After a prophetic word and ministry time, Pastor Bob preached on James 5:13-20. He spoke prophetically about reaching back-slidden Christians, not letting the devil come into the church bringing schisms, offenses, and division, and having assignments to bring the gifts of the Spirit to others. To get there, prayer is needed to open the doors to push through the new thing. This prayer must be dynamic with a corporate anointing backing up the work and workers. We need to be persistent (Luke 18), stand when you have done all you can, ask for wisdom and apply it, and believe the Word and not our circumstances. The answer to prayer is linked to praise. James 1:2-7 tells us faith, patience, wisdom, and not doubting are keys to receiving from the Lord. The prayer of faith is always bold, confident, and has a peace that goes beyond understanding. Do not settle for anything from the devil, because it does not belong to you. Live in your covenant rights and fight. Faith always obtains the victory. There was also a time of praise and worship, prayer for Dr. Kandole and intercession for a young man in a coma.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM