Ps. 119:130 tells you that God’s words give light and understanding to the simple. Do you love the light? Eph. 1:16-18 is a prayer for spiritual wisdom (pray … that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened). God is your Father, and Jesus has already paid the price so that you are redeemed and can access your Father’s throne room. God wants to flood the eyes of your heart with light. You have a certain time from now until you die or Jesus comes for His church, whichever comes first, to reach the unsaved people. Are your eyes set on Jesus? What do you pour your life into every day? You need to make the decision to not be deceived, and the biggest deception might be your thinking that you’re going the right way when you aren’t. Keep your eyes on God and Jesus. Fellowship with God. Make sure your thinking is in line with His. We are headed to a great awakening, and the whole body needs to be motion. John 12:46, 47 Jesus Christ came to save, not judge, the world, and so should you be doing. Are people not being reached because the church too busy? Another deception is taking the Word for granted. If you believe in Jesus, you shouldn’t be abiding in darkness ( not understanding and tapping into all the grace and truth of Jesus, not being filled with the Holy Spirit, and having your understanding clouded, etc.). You are to be world-changers. What have you done with Jesus? What are you doing with what He has given you? Light is revelation. You should walk in the light (I John 1:5). Ask people questions to get into a conversation about Jesus. Reach souls for Jesus. Who have you reached with the Gospel? REPENT. Ask forgiveness and turn away from the sin and the distractions, not to go back to them again.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM