Pastor Vitaliy Kozachencko (Odessa, Ukraine) gave a “now” word about God’s visitation (repentance, miracles) for the U. S. church (Joel 2:1, 28, 29). We must say, “Yes, Lord.” Sermon: We must lay aside weight and sin, run with patience, and look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:12). God wants to pour His Spirit on the whole church. He needs us to pray and pay the price for the next generation. He sets us on a path. Are we going to walk it out? Don’t stop thinking about God’s plan and will. When you have a burden on your back, you’re looking down, and all you see is your feet. Confess your sin to God and your pastor. Burdens hinder us in our race. Instead, LOOK UP TO JESUS! Keep running the race. Praise will get rid of the burden! Pastor Vitaliy tells of a woman in Ukraine dying of cancer who was healed through Jesus and praise to Him. KEEP PRAISING! KEEP MINISTERING TO GOD! In 1 Cor. 15:58 we are told to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and that our labor is not in vain. We have changed; we have lost our fire and passion. Pastor Vitaliy told of a man who for years stood in a grocery store in Ukraine, passing out flyers that said, “God loves you”, and on the other side was a prayer for salvation. At a pastors’ conference, there were three pastors who received salvation as a result of that man’s faithfulness and labor. (Listen for the rest of the story.) Does what you do and does what you have, serve the Lord? Be faithful to finish your race.
Praise Away Your Burdens
The Two Hands of Victory
Offering message: Judges 6:6 Israel cried out to God in a time of need and revival came through Gideon. Sometimes finances cause you to cry out to God. Sermon notes: (Pastor Vitali preached in the Slavic language, and it was translated.) Encouragement: God is not finished with America. America will again be an example of faith. I John 5:4, Whatever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that overcomes the world- our faith. The one who overcomes the world is the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Look at things with the eyes of Jesus: He reigns absolutely. We have faith to overcome the sinful system. Don’t be silent, but speak of the Lord. Ex. 17:8-14 tells of Moses needing the support of Aaron and Hur to win the battle. When you face opposition, you should be strong in the Lord, stand firm, and overcome. The victorious cross of Jesus Christ is the nucleus around which our lives revolve. Transform the victory of God into your daily walk. Everyday when the problems come, you must do something in the Spirit. If you’re tired of believing, the devil has deceived you because you weren’t really believing. Be renewed in the revelation of Christ as the living God, your Savior, your Messiah, the Son of the living God. Jesus gave you the victory. If you make mistakes and fall, don’t ignore them. Find honor, strength, and power in your life to resolve them. See yourself above the problems and hold up your hands. The first hand of victory is to speak and confess victory. The second hand that supports victory is a clean, pure life. When you sin, you lose power. God gives restoration through the blood of Jesus. Confession and a decision of a pure life establish God’s victory. That problem that is raging against you now, hear God say that He will remove even the memory of it.
Now We Have Everything We Need for Life
II Peter 1:3 God’s power has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. We have everything we need for life now. Heb. 11:32-34 tells us about people from the Old Testament who received by promise, because Jesus’ blood hadn’t been shed at that time. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we have His power now- power to defeat our enemies, such as debt and disease, and to cast them out. We have absolute victory through His death and resurrection. We have daily victories over our flesh and circumstances. Judges 6:11-15 is the account of Gideon. The Angel of the Lord was there (verse 12), but he didn’t see him. God always shows up before we think He is there. In verse 13 Gideon questions God: Why is all this happening? Where are all Your miracles? When will we see miracles? When we believe and say that our God is a God of miracles. There are miracles. Pastor Vitali shares a healing miracle and a debt-forgiveness miracle. Gideon questioned what many Christians question: How can I _____? We don’t know what’s in us, because we don’t see ourselves as God does. Vitali tells of a trainer working with a girl on pole-vaulting. The trainer knew she could do it, even when she kept failing. After much encouragement and repeated tries, she got over the bar. God tells us that we can do what we need to do. He knows when things are bad, but He also knows we can get through it, because we have everything we need for life and godliness.
The Law of The Spirit of Life
Rom. 8:1-2. The law of the Spirit of life has made (past tense) me free from the law of sin and death. How do we take knowledge of the Word and bring it to life? One way is to remind the Lord of His Word. Ask God what He wants to do in a situation or place. If you want revival, don’t give up praying, but keep proclaiming it. Never give up. (Listen to an example of holding on and not giving up- Lydia from Sweden.)
Steps to Fulfilling the Church’s Calling
Pastor Vitaliy from the Ukraine preaches about “The Steps to Fulfilling Your Calling”. The sermon points include: new beginnings (forgetting the past), take responsibility, chisel out new tablets, fulfill your destiny, and make your soul submit to your spirit.