Text: James 4:1-2. Your first ministry is personally worshiping the Lord, and the second part of that is your personal prayer life. Prayer was meant for answers. If don’t we get what we pray for we need to check up on whether we asked and prayed, and whether we prayed amiss, praying with the wrong motive. Don’t take the world into your prayer closet, because God is against the spirit of the world and worldliness. Crises will make you pray negatively for needs because of bad circumstances, but positive needs will make us pray for things to change by changing ourselves. We pray to God in the name of Jesus, because we enter in by being in relationship with Him. If you don’t have joy, you don’t have a prayer life. John 16:23 and 24. Thank God for His blessings. Be specific in your prayers. Write them down. Joy is the result of a fruitful prayer life. Phil. 4:4-8 Rejoice, don’t be driven by lust, success, and how the world lives. Being prayerful and thankful brings God’s peace which guards your hearts and minds. Controlling your thoughts is being overwhelmed with the goodness of God.
Answered Prayer: Practical Aspects in the Life of a Believer
Wednesday April 28, 2010
Speaker: Dale Armstrong
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM