II Peter 1:3 God’s power has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. We have everything we need for life now. Heb. 11:32-34 tells us about people from the Old Testament who received by promise, because Jesus’ blood hadn’t been shed at that time. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we have His power now- power to defeat our enemies, such as debt and disease, and to cast them out. We have absolute victory through His death and resurrection. We have daily victories over our flesh and circumstances. Judges 6:11-15 is the account of Gideon. The Angel of the Lord was there (verse 12), but he didn’t see him. God always shows up before we think He is there. In verse 13 Gideon questions God: Why is all this happening? Where are all Your miracles? When will we see miracles? When we believe and say that our God is a God of miracles. There are miracles. Pastor Vitali shares a healing miracle and a debt-forgiveness miracle. Gideon questioned what many Christians question: How can I _____? We don’t know what’s in us, because we don’t see ourselves as God does. Vitali tells of a trainer working with a girl on pole-vaulting. The trainer knew she could do it, even when she kept failing. After much encouragement and repeated tries, she got over the bar. God tells us that we can do what we need to do. He knows when things are bad, but He also knows we can get through it, because we have everything we need for life and godliness.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM