Pastor Lavere Soper read from Acts 2:46, Matthew 10:7, Zechariah 8:23, Psalms 89:34, Jeremiah 33:25. Some people are not the living the covenant. They are living on God’s promise. Pastor Lavere also read out of 2 Kings 2:10, Mark 11:23, and Isaiah 55:3. Kingdom means the power of God.
The Power of Covenent vs The Power of Promises of God
Dying to Self to see Change
Pastor Lever Sopar reads out of Acts 13:41, Isaiah 43:18, and Mark 4:28. In Isaiah 43:19 the word spring forth means to sprout. Pastor Lever mentioned that our city, our nation, and our country is a post-Christian generation. We have to listen to what God wants and not to get into depression after hearing the statistics of people falling into post-Christian. We are in a place where we have to think about what we are going to do about our nation. Anything can happen anywhere if God’s people are willing to do what they are suppose to do. America is at such a crossroad right now. Revival will not be automatic as Christians we got to do something. Pastor Lever mentioned a couple of famous people that had took action in culminating moments. He mentioned Patrick Henry, Esther, Winston Churchill, and Nelson Mandela. They all had to give something up and suffered for what they believed in, dying to self in order to see change. What are you willing to die for? We are at a crossroad. It’s wake up time, it’s a serious time. Pastor Lever mentioned that two multiplied by seven is equivalent to fourteen is the formula for revival, 2 Chronicles 7:14.
There is an invisible line that we have to cross to get this nation turned around. We have to be able to make the right decisions and do what is necessary for revival. Break the barrier to cross the line. We are at war and if you don’t fight you’ll lose. If you don’t pay the price, defeat will cost much more than success. There must be change. We can’t live life as normal. When God says something do it. We need to move and not talk ourselves out of what God wants us to do. Abraham was willing to leave his home,country, family , and business.
Jesus said in the parable of the thorny soil that the cares of life, deceitfulness of the riches, the desire for other things, and the desires of life will choke the word and stop you from being productive. You need to ask yourself am I being choked, am I not producing, am I willing to weed my garden?
1. Deuteronomy 5, when the golden calf was made
2. Numbers 14, when the spies were sent into the promise land
3. Numbers 16, God was unhappy with the rebellion against the leadership
4. Numbers 16, Rebellion against God’s judgement
The word from the Lord to Moses was to get away from them and you can do something. He stood between the living and the dead to stop the plague. This is the hour where God wants to supernaturally move. If two or three are gathered in His name. The power is in our hands. It’s all for the taking. Luke 19, now is the time that God wants to visit you. Get in the spirit of prayer, we can bring revival to this nation. Are you ready for revival? Are you ready to pay the price?
Wrestling With God in Travail
LaVere reported on the increase of born again believers and churches around the world, especially in China. The vision for the end-time harvest has already started. In Matthew 21:28‘s parable of the two sons, one said he would not go, but he went, and the other one said he would go, but he did not. Which one are you? God wants to do in America what He is doing elsewhere. Mission work may look different. We must be awake in this harvest. Where is your focus, your drive? The widow in 1 Kings 17:9-16 was under the command of God to take care of the prophet, Elijah. He told her to take what looked like her last meal and to provide for him first. Her obedience and yielding to God’s command and will brought supernatural provision for her and her son for a long time. Do you know that you are under the command of God? He has a plan for your life. We are under God’s command. Satan tries to keep us from seeking God and to get us into fear. In Genesis 32:1, 2 An angel told Jacob what to do. He was under a command of God. When he heard that his avenging brother was coming toward him, he was afraid. Jacob wrestled with a man, who was God. God touched the socket of Jacob’s hip, and Jacob told God, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” God told him that his name was to be Israel instead of Jacob. Jacob prevailed, which means overwhelmed, such as when David cut off Goliath’s head. He said, “I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” How can man prevail over God and win? How can a man talk to God that way? Romans 15:4 says that the Scriptures were written for our learning, that through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope. The Word is our example, so we can understand our purposes (1 Corinthians 10:6). GOD HAS A PLAN FOR EACH ONE OF US (Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 2:8-10; Psalm 139:16). We have to find His plan for us and for the end-time harvest. If you are saved, you are called according to His purpose and grace (2 Timothy 1:9). If you are not called, you are not saved. There is a balance between God and man. Isaiah 45:9-12 says “Woe to him who strives with his Maker!” Does that statement conflict with what Jacob did with God? Jacob was striving, but in Isaiah 45:11 the Bible says, “Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.” One striving, as in verse 9, is against God and His will for your life; the other is striving with God to be able to fulfill His word to and will for you. We can strive with Him for the things He has already commanded us. God had made a covenant with Jacob where he had the vision (Genesis 32:1, 2). He won what God had already spoken. The Word is even above the name of Jesus. In John 1:1 all of God was involved in creation. The God of creation became man. Jesus was the Master of creation. He incarnated Himself in the Word. The Word is living. Jesus is the Word. You have a personal covenant with God. There is a difference between the promises and the covenants of God. God cannot prevail against the Word He has spoken. God has made a covenant with you. Find out God’s plan for your life. Meet and fellowship with Him in order to hear His voice. What He says will work. Do what the Father says and does. There is a corporate plan for the body of Christ. Ask, “What is God’s plan for the church and this community? What is God saying for us to do?” Seek God corporately. God will speak. Individuals, seek God with all your hearts, and find out what the covenant is. Nothing can stop God’s will when we line up with Him. You are not free to do what you want to do. You are not your own. You were bought by Jesus’ blood (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 1 Peter 1:18, 19). You will limp after God’s test for you to fulfill God’s plan. GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE. DO NOT MISS GOD!
What You Are Afraid of is Afraid of You or Your Crisis Is Afraid of You
What is the purpose of crisis? In Exodus 14 and 15 God used the Israelites as a trap to get Pharaoh, because he wanted to destroy Egypt. God does not always tell us what He is going to do and how it will turn out. Sometimes we think, “God, what are You doing?” The promises of God look like they are not working when things look hopeless. The children of God went out of Egypt and captivity with great boldness, but it turned to great panic in a short time. We can get into great fear and the strategies of the enemy, but we need to realize that God has a plan. God told them, “The enemy you see today, you will never see again.” The breath of God blew and separated the waters of the Red Sea. What is stopping you from entering the promises of God? God has a plan to destroy the enemy and to bring glory to Himself. We may get something from God, but then something else tries to stop it; it sees God and then becomes afraid (Psalm 77:1-20). We do not know God’s plan and how He will remove what is stopping us. The earth and the sea are alive. In Psalm 114:3 the sea saw it and fled and the Jordan River turned back. Satan is afraid of you. Psalm 85:13 says that righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway. Do not worry. Here comes God. Why do crises come? To destroy the enemy and to glorify God. Trust Him. There is always victory. The three Hebrews did not lose the victory when King Nebuchadnezzar threw them into the fire. We lose the victory when “we are marching to the fire”, and say, “It didn’t work!” God is willing to deliver us. Can you trust God in a crisis to do a miracle? Change can cause a crisis. In Mark 4 the disciples had a crisis when it looked like the boat they were on was going to sink. When a crisis comes, focus on the crisis controller (God), and your boat will not sink. Moses and Paul almost despaired, but when they refocused on God, He “resurrected” them (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). Trust in God. Every miracle was first a crisis. God wants to work a miracle in you. Say, “This is just a crisis, a miracle in the making.” Sometimes we have a crisis because of wrong decisions. Even so, every crisis can be a set-up for a miracle. DO NOT LET CRISES TALK TO YOU! Do not listen to the repetitious recording, but listen to God’s Word. God is faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). Jesus’ life sacrifice was the greatest change, and so is your salvation, healing, and deliverance.
The Miracle of Unity
The biggest miracle is unity in the Body of Christ. Revelation 22:7, 11, and 17 tell us that Jesus is returning and the time is near. Keep full of the Spirit of God. Great power is released when the church is in unity. Put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity (Colossians 3:12-14). It is possible for the church to be in unity, as Jesus prayed for it and gave His glory to us that we may be one (John 17:20-23). As God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, so we are to be one. When the world sees the church unified, they’ll see Jesus. Everything in the Christian faith is received by revelation. We can receive God’s glory. We can be in unity. Be determined to press into unity. Just like the different instruments in an orchestra are playing different parts, they are still making in unity creating music. Psalm 133:1-3 connects unity with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the commanded blessing. Be willing to forgive and show love, affection and mercy, taking on the form of a bondservant (Philippians 2:1-2).
True Faith False Faith
Satan takes a truth and very subtly turns it into a lie like he did with Adam and Eve. In 2 Cor. 11:3-4 Paul was concerned that the believers would put up with a different Jesus, gospel, and spirit. False faith can look like faith, but it doesn’t work like faith. There is an interaction between the power of the tongue, the unity of God, and true faith. Believing and speaking (2 Cor. 4:13) won’t work if your “faith” isn’t God’s faith or if God hasn’t spoken to the other person involved. It’s God’s faith operating in you. Mark 11:22-23 accurately translated means “Have God’s faith.” That means we possess God’s faith. If we have faith the size of a mountain, it won’t move a grain of sand, but if we have a mustard seed size of God’s faith, we can move a mountain. Listen as LaVere explains the Logos and Rhema (word). Rhema is the witness of the Spirit communicating to us (1 John 5:4-8). We have that witness if we believe in the Son of God. Just because it’s in the Word, doesn’t mean it’s God’s word to you. In God’s unity we can know what is God’s will. Just as He witnesses to us that we’re born again, He can witness to us about anything we can overcome. Jesus only did what He heard and saw His Father do. That’s what we need to do, too. Gene English shared concerning the offering. Chester Petersheim shared about the recent mission trip, changing the country of Honduras.
The Mortal Enemy and How to Overcome Him
The serpent, also known as the devil or Satan was present in the beginning (Gen. 2:24-25; 3:1). At the end of the Bible in Rev. 12:7-9 and Rev. 20:2-3 we are told about the serpent of old, the devil, Satan. Satan wants to take us out (1 Peter 5:8, 9). We are in a spiritual battle against him (Eph. 6:10-13). He is in the form of principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a demonic spirit called the Python Spirit that attacks ministries, churches, nations, leaders, and individuals (1 John 3:8). The symptoms of an attack by this spirit are: the church grows and then people start leaving; people start moving from church to church, not putting down roots; finances are attacked through strangulations or money schemes. A python kills by a slow process of constriction, wrapping itself around the person so the person can’t breathe. In Acts 16:16-18 it was seen as a spirit of divination. It produces false prophesies and tries to make a profit. In Acts 19:24-32 the Python Spirit brought confusion, wrath, and division as people feared financial loss. From the meanings of words and names in the Scriptures, LaVere explains how this spirit is identified when the ten spies brought back the negative report and unbelief, causing the people to be held back for forty years from going into the promised land (Num. 13); how it was behind Israel’s wanting a king to replace God and Saul’s torment (1 Sam. 12, 14, 15, 16; 1 Chron. 10:13-14), and why God sent the flood (Gen. 6:5-7). Right now our nation, churches, families, and finances are being attacked by this spirit. It has the power to take down nations. How do you attack the Python Spirit? The Blood of Jesus!! Use the blood and your authority over it.
The Salvation of the Soul
LaVere reviewed that creation was a two-step process, meaning existence was created by God’s spoken Word, and then came its formation. So also, faith is a two-step process. We sometimes have “viruses” in our lives. Our spirits do not sin after we are born-again, but our bodies and souls need salvation, too. The salvation of your soul is a life-long process and happens as the Word is rooted and grounded in you. Mark 7:20-23 and Gal. 5:19-21 name some of the “viruses” that affect us in our souls and defile us. We need to take care of these “viruses”. LaVere gives numerous names for the salvation of the soul, such as weeding the garden, being conformed to the image of Christ, circumcision of the heart, transformation of the mind, sanctification, reconstruction of the soul, etc. He shares many Scriptures that can help us in the process of the salvation of the soul. Allow God to save you completely.
Steps in the Supernatural
Deut. 1:2-3 tells us that it took the Israelites 40 years to take an 11 year journey. Is the fulfillment of what God has told you stretched out? Genesis reveals how God operates: He spoke and His words created (Gen. 1). In Gen. 2:7, 19 God formed man and animals. It was a two-step process: 1- creating by the spoken Word and 2- forming the final product. What God has spoken to you has already been created. Then we wait for the formation. Ps. 139:16; Eph. 1:4; Ps. 139:13; Jer. 1:5 tells us that God knew, saw, formed, and chose us before the foundation of the world and before our birth. How does faith work? It works the same way: God spoke and created, and God formed what He told us He would do and what He provided for. Faith has those two steps: God speaks and when we line up with Him, we see the fulfillment of what He said. So what hinders and delays that fulfillment? As we see in Abram’s life, there is required integrity and obedience. It took 24 years for the manifestation of the word of God to Abram and Sarai to come. In Gen. 17:1 God told Abram to walk before Him blameless. But Abram didn’t. In what ways? 1) Incomplete obedience (Gen. 12:1-2). 2) Lack of truth and integrity (in the way he gave his wife into other men’s harems. 3) His trying by the works of the flesh to form the promises of God (Gen. 16; he created an Ishmael. Ishmaels are created whenever we do things by the flesh instead of by the Holy Spirit. 4) Abram operated in unbelief (Gen. 17:4-18; he laughed when he was told that he would be the father of many nations- his name changed to Abraham). It wasn’t until God had Abraham circumcised in flesh and in his heart that the fulfillment of Isaac could come. Col. 2:11, 12; James 3:2-4; Rom. 4:19-21. It was during the 3 months after the circumcision and name change that Abraham was a man of unwavering faith. Allow God to deal with the issues in your life. What has God destined for you? Be obedient (immediately), be truthful and full of integrity, allow God to cut off the fleshly things, and operate in faith, not unbelief.
Two Roads – Natural or The Supernatural
In every decision in life, there will always be two roads from which you can choose. In this straightforward message with many Biblical examples, guest minister Lavere Soper from Scotland outlines how these choices – and their consequences – profoundly impact your life. Key Scripture: II Kings 6:8-17, Matt. 7-13-14, Hebrews 1:14
Sophisticated Captivity
The Israelites, especially those who were born in Babylonian captivity, did not want to go back to Israel, because they became comfortable and forgot that they were living in captivity. We, as Christians, get comfortable and forget that we have areas where we are still captives. Our captivity is in areas of doubt in God’s Word and in believing the lies of the enemy. For instance, we believe in healing, but are we sick? We believe in prosperity, but do we have enough? In what areas has Satan captured you? Just like Joseph, Queen Esther, Moses, and Jesus, turn the tables on the devil and capitalize on your captivity. Jesus led captivity captive. (Ps. 68:10-20) Be free by being a captive to Jesus Christ and continue in His Word. (John 8:31-36) Don’t be captive to the devil, but to Jesus.
Natural and Supernatural Roads
LaVere Soper of Tulsa and Scotland, preaches on not getting stuck in the natural, but seeking God. Sometimes we need to be taken “out of the village” (Mark 8:22 ff) to get away from the culture, family, religious customs that lock us into the natural. He shares about many people who experienced the supernatural in the Bible.
How to Abide in Him or Hear His Voice
Jesus had to grow in favor with God and men, and so did Samuel. We need to grow in favor with God. He loves us passionately, and we need to develop that intimacy with Him. Listen to learn how to be more intimate with your loving Heavenly Father by seeking Him early in the morning, daily.
The Reality of The New Creation
Armada guest speaker, Lavere Soper, clarifies who we are as born-again believers. We have the genetics and DNA of God and are a new species. Our old self dies, and we are baptized into death. We don’t try to change the “old man”, because he is dead. When our identity is mistaken, our mission is aborted. Focus on Jesus Christ.
Evangelism (Wake Up)
Lavere Soper from Scotland shares testimonies of healing. Rom. 11:22; Acts 20:27; Joel 3:1, 2, 10; Rom. 13:11; James 4:17. Evangelism affects every area of your life, including finances. The sleeping Church is in the wake up call of the end times. Make sure you’re not dead to Jesus. We are at a strategic time. Be an evangelist wherever you go.
Prophetic Time Table for Miracles, Signs And Wonders
God has known the end from the beginning of time. Jesus preached with the miraculous. Signs and wonders get peoples’ attention. Find out what will be happening in the end times.