Phil. 4:8 tells us to think on things of a good report. How do you become a person of good report? #1- Choose to see the good. Choose what to look at and think about, as well as what to remember and what to forget. It’s a matter of choice. #2- If there be any … Any is not a majority. Even in the midst of negatives, find the good. Zero in on the one small thing someone does right. Find out what you have and make that work for you. Look for people looking for solutions. Thank God for any good thing. #3- How you think determines how you feel, and then that creates a force field that attracts related thoughts. Habits determine your routine. Feelings follow your thoughts, so if you change your thinking, you can change your feelings. Positiveness attracts. You can make a difference in people’s lives by being positive. Look for the good in people. Be thankful. Being positive affects you physically. You live longer and affects your brain. Reinforce the positive things in yourself- e-mails, pictures, cards, etc. You reproduce what you are.
Becoming a Person of the Good Report
Success Seminar
Successful motivational speaker, Bob Harrison also known as “Dr. Increase”, shares practical advice for success. #1- Life is a collection of seasons. You must recognize the ending of one and move to the next one. Seasons may start or end very quickly. You will find out what your friends are really like when you see them in different seasons- success, failure, crisis, etc. Multiple seasons reveal others and yourself and how you handle situations. #2- Acknowledge and recognize that your steps are ordered by God, not just your plans. Put God in the beginning of your day. Even with systems and organization in your day, live your life ready to be interrupted. Those interruptions can be blessings and opportunities. Your life can be changed by one person you connect with. Anything and everything only works when it’s in the right environment. Ask yourself: “What is the best environment for this to function in?” Create the right environment by avoiding strife. #3- Knowledge is a powerful force. Knowledge can fill what experience you don’t have. Get more knowledge- general (college…) And specific knowledge in the area you need the increase. #4- Success is reaching the segments that reach the masses. Offer something no one else has and build on your uniqueness and strength. #5- Demonstrate, experience what you’re selling. Create motion in the direction you want things to go. Your customers need to experience what you’re selling. #6- Plant seed for the harvest you want when you don’t have the harvest. Give first when you’re not in a time of plenty. Poverty is the fear of not getting and is a lack of knowledge. Don’t let fear keep you from planting seed.
The Lord Will Increase You
Listen as Bob Harrison removes a barrier between you and increase. What is your mindset? Do you know that God wants to increase you? To drive out wrong thinking, you must put in right thinking. Bob challenges us to say Ps. 115:14 aloud 10 times a day for 40 days. What’s in you acts as a magnet to bring more of it to you.
Ways God Can Increase You
How is God going to give us increase so that we can live in the Promised Land that God wants you to live in? Listen as Bob Harrison give 5 powerful ways God can give you increase and increase you.
Avoid a Crash in a Bird Strike
Using information on the pilot and the plane of the US Air Flight 1549 “crash”, Bob Harrison (“Dr. Increase”) explains 10 strategies for success and increase for our lives.
Ready To Go To Another Level of Increase
Bob Harrison (“Dr. Increase”) speaks on going to a deeper depth through Determination, Education, Expectation, and Preparation. Doing the same thing over and over will not improve the results. You need to change something: the timing or the location.