Both John the Baptist and Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” A kingdom is a realm in which a king rules. The kingdom of heaven, also referred to as the kingdom of God, is God’s way of doing things. The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth waiting to perform God’s word, and then God spoke it into existence, and the Holy Spirit performed it. Jesus operated like God does and manifested God’s way of doing things. Adam and Eve lost the way to operate like God does, but then Jesus showed how the kingdom is to operate by speaking out God’s will and word. We should operate the same way. Read and meditate on Scriptures about the kingdom of heaven. You can apply the kingdom in your life by praying in the Spirit, being sensitive to Him, and spending time with Him. (We then prayed in the Spirit, asking Him how to specifically pray over our offering.)
The Kingdom Of God Part 5
Wednesday January 9, 2013
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