Speaker ‘Bill Hake’

Monday June 21, 2021

Our goal is to make a difference. Everything you do should perceive of the revelation of who He is. Baptize is to immerse people. We need times of saturation. The abiding in Christ we become stronger.Don’t compromise what you believe.As long as there is an excuse nothing will change. Keep yourself in love. Having an expectation that Jesus will save people out of this.

Jude 1:21, vs. 11, 14     Matthew 28:19     Zachariah 10:1     Romans 12:1-2     Revelation 5:6

Bold As A Lion

Friday June 26, 2020

We are called to relationship with God first. Pastor Bill Hake read out of Eziekel 1:1, Proverbs 28:1, Acts 4:21-24, Psalms 2, and 2 Thessalonians 2. State the problem but, also state what the word of God says about the situation. If you could rise up like a lion. Pastor gave many testimonies on rising up.

Compassion And The Call

Thursday June 25, 2020

Learn to love warnings. There is a need and time for somebody to step up. Ezekiel 1:1-10, learn to say yes. Just keep doing what He gives you to do. We have to learn, listen, and obey. We want to identify with the Lord and flow with Him. 1 Peter 1:12 was referenced. He revealed the work of the Spirit of God. We need to be a people of the Word. We need to find His will. God calls us to the people. How you define success defines you. Compassion comes through with identification. Who has a heart for people?

Step Up

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Pastor Bill Hake spoke out of Isaiah 6:1-4, you got to be careful because pride will try to attach itself. 2 Chronicles 26,  it’s dangerous to cross over another man or woman’s anointing or ministry is a very dangerous thing to do. There is a need for stepping up. Sometimes we need our wings clipped. James 4:10, step up on the perch. Some  people make cages because of being hurt. Thoughts like that creates a prison. People get used to living like that. Don’t allow comfort to become a cage for you. You  need to step up.

Revelation -Basis Of The Call

Tuesday June 23, 2020

Pastor Bill Hake read from 1 Corinthians 1:9, to completely give ourselves to to Him. As you get older you are learning and maturing that you do contribute. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to serve the the Lord. people were not my problem it’s that I need Jesus. You don’t shop for your mate. You let let God bring who He wants for you. Pastor Bill read out of Galatians 1:11-13 and Romans 10:2. Anything rooted in pride will end up in destruction. We live, move, and act out of the revelation given to us. We should not compare ourselves. Psalms 22, what would you have me to do? You ought to find out what God is saying. He develops you. See the simplicity in what God is doing first. Even He will add to it. Acts 2:17, the basis of your faith. We need to have our eyes opened to see what He is doing. To know, see, and hear what God is saying. Learn to listen to the heart of your brother.  Pastor Bill read from Acts 26:16.

The Threefold Call Of God

Monday June 22, 2020

The call is to the heart and the grace is to fulfill the call. You need to know what you are called to do. God will give you the tools. You need to be stronger then before. Expect for more to be revealed to you. There are times somebody has to step up. Hope is an expectation of of His calling. Three fold call of of God. 1 Corinthians 1:1-2, you cannot find your identity in what you do. We are identified with with Jesus Christ. to know Him is to know know His church. we are call first of a relationship. a gift can take you where character can’t keep you. We seek a relationship with with Him. If you love love Me be be My sheep. Time with with God, time with your family, and time with your family. The only way not to fall is spending time with with Jesus. Romans 12:1-2, concecrate because of who who He is. Hebrews 12:4-5, keep looking to the things ahead. We  are called to sanctification. sometimes the young man just wants to jump to the work. We have to grow in our maturity. Keep your heart and motive pure with looking to to Jesus. Jeremiah 9 and 2 Corinthians 12:1 was read from.  Respect is not given it is earned.

Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 2

Tuesday June 18, 2019

Pastor Bill Hake read out of Revelations 3:7. When God opens a door, nothing can come against what He is doing. We can’t be ignorant of what the enemy is doing but, we need to be focused on what the Lord is doing. Lot of people obsess about money. If you don’t overcome whatever the devil is telling you. Than you can’t be completely trusted. We have to be over comers. The punishment for murder is death. Don’t curse your country. Strong delusion that has come over the people in the earth today is the delusion that they have to trust in man and not in God. It’s the mark of the beast. To do ministry and not have a heart for the people is a curse. It has to be in you, the love of God needs to be there in order to be able to minister to the people. Pastor Hake referenced 1 Corinthians 12. When God writes something on your heart, offense cannot take you out of it. We need to realize that hearing from God is essential. Living in obedience is not popular with people. In our nation people are getting drunk in building their dreams and leisure living. People are too busy with their fun and games. It is not for you to come up with a vision or dream.

Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 1

Tuesday June 18, 2019

Pastor Bill Hake mentioned that there is a concept of rain and growth. There is saturation and showers.There are times for showers and there are times for. Farmers are more important than your picnic. Daily you should have showers of the Lord. You are not made for the Sabbath, it was made for you. There are times of saturation when having meetings like the Armada. Expect to be saturated and to be filled. Pastor Bill read out of Revelation 1:8. You will train people to works is by focusing more on what to do. Instead we should focus on Him to bring forth the will of the Lord. We can’t live in the past but, we can learn from it. God wants us to live by faith moment by moment. It’s like going hiking, your focus needs to be on the next step. God shows us some things of the future because we need to know it. Everything in the past must to be reconciled with the truth. You have to understand the beginning and the end.  Don’t look for the dramatic, you may miss God. Philippians 1, it is not wise to fight against God. We need to understand and know the plan of God everyday of our lives. We need to learn to live for God. Live for eternity. It doesn’t matter what I want, what I like, or what I think. Satin would try to bring false prophets.Whatever the enemy is doing God has something greater and we need to be part of the solution. God’s light will appear brighter in the mist of darkness. In the mist of the evil His light shines brighter. People do not have a sense of the beginning and and the end. Real fellowship in sharing what Jesus is doing. Many people get seduced away. God does not want confusion. To understand what is you have to understand what the Lord has set in motion. God takes the imperfect and begin to work or form it. You cannot eliminate foundation, you have to build on it. Foundations are laid, there is a foundation laid for Armada. Satan set things into motion, the Lord set things into motion. Mark 1:1, the Gospel had a beginning. 1 John 2:7, we have to understand what Jesus set into motion. Pastor Bill referenced Hebrews 6:1. Perversion of grace, people don’t repent anymore. You have to learn how love conviction but, not just conviction of sin. A command of love will keep you from being deceived. Knowing that beginning, can God do it again? Yes He can do it again.


Friday June 20, 2014

(Please listen for much more detail.) Nehemiah was an example of an intercessor. He had great identification and compassion for the Jews who had gone back to Jerusalem after captivity. His identification and compassion for the people caused him to weep, intercede, fast, and pray for them. He acknowledged God and His promises, stated the problem, and then prayed the solution. After a period of three months he went into action. As the king’s cupbearer, he could speak to the king. He appeared in service to the king with a sad face, which could have cost him his life, but because prayer preceded him and the hand of God was on him, the king granted him favor.

To intercede means to go to a higher authority on behalf of someone else. We can do that through prayer, but intercession is more than prayer. Jesus intercedes for us. He is not praying for you, but as our High Priest, He represents your prayers before the throne. Jesus receives them and then presents them to the Father. Identification is the key to intercession. When you identify with someone, you’re concerned about them, and the best thing you can do is pray for that person. Compassion is responding from your heart as you respond to another in need and affliction. Identification leads to compassion which leads to intercession and action to benefit the other person. Identify with the sins of the people and take responsibility for them. Compassion carries a weight (burden) to it. It causes you to take action by stirring your heart. Phase two of intercession is to do something to be part of the solution. Take responsibility in your heart. You may have to carry something for a time until the delivery time. You cannot have any sin in your life. Jesus identified with us and our sin as He took it upon Himself and became our intercessor. Intercession is identification with compassion, which will drive you to action.


Thursday June 19, 2014

Moses was on the mountain with God, and Aaron listened to the desires of the people for a god (Exodus 32:1-35; 33:1). The pastor must have the authority. God speaks to the man in authority. Moses had to intercede, because he was more concerned about God being glorified than about himself. As an intercessor, sometimes it’s better not to know too much. A real leader takes responsibility for his actions and gives his life. Don’t respond out of emotion to other people’s sins. When we are challenged by people’s sin, keep your eyes on Jesus, and don’t be moved by emotion. You need to hear from the Lord. God deals with humanity because of covenant. You can’t trust in your own abilities. Exodus 33:14 says that God’s presence would go with Moses and the Israelites. Keep yourself in love toward the people you’re ministering to. All you need is faith in God. Keep a heart of love. The greater the work, the greater the revelation you need. To go to the next level, you must die to the things of the flesh. It’s an opportunity for God to show what He can do. Show me Your glory. If you lead people, you’ll need His revelation and help. We need His help to see them like He sees them. You need a revelation of God and His love.


Wednesday June 18, 2014

God shows us the future and gives us vision, but we are to focus on what’s now, not the past or the future. You can read the Bible, looking for the character of God or you can look for the power of God. Matthew 25:1-13 is about the wise and foolish virgins. What’s the message? #1 Be ready. #2 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (the oil). Allow the Lord to interrupt you, allow time for compassion, be balanced in flexibility and structure, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss opportunities (Luke 9:51-62). Encourage yourself and minister to the Lord when you get tired. Feed the hungry, not wasting your time on those who won’t receive you and the message. Don’t worry about who is not here. Watch out for people who talk a lot about themselves. Know what can wait and what can’t. You may only have a moment to do and to go. Don’t compare yourself with others. Stay full. Be patient. What you need in order to go, He provides. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest (Luke 10:1-2). Obey God and do your part.


Tuesday June 17, 2014

Cyrus was commissioned to build the house of God (Ezra 1:1-5). Jeremiah prophesied that the Israelites would be in captivity for 70 years. You may never see what you are praying for. Raise someone else up who will fulfill what the Lord spoke to you. Believe that God will stir up the heart of a heathen king today. Go or help someone else to go. It doesn’t have to be far away. We need God to stir up people to go and to give (Ezra 1). In Ezra 2 and 3, the controlling-spirited crowd discouraged the people who were to rebuild. In Ezra chapter 5, Haggai and Zechariah prophesied to strengthen the rebuilders, and Zerubbabel and Jeshua began to rebuild. Ministry is work. We do it, not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Purpose to be a finisher. Don’t do things by comparison, but do what God tells you to do. There may be mountains standing in your way (Zechariah 4:7). Speak to them.

Jesus, Anchor of Your Soul

Sunday April 29, 2012

Text: Phil. 1:27-2:2. We should be working together in one hope toward the work of the Gospel. Focus on the good of who others are or could be. We will have to suffer for the Gospel. There is consolation in Jesus Christ: Jesus guarantees and represents you. (Heb. 6:13-20). Satan tries to separate and divide the body (CWI). Jesus is our anchor. We must pray for Pastor Dale and Teri and for the leadership, because they are targets for division. Heresy is pushing your opinion and wanting to promote yourself. We need the anchor of Jesus so that we are not swept away by the current of life and the spirit of the world. Jesus relates to us through His covenant, which in non-negotiable. Jesus is our hope, and He reveals His love to us. Love Him and keep your eyes fixed on Him. Satan causes people to doubt leadership and the authority of God (Matt. 4:3-4), and appeals to us on the basis of our needs, but stay anchored and live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Let go of the past by dealing with it; forgive; forget your successes; keep moving forward (Phil. 3:13-14). Success is obedience. There was a communion service at the end of the sermon.

Overcoming Temptation

Wednesday July 7, 2010

I Cor. 10:11-13 and I Peter 5:8. Temptation is anything that lures you away from God, and sin is when you agree with the temptation and act on it. Satan cannot “mess” with you, unless you’ve opened the door to him. Demons have the right to be on the earth, but they shouldn’t be at work in you. Learn from your past and be reconciled by the truth- how does that experience in the past relate to the truth? Judge yourself in light of the Word and the truth. The devil will tempt you relative to your need, but there is always a victory over the temptation. Call sin what it is- sin, realize and accept that Jesus is the only answer, and accept responsibility for your sin. Do not reconcile doctrine according to experience, but according to the truth. In Luke 4 Jesus was tempted by Satan, but He overcame. Deal with temptation wholeheartedly. Satan brings doubt and a temptation relative to a need that you have, but if you are looking to God for every need and speaking the Word and have no open doors to the devil, you can have victory. What are the principles for keeping the door shut? 1) Live by the Word and ask yourself what does God say? 2) Worship and serve the Lord only. You’ll be a servant of whomever is your source. 3) Do NOT tempt God by doing something to try to get God to respond to you. That’s pride. God does something first, and then we respond to Him. Our lives must be submitted to God. Do not try to prove yourself. Pastor Bill shared about dealing with a man with a demon and how the victory came to the man, because Pastor Bill spoke the Word of God in love.

Prayer Intercession

Wednesday May 12, 2010

I Tim. 2:1. Because of Paul’s charge to Timothy, he told him that the first thing he should do is pray. Prayer doesn’t change things. God changes things. God doesn’t hear many prayers because they are prayed to false gods or prayed without faith. Prayer releases the Holy Spirit to work. Jesus represents your prayer before the Father, and there’s your confidence. He is your intercessor. To intercede means to go before a higher authority on behalf of someone else, like an attorney represents a person and goes to the judge and court for him. Ps. 103:20 tells us that the angels listen to the voice of His Word. When we speak God’s Word, the angels hear us. We need to respond to God’s promptings for prayer, because someone’s life might be at risk. Pastor Bill shares an experience of that when he was in Calli, Colombia. Nehemiah made intercession for Israel and Jerusalem, and God prompted an ungodly king to provide for restoration to the wall. Pray for your government leaders. Even if they are ungodly, God can use them. The key to intercession is identification with the people or city you are to pray for. Identification will cause compassion, and compassion will drive you to action, the action of praying. The love of God in you carries power for you to minister- in missions and personally. Does God have any room to move in your life? Identification with people brings compassion, and identification with God brings faith. Heb. 2:17 and 18 and Heb. 4:15 tell us that God is our Father and Jesus is our High Priest, who was tested and tempted, yet without sin. He understands us. He has compassion and is faithful. Identify with your church and pray for it.

Prayer- Intercession

Wednesday May 12, 2010
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I Tim. 2:1. Because of Paul’s charge to Timothy, he told him that the first thing he should do is pray. Prayer doesn’t change things. God changes things. God doesn’t hear many prayers because they are prayed to false gods or prayed without faith. Prayer releases the Holy Spirit to work. Jesus represents your prayer before the Father, and there’s your confidence. He is your intercessor. To intercede means to go before a higher authority on behalf of someone else, like an attorney represents a person and goes to the judge and court for him. Ps. 103:20 tells us that the angels listen to the voice of His Word. When we speak God’s Word, the angels hear us. We need to respond to God’s promptings for prayer, because someone’s life might be at risk. Pastor Bill shares an experience of that when he was in Calli, Colombia. Nehemiah made intercession for Israel and Jerusalem, and God prompted an ungodly king to provide for restoration to the wall. Pray for your government leaders. Even if they are ungodly, God can use them. The key to intercession is identification with the people or city you are to pray for. Identification will cause compassion, and compassion will drive you to action, the action of praying. The love of God in you carries power for you to minister- in missions and personally. Does God have any room to move in your life? Identification with people brings compassion, and identification with God brings faith. Heb. 2:17 and 18 and Heb. 4:15 tell us that God is our Father and Jesus is our High Priest, who was tested and tempted, yet without sin. He understands us. He has compassion and is faithful. Identify with your church and pray for it.

Steadfast Heart

Sunday January 6, 2008

Doing the work of God means being consumed by His will and keeping your eyes on Jesus. Find out what these two things mean and what the result is (I Cor. 15:57, 58).


Sunday July 2, 2006

Pastor Bill Hake from Abundant Life Church in York, PA preaches from Ps. 26 about integrity, the integrity of a person that reflects that they live by what they say and believe. When we live a life of integrity, we welcome the scrutiny and examination of our heart by other people and God. How do we live our lives? Who are our friends? Do you know your relationships are assigned to you to do the Father’s will? We need to be faithful and live a life of integrity that glorifies God.