Keith and Mary gave a word to the congregation (hurricane). Pastor Dale told about what Keith had said earlier about a church that was preaching that there is no hell, and in that congregation of 5,000 people, only three people had a Bible. Don’t leave the Word of God. The Word records His nature, His character, and His will for our lives. His Rhema Word is where He takes the Word and breathes life in it and applies it to your situation. It’s what you read in the Word (Logos) and what you experience (Rhema). Get into the Word and the Spirit of God. God saves the best for last. Mary gave a word to Pastor Dale and Teri and the church here. We are called to a missionary work in which whole groups will go. Get up and take what you get here. Keith shared about the hunger to know God, even when he was attending a famous Jewish designer’s party. The anointing in you is always reaching out to others. There’s always someone wanting Jesus in a crowd. The anointing is so powerful because God loves people. We’re living in the days of manifestation, and God has saved the best for last. God wants to hear your heart. The key is repentance (Acts 3:19 and 20), and it’s not a negative word, but it is healthy and clean. We must be able to say, “I’m sorry. Forgive me.” Repentance is a huge part of salvation. Repentance causes change and removes sin. Learn to adapt. Repentance always brings time of refreshing, and it sends Jesus. Saying you’re sorry helps you become more tender. Keith and Mary prayed for and spoke over couples wanting to minister together prophetically. Keith encouraged the congregation that others are watching us, regardless of their outward attitude towards us. Seasoned people need to support today’s generation.
Repentance Couples Moving in the Prophetic
Yes, Lord
Matt. 9:27-29 is the account of Jesus’ healing two blind men. They cried out for mercy. He asked them if they thought He was able to heal them. They said, “Yes, Lord.” God will speak to you if you will open yourself up to Him and to His Word. His Word changes lives and is the mouth of God. Operate in mercy. God gave us mercy. God loves people. Cry out for mercy- mercy for you, your family, the government. There is a lot of unbelief in the church. Do you believe that God is able to … ? You need a “yes” in your health, finances, job. God is releasing a heavenly “yes”. Everything that has and will happen to us has already passed through the Father’s hand. Jesus said that it would be done to the blind men according to their faith, or according to their “yes”. Don’t whine. “Shut up, go to your room, get it together, and then talk to the Father.” Pray for a “yes” on the inside of you. You were born for greatness. God has a door open for you. [Keith prayed for and laid hands on people for healing and instructed them to ask God to tell them what they needed to change in their habits, their eating, etc. and then to do it.]
Prepare an Ark and Pray for Your Family
What is God saying for the church? He is releasing a fragrance on the church so that others will want to be around us, a fragrance of love for people. This year is the beginning of a new decade, which will be better than the last. This is an exciting time. If you are waiting for something in the future, you won’t be responsible for the present. God is waiting on us. He loves us and wants to show us the many facets of Himself. God is releasing revelation for you to come into the will of God for your money, your ministry, your family, etc. Heb. 11:7 Noah was divinely warned of things not seen and was moved with godly fear to prepare an ark for the saving of his household. God can speak to you in different ways, such as what’s on a piece of someone’s clothing or on a billboard. (Keith told about the words “Last Call” on a biker’s jacket.) God is going to raise us up to show how much He loves us, like a proud daddy with his baby. To save this generation, the ones who are speaking into their lives must change. There is a shift in the church. God wants to move us over into the unseen (eternal) realm. People are looking for the supernatural. God is working behind the scenes. Be glorious, not goofy. As Noah prepared an ark for the saving of his family, you need to pray for your family. Prepare an ark through mercy and love for them. God came to us with a hand, not a pointed finger. Love wins out. Parents, don’t ever close the door on your children. Rejoice and pray for your family. A righteous wife sanctifies the family. Keith also had words of encouragement for Pastor Vitali and Natasha and for The New Jerusalem.
The Seer Anointing
If you can be a worshiper, you can have anything. Worship is the language of all mankind and is collective expression in God’s direction. We are created to worship Him. Expression is uncontrollable love unrestrained. Learn to be a worshiper. This is the day of the Lord, not the day of the preacher. When you are a Christian, you are living in the kingdom, and there is no lack. You are a king living in the kingdom, and we are family. Depression lasts as long as you let it. The older people must stand as mothers and fathers for this generation. Prisons are full of men who didn’t have fathers. The young ones will have God’s ability. We are the light of the world. People want to know Jesus. Jesus went to where the sinners were. Be in this world, but don’t be of it. Let your light shine and get the heartbeat of this generation to be affective. People are crying out for the love of God. They want to worship and want to be loved, but they never heard the real Jesus. Keith told of being in Singapore and about people with tatooed and pierced bodies lying before God in an altar call. This generation will go out on the streets to minister. God said that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and that the sons and daughters would prophesy. The word for this generation is the revelation of seeing. Rev. 4:1 says that he (John) looked and a door opened in heaven, and God said He would show him things to come. God has the answer for every situation. Speak and send out the Word through your mouthpiece. God has a word for you for everything you’re going through, and everything has already gone through the Father’s hand. You’re in the hands of the God who stilled the waters. He’s setting up people to help you. He has everything under control. Enjoy Jesus. He loves you, and He’s a lot of fun. God can turn things around in 24 hours, like in the book of Samuel, when the Jews went from starvation and cannibalism to abundance in one day. God is doing things now. Turn your looking into SEEING. This is a SEEING generation with a seeing anointing. We need to see some things about our money, our relationships, our jobs, our ministries, our future, and about the Word of God. Many of Jesus’ followers were lookers, not seers. They didn’t see His face. See the lost through the eyes of Jesus. Keith tells about a beggar boy in Paris and how he ministered to him by the Spirit of God telling him to give him a new cup filled with Euros and to tell him that Jesus cares for him. The anointing and and love of Jesus in us reaches out to others. We need to know what and how to do things to be successful without wasting time and money. An anointing on the congregation’s eyes was released for each person to be a seer. This anointing is for others. We often ask, “Why can’t that person see what they’re doing?” People don’t want to think for themselves. The direction of this nation is to not think for themselves, but to just expect what they need. This night is the last night we will look. We are seers.
Love That Can Change Your Family
Keith Hudson shared his testimony of how a tongue-praying “seasoned” woman brought God’s presence of love to him when he was a hippie and how he was born-again and transformed. Your love for people will save them. Don’t close the door on your family. Pray for them. Forgive their sins and love them. Jesus saved us and forgave us in our sin. Keith and Mary ministered to the 17 to 25 year olds and to several individuals and couples.
Yes, Lord
Matt. 9:27-31 is the account of Jesus healing the blind men. When asked if they believed that He could heal them, they said, “Yes, Lord.” Saying yes causes things to move in your life. Your yes is actually faith. According to your faith (your yes), let it be done to you. The yes must be in your spirit and will get you through things. [God doesn’t go to the past to get your future. Forget the past.] Keith and Mary ministered prophetically to the church body and to individuals and couples in the congregation.
Our Mouths and Our Words
God has new things for us, so don’t get stuck in the old ones. Ezekiel 12:23, 25 says that the Lord speaks and that word will come to pass; He speaks and He will perform it. This is a time to declare and decree His word over people, places, and things. A decree is a decision. Keith encourages us to decree God’s word for whatever we are believing for. We are God’s mouthpiece. Is. 44:6, 7. Listen to what you are saying, and when you listen to what you are saying, ask yourself if you would be saying that. Get a prophetic word for yourself, your ministry, or whatever needs direction. Ps. 50:23 “… to him who orders his conversation aright, I will show the salvation of God.” Ask God to forgive you for your words, and then discipline your spirit man to line up your words with the Word (no negative speaking, complaining, and murmuring). Angels want to be involved with our words, but those words must be in agreement with God’s Word. Get rid of the cobwebs of sin – wrong speaking. Set things in order. Ask God for a word for what you need and make it a prophetic declaration. Keith and Mary ministered prophetically to the church body and to individuals and couples in the congregation.
Prophetic Conference Part 6
This is a new decade. It’s important how we start it. God is going to do surgery on our hearts. (Prov. 4:23) We need to allow God to take the anger, resentment, bitterness, and pride out of our hearts. Ezekiel 36:25, 26 tells us that God will cleanse us, give us a new heart and a new spirit. God is cleansing the pulpits and down through the pews. He and Mary ministered to individuals and couples and then the pastors and Keith and Mary laid hands on each person to receive a new heart- cleansed spiritually and healed in the physical.
Prophetic Conference Part 4
Keith Hudson tells the testimony of his salvation experience and how much God loves us. Get God connections in your life. Is. 48:6, 7 says that God has made us hear new things, even hidden things. Revival is now, waiting for you to move into it. What does it take to hear and see the new things? It takes God’s anointing. The congregation’s eyes and ears were anointed with oil to receive the seeing (and hearing) anointing.
Back To The Hand of God
Keith and Mary Hudson speak prophetically about the time we are in. God is sending His hand back to the church to deliver the church out of the hands of man and back to God. In I Chron. 21:13 King David said that he would rather fall into the hand of God than the hand of man. God is releasing a wholeness anointing. Put everything into the hand of God. Keith and Mary ministered prophetically to many people in the congregation.
Seeing Revelation
Keith and Mary Hudson are from Oceanside, California. They ministered the Word and the prophetic. They released an anointing for God to open our eyes so that we can see through the eyes of the Master. Instead of information, we are at a time when we need revelation, the seer anointing. An anointing was released for businesses and finances. Confirming prophetic words were given to many people of all ages in the congregation.