line in heavy leather boots or to lift weights. He was obsessed with football and winning. It is not wrong to dream bigger. Of course, we are talking about righteous things. Dream bigger about your business, children, or vacation. The things that perk in you are there because God put them there. Many millionaires did wonderful things with their money. Do not be afraid to follow your dreams. When Proverbs 18:1 is translated rightly, desire is a positive thing. Desire allows you to make choices of priority so you end up with what you desire. Apostle Dale shared about his desire to play football and his focused work to fulfill that dream, even though he had obstacles. Desire takes over and will purify your intentions and priorities. Let God’s desires grow in you. You get rid of the impediments, and you find yourself with people of similar dreams and read books about your desire. Offering:  God is a giver. We give from a heart of love. Austin and Cathy Ginder shared about becoming involved in foster care – what it entails, why it is needed, how it works, and how you can help.


Sunday June 26, 2016

Text: Proverbs 4:1-13. Proverbs four tells us to not forget the Father’s words, which means to meditate on them. Wisdom is the principal thing. Get wisdom and in getting wisdom, get understanding. Receive wisdom and live long. Wisdom and knowledge are the stability. Satan tries to distract Christians. Do not let him distract you from what is important. What is the most important thing? The wisdom of God is the most important thing. It is our responsibility to get wisdom. Wisdom is not intelligence. We are not limited if we are not intelligent. Spirituality by wisdom is attainable. In all your wisdom, get understanding. When you do something in obedience you do not understand, understanding will come. Apostle Dale told of an older mentor who went through five beach-heads in World War II. As a new recruit, he was desperate and thought it was wisdom to watch and do what the man did who had already gone through a beach-head before. The man said, “Somebody’s gonna make it, and it’s gonna be me!” He went to the front of the boat and carried his knife when they hit the beach. Then he used the knife to cut off the backpack. Walk by God’s wisdom, not your own intelligence. Find wisdom from somebody who has been there. Build on the rock foundation (Matthew 7:24-29). Be like a wise man and follow what a wise man is doing. Following the Word of God, works. Hear and implement the Word, because that is wisdom. Act on God’s Word, and understanding will come. Pride of being right is pride in making others wrong. You can be right but not be wise. Wisdom is how you apply knowledge and make it effective. Whatever the cost- time, money, or whatever- get wisdom. There is a cost to wisdom. Wisdom is hard work. It is not intellectualism. Before wisdom comes desire (Proverbs 2:1). Wisdom is available to you if you desire it. Pray for wisdom. Copy Jesus.

Trust in the Lord, Lean Not on Your Own Ways, and Acknowledge Him

Sunday June 12, 2016

Text: Proverbs 3:4-10. When you give, let people know it is from God. Honor the Lord with what you have, not just with your salary. It does not matter how poor or rich you are. Tithe on what you have. Apostle Dale told about a pastor who tithed to Armada. Someone gave the pastor a check to pay off the church building. The Lord told Dale that the pastor was not going to tithe on the increase he had received. We are to tithe on all the increase. We are to trust in the Lord with all our heart (Proverbs 3:5). The problem is in any area where we are holding back and not letting go and letting God take it. We need to diagnose ourselves and our lives. Where am I holding back? First, we should get rid of the plank in our own eyes. Do not lean on your own understanding. Do not put any faith in your own perspectives. Find out how to get rid of things. Stop the “whys.” In everything you do, acknowledge God (Proverbs 3:6). Keep the connection of divine guidance. If you do not boldly tell the truth, you are denying the truth. (Dale told about a meeting with an important person. He did not care what the man thought of him, so he told him about the Lord, and the man shared that he understood because he had experienced God’s protection in an international connection.) God will direct your path when you acknowledge Him in all your ways. God has you on His path. (Dale told of an unusual experience on an elevator in Washington, D. C.) Get alone with God and say, “I quit.” Write down all the roles you have, and tell God that you will only pick up the ones He tells you to pick up. Write down what God has done in your life. Count your blessings. Name them. You will see how God has been working and how He gets us to the path we are on now. DO NOT BE WISE IN YOUR OWN EYES. Pride is worse than the devil. The more I acknowledge God, the freer I become. Jacob went to Laban and labored fourteen years for the wife he wanted. When he left with his posterity and prosperity, Jacob talked to Laban about his past, how he worked for all he had. He ended by saying to Laban, “and the Lord prospered me.” Whatever you do, acknowledge the Lord in it. Look for the Lord in everything you do. Fear the Lord in your business, relationships, and just walking down the street. (Dale shared how he asked the Lord to remove the people from in front of the monuments he wanted to photograph in Washington.) Acknowledge the Lord.