Speaker ‘Bruce Ladebu’

Sunday January 28, 2018

Pastor Bruce Ladebu mention you have to experience your faith. There is some pain in the process. It is supernatural to love your enemies. We can be fear filled Christians  or faith filled Christians. Pastor Bruce read from James 1:2. If we understand the dynamics of God we can live extraordinary lives. We don’t want to be unstoppable. 2 Peter 3, desire brings pursuit and pursuit brings capture. Pastor Bruce talked about a person can choose to let pornography or whatever it is to get a hold a hold of them or they can choose to follow God. No one can fulfill your calling and destiny. Put feet to your faith, God responds.  You can pray for the poor but, until you get up and go feed them or clothed them we are not doing the action piece of things. We got to get to the point where our life is not our own.

Saturday January 27, 2018

Pastor Bruce Ladabu talked about how we need to see ourselves as the Lord sees us. Pastor Bruce read Luke 4:17 and John 14. We have small portions of the church doing what they are suppose to do. Pastor Ladabu read Ephesians 4. He mentioned that  a church that does not evangelize will fossilized, quoted by another author. We have to become the living church. Pastor Ladabu read from John 8:31. Abide means to live in permanently. Disciple is a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ. 1) You must believe in Jesus. 2) Live permanently in Jesus, abide in the word. 3) Become disciples.  We need to seek out someone to disciple us. Romans 12, present you bodies as a living sacrifice to God. You can’t connect with God unless you have a transformed mind. Pastor Bruce read from Matthew 8 and Matthew 9:27. Jesus wants you to dream so big. Get a vision. We haven’t stepped out. You are a champion of God. You have to understand that the power is within you, anyone filled with the Holy Spirit. Faith begins when the Will of God is found. Meditate and memorize the Word. It will begin to change you. Don’t look at your circumstances. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Pray and obey. Pastor Bruce mentioned that we are to know God, find freedom, and discover your purpose. God wants to make us into warriors. We all have stuff that may anchor us down. Our hearts desire should be that we want to cleanse ourselves of the junk. God wants to utilize us for His kingdom.

Faith Begins Where the Will of God is Known

Friday January 26, 2018

Pastor Bruce Ladebu read out of 2 Corinthians 11. We make Christianity so complicated. He talks about how we need to come to a place where we don’t doubt. We should never limit God. We need to get our faith out there and start expecting. God is taking anyone who is willing, teachable, and available. Pastor Bruce talked about a undeniable or unquenchable faith. We put God in a box when he is the God who created the Earth. Pastor Bruce mentioned that faith begins where the will of God is known. He mentions that we are the living book of Acts 29. He read out of Hebrews 11, faith is ownership. Diligence means that there is a lot of heart that goes into something. Pastor Bruce uses Pastor Sydney and Jen as an example. Pastor Sydney sought Jen out diligently. Pastor Bruce mentioned that we are at a time where we have to be established. Faith has action to it. The arc is a place of protection. When we start obeying God revival comes. Pastor Bruce read Hebrews 11:33, it was through faith. Faith is being fully convinced.

Storm Conquering Faith

Wednesday January 24, 2018

Pastor Bruce Ladebu read out of 2 Corinthians 11. We make Christianity so complicated. He talks about how we need to come to a place where we don’t doubt. We should never limit God. We need to get our faith out there and start expecting. God is taking anyone who is willing, teachable, and available. Pastor Bruce talked about a undeniable or unquenchable faith. We put God in a box when he is the God who created the Earth. Pastor Bruce mentioned that faith begins where the will of God is known. He mentions that we are the living book of Acts 29. He read out of Hebrews 11, faith is ownership. Diligence means that there is a lot of heart that goes into something. Pastor Bruce uses Pastor Sydney and Jen as an example. Pastor Sydney sought Jen out diligently. Pastor Bruce mentioned that we are at a time where we have to be established. Faith has action to it. The arc is a place of protection. When we start obeying God revival comes. Pastor Bruce read Hebrews 11:33, it was through faith. Faith is being fully convinced.


Sunday May 22, 2016

Apostle Bruce is an adventurer. He rescues children and adults from slavery. He is currently working on his own TV series and a documentary. Dead people and dead churches need revival in America. Charles Finney said that revival is a new beginning of obedience. He encouraged us to be like his one daughter who is instantly obedient. One act of obedience can change lives and nations. He shared about his obedience to give over his network to God. In seven days it took off like it had not before. He went to Liberia to help a tribe get out of poverty. He discovered that their land has gold and diamonds, which can be used to help them and to advance the kingdom of God. How often do we say “no” to God? He rescues kids in Kenya. It is all about obedience. Go to your neighbors. Give money to someone in need. Disobedience puts us behind where we should be. We need preachers who speak truth. One act of obedience can take you on a journey. Apostle Dale and Bruce went to Ukraine years ago when they did not know the language well, so they prayed for direction, because the only map they had was a prophecy map from Jack van Impe. As a result of that trip, Bruce became Gloria Copeland’s personal protection. Do not be afraid to be obedient. Bruce’s life was changed by a slave boy at a crusade where there were twenty-five thousand people coming to the Lord a day. Because he rescued that boy, he is today rescuing and helping hundreds of others, and Bruce stopped doing crusade and went into rescuing slaves. In 2 Corinthians, we read that we have treasures to be released and revealed. We need to embrace  the discomfort zone. God wants to speak through us. The act of obedience is to get the treasure out of us. God wants to use the treasure in you. Obey means to listen attentively and submit, to yield. Yield to God and listen attentively to Him. Do not substitute praying for obedience. The Bible is full of ways to obey, such as love your enemies, do good to those who use you, and bless those who curse you. Revival is renewed conviction of sin and repentance followed by an intense desire to live for God. We repeated a confession of faith.

Ministry of the Supernatural

Sunday May 22, 2016

Desire and expect the truth of God’s Word. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, that is worth selling everything else for (Matthew 13:44; Isaiah 55:1). Do not let go until you are satisfied. We want to be delivered. Bruce gave a word about CWI being like a fire truck slowly going up a hill. The fire truck represents a vehicle of rescue, which accelerates once it gets to the flat area. He saw CWI as having a ministry of rescue for this region. It is about salvation, demonstration, and orchestration. Throughout the service, Bruce operated in the prophetic and had words of encouragement and words of knowledge for people needing healing. God wants to demonstrate Himself.

We are living in Acts 29, the chapter that is still being written. Be obedient and listen. Do what He tells you to do. Take it out of the church [walls]. Ephesians 4 says that the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints to do the work and ministry. Everyone has a God-cause. The only way to do that is to be obedient. Grace and favor reign through righteousness (Romans 5:21). Stay in a place of God’s presence. Go treasure-hunting. Find people and release what God has for them. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word with boldness (Acts 4:29). Have the courage to step forth. A small group can do the work of ministry. All of us are joined and knit together, each one fulfilling his or her God-cause with humility, dying to self, and speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:11-16). God has a mission for you. He has miracles in your mouth and in your hands. Why don’t people operate in the supernatural and miraculous? Because they don’t! We are to go and lay hands on the sick. Get out beyond the comfort zone of the church. All things are possible to those who believe. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in you. Bruce told of a time he was ministering in Pakistan to twenty-five thousand people, and the prime minister’s brother was there. He spoke in boldness anyway and released God’s power. God can do miracles through you. Learn the Word. Faith begins where the will of God is known. What stops us? 1) Doubt and unbelief. 2) Tradition. 3) Hardness of heart. 4) Believing that the gifts and the Holy Spirit stopped working with the death of the last apostle (cessationism). 5) Lack of understanding of Biblical truth about healing and prosperity. 6) Undeveloped faith, little faith. 7) Experience or lack of experience. Do not build your belief by experience, but by the Word. The pathway to greater words and the miraculous is to believe in Him and the works that He did (John 14:12). The greatest issue is fear. If you have fear, you do not have love, because perfect love casts out fear. We have power, love, and a sound mind. It is lifestyle and power evangelism. Bruce shared his testimony of becoming angry and weary in ministry to a place where he was thinking carnally instead of blessing his enemies. In Matthew 14:13 the word “ask” means to put a demand on or to command. It is taking authority over the enemy. Religion is wimpy. Jesus gave us the keys and authority. We should be the most joyful people in the world. In His presence there is fullness of joy. We are examples of Jesus Christ. When we get words of knowledge, it is God talking to us. We have all the tools. The devil is under our feet (Ephesians 1:19-22). We are more than conquerors. That means that Jesus fought for us, and we get the prize. You will not be afraid if you are in the will of God. Find God’s will through prayer and the Word of God. There must be a rising up of end-time warriors, who will walk in God’s grace, mercy, and ability. What stops us is unforgiveness (Mark 11:25), the root of bitterness, compromise, and anger.

Walking Boldly in the Darkness

Sunday March 10, 2013

A young lady received salvation. Bruce explained CWI’s call. The apostle governs the Word, the prophet guides, the evangelist gathers souls, and the teacher grows the Word. The word for CWI is REVIVAL IS NOW! God is waiting on us. It will be a sustained move of God. Are we ready? We need to be a warrior church of love. Revival is a new beginning of obedience to God. Bruce told of staying with an African warrior who intimidated a lion. The warriors went into the darkness to go after lions. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that the devil walks about like a roaring lion. DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DEVIL, BUT GO INTO THE DARKNESS AND BRING PEOPLE OUT OF IT! We must rise up in fierceness and intimidate the enemy. The world needs us to be warriors. Step into your call. Do whatever you’re called to do. You carry the light that overcomes the darkness by walking as children of light (Eph. 5:8). Pray that our eyes and hearts are open to understand God. Be bold. Share the faith and don’t fear rejection. We must compel them to come in. Quit being judgmental and love people into the kingdom. Be filled with love and the power of God (2 Tim. 1:7). There was a time of ministry and impartation. (Bruce will be ministering the School of Miracles at CWI in early April.)

The Next Decade The Kingdom of God

Wednesday January 12, 2011

Bruce Ladebu gave a word to Jon Fike. Bruce talked about his work with the children (slaves) in Pakistan. Say yes and go into the glory and life zone. The church must act and take back the enemy’s territory. Change the world. Have you rescued someone from hell? The word that Bruce received for the next decade: 1) It will be a time of multi-generational teamwork. 2) It will be a time of wonder and amazement of the manifest power of God. 3) Unlikely characters will be raised up to reach cultures that have resisted Jesus Christ. 4) Persecution will increase but so will the church’s authority through love, grace, and mercy. The kingdom of God is about power to prosper, to rise out of your problems and to be joyful. It’s uncomfortable to expand the kingdom. Obey God. The power of God is available to every one of us. Dan. 11:32 The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. The church must become relevant. We need to change. The essentials of life in the natural have spiritual compatibilities: air (the Holy Spirit), water (baptism of change to His ways), food (the Word), shelter (covenant relationships), exercise (being a doer of the Word), and to excrete wastes (God’s refining fire). Are you willing to change? Give. Bruce ministers prophetically to several people in the congregation and then he, Bob and Sharon, Dale and Teri, and Gene Olon ministered to the people.

Prophetic Conference Part 2

Saturday January 9, 2010

Bruce Ladebu preaches on: “Are You Being Pulled Back and Forth?” Why would we settle for anything less than God? Bruce preaches on the stages of dynamic change (kingdom dynamics). CWI is to bring transformation regionally. There must be a desperation for God, His Presence, His touch. We are designed for the supernatural. He tells powerful experiences of the supernatural power of God at work. SEEK, LOOK, BE DESPERATE. Get out of your comfort zone. Desperation brings revelation. Revelation brings confrontation. Examples of men who faced confrontation are Joseph and David. Every time you get a revelation, you will get a confrontation, whether it is from Satan, the flesh, your mind, or other people. Obey and submit to God to get through confrontation and don’t allow fear to control you. Religion is getting comfortable, but we are to invade the darkness, which takes confrontation. When you are sent, there will be a test. We are tested by fire. Confrontation brings transformation, changing from the world’s way or our way to God’s way. The final stage is manifestation and restoration. We see a greater manifestation of God and can bring restoration to others. There were prophetic words and laying on of hands for people who wanted to be able to handle confrontation and be transformed by the power of God to fulfill their destiny. Offering Sermon: Amos 3:7 Prophecy indicates that God is moving. Just as in II Chron. 20:20 sometimes God will move in a unique way. Believe in God and in His prophets, in their prophetic office. Honor the anointing and the office of the prophet. We need prophecy to live. Whoever receives a prophet, receives a prophet’s reward. God warns by His prophets and by His Spirit. We need to be listening.

The Reality of Healing

Wednesday March 18, 2009

Pastor Bruce Ladebu preaches on healing, using an outline of scriptures for Healing School. Listen as he lays out God’s will to heal and Jesus? making it possible. He also ministered by laying on of hands and by ministering prophetically.

Hot, Hungry, Holy, Happy for the King

Sunday March 25, 2007

Bruce Ladabu compares our loss of heat as Christians to that in the natural on his arctic ski trip to the North Pole. He will inspire you as he compares conduction, convection, radiation, respiration, and perspiration in the natural to what can happen in our spiritual lives.