Matt. 5:6 says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed. John 6:35 tells us that Jesus is the bread of life and that when we come to Him shall never hunger. The first step is to come, to move for being blessed when the anointing is flowing in a service, and then step two- to believe in Jesus Christ that your spiritual thirst will be quenched. Don’t allow yourself to dry up. Gid and Rhonda share their testimony of the challenges and successes of dating and marriage. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, and the couple must leave their mothers and fathers. They encouraged the congregation with some insights: Eph. 4:32 be kind, tender-hearted, forgiving; be aware of outside influences that try to split a family, such as others’ demonic stronghold trying to come on you; cleanse your home; pray in the Spirit (Jude 20, 21); Eph. 6:12- our struggle is against principalities, not flesh and blood; don’t be afraid to ask for help with your marriage and family; stand together; husbands, know how to call your wife to life (spiritual and possibly physical life); and men, understand the authority that you walk in.
How Hungry Are You – Marriage
Desire to have God’s best. Our desire for God must be stronger than the pressures of the world. In Ps. 37:4 and 5 David wrote for us to delight in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts. We are to commit our way to Him, trust in Him, and God will bring it to pass. It takes both knowledge and desire. We are to be built up in our faith by praying in the Spirit and check our desires each day. We may not fit into the world’s mold; Jesus didn’t. Coming to church is not about the experience, but it’s about the heart for Jesus in worship. Don’t hold too tightly to the relationships in the CWI body, because we are a sending-out church. Ignite the fires and allow the Holy Spirit to fan the flames. Before anointing, there’s desire. Have a supernatural mindset that our desire for God will not be stopped by circumstances. Words were spoken over Gideon and Rhonda Lapp.