(Pastor Dale Armstrong- offering and communion messages) Offering message: 2 Cor. 9:8 tells us that God is able to make all grace abound to us. We have sufficiency in all things that we may abound to every good work. We believe for faith for the harvest and for those of us already a part of CWI Lancaster to abound. Get ready for abundance and for the harvest of souls. Communion message: First Peter 1:18-19 tells us that Jesus Christ’s blood saves and redeems us. As believers, we should expect daily times of confession of our sins. First John 1:9 to 2:2 affirms that if we confess our sins to Him, He will forgive us and cleanse us. Jesus Christ is our Advocate and the propitiation for our sins. He paid the price and received the punishment for our sins. Is. 53:6 shows us that God’s wrath against sin was poured out on Christ for us. Don’t carry sin. His faithfulness, righteousness, and justice apply to us and restores us to a holy place with God. Know the power of His righteousness in the presence of God. We can go to the throne room and know that we are His beloved. Sermon message: Gal. 6:7-9 Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Sow to the Spirit. Don’t get weary and lose heart. Advance the kingdom by doing what the Word says. Are we doing what God wants us to do? Celebrate Pentecost, the day of the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be ignited in you again and go out as carriers and demonstrators of of the power of God to the world. The wind is blowing again and rekindles the fire the hotspots that spread. There is a fire coming that will build. The Church is rising with a voice and healing in its wings. We need the wind of Pentecost. Luke 19:11 is the Parable of the Minas. The disciples thought the Kingdom of God was going to be immediate. We have to hear what the Spirit is saying to us. It is not normal for us to tolerate what the devil is doing to us. We have gifts in our lives. The call of God changes you as you find your purpose and plan of God for your life. Be the evidence and the carriers. Don’t just wait for the rapture. The church cannot make excuses. Become the evidence of the Word. There are many who don’t want Jesus to reign over them. He came to bless people. The church has buried its talent and gifts given to them. What are you doing with your gifts? If you buried them, His return will not be a happy day. Every kingdom has its own rules. We must do things His way, whether it’s salvation, being filled with the Holy Spirit, using your gifts, living in forgiveness, sowing into His Kingdom. Whose rules are you going to live under? We need to know God. WE MUST DO IT HIS WAY! We are carriers of His anointing. There’s a cry in us – Phil. 3:10 “That I May Know Him.” In 2 Tim. 4:3-7 tells about the time (now) when people won’t listen to sound doctrine, and they will do their own thing. We must be watchful is all things. Our God is awesome! Endure afflictions and do the work of an evangelist. Fulfill your ministry gift. We are called by God.
The Fire of the Holy Spirit, Winds of Revival, and the Call and Gifts of God
Sunday May 29, 2011
Speaker: Neil Miers
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM