Romans 8:29 says that God foreknew and predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son. Ron tells of his life, which started out by his mother being raped followed by his being greatly harmed by a botched delivery. God’s plan for Ron was for him to live miraculously. Don’t settle for a healing when you can get a new body part from God. In order to receive, you must have God’s image of yourself. Religion tells you to stop sinning. Instead of trying not to do something you shouldn’t be doing, do what you should be doing, and you won’t do the “don’t”. When God tells you to do something, His grace is there. Step into the ability to do what you are to do. Instead of trying to put off something, put on health and freedom from pain. Do the “do”, and you can resist the “don’t”. If you have bad habits, take on new good habits. Get God’s image of you. Joshua 1:8 tells you to put the Word in your mouth, and when you speak it aloud, your inner and outer ear hear it. Speak the Word until you get the revelation of it, and it becomes a reality. Your focus and image must be God. Take a step of obedience, even when you don’t have all the details. When you speak in tongues, you speak the will of God, and you can get God’s plans and the words to speak out. Tongues can prophesy your future in God into existence. Establish a perfect image in God’s eyes of what it means to be in divine health. God is higher than you, and He will not come down to your level but will help you to come up higher. He sends the Holy Spirit to get the Word to you, so that you can get His thoughts and ways. Sow seeds into yourself by speaking out the Word. When you practice reading the Bible, speaking the Word, and praying in tongues, then you can react in God’s way.
Don’t Settle for Less Than God’s Best
Divine Health From the Word in Your Heart
Text: Jeremiah 1:4-5. The spiritual womb and belly are part of your heart, the part of your heart which is the part of your soul that believes God. Your born-again spirit man always agrees with God, but your soul (heart) needs work. You can doubt in your heart, but not your spirit. So how do you get doubt out and faith into your heart? You sow the seed (the Word) into your heart. The Word you sow into yourself creates healing and divine health. We know that as soon as the seed is sown, Satan comes to steal it. (Mark 4:13-15) There is a healing flow, and if we are off even a little bit from where that flow is, we need to make a little adjustment to get into that flow. What comes out of your mouth is important. (Proverbs 18:19-20) The condition of your heart makes a difference, too. If the Word (the seed) is planted in your heart, the Holy Spirit can bring it back to your remembrance. Words create an image. In your heart you must see yourself walking in divine health (prosperity) and get rid of the wrong image. Watch what comes out of your mouth and guard whom you fellowship with and what is spoken into you. Anti-faith is faith that works against your faith in God’s Word. (Matthew 10) You may need to “fast” certain people who steal the Word from you. (2 Timothy 2:15-20) Know the truth and make it yours. Being renewed takes place in the mind of your being. Allow God to enlighten any darkness in your life. (Psalm 18:28) Truth can see into your heart. You get the seed in your inward parts by speaking it and edifying yourself. It takes effort to get God’s Word into you, but that’s how to live in divine health. (Other Scriptures: Psalm 22:9-10; Job 3:11; Genesis 6:5; Matthew 15 and 16; Proverbs 20:27; Psalm 51:6; Proverbs 4:20-24)
How to Walk and Stay in Healing
Using Mark 5:21-42, Ron Bruce clearly elaborates on how two people, Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood, were healed. Jairus’ faith was tested when Jesus’ healing power was drawn out by the woman needing healing and again when he received the word that his daughter was already dead. The woman received an instant miracle. Jairus had to keep believing, even when the facts did not affirm his believing. He trusted in Jesus, who is the Word. He kept quiet and let the Word, Jesus, do the speaking. We must come to the Word, Jesus, bow down to Him, seek the Word diligently, keep in faith, believing and speaking the truth regardless of the facts, and rejoice and be thankful for our healing, even if the physical facts do not agree.
The 2nd Alter
Do you know what “will go in and out” means in John 10:9 and Hebrews 10:16-19? Listen as Rev. Ron Bruce powerfully and carefully explains how we go into God’s presence with the blood of Jesus in worship, just like the shadow of the Old Covenant Israelite priests who went in with the blood of animals, and how we go out to serve others. We stink, like the dead body of the sacrificed animal, if we don?t go out.