Apostle Bruce is an adventurer. He rescues children and adults from slavery. He is currently working on his own TV series and a documentary. Dead people and dead churches need revival in America. Charles Finney said that revival is a new beginning of obedience. He encouraged us to be like his one daughter who is instantly obedient. One act of obedience can change lives and nations. He shared about his obedience to give over his network to God. In seven days it took off like it had not before. He went to Liberia to help a tribe get out of poverty. He discovered that their land has gold and diamonds, which can be used to help them and to advance the kingdom of God. How often do we say “no” to God? He rescues kids in Kenya. It is all about obedience. Go to your neighbors. Give money to someone in need. Disobedience puts us behind where we should be. We need preachers who speak truth. One act of obedience can take you on a journey. Apostle Dale and Bruce went to Ukraine years ago when they did not know the language well, so they prayed for direction, because the only map they had was a prophecy map from Jack van Impe. As a result of that trip, Bruce became Gloria Copeland’s personal protection. Do not be afraid to be obedient. Bruce’s life was changed by a slave boy at a crusade where there were twenty-five thousand people coming to the Lord a day. Because he rescued that boy, he is today rescuing and helping hundreds of others, and Bruce stopped doing crusade and went into rescuing slaves. In 2 Corinthians, we read that we have treasures to be released and revealed. We need to embrace the discomfort zone. God wants to speak through us. The act of obedience is to get the treasure out of us. God wants to use the treasure in you. Obey means to listen attentively and submit, to yield. Yield to God and listen attentively to Him. Do not substitute praying for obedience. The Bible is full of ways to obey, such as love your enemies, do good to those who use you, and bless those who curse you. Revival is renewed conviction of sin and repentance followed by an intense desire to live for God. We repeated a confession of faith.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM