Both John the Baptist and Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” A kingdom is a realm in which a king rules. The kingdom of heaven, also referred to as the kingdom of God, is God’s way of doing things. The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth waiting to perform God’s word, and then God spoke it into existence, and the Holy Spirit performed it. Jesus operated like God does and manifested God’s way of doing things. Adam and Eve lost the way to operate like God does, but then Jesus showed how the kingdom is to operate by speaking out God’s will and word. We should operate the same way. Read and meditate on Scriptures about the kingdom of heaven. You can apply the kingdom in your life by praying in the Spirit, being sensitive to Him, and spending time with Him. (We then prayed in the Spirit, asking Him how to specifically pray over our offering.)
The Kingdom Of God Part 5
Faith: Based On Your Relationship with the Father
What is faith? (Heb. 11:1, 2) It’s a consistent heartfelt conviction, a truth that you can’t be talked out of, even to the point of death. Although it’s based on knowledge, it’s more than that. There’s a caution: we can make “the Word” (written Word) to be an idol, if we replace it for God. You can have lots of knowledge of God and still not have faith in Him. The most important facet of faith is your personal intimate relationship with God, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. Mark 11:23 and 24 work when we are in relationship and fellowship with Jesus. You need both the knowledge of the Word and relationship with God. Know the Father; spend time with Him in prayer; pray in the Spirit; read the Bible; treat Him with respect; talk to Him and listen to Him. You receive based on your faith and on your relationship with Him.
Salvation is now and here. Jesus paid the price for our salvation. What does salvation mean? It means deliverance, victory, prosperity, rescue, and health. We can live this life walking in the freedom of good health- here and now. When someone comes against us, they are coming against God; we are one with God and Jesus. Acts 4:12 tells us that there is no other name whereby we can be saved, but the name of Jesus. The anointing does the work that God set out to do, and He needs us to lay our hands on people. We need more fellowship and time with God to know Him and His voice. We are Jesus’ body, and salvation is not just for us, but for us to extend to others.
Our Thought Life
Offering message: Matt. 6:22-31 Don’t worry. No one can serve two masters. Mammon is wealth or avarice. Keep your heart pure in your giving and remember the reason to give is love. Little faith is sowing to reap a harvest just for yourself. What you are believing for shouldn’t be what you need to live on but should leave plenty for you to give. Sermon message: Pastor Dwight expounds on six hindrances to healing and admonishes us to check these out in our lives: unbelief (Matt. 9:23, 24); lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)(Consider what you are doing that is making you sick.); wrong thinking (a mindset that keeps you from receiving from God); religious views (Job 1:21) (blaming God for what Satan does…); abandoning what you believe; and not walking in love.
Our Redeemer
Job 19:25 I know that my Redeemer lives. Dwight explains what a redeemer was in Bible times. Ruth had Boaz as her kinsman redeemer. Jesus is our Redeemer, and we are His bride. He redeemed us from sin, sickness, and disease. Choose to follow God 100%. Our Redeemer has given us everything, and He wants us to give Him everything. Have someone you can be open and honest with other than your spouse, who can let you know if you are in any deception. Watch what you speak; you live by the fruit of your mouth.
The Season for Jesus
Want to think outside the box? Listen as Pastor Dwight explains the role of God’s creation of man (Adam and Eve) with the birth of Jesus Christ. Texts: Gen. 1:26 ff; Matt. 1 and 2; Luke 1 and 2. God breathed life into Adam and gave him His glory and authority over the earth, but Adam didn’t stop Eve when she listened to the devil, nor did he take authority during the attack of the enemy, so the earth was turned over to Satan. Adam was created, but Jesus was the Son. What Adam lost, Jesus redeemed back to God by something greater than the Abrahamic covenant. Jesus ruled and reigned as a man on earth. He listened to God. [Whoever you listen to is your authority.] Jesus died as God on behalf of man, therefore solidifying His covenant with man. Jesus’ early life somewhat paralleled the Israelites- going to Egypt and coming back to take over the land. God’s will toward you is peaceful. God’s truth disciplines and teaches us. Jesus came to be our example. Don’t let Satan kill, steal, and destroy you. Rom. 5:1-4 tells us that we have been justified because Jesus came. We can glory in tribulation, because we are victorious. Offering message: Speak over the seed you give. Speak to your bank accounts, investments, etc., so your needs are met. Don’t negate your increase by speaking curses.
Thanksgiving, Abundance, and Worship
II. Cor. 9:9-12. Because of your thanksgiving, your abundance comes. Learn to be thankful. A want is a deficit, poverty, what is lacking. The key to your success is your thankfulness. God supplies the wants (the deficits), but the abundance comes through thanksgiving. Giving does provide a harvest, but seek God’s face, not His hand. Thanksgiving is an action. I Chron. 16:8-12 tells us how to give thanks to God: making known His deeds, singing to Him, worshiping Him, bringing an offering, seeking the Lord. In the Old Testament it means an extension of the hand, confession, giving an offering, worship, telling God of His goodness, affirmation of Him, confirming that He is in your heart, a declaration (the enemy is under my feet), an admission (I’m lost without You). Worship Him our of your heart in your own personal time and go deeper. Thanksgiving magnifies God (Ps. 69:30) and get us into the gates (Ps. 100:3, 4). Other Scriptures on thanksgiving: Ps. 95:1-3; II Sam. 22:50; Phil. 4:5-7; Ps. 103. We have so much to be thankful for. Be thankful.
Back to Basics
Offering Message: Luke 6:38. We give our tithe willingly. Giving is an opportunity. It is a seed. When a seed is planted, you wait for the final product. What you plant, God gives back multiplied. Giving is a choice, but the giving back to you is a sure thing. He packs in the blessings. We plant and tend our seed by believing that God will bring increase. We water it by speaking positively. We weed it by watching what comes out of our mouths. Speaking negatively is stomping on your young plants. Numbers 23:19 God doesn’t lie. He does what He says. Sermon Message: Texts: Gen. 1 and 2; Matt. 13:10, 11; Ps. 8:3-9; Rom. 8:19; Matt. 22:30. We were created to speak things into existence. We were created to take dominion over the earth, not over people. We were created in God’s image. We were created in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Dwight uses the analogy of an egg to describe God the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The shell is like the body of Jesus; the egg white is to be compared to the Holy Spirit; the yolk is compared to the Father. The whole egg is like God. We are a spirit, live in a body, and have a soul. The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth to create it. Jesus was the Word, and as the Word went forth, the Holy Spirit created and fulfilled what the Word said. The Holy Spirit hovers over our words to perform the words that we speak that are out of the Father. You cannot get to the Father without going through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and you can only go to the Holy Spirit through the broken body of Jesus. When you receive Jesus, the Holy Spirit will reveal the Father to you. We will judge the angels, so we are higher than angels. We have power in our words. We should have dominion over sin, sickness, and disease. God gave us dominion, so the earth is to be under our control. Adam was to till the garden, which he did by his words. He was to be fruitful and multiply and the Garden would have expanded. God breathed into Adam His Spirit, and God lives in us. The Garden was God’s plan for us. Adam was in control. The earth is waiting for the sons of God to be revealed, the revelation that we have control and dominion. The earth is waiting for us to say “no” to the things that are not from God. A kingdom is a place to rule. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, He took the purpose of the fig tree out of it. Our purpose is to take control and to spread the Gospel. Take dominion over your body. After God made Adam, He said that it was not good for man to be alone, so He took the female “side, half” (meaning of the word “rib”), and made a woman. That meant that neither the man nor the woman is complete without the other. Your mate completes you. Listen to what your spouse says. You become one flesh and complete each other. Whatever the husband and wife agree upon (two or three), God is there, and it is established. Adam was to operate as God did, by speaking to things (that was his toil) and by taking authority over every area of life.
A Different Look at the Christmas Story
Text: Matthew chapters 1 to 4. The foundation of the Christmas story is found in Genesis. God’s intention was that the Garden of Eden would be expanded. Man was part of God, but when Adam sinned, he was separated from God. Jesus Christ’s birth was God’s way of getting man back to Himself. As born-again children we now can have God in us through Jesus Christ, and when God looks at us, He sees Jesus. Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. The God part was when Christ went to the cross. Jesus had to be born of a virgin, so the bloodline would come through God. Jesus’ birth was the lowliest- a baby in a stable. Jesus studied the Word, even though He had a job as a carpenter. There were similarities of Jesus to Moses- babies being killed to stop the peoples’ redeemer, and there was a supernatural escape from Egypt. Like John the Baptist, we must decrease, so that Jesus can increase. Jesus needed to be water baptized, which Satan tries to stop. Satan also tried to steal the Word from Jesus when he tested Him (and he tests us these ways, too): he questions who we are, he plants doubt in God’s Word, and he offers us riches to sidetrack us. Speak the Word and get it into your heart and use the authority God has given you to rule and reign.
Benefits of Prayer
Dwight Miller expounds on fellowship with God as being the reason God created us. An important part of knowing Him is the benefit of being led by His Spirit. Dwight shares experiences in which he depended on God to show him wisdom and knowledge of what to do and where to go. We can know God’s voice and be led by Him. John 10 and 11 tell of how the people (under Satan’s power) wanted to stone Jesus and how He escaped. Then Satan tried to lure Jesus back to the same place by Lazarus’s death, but Jesus, knowing God, waited three days to go to Lazarus. He was led by the Spirit of God, wasn’t “trapped”, and raised a dead man to life for God’s glory! Rom. 5:1 tells us that if we have peace with God, our struggle is not with Him. Rom. 5:8 says that God loved us when we were sinners. We don’t have the wrath of God because we have relationship with Him. That relationship can cause us to be led through and around the struggles. Be determined to hear God’s voice!
Prayer Part 2
In Matt. 9:38 the word “pray” means “ask”. In Matt. 14:23 “pray” means to supplicate, worship, humble yourself before someone higher, to make a request. In Matt. 26: 53 it means to call near, invite, beseech, call for, desire. Prayer is communication with God. To please God we study the Scriptures to rightly divide the Word, and we use our faith. II Tim. 3:16 tells us that the Word can reprove and correct us. God created man for fellowship with Him on His level. Fellowship with Him helps us to get to know Him, and then we have a stronger anointing and more power. Can God trust you with His power? Are you a son of God? You are if you are being led by His Spirit. If you’re not in Christ Jesus, there is condemnation. Are you walking in the realm of the Spirit? God can’t have dominion of you if you’ve given yourself and your dominion and worship to someone or something else. You’ll have the results Jesus did when you spend time with Him. Get into the Word. Respond to others based on the Word, not on what the other person said or did. Be led by the Spirit. Pray. Fellowship with the Father on His level, not yours.
Prayer Part 1
Dwight Miller teaches on prayer. II Tim. tells us to study to show ourselves approved to God, rightly dividing the word of truth. Prayer is speaking- speaking to God, fellowshipping with Him. It is asking God to do something, a humble and sincere request to someone who can carry out the request. It’s inviting God near to you, where there’s power and “fire”. In the beginning Adam could speak things into existence, but that changed with the fall. The more we fellowship with God, the more He trusts us and gives to us, and then we can speak things into existence. SPEAK!
A Plan For Your Life
Dwight uses an egg as an analogy to the Trinity. He gives three ways to know if something is NOT from God: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. If God tests you, there will be an option in it, and He wants to see if you will be obedient. He never tempts you.