Pastor Dale- Offering Message: Ps. 112:1-3 Your seed (descendants, your words) will be mighty on earth. We are the generation of the upright, and we are blessed. Wealth and riches are in our house. Wealth is works of art and investments. Riches is money that passes through our hands to bless others. Moody, Finney, and other revivalists had rich people behind them. Women helped to finance Jesus’ ministry. Sermon notes: Ps. 103:1-5 Bless the Lord and remember all His benefits- salvation from sin, healing of bodies, redemption from death, youth renewed. Bless His holy name! Learn the language of revival. God spoke the Word and created the universe. We need a fresh understanding of why we are on the earth. God has triumphed over our enemies. There’s nothing wrong with God, and His Word will not return void. The world is looking for what’s real. God wants to renew us; we need a touch of God for our bodies. We are joint-heirs with Christ. Break through the obstacles. In Acts 10:38 we find that God anointed Jesus. God was with Him. Jesus Christ is the answer. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a mandate for the church. Come into the power of God. John the Baptist baptized Jesus and the Spirit descended on Him, and then He began His ministry. In Matt. 4:18 and 19 Jesus told the disciples to follow Him. They immediately left their nets, and He made them fishers of men. The church needs the anointing. You have to follow Him, allowing Him to go before you, so you can see what He’s doing and know how to treat people. He had compassion. Mark 1:36 Simon and others with Jesus searched for Jesus. They searched for Him and His presence, because He carried the anointing. People don’t want to follow us when what we talk about is problems. The priests had to wear bells on their clothing when they went into the Holy of Holies. There is a sound from heaven, a sound of praise. Taste and see that the Lord is good. The men bringing the paralytic to Jesus had expectancy. They wanted to get to the real Jesus, and their faith broke through the obstacles and what others thought. A touch from Jesus is needed for life. Be filled with His Spirit again. There is a sound of faith and victory. Do you have a meaningful relationship with Christ? There was a time of ministry for salvation, healing, and a refilling of the Holy Spirit.
The Anointing Breaks Through the Obstacles
The Fire of the Holy Spirit, Winds of Revival, and the Call and Gifts of God
(Pastor Dale Armstrong- offering and communion messages) Offering message: 2 Cor. 9:8 tells us that God is able to make all grace abound to us. We have sufficiency in all things that we may abound to every good work. We believe for faith for the harvest and for those of us already a part of CWI Lancaster to abound. Get ready for abundance and for the harvest of souls. Communion message: First Peter 1:18-19 tells us that Jesus Christ’s blood saves and redeems us. As believers, we should expect daily times of confession of our sins. First John 1:9 to 2:2 affirms that if we confess our sins to Him, He will forgive us and cleanse us. Jesus Christ is our Advocate and the propitiation for our sins. He paid the price and received the punishment for our sins. Is. 53:6 shows us that God’s wrath against sin was poured out on Christ for us. Don’t carry sin. His faithfulness, righteousness, and justice apply to us and restores us to a holy place with God. Know the power of His righteousness in the presence of God. We can go to the throne room and know that we are His beloved. Sermon message: Gal. 6:7-9 Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Sow to the Spirit. Don’t get weary and lose heart. Advance the kingdom by doing what the Word says. Are we doing what God wants us to do? Celebrate Pentecost, the day of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be ignited in you again and go out as carriers and demonstrators of of the power of God to the world. The wind is blowing again and rekindles the fire the hotspots that spread. There is a fire coming that will build. The Church is rising with a voice and healing in its wings. We need the wind of Pentecost. Luke 19:11 is the Parable of the Minas. The disciples thought the Kingdom of God was going to be immediate. We have to hear what the Spirit is saying to us. It is not normal for us to tolerate what the devil is doing to us. We have gifts in our lives. The call of God changes you as you find your purpose and plan of God for your life. Be the evidence and the carriers. Don’t just wait for the rapture. The church cannot make excuses. Become the evidence of the Word. There are many who don’t want Jesus to reign over them. He came to bless people. The church has buried its talent and gifts given to them. What are you doing with your gifts? If you buried them, His return will not be a happy day. Every kingdom has its own rules. We must do things His way, whether it’s salvation, being filled with the Holy Spirit, using your gifts, living in forgiveness, sowing into His Kingdom. Whose rules are you going to live under? We need to know God. WE MUST DO IT HIS WAY! We are carriers of His anointing. There’s a cry in us – Phil. 3:10 “That I May Know Him.” In 2 Tim. 4:3-7 tells about the time (now) when people won’t listen to sound doctrine, and they will do their own thing. We must be watchful is all things. Our God is awesome! Endure afflictions and do the work of an evangelist. Fulfill your ministry gift. We are called by God.
Walk Worthy of Your Calling
The church is lagging behind where God wants us to be. The early church had more evidence of the revelation of God. Paul had an amazing encounter. We need an encounter with God. Revival will cause us to rise up with signs and wonders. We must be the church until Jesus returns; don’t sit back waiting for the rapture. The revelation of the disciples has eroded. We have an eternal purpose. If you mess up, don’t give up, but press in. God wants to take us into something so big and amazing. The text is Eph. 3:11 through 4:1. The eternal purpose accomplished in Christ Jesus is how we can have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him. To have confidence, we need an encounter with God. You need to be strengthened in your inner man. Christ dwells in our hearts through faith, and we have a revelation of Jesus Christ. God wants us to comprehend the love of Christ and the power in His name. We can’t comprehend by our minds, but by our spirits, that we may be filled with the fullness of God. We already have the power, because He tells us that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we can ask or think, according to the power that works in us. We are to walk worthy of the calling in which we were called, consistently. How do we glorify God? We glorify Him when we lay hands on the sick and when we testify … In 2 Kings 3:16- they dug ditches. Dig ditches in your life to make a place for God to come to us so the revival will remain and the enemy will be defeated. Change how you speak to speaking the Word, and renew your mind.
Breakthrough to the Promises
Neil Miers uses the example of Moses in Exodus 3:7-10 and chapter 5 to teach us what we may face when God gives us a promise. The enemy tries to get our eyes off the promises of God and onto our problems, but God wants to see us establish Kingdom principles. To get to the promise, we must break through the obstacles, strongholds, thoughts, and voices. Negativity and faithlessness, etc., are our prisons that we must break out of. Moses, like us, had to get the people out of oppression and into a place of liberty. BUT, the place of liberty is already inhabited. In order for God to get us in, there are things, such as inferiority and insecurity, that we need to get out. God takes us out of something to take us into something. God tells us what to do, but we must do them. Second Cor. 4:16-18 tells us that there is a war between our flesh and spirit. We are the ones who are to go and be carriers of the Gospel. Was Pharaoh impressed by Moses’ declaration about the Lord God? No, and when we share the Gospel, people may reject us, and we might not see the results we want right away either. God needs strong Christians. We are not building Satan’s kingdom, but God’s, and He sees us as His army. When you start pushing toward the promise, things often get worse. Every plague challenged the gods of Egypt. After plundering Egypt, they faced the Red Sea. Besides that, they realized they were being chased by the Egyptian army. What did Moses do? He looked to God and asked Him what He wanted him to do. Walk into what He told you to do so He can destroy your enemies. Give, invite people, share the Gospel. Pray for people’s needs and keep trusting God. Your greatest enemy is your flesh. You must break through the obstacles.
The Awakening: A Revelation of Who You Are
We all have been given the same truth and promises from God. Why do some break through to success? We are to triumph, overcome, do what He says for us to do. Our greatest need is to have a revelation of what God has done for us and what He wants to do through us. The truth we know will set us free, but the truth is filtered by our emotions and our mind. Push through and don’t tolerate what is not from and of God. We lose confidence and our emotions take over when we are hurt or disappointed. Then we drift away from faith and our destiny instead of being the church. Make a decision to believe God! God wants to control you. The Great Awakening is when we realize who we are. God’s dream is of a glorious church, a glorious bride.
Enter the Spiritual Realm
When our spiritual eyes are opened to the unseen spiritual realm, our needs are met, the walls come down by God’s authority (like those of Jericho), we can see God’s forces for us (like Elisha’s servant seeing the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire), and we can be set free by just one truth from Him. How do we enter this realm? We enter through the Word of God. Without the spiritual realm accessed through the Word, we have to rely on our natural senses. Get rid of the negativity. Listen to a powerful testimony of a woman who was set free by getting rid of the negativity in a very difficult situation and replacing it with the truth, “Jesus is the Answer”.
The Holy Spirit
We need the Holy Spirit! Without Him there is no revelation of who we really are. He is the power of God. Jesus gave Him with a purpose- to empower us, to open our eyes, to carry life, the anointing, and victory, to do what we can’t do, so we can stand up and speak like Peter on the day of Pentecost, to do greater works than Jesus did, to awaken His ability in us, to reveal His power and His plan. Our minds may argue with God, but we need to let the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and mouths with the reality of Christ. The Holy Spirit opens ordinary people up to the realm of the Spirit, the supernatural, and possibilities so that we can get rebellious people saved, so they will be devil-destroyers.
Breaking Through God’s Promises
Josh.1:1–11. How do we go to the “Promised Land”? Listen to, meditate on, believe, and trust in what God is saying. Get rid of the negativity, shyness, inferiority, false humility, boundaries, and the “whys”. Prepare yourselves, put a demand on God, and reach out. We build our own hindrances, and the enemy hands us the bricks.
What God Is Looking For
Neil Miers preaches about the atmosphere and attitude which allow the Holy Spirit to move in, which is an atmosphere of worship, prayer, and praise. Jesus wants to rock His house, because we need to give the world a positive view of the church. Shake off what doesn’t belong. (The Lord gave the words of a song to Pastor Dale and the Holy Spirit through MaryBeth Rutter put it to music.
An Open Heaven
Neil Meir of Australia preaches on Acts 10:1-6 (Cornelius and Paul). What opens heaven? How do you get God’s attention? Listen to find out. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We are to give generously, pray, and act on the Word. Press in. Apply God’s principles.
Change Your Mindset
Neil Meier from Australia ministers on changing our mindsets. Using Moses and Gideon as examples, he encourages the Body to do what the Lord tells us to do and not listen to negative thinking. The biggest enemy is unbelief and ourselves. We need to change the way we do things.
Focus On Jesus
Neil Meier from Australia preaches on getting your focus on Jesus and going out against what is stealing from you. Be real, ask God to help you, and don’t lose confidence in God. What we don’t overcome will be what we must serve.
Hearing God’s Voice and Doing It
Australia’s Neil Meirs strongly proclaims that we as believers are and carry the message of hope. We need to believe that God wants us to use the authority and power He has given us. Unbelief has consequences, as in the lives of Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham.