Principles to Produce a Manifestation” Jay Stoltzfus from CWI in Colorado shared who we are (Ps. 92:8-15) and a personal testimony of how he and his wife became the pastors of the Colorado church. Pastor Dale preached on the keys for receiving a now manifestation and what keeps that from happening. Matt. 6:19-24 tells us that where our treasure is, that’s where our heart will be. This world’s system is unstable, but God’s Word always works. You can’t serve God and mammon, which is idol-worship and the love of money. Luke 12:31-34. It’s a question of your heart. Luke 12:33, Matt. 6:1-4. The first key is giving alms, which is tied to giving to the poor and recognizing that God is why you are blessed. Sell what is your god and give it to the poor. Giving alms (done in secret) changes your heart. Matt. 6:5, 6 The second key is praying in secret. The third key is fasting (Matt. 6:16-18, Acts 10:1-4, 30). Even though Cornelius was a centurion and a very powerful man, he restrained himself and feared God with giving alms, praying, and fasting. Giving, praying, and fasting will change your heart and bring a breakthrough manifestation. Make sure Jesus is the center of your life.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 13
How to Relate To Your Pastor Part 1
Listen to this very important message from Pastor Dale on his role as our pastor and how we benefit from the anointing that God has given him. The pastor watches out for our souls, and Pastor Dale intercedes for us to flow in unity with the anointing that is on him, so that we can develop the gift that is within us. There are problems and needs in a church, but the pastor is to give himself to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Pastor Dale and our church leadership are not looking to fill positions. They are developing the gifts that are in us by flowing with Jesus’ anointing that is on Pastor Dale and receiving the transfer of anointing from him. Texts: Heb. 13:17; Ex. 18:13-26; Matt. 8:9; Eph. 4:11, 12; Ps. 133:1-3; Acts 6:1-7.
Rebuke the Devil
Mark 1:21-22, 38-39 Pastor Dale tells about casting out a demon in a woman in Andorra. In Jesus’ day only the religious leaders had authority, and the people had none, so when they saw Jesus’ authority, they had the right to question Him. Jesus moved a Syro-Phoenician woman’s faith to have her demented daughter set free. Jesus had to deal with Satan when Peter rebuked Jesus when He told the disciples what was going to happen to Him. As soon as you submit to God or make a consecration to Him, you will have a challenge from the devil. Seal the victory over him. Resist him and keep him out. There’s authority in us, and we take it wherever we go. Acts 16:16 Jesus rebuked the spirit of divination. If it’s from the devil, it will give you grief. People are not your problem!!! Deal with the demonic spirits (religion, depression, can’t do …), and don’t let Satan steal your joy! Mark 16:15 The first sign mentioned that follows believers is casting out devils. We need revelation knowledge, or maybe we just need to have the scales removed from our eyes. Use the authority that He’s given you!
How To Relate To Your Pastor Part 2
Pastor Dale built on part one of these sermons. He shared several of his experiences of being a pastor. There is a presence, weight, and anointing to being a pastor, as he carries his church in his heart. His priority is to pray, and as we submit to God’s anointing on him, we can learn from him the way that we are to walk (Ex. 18:13-22), and that’s the way of unity (Gen. 11:1-6; I Cor. 1:10; Ps. 133:1, 2). Our communication and language in the church should be in the same mind and judgment. Get closer to Jesus. THERE ARE NO SECRETS FROM THE PASTOR. THERE IS NO CONFIDENTIALITY IN THE CHURCH. We are our brother’s keeper. Don’t let Satan get involved in the communication within the church body. Understand what needs to be passed through to the pastor. God fixes messes, and the pastor won’t feel differently about you if have a problem. Bring your deeds to the light. You can trust your pastor. Learn the way by listening to him, so you can be on the same page as he is on. We are family. We are the church.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 14
Principles of Increase and Prosperity- Text: Luke 5:10. Prosperity is not self-sufficiency. Experience, skill, and hard work are poor substitutes for the reward of seeking the kingdom first. In the Scripture text Peter gave his boat as a gift to multiply Jesus’ efforts to speak and to be heard. In turn Jesus increased and blessed Peter’s business efforts supernaturally by telling him to go out in the deep and let down his nets. Peter only let down one net and then needed another boat for the haul, which was sinking the boats. What did Peter do when he saw Jesus’ goodness and blessing? He repented! The goodness of God draws people to repentance. What can we learn from this Scripture? 1) Never justify non-productivity. 2) Get the fear out of thinking big. 3) Some things will not work without the anointing. God can take your repetitive efforts and make them flourish. Focus on the kingdom and how to multiply the outreach. The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it.
How To Relate To Your Pastor Part 3
Ex. 18:13-21. Authority is delegated responsibility. It’s a demonic strategy to wear out the believers. Leaders need to be strong and rested. Their first responsibility is prayer, and the second is the Word of God. Matt. 16:16-19 Jesus is the Messiah. The church stands contrary to Satan’s kingdom. The believer is to bind what needs to be bound and to loose what needs to be loosed. Matt. 18:7-35 Jesus is talking about the church as a body. Satan tries to bring disunity by sowing offenses in the body of Christ. If you are the victim of an offense, there is a process to show love and to save the lost. First, you go to the person alone. If that person doesn’t listen, then you get 2 or 3 people to witness what is said. If the person still doesn’t listen, then it is taken to the church leadership. At this point, perhaps the person is not even born-again, so he or she needs to get saved. Discord is an abomination to God (Prov. 6:16), a faithful spirit conceals a matter (Prov. 11:13), and whoever covers a transgression seeks love (Prov.17:9). Loosing a person means forgiving them. Make the choice to forgive, get rid of offenses, win people not an argument, and clean up your own messes. You’re a believer with a believer’s authority.
State of the Ministry: Vision, Gifts, and Callings
Pastor Dale introduced the new administrative leaders, who have brought their strengths to come alongside him. He also reaffirmed the focus of TEAM: Transform, Equip, And Mobilize. Scriptures: Acts 1:8; Mark 4; Matt. 13; Romans 11:29; Prov. 29:18; Ps. 2:8; Is. 60:21, 22; Ezekiel 36:37. Vision is an environment. A ministry should have one vision and many people with different gifts and callings. Where there is no vision, the people perish, and where there are no people, the vision perishes. Members of the church body need to bring their gifts and callings into the environment (vision). What can we expect at CWI? Changed lives. Ministry is about people. Have an increase mentality. Pray for the harvest and for men to go out into the harvest. Take your place and use your gifts and callings.
Knowing Gods Infinite Love
Romans 8:38-39 says that nothing can separate us from the love of God. R-U-G. R- Receive the value of God’s love for you. John 3:16 tell you that He loves you so much! Receive His love for yourself. U- Unpack the love of God. Gal. 3:2-5 commands us to start with the Holy Spirit and to stay with the Spirit. We must engage the Holy Spirit in our lives. He is the power to take us to the next level with God. John 14:16, 25-26; 15:26; 16:6-8 tell us about the Helper, the Spirit of Truth that Jesus was going to give to us when He left this physical earth. Jesus gave us all we need to fulfill His plan for our lives. G- Give it away. God’s love and His Spirit are not just for you alone. Matt. 28:18-20 instructs us that He was given the authority in heaven and on earth, and He has given it to us to take the seed of His Word to the lost. He has given us the power and the tools (and the truth). Be passionate about saving people and plant the seed of the Word.
Spirit Led Living Listening to His Voice
Offering message: The key to miracles is to do whatever He tells you to do. The tithe is 10%, and offerings are your giving beyond the tithe. Sermon message: Pastor Syd shares many personal experiences on listening to God’s voice. Scriptures: John 2:1-11; John 10:1-27; John 14; Ps. 66:18; Acts 24:16; Romans 9:1; Rom. 8:14,16; II Peter 1:16-21; II Tim. 3:16-17; John 16:8,13-16; I John 2:27; Luke 1:1-4; Acts 15:22-36. If we are Jesus Christ’s sheep, we will hear His voice and follow Him. When won’t you hear His voice? 1- If you’re not His sheep. 2- If you’re praying for something for which the Bible has already given you an answer. 3- Because God has already told you what to do, but you haven’t obeyed Him. 4- If you have known, unconfessed sin in your life. 5- You are hearing from the wrong source. How does God speak to us? 1- Through His Word. 2- By His Spirit. 3- Through other people. When does He use other people to speak to you? 1- If you’re hard of hearing. 2- To bolster you for rough sailing. 3- To confirm what you already know. Don’t be led by money. Do what seems good to you (God’s peace). Following God’s voice will save you time, money, lives.
Our Redeemer
Job 19:25 I know that my Redeemer lives. Dwight explains what a redeemer was in Bible times. Ruth had Boaz as her kinsman redeemer. Jesus is our Redeemer, and we are His bride. He redeemed us from sin, sickness, and disease. Choose to follow God 100%. Our Redeemer has given us everything, and He wants us to give Him everything. Have someone you can be open and honest with other than your spouse, who can let you know if you are in any deception. Watch what you speak; you live by the fruit of your mouth.
We Are the Few
The harvest is vast, but the workers are few. With more than 7 billion people on the earth, the world is ripe for harvest. There are only a few who are doing something about the harvest. Who are the few and what do they stand for? 1. They see with different eyes (John 4:35). The world is at the point of readiness, but only a few have eyes to see that people are only one conversation away from transformation. 2. They live for another world (Phil. 3:20; II Cor. 5:1-10). The few think incessantly that they must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. 3. They joyfully lose their life (Matt. 10:39). What areas are you not giving up to the Lord? Whatever you hang onto, you lose. 4. They are fiercely loyal to Jesus (Luke 14:26). Your love for Jesus should seem to be hate when compared to your love for family and your own life. 5. Their love is louder than words (I Cor. 5:14, 15). Dominic tells how God provided for the orphans in India through His love in Dominic’s wife, Lyndsey. What’s important is the one who cares the most. Let God grip your heart.
Our Thought Life
Offering message: Matt. 6:22-31 Don’t worry. No one can serve two masters. Mammon is wealth or avarice. Keep your heart pure in your giving and remember the reason to give is love. Little faith is sowing to reap a harvest just for yourself. What you are believing for shouldn’t be what you need to live on but should leave plenty for you to give. Sermon message: Pastor Dwight expounds on six hindrances to healing and admonishes us to check these out in our lives: unbelief (Matt. 9:23, 24); lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)(Consider what you are doing that is making you sick.); wrong thinking (a mindset that keeps you from receiving from God); religious views (Job 1:21) (blaming God for what Satan does…); abandoning what you believe; and not walking in love.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 15
Texts: Is. 45:3; Deut. 29:29; Ps. 25:14; Jer. 33:3. What is your inner image of yourself? That is what becomes a filter of what you receive and do in life. You can change that image through the Word of God. See yourself as God sees you. His image is greater than yours. One of the first steps of God’s image change is to make you a giver. Jacob worked hard under Laban, but he said that God prospered him. God is your source. You can get secrets and answers from Him. As good as prophecy can be, God telling you Himself is greater. There are greater treasures in the Spirit. Ralph Wilkerson imparted revelation into Oral Roberts, and then he imparted revelation into Pastor Dale through the book, The Miracle of Seed Faith. Jesus came as the greatest seed. God is your source. Release seed in faith. Call out to God to get a new image and the revelation you need. God wants to give you the secrets and hidden riches to show us that He is the Lord!
The Carnal Man and the Spiritual Man
I Cor. 3:1-3-7. Carnal Christians act like babes in Christ. Envy, strife, and divisions are signs of carnality and being in the flesh. Carnal Christians don’t follow the Spirit and can lose their salvation. Romans 8:1-14. They can’t take strong teaching; their carnal minds are enmity with Christ; they can’t please God; they can’t walk by faith; to be carnally minded and living according to the flesh is death. Carnality disconnects you from what you need and lets the flesh rule. Carnality is a sin. You repent out of it. Fasting and prayer deal with carnality. Gal. 5:16-22 tells us that if we walk in the Spirit, we won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. Don’t fight sin- walk by the Spirit! The Spirit of God is stronger to convict than the flesh’s strength to sin. You can’t walk by the Spirit and by the flesh, because they are at war with each other. The Spirit will lead you into love. Follow the Spirit.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 16
“Abundance Mentality” ( A word was given, a testimony given of God’s provision for a mission trip; the offering message: John 6:5-11; Deut. 28:5; sowing into mission trip to Honduras) Using Scriptures from Proverbs, Pastor Dale expounds on diligence and how it tends toward abundance. Using contrasts as many Proverbs do, the lazy man is contrasted to the diligent one. The lazy, slothful man lacks discipline and wastes and doesn’t put his money to work. Lazy people take from the labors of others. Diligence is toward working smart and increasing. The mark of maturity is delaying gratification. A man diligent in his business will stand before people of influence. Be diligent to know the state of your income and your budget. Imitate and follow those people who inherit the promises through faith and patience. There is a difference between the law of sowing and reaping over a lifetime and the miracle power of God. (Prov. 10:4;12:24, 27; 13:4; 21:5; 22:29; 27:23; Heb. 6:12)
Ask of Me
In Gen. 18:1-8 we see that Abraham was hospitable and giving to strangers. Do we make the gospel attractive? Giving is a test of love. In Gen. 8:9-15 those same “strangers” (angels) told Abraham and Sarah about the son that they would have, and in 16-33 Abraham boldly intercedes with the Lord for his nephew, Lot and the righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah. We need to ask for boldness and urgency for the lost, whether one person or many. Ps. 2:8 says to ask God for the nations. #1 Ask for boldness (Eph. 6:19-20), #2 for a door to be opened into their lives (Col. 4:2-6), and #3 ask for good ground (hearts) to sow the Word into (1 Thess. 3:1; Is. 55:10-11). Seek the lost. Isaiah 60:21-22 tells us that it’s God’s will that the kingdom of God would grow. Sow the Word into people’s lives.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 17
The Love of God: God Wants Me to Prosper Text: 3 John 2. God’s will is rooted in His love for you. It’s His goodness that leads people to repentance, so Satan tries to keep you from knowing and believing that. God wants you to prosper and considers that more important than holiness. To prosper is to have more than enough. God wants us to realize that He is a rewarder (Heb. 11:6). God wants to clothe us (Matt. 6:28-30), and He wants our soul to prosper. If you’re not prospering in health and being blessed, check on your soul’s prosperity. How does your soul prosper? When the Word of God gets in your thoughts, then prosperity can come. Recorded in Matt. 8:1-17 Jesus demonstrated God’s love and desire for us to prosper and be in health: in one day He healed a leper, the centurion’s servant, and Peter’s mother-in-law. Pastor Dale relates how tired he was after ministering and hearing testimonies of people’s healings, but God wanted to keep going, because He wants us to prosper even more than we want it.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 18
God Wants You to Prosper- Pastor Dale explains why he agrees with the King James version in 3 John 2, where it says “above all things”. God considers our prospering above holiness. It’s a matter or degree and priority. God doesn’t want us to go to hell, be sick, or be in poverty. God wants to give us good things (Matt. 7:7). Saying God causes car wrecks and other evil things is calling God a child-abuser, which HE IS NOT! God’s riches in glory (Phil. 4:19) are greater than your need, but you have to ask (James 4:1-3) and to speak to those things that come against you (Rom. 8:31-34), because God reconciled us by the death of Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:10). We must believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder (Heb.11:6). He gives us the natural things (Matt. 6:28-33), but we are to first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Wealth and riches are in our houses (Ps. 112:1-3), and God gives us the power to get wealth (Deut.8). God wants you to prosper (Josh. 1:7,8; Ps. 1:1-3).
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 19
God Wants You to Prosper- Offering message: Phil. 4:10-19 God’s promise to supply our needs is a promise that we will have needs. The sowing of seeds is to meet our needs. Sermon message: God wants us to savor thinking like Jesus thinks and to know that God wants us to experience His goodness, because He loves us (3 John 2). Heb. 11:6 tells us that we need faith to please Him- faith that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We aren’t to despise His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, but we are to know that His goodness leads to repentance (Rom. 2:4). Loving, blessing, doing good, and praying for our enemies exposes our heart and shows that we are the sons of God (Matt. 5:43-45). Bless means financial goodness. God is better than whatever you think is good. When we seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, God takes care of the natural needs (Matt. 6:28-31). If you are in lack, don’t think that it’s because God is not pleased with you. Ask, seek, and knock and your Father will give you good things (Matt. 7:7-12). When you prosper, remember that it’s God who prospers you and gives you the power to get wealth. God is gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger, great in mercy over all His work, and you are His work (Ps. 145:8-9). God loves you and has the best for you.
Salvation is now and here. Jesus paid the price for our salvation. What does salvation mean? It means deliverance, victory, prosperity, rescue, and health. We can live this life walking in the freedom of good health- here and now. When someone comes against us, they are coming against God; we are one with God and Jesus. Acts 4:12 tells us that there is no other name whereby we can be saved, but the name of Jesus. The anointing does the work that God set out to do, and He needs us to lay our hands on people. We need more fellowship and time with God to know Him and His voice. We are Jesus’ body, and salvation is not just for us, but for us to extend to others.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 20
God Wants You to Prosper- Prosperity is WORK and God’s blessings. God doesn’t bless lazy people. Matt. 6:28-32 DON’T BE AFRAID OF RICHES, but don’t be greedy or covetous. God knows you need things, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. After that, take care of the physical needs. Ps. 112:1-3 tells us that God blesses the righteous with wealth and riches. A righteous man with money is a powerful weapon in the world. You have more power in the name of Jesus than any amount of money. Look at things positively. The gospel is good news (2 Cor. 4:3-18). Satan tries to get you to blame God for the bad things he does. Get up and get to work. Letting go of your faith is seeing only the physical side of life. Change your outlook. Remember God is for you. No matter how you feel toward God, you can’t stop His loving you. You are more than a conqueror.
Righteousness Consciousness
You are made in Jesus Christ’s righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21). You won’t have boldness if you don’t know you’re righteous in Him. We are righteous through faith in Jesus, and His blood justifies us (Rom. 3:10-26). We can have boldness in the day of judgment (1 John 4:16, 17) because our wrongs are covered, erased, and forgiven (1 John 1:9). Heb. 7:25 Jesus pleads (intercedes) on our behalf, and if our hearts don’t condemn us, we can have confidence toward God. (Rom. 5:17). Jesus became sin, so we can come to the Father and can be the righteousness of God, walking in boldness. Heb. 12:18-24 Our spirits are made perfect; Jesus is our mediator of the new covenant. Heb. 4:14-16 Jesus was tempted as we are, so hold fast your confession and come boldly to the throne of grace. Rom. 8:28-38 God freely gives us all things, and we are more than conquerors. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 21
God Wants You to Prosper- God wants to bless you (3 John 2). Don’t ever agree with fear, death, disease, and don’t quit, but stand! How does your soul prosper? By the renewing of your mind. Heb. 11:6 says that faith pleases God, but faith can’t rise if you have doubt that God is good to you now. Faith feeds your spirit. God is – NOW! Faith that is alive will express itself with joy and victory. First you must seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33), have faith in God (Mark 11:22-24), believe what you say will come to pass, and it will. You affirm by speaking what you believe, not what you see (Heb. 11:1). Hope is a picture of the end result, but faith has it now. Faith will work for you. When fear comes in, ask yourself what you believe. Say the Word.(Rom. 10:17). Throughout the day make note of what you say, because it shows what you believe. Jesus used the example of faith moving mountains.
Turn Your Circumstances to the Glory of God
Don’t allow circumstances to cloud your mind or to measure your purpose. God has the solution for the circumstances if you take action in faith. When the Israelites complained because they didn’t have water (Ex. 15:22-26), Moses cried out to the Lord for the people. He engaged his faith to see the supernatural. In John 9:1-35 Jesus acted in compassion toward a blind man and healed him. The blind man had to act in faith to receive his sight in spite of the circumstances that the disciples questioned whose sin caused the blindness, that he had been blind all his life, that Jesus had spit and made a “slime” and put it on his eyes, and that he was told to wash in the pool of Siloam. Besides that, he was rejected and not believed by the Pharisees, and even his parents wouldn’t say how he was healed because they didn’t want to be kicked out of the synagogue. In verse 35 the blind man knew he was accepted by Jesus and worshiped Him. Don’t allow circumstances to cloud your mind and way, but engage your faith in God. We want God to receive the glory. A pure heart glorifies God. (I Cor. 10:31; John 14:13; Rev. 4:8; Phil. 1:11; Eph. 3:19)
Honduras Team Sharing Make Disciples
Lynzee Hershey shared some pictures from the team’s trip to Honduras, mainly those of ministering to the children. She grew through her time spent with God. Sarah Bratschun wondered why she was to go on the trip and was blessed because God was honored by her willingness to go and to be used for the sake of the Gospel and other people. Sam Zook affirmed the importance of being willing and of the spirit of unity and power. He thanked everyone for their support and prayers and shared testimonies of God’s power touching the people. Kelly Burrows talked about ministering in a home for women who had been in trafficking and villages where people were saved, set free, and healed. The Friday service showed the young people’s desperation for the Lord and the Saturday morning time when people gratefully grabbed a hold of God goodness. She addressed a lack of unity in the body. Kevin Burrows was blessed by a night visit by the Lord telling him to share with the leaders that they need to set differences aside, forgive, speak well of others, love like God loves, be longsuffering, and to repent. The key words are unity and love. It’s important to focus on matters of eternity- salvations. Pray- 2 Chron. 7:14. How do we change the world? We show people that we care! Take new Christians and the young and make disciples of them by showing them that you care. They must know the goodness of God. Men need someone who believes in them and will speak life in them. Women need to know their identity in Christ. The Great Commission in Matt. 28:18-20 tells us to make disciples. Immerse the person in the Word of God by teaching them the ways of God. Set an example and live a life of God. Empower them to go and make disciples, too. We are to reproduce God’s life, not our own. God reproduced Himself when He created us in His image. Pour yourself into others and put God first. See the gift of God in your life and in others. Reproduce the things of God. Teach others.
Offering The Faith Factor
In Mark 10:17-30 the man talking to Jesus had insight into Jesus’ ministry and wanted to know about eternal life. It’s important to have right attitudes toward God. Jesus was not telling the man that what he possessed was his problem, but what he lacked, which was a full trust in God. God wants us to go into our “Promised Land”, but there will be people who will tell you that you can’t do it. The faith factor says that you can! If you’re waiting for money to do what God told you to do, you’ll fail. Jesus’ disciples left all- houses, family, lands- for His sake. Jesus told them that they would receive 100 fold. Pastor Dale shares two experiences of forsaking all for the Gospel and how he and others were blessed. You must forsake all to get into the next level where the blessings are.
Established To Reign
Ps. 34:15-17. God’s eyes are on the righteous, and His ears hear their cry. He delivers the righteous from all their troubles. We need to cry out for our country and for this region, because God’s people are being pulled into slavery. Listen to the Holy Spirit and pray, intercede, and cry out to God. Rom. 5:17-21 tells us that we must receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness to reign in life through Jesus Christ. Whose righteousness do we have? We have Jesus Christ’s righteousness, so we can be bold and confident in Him. By seeing through the eyes of faith we can see backsliddden Christians turning back to Jesus, revival in the home, people loving one another, and people being changed by the anointing. It’s up to God’s people to cry out. We are distributors of His grace. By reigning in the Spirit, we can get things done in the natural. This nation needs to be delivered from Satan’s control, and it’s our faith that can bring the change. Prevail! We have the advantage, the anointing, and mouths to speak the Word. Prov. 14:34 says that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. We must awake to righteousness and not sin (1 Cor. 15:34). Pray- the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much; turn a sinner from death (James 5:16-20). Cover this nation with the righteousness of God. The righteous people’s cry will deliver us. Bob ministered several words to the congregation.
The Vision of the Church
Offering Message: 2 Cor. 9:6-7. You can purpose to have abundance in your heart. What do you want to see in your life? That’s where you sow. You can’t give consistently and be selfish. There can be a miracle and blessing in the midst of the negative. Sermon Message: Why do God’s people perish? 1) Where there is no vision, the people perish (Prov. 29:18). 2) God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). 3) Not discerning the Lord’s body and taking communion unworthily can bring on judgment (1 Cor. 11:29). What is discerning the Lord’s body? It’s understanding that we are all members one of another. We’re not only one with Christ, but we are one with other believers (Rom. 12:4-5). We are to preach the Word, be ready in and out of season, and rebuke (reprove), convince, and exhort, because there will be a time when people won’t listen to the truth ((2 Tim. 4:1-4). The church and ministry should be together. You shouldn’t be choosing a church but should join where God has put you (1 Cor. 12:18). Ask if this is your church, if God is in it for you. Remember, worship isn’t for you, but for the Lord. We should rejoice and suffer with one another (1 Cor. 12:26). If someone doesn’t walk in what God has for him or her, we all suffer. Jesus took Saul’s persecution against the church personally and called him to be a minister and witness of Him (Acts 26:15-19). Jesus gave Paul purpose. The vision is to preach the Word and the T- transform, E- equip, And M- mobilize. We are one body. Get involved.
The Power of the Resurrection
Pastor Dale tells of the power of just declaring “Jesus is alive!” and how a deaf-mute girl was healed. Payment (Jesus’ blood) for our sin was not enough; punishment was required, too, and that started at the cross and sent Him to hell for three days. As much as the cross is a part of salvation, there is nothing mentioned about it in Rom. 10:7-10. Salvation is faith in the truth that Jesus IS alive. In Acts 9:4-18 Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him (Jesus), showing that He took Saul’s persecution against the Christians personally. Like Paul we need to tell God that we’ll do what He asks, and then He will tell us what His will for our life is. Like Paul, we can know that Jesus has a purpose for each of us, and we need to be obedient to do it (Acts 26:12-19). Pastor Dale shared about the apostolic call on his life, first to Belarus and to intercede for the cities. God is stirring in Pastor/Apostle Dale to visit the cities of Russia to bring revival. We all need to be great, to be nation-changers, and we all need the blood of Jesus. Word in sermon: There are some things God won’t do until you finish your list. There was a word given to Pastor/Apostle Dale at the end.
When God Speaks to You, It’s a Command
Gen. 16:16, 17:1-5 tells us that Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born, and God didn’t speak to him until he was 99 years old. God had told Abram that his seed would be in number like the stars and the grains of sand, but God was silent for 13 years because Abram tried to make it happen in the flesh. Moses was a zealous deliverer when he killed the Egyptian, but four years later when God spoke to him to be a deliverer, he was hesitant because he didn’t want to make another mistake. Deut. 28:1 says that we must diligently listen and obey (harken) to the voice of the Lord. In Matt. 4:4 Jesus said that it is written that man shall live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. God speaks to us, and we need to obey, fear Him, and realize that what He told us to do or not do is a command. John 10:17, 18; John 14:21. God manifests Himself to those who keep His commands. Allow the voice of God to be a commandment in your life. What has God told you to do? Don’t keep going in circles, but be quick to obey and do something that puts you in the right direction of obedience and commit to it. If God is silent, go back to the last thing He told you to do and do it. Your point of offense is your point of deliverance.
The Vision of the Church Part 2
Offering messages: Text: Luke 6:38. It’s the same measure or manner you give that is given back to you, not the same amount. BE QUICK TO GIVE. SOW YOUR BEST. GIVE EVERY DAY. Text: Luke 15:4. BE QUICK TO OBEY. Sermon message: Text: Acts 13:1. Pastor Dale shares his many divine connections which sent him from northwestern PA to Armenia, the Philippines, Ukraine, Russia, and Argentina. God kept showing him that He could quickly place him in front of a large number of people. He also relates how Pastor Sydney Ropp from Colorado became connected to CWI Lancaster and will be going on a ministry trip to Oregon. What else does it take to be in God’s will? Being faithful, recognizing positions of authority, praying, fasting, and pressing in, and ministering to the Lord. Pastor Dale asked us to be praying for him while he is away and to prepare for “The 99” by coming for training on Wednesday evenings.
The 99 Going After the One Part 1
Text: Luke 15:3-7. Neal Bratschun describes “The 99” as a walk-through reality theater for young people. Many volunteers, including 250-500 volunteers are needed to bring in this harvest of the lost. They will need to be mentored and discipled. Why do people get involved in a church? The move of the Holy Spirit, 2 to 3 close friends, and it’s where God called them to be. We are all capable and able to be used by the Lord to reach people’s lives (I Tim. 1:12; Num. 13:30; Phil. 4:13; Philemon 1:6). What is the good thing? Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, His Word, His anointing, His work, His grace, He is the Greater One, His mind, His joy, His kingdom… Keep a positive confession and pray for salvations, the location, team leaders, volunteers, corporate sponsors, Ben Krothe (who is in charge), and participation by other churches. It will be July 13 to Aug. 5 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights from 7-11.
Let Your Light Shine
Offering Message: Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you… You won’t be able to contain it, because you’ll keep sharing it and increasing others. Respond to God’s nudges. Sermon Message: (John 9:4 I must work the works of Him who sent Me…) (Matt. 5:14-16 Let your light shine before men…) You are the light. Let your light shine by your works, and don’t be afraid to let people know you’re a Christian. God strategically places us as a light to guide others to salvation, deliverance, and freedom. We are here to do Jesus’ works. We must make a difference in our community. Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. Be light where you are and obey the nudges of the Holy Spirit. There are never enough workers in the church. You are here for a reason, and we can change our world by being a light. Be the church. (Pastor Pat shares many testimonies in his sermon.)
The 99 Going After the One Part 2
Luke 15:4. We are to make disciples. The Great Commission is to make disciples of all the nations. A disciple is a student, follower of Jesus Christ, learner, an adherent. It is Pastor Dale’s heart to double the church. Ask God to give you one person to win to the Lord and to disciple. We must be ready to bring in the harvest. Pray, give, reach out to someone, go to another land. When the harvest is ready, we must be ready for them, or we’ll lose the whole crop. (We saw a video entitled, “The Harvest”.) God wants to minister through us. How do you know if you’re mature? You’re mature if you’re reproducing. Believe to get someone saved. Win souls to the Lord. Share your testimony.
Jesus, Anchor of Your Soul
Text: Phil. 1:27-2:2. We should be working together in one hope toward the work of the Gospel. Focus on the good of who others are or could be. We will have to suffer for the Gospel. There is consolation in Jesus Christ: Jesus guarantees and represents you. (Heb. 6:13-20). Satan tries to separate and divide the body (CWI). Jesus is our anchor. We must pray for Pastor Dale and Teri and for the leadership, because they are targets for division. Heresy is pushing your opinion and wanting to promote yourself. We need the anchor of Jesus so that we are not swept away by the current of life and the spirit of the world. Jesus relates to us through His covenant, which in non-negotiable. Jesus is our hope, and He reveals His love to us. Love Him and keep your eyes fixed on Him. Satan causes people to doubt leadership and the authority of God (Matt. 4:3-4), and appeals to us on the basis of our needs, but stay anchored and live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Let go of the past by dealing with it; forgive; forget your successes; keep moving forward (Phil. 3:13-14). Success is obedience. There was a communion service at the end of the sermon.
The 99 Going After the One Part 3
Text: Luke 15:4. After a brief review from the previous Wednesday service, Neal taught and led a discussion about the characteristics that will cause spiritual growth and what a disciple does. The three main characteristics are that you will continue (abide) in the Word of God (John 8:31-32), have love one for another (John 13:34-35), and pray (John 15:7-8). The fruit you produce is the answer to prayer. You must have a heart for the lost and to see them grow and develop. Discipling a person is laying down your life to care about that person. Train that person to also be a disciple-maker; help him develop good habits of getting into the Word and praying. Assess what the new disciple’s needs are. 1) Give him an understanding of spiritual growth (1 John 2:12-14); 2) Get the Word of God in the new believer. The congregation spent time praying together for the one each of us is to disciple and for “The 99” event.
The Secret of Life
To go with God’s momentum, be a doer of the Word (2 Tim. 3:7) and check out your beliefs, because wrong beliefs about God equal a wrong approach to Him. We start with Jesus and then move to His truths. A key truth is the fear of the Lord. It contains and provides for great promises. It is not a spirit of fear nor stiffness nor lack of fun (Heb. 13:5; Ps. 23; 1 John 4:17, 18; Is. 29:13). The fear of God must be balanced with the love of God. The fear of God is the fear of wrath and judgment of God, the awareness of and faith in God, the divine order before His glory and presence, and judgment. If we want the glory of God and His presence, we must be in divine order and be in reverence and awe of Him (Heb. 5:7; Heb. 12:25-29; 2 Cor. 7:1), or we will be judged. Revival is the refreshing of new fire, a greater presence of God, and reverence and awe. Do not have a casual attitude toward God and don’t stop revival.
The 99 Going After the One Part 4
Luke 15:4. After people are born-again, a foundation must be laid in their lives (2 Tim. 2:19; I Cor. 3:10-12; Heb. 5:12, 6:1-2). We should know the basics and be able to teach them. A person working with a new believer should pray with them and follow-up with phone calls, e-mails, and letters. What is needed for spiritual growth? Prayer, reading and studying the Bible, attending church regularly, having fellowship with other Christians, and sharing what Jesus has done in your life. Neal shared Scriptures that we should know. He taught about being filled with the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. He also taught about ways to receive healing.
New Things Now
Is. 43:18-19 tells us to forget the past things, because God is doing a new thing. Is. 42:5-9 says that we have been called, and He keeps us; we are to open blind eyes and bring out prisoners; God will declare new things. God wants to change and rearrange us. Is. 42:10 tells us to sing a new song and to praise Him. John 16:12-15 lets us know that He wants to show us new things to come. We are to pray in the Spirit and to pray for the understanding, and we will have a new song and revelation (1 Cor. 14:12). Bob read twice a word that the Lord gave him for CWI about new things of the Spirit, new ways to do ministry, new ideas to create wealth, great change that will be manifested by the obedience of God’s people, the glory of God’s presence, and cleansing in our hearts, because the time is NOW! He read the blessings of Deuteronomy 28. (There were several words given to individuals in the congregation.)
The 99 Going After the One Part 5
Neal reviewed what “The 99” is, some statistics about it, and about the rooms that the teens will go through. He related how prophetic words have been given about change and the need for obedience and willingness of God’s people. Using Scriptures, Neal taught about spiritual growth and gave Scriptures using the acronym of DISCIPLE. The congregation spent time in prayer circles.
Armada Mission Trip Guatemala
Offering message: (Pastor Syd Ropp) Gal. 6:6 Pastor Syd teaches about the difference of sowing to the flesh and sowing to the Spirit. When you give, GIVE TO GOD, not to man or man’s work, and then it won’t come to corruption. In Mark 9:37,41 Jesus said that giving a cup of water to someone or receiving one of His children is giving to God. Don’t lose your focus of giving to God. Heb. 7:8 says that here mortal men receive tithes, but we’re giving it to God. Sermon: Gene English, Chester Petersheim, Jason Miller, Chani Zimmerman, and Josh Shuman shared about their recent mission trip to Guatemala and the way that Armada Commission (Armada Bible School) has impacted their lives. Gene also taught on seizing the moment with the examples of Mary’s anointing Jesus’ feet (John 12:1-8), and Kubla Khan’s (and China’s) turning to Buddhism because Christian missionaries weren’t sent to China when he asked for them. Seize the opportunity to be used by God. It’s important!
The 99 Going After the One Part 6
Neal shared some of his experiences with the supernatural. We must put our faith in the Lord, just like the Israelites did in the wilderness. Neal taught about how we can keep the harvest of new believers. We want to lay a good foundation in them and help them to grow spiritually, based on the Word of God (1 Peter 2:2). We need to be disciples (Eph. 4:15) and help them to grow in grace, in knowledge, in faith, and in love. He led a time of prayer for “The 99” and the harvest that will come from it.
We Need the Power of God: Pentecost Sunday
Text: John 7:37-39. You will be filled with whatever you’re hungry for. If you’re hungry for God, the Holy Spirit will flow out of you. God’s supernatural power makes things new. Be and stay teachable and be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues (Acts 19:1-6). You have to yield to the Holy Spirit. There is a reason why the power is or isn’t there: unity is needed. Thirst for unity. Call on God and expect the suddenlies from Him. Acts 2:4. The test is if you can worship when you get bad news. Be filled with the Holy Spirit to excess; be drunk in the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18-19). How do you have a move of the Holy Spirit? Glorify Jesus, worship Him, put Him first. You are always a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). Every day is a new relationship with Christ. You are a product of the new creation. Forget what is behind and reach forward (Phil. 3:13-14). Stir yourself up for personal revival. (There was a time of ministry and prayer.)
“Praise: The Highest Form of Faith”
Pastor Dale and others shared testimonies of God’s wonderful power and healing. What would you do if you were completely healed? Start doing it and release your faith by praising God. Praise is the highest form of faith. God’s Word works. Praise and thank Him for all He has done. Stir yourself up. If you are fighting a habit, apply praise to it. Fear is the opposite of praise; it is faith in the wrong thing. Mark 11:22-23 tells you that you will have what you say. Believe that what you say will come to pass. Are you saying what you want? Pastor Dale gave the challenge of praising God every time you brush your teeth.
The Lordship of Jesus
Acts 9:1-6 Saul (Paul) was violently opposed to Christians, but God took him from fighting Him to submission. Christianity is not a make-over, but a new creation. Each person upon salvation becomes what didn’t exist before. The question we must ask is, “Who do you say I (Jesus) am?” Who is Jesus to you? We should ask, “What do You want me to do?” “Lord” speaks of submission and kingship, and as Paul put it, as being a slave to Jesus. Obedience is in relationship to His lordship. HE IS MY KING! Rom. 10:9-10 tells us to confess Jesus as Lord and to believe that God has raised Him from the dead. The new birth is a commandment. 1 John 3:2 says that we are sons of God. Don’t fight His will. LOOK TO JESUS! HE IS LORD! Know the difference between your will and His (John 7:17). Submit to His will and then you will receive His will. To affirm that He is Lord of your life: know your faith is in His lordship over your life; use His name by being under His authority; and want your life to glorify Jesus.
Your Quiet Time
Prepare your heart to listen to God. Abraham (Gen.19:27) and Jesus (Mark 1:35) got up early in the morning to spend time with God. Daily time with God in the Word and prayer must be a priority. Make it a habit to have a place and a time to meet with Him. Worship Him (develop your love relationship and fellowship with Him). Daily devotions will keep you holy. Matt. 6:9 (the Lord’s Prayer) is a way to have your quiet time: Adoration (worship), Confession (get the sin out), Thanksgiving (count your blessings), and Supplication (prayer requests). Feed on the Word as spiritual food. Keep realistic goals, so you can meet them. Develop a system for yourself, and keep a notebook of what the Lord speaks to you. Treasure the Word, apply it (What does it mean for me?), and meditate on it. There is more in the Bible about meditation leading to prosperity than giving. (Other Scriptures: Job 23:12; Prov. 4:20-22; Josh. 1:8)
Jesus Is Lord: Who Is Jesus to Me?
Offering message: Josh. 1:8. You make your way prosperous. Find out why you aren’t winning and look for victory. Take care of what you have, but know that God wants to bring you more. Meditate on success and on the truth that you are victorious. Sermon: Matt. 16:13-25.Who do you say that Jesus is? You must receive Jesus as LORD, the way, the truth, and the life. Your response to His lordship is obedience and faithfulness. You must lose your life, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. I John 4:17. In Mark 7:20-22 Jesus said that it’s what comes out of a man’s heart that defiles him, and in Gal. 5:19-25 Paul mentions almost the same list of things that defile, but he said that the defilement comes from works of the flesh. Why? Jesus was speaking to unsaved men, because He hadn’t died or been resurrected, whereas Paul was talking to born-again people. Die to self and make Jesus LORD of your life.
Birthing Through Praying in the Holy Spirit
Offering message: Gal. 6:7 Whatever you sow, you will reap, positive or negative. You don’t have a money problem; your problem might be obedience, faith, faithfulness… In due season you will reap, if you don’t quit. Sermon message: Gal. 4:19 tells us about Paul’s prayer for those who received salvation, but who slipped away. Travail in prayer comes before birth. Is. 66:7-10 says about Zion (the church) travailing and then giving birth. There is a point of prayer needed to bring forth children. Expect revival because prayer has gone forth. Pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20, 21). Your spirit has a voice, so link up with it. When you’ve prayed in the Spirit, something will come up into your mind, and then you can pray it out in English. Praying in the Spirit gives you answers and creativity. Rom. 8:14 tells us that if we are led by the Spirit of God, we are the sons of God. PRAY IN THE SPIRIT!
The Heart of the Father
Offering message: Ps. 66:12 and Is. 43:2 refer to going through the fire and the water, but God brings us out to a wealthy place. We all face problems, but what’s important is the person’s heart and what the person does under the pressure. Pastor Dale defined “landmark”. Sermon message: God sets the solitary in families (Ps. 68:5-6). God wants you rooted in a church family. He is a Father to the fatherless. Malachi says that the hearts of the fathers will be turned to the children and the children’s hearts to the fathers. Children, you may need to repent to your fathers. Learn from your father and look for a spiritual father. Fathers, pass the spiritual “baton” or “mantle” to your children or other youth and be the spiritual head. What Elijah didn’t do, Elisha completed. Invest in the next generation. Be an example (2 Tim. 4:12- 5:2). Your attitude allows someone to invest in you. The younger generation must receive from the former generation. (Matt. 26:53)
The Lostness of Man
We, as Christians, are a counter-culture. We should change what we oppose. We shouldn’t relate to sin. We should not compromise. We need to speak boldly. Your enemy will define you. Where would David be without a Goliath? We have to reclaim lost ground to present a pure Gospel. You have to see the iniquity around you in order to cry out for judgment and justice. Otherwise, the man who speaks and lives by truth becomes prey and is consumed. We have neglected some doctrines. Jesus has come to seek and save the lost (Luke19:10). He didn’t just come to pay the price. Satan blinds man from understanding his lost state (2 Corinthians 4:4). There is a blindness that a person doesn’t know he has. We have a Gospel revelation of our identity, nature, and fate. His name is Jesus. The lost don’t have that revelation. The way to Jesus is exclusive: He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). There is only one Gospel! Attitudes of inclusion do not belong in the vocabulary of a Christian, because we don’t want people to go to hell. There is the judgment of God, and hell is a reality. Man is accountable for his sins. By nature man is a child of wrath. The Gospel is to save man out of his lostness and of suffering eternal damnation. Hell is a motivation for evangelism. The real account in Luke 16:19-31 of a certain rich man and Lazarus was revealed to Jesus. There are seven truths from this Scripture. 1) Consciousness will continue after death with forms of communication. 2) He retained his memory and sentiments like a living man. 3) The good are rewarded, and the wicked are tormented with the recognition of what they deserved. 4) He was aware of others’ final destiny. 5) He was resolved that there was no means of transition. 6) All further efforts for salvation are abandoned after death. It’s over! 7) There’s complete brokenness. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus affirmed the validity of the Old Testament. Value the Scriptures. Jesus knew He would be the One raised from the dead. Jesus didn’t stay here, because if you don’t believe the Scriptures, you’re not going to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. The revelation of the power of the Scripture is greater than raising someone from the dead. The rich man is still there in everlasting flames! This should motivate you and affect your prayer life and how you represent Jesus. Man’s lost state is sealed at death. In the resurrection, both good and evil are raised from the dead. He is the same Jesus that was raised from the dead. The saved will go to rewards and eternal life. Those who died in sin, separated from God will be placed back in a resurrected body to endure the consequence of that sin in that body and punished eternally. Hell is torment in fire, flame, weeping, and gnashing of teeth, eternally. Romans 2 says that the goodness of God draws men to repentance. Preaching hell is for the perishing Christians. You owe the debt of love to those who haven’t heard. Preaching of hell is to bring revival to a once-living church. Without the Gospel the heathen will go to hell. The fate of the lost is in the hands of the church. Are we the blind men? Do we do what we can to bring in the lost? Scriptures are more powerful than experience. Life is short. Old things have passed away and what needs to become new is a new perspective of the judgment of God and the perils of hell and the lostness of man. We need to oppose hell and Satan’s blinding of peoples’ minds. Don’t let your perspective of the lost wane. All things become new. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation, which is new (2 Corinthians 5:17-20). This is committed to you. You are a minister of reconciliation. Pettiness comes in when we lose our vision of God’s commitment to us. You are here in Jesus’ stead. We go, stand, and speak for Him. Be reconciled to God. Souls hang in the balance by what you do. Commit to do the work of an evangelist. Encourage others with your testimonies. (Pastor Bob shared his testimony. While he was walking he stepped across a threshold and he saw a pit and people around this pit, a big black hole. All of a sudden, someone would fall into the pit and disappear. He was seeing people he would never see again. One after another fell into the pit. The Lord spoke to him and asked him to reach a million souls. God rebuked him for asking why didn’t He speak this to him when he was younger. God dealt with him about the sleeping state of the church and his love-walk with people. His life was changed. There’s not another chance for those who go to hell.)
Repentance: A Doctrine Worth Fighting For
There are people who need to be saved. You don’t know it, but perhaps that person will become the next evangelist. An American missionary in Pakistan was passing out tracts, and the General’s son read the tract and prayed the prayer of salvation, got filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in tongues. His father disinherited him and had him thrown into prison, and had the man who baptized him killed. He fled through Russia, Turkey, Europe, and ended up in Sweden. Every year he, Christopher Alam, wins about a million people to Jesus in crusades and churches. We need to get our fixation and joy on the right things. That joy will overwhelm us, and we’ll flow in it. Isaiah 59:1-2 says: The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it can’t save, nor His ear heavy that He can’t hear. God has not lost His power. We serve the same God who raised people from the dead. What separates us from Him is our iniquities and our sins. This principle is being attacked today. We are drifting away from repentance as a foundational doctrine. We need to contend for the faith and for what’s of eternal value. There are fundamental doctrines that we need to be teaching. Let’s not be gullible. After salvation, you might sin, but there’s 1 John 1:9 and Hebrews 4:16. You can come boldly to the throne of grace. Living in sin and feeling good about it isn’t living free of condemnation. If you don’t come to the throne of grace, you won’t find mercy and grace. You can repent and get rid of your sin. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Apostle Dale explains an example of how false doctrine about grace has come into the body of Christ through one well-known preacher. Acts chapter five shows that there was no “waterfall of grace” for Ananias and Sapphira. To live free of condemnation, you must stay out of sin and live in the presence of God. God is faithful and just. After you are born-again, you need to repent when you sin! Simon the Sorcerer was born-again when he tried to buy the power to minister the Holy Ghost (Acts 8). Peter told him, “Your money perish with you… Repent therefore of this your wickedness.” Sin is sin. You don’t determine your walk with God by your emotions, but by basing it on the Word of God. Hebrews 6 says that repentance is a foundational doctrine. If there is a “waterfall of grace”, then there’s no eternal judgment or judgment in the body of Christ. In Acts there are three acts of divine judgment: Ananias and Sapphira, Elymas the Sorcerer, and King Herod. The judgment of God is real, especially with the young in the Lord and with the move of the church. God protects His church. Grace can be pushed so far that it allows sin in the church, and then the doctrine of repentance and judgment disappears. Sequentially, sin becomes crowned as the leader of the church. Sin is rooted out by the power in God to confront and deliver. Sin that tries to come in and invade like leaven in the body has to be dealt with, or it will remove the power that needs to be released. God is displeased when truth fails (Isaiah 59:14-17). By preaching the doctrine of repentance and judgment, sin is brought out of the church, and then the church can be the salt of the earth she was intended to be. We need a resurrection of these doctrines to have the boldness to speak truth. Apostle Dale told of a Russian man, who was warned by the Lord through Apostle Dale not to go to America, and who was killed in a car accident when he went there. God gives a space of time to repent. In a special service at CWI, the Lord told Apostle Dale to get up on the stage and look around. When he did, He showed him a guest couple that he was to prophesy to. He was prophesying to the man about his ministry that he was running the race, but he was on the wrong track. God said that He wanted him to get on the right track and run straight, and if he didn’t, he would die. He’s dead. If you strip away the judgment out of the body of Christ, you take away so much of the boldness. Being in the will of the God is better than being in a safe place. Apostle Dale tells of his experience in Russia when he needed to repent and how his repentance in a frustrating situation became a blessing. God and Jesus are the same. The problem is my sin. Confess your sins. Repent. Get back to God. When you repent, He can take the bad situation and turn it around to a blessing. Thank God for the doctrine of repentance. There is sin in the camp. Let’s get it out and want a deep clean.
Acts 9:3-6 is the account of Saul’s conversion when he was confronted with the Lord Jesus Christ. In an extremely short time what had been Saul’s truth was turned upside down. Immediately he asked the Lord, “What do You want me to do?” All that Saul had to do was to pass the test of obedience. Obedience releases power. The more obedient you are, the more accurate you’ll become. Deuteronomy 29:9 says to keep the words of the covenant, do them, and prosper. Don’t grumble. If you don’t prosper, it’s because of you, not God. Pay attention to the little things and obey to do them. There are five types of obedience. 1) Exact obedience (paying attention to details); 2) Instant obedience (not letting time pass, but moving on a directive); 3) Total obedience (not getting distracted); 4) Thorough obedience (Getting it done!); 5) Willing obedience (Isaiah 1:19 Doing what He told you to do even if you don’t want to do it.). Ephesians 5:18-21 tells us to be filled with the Spirit, talking and singing to yourself in psalms and spiritual songs, and submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord. Delight to do His will and enjoy obeying God. Submission is the transfer of desire. It’s when you set your goals in line with the plans and goals of someone else. Passivity is accepting another’s will as your own, but you are active when you pursue it. Press toward the mark (Philippians 3:14-15).
Your First Ministry
Offering message: Is. 30:21 God talks to us, and we should hear Him so He can guide us. In Deut. 28:1-2 God tells us to listen to and obey God, so we’ll know which way to go and will be blessed. Sermon message: Deut. 10:8 The Levites (priests) were separated to minister to God. According to the New Covenant, we are all priests, and our first ministry is to the LORD (in worship). Samuel, Mary, Anna, the leaders of churches in Antioch, angels, living creatures, and the elders ministered or will minister to the LORD. When Solomon sacrificed and gave praise to the LORD, His glory came down. You were made for God (Is. 43:7, 21). Karen Burrows and Pastor Dale led a time of worship and ministry to the LORD.
Acting On The Word of God
Doing the Word of God is walking in wisdom. Storms will come, but you will stand, if your life is built on the Rock, and you act according to it (Matt. 7:24-29). There are seasons of storms; Jesus was attacked 40 days, and 3 victories are recorded. Mary found out that the Word of God has the power to fulfill itself and to produce, which it did because she agreed with it (Luke 1:37-38). If you need joy, agree with Scriptures about joy, etc., because that Word produces itself. Peter received from what he agreed to do when Jesus told him to let down his nets, and he only let down one net. HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD AND DO IT! Don’t let common sense stop you from obeying God. Obedience glorifies God. #1 Be sure you’re acting on the Word by faith. #2 Don’t let your circumstances justify failure (Luke 8:49 Jairus). #3 Recognize that fear will keep you from thinking big. God wants to bless you more than you can believe. #4 Some things will not work without the anointing. The Word and the Spirit agree. Sometimes you are building faith, and at some point you know you have the faith. Stand on the Word and wait for the move of the Spirit.
Special Worship Service
This Sunday’s service was mainly a worship service. None of the worship is on the web. This 33 minutes of audio is short segments of other parts of the service.
The Life of a Christian: The Christian Life
“The Christian Life”
Offering message: Wherever there’s strife, you are losing money. Walking in love is more important than faith, because faith works by love. Sermon message: Scholars wanted Mark 16:9-20 out because they had a problem with the fact that there is judgment (those who don’t believe shall be damned). Unbelief is perverted faith- faith in the negative and not believing in the face of evidence. Doubt is not believing because of lack of evidence. Hardness of heart is refusing to hear what is being said. You do nothing when you are in unbelief and hardness. The principle of action is to put the Word into action to release your faith. The power of the gospel transforms lives. What does the gospel of truth produce in a believer? It produces signs following him; casting out devils; speaking in new tongues; divine protection; laying on hands and the persons recover. You’re not a believer if you don’t act on the gospel. Let God use your hands. (Pastor Dale laid hands on the people to receive an impartation of anointing for healing in our hands with the direction to lay hands on the sick.)
An Attitude of Praise, Worship, and Thanksgiving
(We prayed for rain. 2 Chron. 7:13-14) In John 4:20-24 the Samaritan woman was “hung up” on worship having to be on a mountain. In Phil. 3:1-3 the people were “hung up” on the ritual of physical circumcision (self-mutilation) and missed the true circumcision of heart. God is a Spirit. How much you know God is in relationship with how and how much you worship Him. How do we worship Him? We worship Him in and by the Spirit, speaking in tongues and glorifying Him. Deut. 28:1-14 tells about God’s blessings in relation to our willingness and praise. Deut. 28:15-44 tells about the curses caused by hardness to the voice of God and not serving God in joy and gladness. Our praise and thanksgiving should be louder before than after the victory. Col. 1:12. There is also a relationship between praise and inheriting. Rom. 1:19 -20 says that even though people can know God by seeing His creation, they do not glorify Him as God and are not thankful. Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually (Heb. 13:15).
The Christian Life: Acting on Your Faith
Offering message: Matt.6:7-8 Ask, seek, knock if you want to receive. There is integrity in Jesus’ word, and it applies to those who believe in Him. Luke 6:38 is a word on giving in the middle of a message on loving and forgiving. The good measure return comes from believing and obeying. Sermon message: We live out our Christian life when we truly believe the Word and act on it in power and authority (Mark 16:14-17). Are you a true believer? Belief is not the same as an opinion. Belief is faith and action based on Jesus and the Word, such as laying hands on the sick. Mark 9:22-23 What are you believing God for? If your faith is weak, you’ve lost your hope, so you need to binge on the Word. Matt. 9:27 says, “according to your faith, let it be to you,” meaning you need to take the responsibility for your future. Be desperate and act in faith. Remember, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17).
The Christian Life: What’s in Your Wake
What follows after you? Praying in the Holy Spirit, healing, casting out demons? We as believers, not just the “pastors”, are to do Mark 16:14-18. (The Great Commission really was Jesus’ correcting the disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart.) Be a witness, tell the truth of the gospel, and tell what you have seen God do. In Mark 6:1-6 the people who knew Jesus from His hometown were offended when He laid hands on the sick, and their unbelief stopped Jesus’ doing mighty works there. When there was unbelief, He taught more to build their faith. Don’t let the devil rob you of mighty works. Matt. 14:28 demonstrates that faith is based on the Word of God and not on what you see or what has happened in the past. Use your faith so that it will grow, starting with where you are. Personalize Mark 16:17-18 by putting yourself in the verses. There was opportunity for people who sense there is ministry in their future and who are willing to lay their life aside for the gospel. “Here am I, Lord. Send me.”.
God has commanded us to have faith in Him. We have been saved by faith (Eph. 2:8, 9). In Rom. 1:17 and several other Scriptures we are told that the just shall live by faith. Heb. 11:1 tells us that faith is a substance, and in the Greek it is a verb- substantiate. To substantiate our faith, we have revelation from the Holy Spirit. We can believe that God’s Word is absolute. Rom. 6:6-11 says that we can “know this” and “reckon this”, which means that we can absolutely believe when we identified with Christ on the cross. We must identify with the faith of God. Matt. 16:17 and Eph. 1:17, 18 relate that the Spirit reveals things to us. Jesus’ Word is truth (John 17:17). See people through the eyes of faith, hope, and love.
The Christian Life
(Word given about God’s wanting us to use us to bring in the harvest and our need to be obedient and faithful.) Communion: John 6:47-58 Jesus is the Bread of Life. Our sins have been remitted. Don’t abuse yourself with past sins. Sermon: Mark 16:14-20. Repent of hardness of heart and unbelief. To evangelize, go and tell others of what Jesus has done for you and give them Scriptures. It’s up to them to choose the Good News. Signs should follow you, not the other way around. What are the signs? Casting out demons in His name and living devil-free; speaking with other tongues; not being hurt by deadly things. Fight for Jesus. God confirms His Word. Kim Miller gave a powerful testimony of one person’s obedience to the voice of God bringing salvation to a whole Jewish family and healing to their son. (A word was given about pressing into Jesus and walking with Him in the light and repenting.)
Faith: Based On Your Relationship with the Father
What is faith? (Heb. 11:1, 2) It’s a consistent heartfelt conviction, a truth that you can’t be talked out of, even to the point of death. Although it’s based on knowledge, it’s more than that. There’s a caution: we can make “the Word” (written Word) to be an idol, if we replace it for God. You can have lots of knowledge of God and still not have faith in Him. The most important facet of faith is your personal intimate relationship with God, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. Mark 11:23 and 24 work when we are in relationship and fellowship with Jesus. You need both the knowledge of the Word and relationship with God. Know the Father; spend time with Him in prayer; pray in the Spirit; read the Bible; treat Him with respect; talk to Him and listen to Him. You receive based on your faith and on your relationship with Him.
The Christian Life: The New Creation
Offering message: Seed reproduces. Pastor Dale shares about the powerful reproduction of seed he planted in Russia and the life-change of three people from that ministry time. A woman’s gangrenous leg was completely healed, a pastor’s assistant was freed and a church was restored, and many churches, drug rehabs, and orphanages were started. Sermon message: The love of Christ surrounds us (2 Cor. 5:14). The price of Jesus was paid for all; He died for you; live for Him (v.15). You are a new creation, not a makeover (v. 16), because the “old” you died, and a new creation was born. Jesus has committed the ministry and the word of reconciliation to us (v. 17-19). When you became a new creation, you became an ambassador for Christ (v. 20). God made Jesus to be sin for you (v. 21). When you were born again, your body didn’t change. Your body is not your identity, not the real “you”. Your desires and addictions are not you. What’s created “new”? It’s your spirit. You are a spirit having a soul and living in a body. Your body and your soul (mind, will, emotions) may want to sin (lusts of the flesh and of the eyes, the pride of life), but your spirit does not. You have to decide to transform your mind by feeding on the Word of God. Your spirit becomes alive immediately at the new birth, and with it comes the anointing of God, which teaches you and helps you make the right decisions (1 John 2:15-27).
Faith: Head or Heart
Faith is important and foundational. We must walk in and live by faith (Heb. 10:38 ) in every aspect of life. Putting faith with love equals victory. Rom. 10:9-10, 13 tells what is the first step of faith, and Rom. 14:23 says that what’s not of faith is sin. We can’t please God without faith (Heb. 11:6). How does faith in God come? It comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). We can know that God is good, and we can trust Him and His Word. Some of what God’s Word says is conditional and situational. You meet the qualifications and criteria for His promises to come to pass for you. Faith isn’t hope, which is future. You can’t have faith for something for which you didn’t get someone’s (or God’s) word. Faith is now. Faith will cause you to take action. Faith is agreeing with the Word of God. Unbelief is taking sides against the Word of God. What’s the difference between head and heart faith? Head faith is based on the five senses, mental persuasion, emotion, and the physical realm (Example: Thomas in John 20:24-31). Abraham is an example of heart faith (Rom. 4:16-22). It’s getting God’s Word and then putting your trust into it and Him. It is based on the spiritual realm and the Word, speaking it out, and acting on it. Thank God for His promises when you pray and when you receive. Pastor Syd shares testimonies of using faith to believe for his healing.
The Christian Life: His Love Constrains Us
The love of Christ constrains us (2 Cor. 5:14-21). To understand what the word “constrains” means, we need to know that we owe a debt to Jesus for our lives, like someone saving your life in war, and then you do all you can to protect and save the life of that person. Jesus’ death for our lives constrains us because it is a covenant bond, and God has the right to ask everything of us. Rom. 13:8 states that what we owe is to love one another. LOVE IS A DEBT, BOND, OBEDIENCE, COVENANT, ALLEGIANCE. The word “constrains” can also be used when someone is “taken with a fever”, meaning is has a hold on someone. We love God, and He loves us (1 John 3:14-18). You must forgive others, because Jesus has forgiven you (Col. 3:13). Pastor Dale shares a power testimony of Smith Wigglesworth’s wife and one that matched that in Mariupol, Ukraine. Eph. 5:2 tells us to walk in love. Pastor Dale tells of an example when he walked in love when his assistant took a church from him. The debt we owe Jesus is one we can’t work off. You belong to your Master. God doesn’t postpone your debt. He forgives it! Another meaning for “constrains” is to be put into debtors’ prison for a debt owed. Love in Christ Jesus is to lay down your life. LOVE NEVER FAILS! God’s love is in you (Rom. 5:5). Love is a commandment. Don’t feel love for someone? Don’t fake it. Faith it!
Faith: Get in the Word
Heb. 11:1, 3, 6. Faith is evidence. The Bible tells us that both Jesus and Paul perceived or saw faith in someone to receive healing. There’s a difference between a miracle by the sovereign move of God (the gifts of the Spirit) and receiving a healing by faith. Faith is up to you. You can have faith to be healed, but if you don’t act on it, it won’t do you any good. Pray for specific things so you know when you’ve received. Faith pleases God. Do you believe that God is a rewarder to you? If you do, He will work for you. Pastor Dale shared how God rewarded him for not complaining and for leaving his family to serve Him by miraculously healing a man who was deformed from birth. How do you have faith? Rom. 10:17 tells us: by hearing and hearing by the Word. God’s words are alive and are Spirit, and they are health (Prov. 4:20-23). You’ll sense a difference by spending 30 minutes a day focusing on and reading the Word. The Word feeds your spirit, and then your faith can be released. If you can’t be talked out of believing you’re saved, you should have that same kind of faith to believe you’re healed. Your faith needs to be developed, like working out at the gym develops your body. Get into the Word! Read it! Speak it!
Worship and Walls (Awakening His Generation)
Ethen Armstrong, via Skype from Odessa, Ukraine, preached on “Worship and Sacrifice”. (Rom. 12:1) Worship is a life lived for God, sacrificing what you want for what God wants. When you step into His path, He becomes your provision and protection. God has an appointed place for you. For the joy that was set before Him, Jesus endured the cross (Heb. 12:2). Do everything for Him; He’s done so much for you. Stay in the Word and pray, so it’s easier to hear the voice of the Lord. Don’t say, “I don’t feel like doing that right now.” Show your love for Him; it’s a daily walk of faith. It’s up to you whether you will worship and what you will allow to distract you. Where are you going to walk? Truly worship and serve Him. (Ethen shared what he is doing in Odessa through God’s help. He asked for prayer for himself and for Pastor Dale.) Brian Rohrer shares his testimony of running from God’s calling and preaches the importance of standing in the gap, to do what God has commissioned you to do (Ezek. 22). (2 Chron. 7:14) Get the Word in your life. Don’t question Him, but do your best for Him. Release what negative you’ve done and make it your testimony. Pursue God. Allow Him and others to teach you. Be willing. Show love to one another. God can break through walls. Get over strife! Pray and praise when you’re in prison. The final wall is Jesus on the cross. The walls fell when He said, “Father, forgive them”, and “It is finished!” Unleash the walls in your heart. Let Jesus in. Don’t make the power of the cross useless. FORGIVE!
Faith in God or the faith of God is complete persuasion and assurance in God. (Mark 11:12, 20-24; Matt. 21:20-22; 2 Tim. 1:12b; Heb. 11:1) Whom do you believe in? God is our Source. Bible hope (trust, expectation, and anticipation) is different from today’s worldly hope (want and desire). You don’t have any more faith than you have patience. Consider how you use the name of Jesus. In Acts 19:13-17 the Seven Sons of Sceva used Jesus’ name and reaped some bad results. Be careful not to use His name as an incantation or formula. Stir yourself up when you realize your faith is waning from when you first stood in faith. The trying of your faith is the passage of time. Pastor Syd read all of Hebrews 11 which records those people who lived by faith. Heb. 12:1-2 reminds us to run the race with patience.
The Christian Life: The Biblical Structure of the Home and Marriage
Word given by Larry Hostetter: Children, you don’t know how special you are, how special I have made you. Those giftings that I have put in you. When I [had] created you, I [had] placed giftings within you. There are many different giftings. There are giftings of the Spirit. Have you found them? Have you found those giftings that I want for you, found in the baptism of the Holy Spirit? It’ll set you free. It’ll change your life. It’ll help you walk the walk that I have called for you, the plan that I have for you. It’ll take you there. It’ll take you there. It’s where I want you to go. As you follow Me, as you learn My Word and place [My] Word in your heart, I’m going to change you into a vehicle that will glorify My Name. It’s not about you. It’s about the One who lives in you. Don’t forget that. I placed giftings in you, but they are supernatural giftings that I want you to work in, I want you to move in, but it’s done by the Spirit. So, train your ears to hear His Word, so put His Word in your heart so you can hear His Word, that you can hear His voice and learn to know the difference. The Word says you have to judge the spirits. There are many spirits in the world, but there’s only one true God. There’s only one living God. There’s only one God that paid the price. That glorious salvation that He provided for you is free. There’s no price in it, except for your life, except for your heart. That’s a big price for some people to pay, but that’s the price that I accept. That’s the price that Jesus died for. So, be willing My children. Hunger and thirst after Me, after My righteousness for your life needs to be changed. It needs to be changed, one day at a time, one surrender at a time. When I put My finger on something, get it out, get it out! When you see it, when you hear it, get it out! Get it out! There’s a price to pay. Time for surrender… It’s time for us to surrender in Jesus’ name.
Offering: Pastor Syd shares a testimony about his obedience to God and the blessing that followed (2 Cor. 8:9; 2 Cor. 9:6). Sermon: The Word can bring revival in our marriages. All marriage problems stem from selfishness. Are you doing marriage the way God said? Gen. 2:15-25 tells about Adam in the Garden of Eden. God made Eve to be Adam’s helper. Christ is the head of the man; man is the head of his wife; and God is Christ’s head (1 Cor. 11:3). The husband is the leader, and the wife is the helper. Except for 1 Cor. 7:1-6, marriage is NOT 50/50. (Eph. 5:15-22; Heb. 13:17; 1 Peter 2:13-17). Honor is big with God. Choose to respect and honor, even if the person doesn’t deserve it. Refuse to fight. Submit (1 Peter 5:5; James 4:7; Eph. 5:24-33; Col. 3:18-19; Eph. 5:22-33). Every question about marriage is answered in how Christ functions in the Church. 1- Submission is not agreement, and in fact, you don’t need to submit if you agree. You can submit when you don’t agree. 2-Submission isn’t easy. 3-Submission is not weakness (1 Peter 3:1). 4-Submission isn’t forced. No form of making someone do something is from God. It’s manipulation. Serve. Marriage is to be a picture of Christ and the Church. Walk in your own place. Submission is your own choice.
Unwavering Faith: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
Text: Heb. 12:1-2. We are to lay aside every weight and sin that ensnares us. Don’t get tripped up , but stay in faith. The things that ensnare us can be the little things that catch your attention and cause you to fall away from faith, things like not walking in love. Keep your eyes on Jesus. When you put your faith in God, there is nothing that Satan can do to stop God’s Word from working, so he will try to get your eyes off of Jesus to destroy you. James 1:5-8 tells us to ask God in faith if we lack wisdom. If we waver in faith, we won’t receive anything. Doubting is being double-minded and driven by circumstances; it’s thinking about two different things at the same time and not being able to make a decision. Angels are sent out to serve those who inherit salvation (Heb. 1:13-14). Pastor Syd gives an analogy of how we advance our angel(s) or cause them to retreat from us by our confession of faith. Peter walked to Jesus in the storm on the sea in faith (Matt. 14:25-29), but he didn’t keep his eyes on Jesus. Fear opens the door to Satan, but praise opens the door to God. Don’t look at the problem and don’t give in to fear. Martha had too many things getting her attention. Make a choice about your thoughts. If they are thoughts of fear, Satan wants you to think they’re your thoughts, so take them captive and make them come into the obedience of Jesus Christ. The incident of Moses and the bronze snake is another example of keeping your eyes on Jesus (Num. 21:4-8). God has put everything under Jesus’ feet Eph. 1:20-23). Keep your eyes on Him.
The Christian Life: Live in the Grip of the Love of Christ
Word Given in the CWI Service by Larry Hostetter- Do you know it’s all about you? It’s all about you. It couldn’t be done without you! Do you know how important you are? Do you know how important you are? This is the Body of Christ. It’s one of the little bodies of Christ all across this nation, all around the world. I’ve got a marvelous Church, … a marvelous Church that is doing a great work today. You don’t read about it in the newspapers. No, No! That’s a whole different world, but My Church is My world in this world, and it’s here to be a light. It’s here to be a witness of My love for people, My love for individuals. You’re all important. You’re all part of the Body. Do you know how much I love you? I gave My only begotten Son for you. My love will never die for you, but you have a choice: who will you serve? I’ve done it for everyone, but who will you serve? I asked for ten percent. That means that you get to keep ninety percent, but that ten percent is what you owe to Me for what I’ve done for you, but don’t forget, over and above that is where the blessings are. When I put on your heart to give … so be faithful, for My love for you is so great. I just desire for you to know Me, to know My love for you. So seek Me. Seek Me in the Word. Seek Me in prayer. Seek Me on your face. There’s power in that, you know, on your knees for a mighty and holy God. Until you can do it on a bent knee that shows Me that you reverence Me, you want to serve Me, you want to live for Me, because I am your King, says the Lord God. I am your King, and who will you serve?
Teri Armstrong shared about an after-school program that is successfully ministering to poor and neglected children in the Ukraine. Larry Hostetter gave a word about God’s love for us and about loving, knowing, seeking, and serving God.Text: 2 Cor. 5:14-17. If you aren’t gripped by the love of Christ, you will go nowhere. Life’s focus needs to be in balance: Don’t just focus of false humiliation and struggle (the death of Christ), nor focus only on the lofty things (being an ambassador of Christ). It’s because He died for us that we are His ambassadors. Being gripped by His love means that you value that Christ died for you by living for Him. Be an example of Jesus and what He has done in your heart (Phil. 3:15-19). Going after your own will and dreams leads to an end of destruction. Everything is about serving Jesus. Here’s something else to keep in balance: suffering and glory; true humility that He may exalt you. Be clothed in humility by preferring others more than yourself (1 Peter 5:1-6). God allows us to continually confront pride in our lives in one area at a time. Allow the love of Christ to grip you. He will exalt you in due season (2 Cor. 5:14-15). Die to self and know that what you’re doing is the will of God.
The Salvation of the Soul
LaVere reviewed that creation was a two-step process, meaning existence was created by God’s spoken Word, and then came its formation. So also, faith is a two-step process. We sometimes have “viruses” in our lives. Our spirits do not sin after we are born-again, but our bodies and souls need salvation, too. The salvation of your soul is a life-long process and happens as the Word is rooted and grounded in you. Mark 7:20-23 and Gal. 5:19-21 name some of the “viruses” that affect us in our souls and defile us. We need to take care of these “viruses”. LaVere gives numerous names for the salvation of the soul, such as weeding the garden, being conformed to the image of Christ, circumcision of the heart, transformation of the mind, sanctification, reconstruction of the soul, etc. He shares many Scriptures that can help us in the process of the salvation of the soul. Allow God to save you completely.
The Mortal Enemy and How to Overcome Him
The serpent, also known as the devil or Satan was present in the beginning (Gen. 2:24-25; 3:1). At the end of the Bible in Rev. 12:7-9 and Rev. 20:2-3 we are told about the serpent of old, the devil, Satan. Satan wants to take us out (1 Peter 5:8, 9). We are in a spiritual battle against him (Eph. 6:10-13). He is in the form of principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a demonic spirit called the Python Spirit that attacks ministries, churches, nations, leaders, and individuals (1 John 3:8). The symptoms of an attack by this spirit are: the church grows and then people start leaving; people start moving from church to church, not putting down roots; finances are attacked through strangulations or money schemes. A python kills by a slow process of constriction, wrapping itself around the person so the person can’t breathe. In Acts 16:16-18 it was seen as a spirit of divination. It produces false prophesies and tries to make a profit. In Acts 19:24-32 the Python Spirit brought confusion, wrath, and division as people feared financial loss. From the meanings of words and names in the Scriptures, LaVere explains how this spirit is identified when the ten spies brought back the negative report and unbelief, causing the people to be held back for forty years from going into the promised land (Num. 13); how it was behind Israel’s wanting a king to replace God and Saul’s torment (1 Sam. 12, 14, 15, 16; 1 Chron. 10:13-14), and why God sent the flood (Gen. 6:5-7). Right now our nation, churches, families, and finances are being attacked by this spirit. It has the power to take down nations. How do you attack the Python Spirit? The Blood of Jesus!! Use the blood and your authority over it.
Faith: Foundation for Believing
Pastor Dale explains the four stones in our foundation of faith. They are: 1) God is not a respecter of persons. He treats everyone the same, and He does not have favorites. In the story of the Prodigal Son, neither the elder nor the younger son had the father’s (Father’s) heart. Jesus came to bring freedom for all of us. 2) Numbers 23:19 God never lies. You can place your faith in your Father. He is not arbitrary. We can receive what He has promised. 3) Heb. 13:8 Jesus never changes; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is moved with compassion. James 1:16-17 tell us to not be deceived; every good and perfect gift is from God, and He does not change. 4) Faith is of the heart, not the head. Your head will steal your faith. Faith is a product of the heart/spirit and is a spiritual force. Your heart is a better guide than your head if you’re full of the Word. Trust in the Lord … and lean not on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6).
The Christian Life: Do You Value Christ’s Death For You?
Word Given by Pastor Dale: “Watch the turning of the tide. Watch the changing of the guard. Watch the renewal of times and in two years, just two short years, and you will see, and you’ll look around, and you’ll laugh, and you’ll remember, “Oh, do you remember those times of fear and concern in the political and the financial realm?” Two short years, and you’ll see a renewal and a shaking and a prospering. Rejoice, and do not fear! Thank You, Jesus! Wars and wars and more wars. Not much has changed, but Satan’s playground is smaller and smaller and smaller. So, though he may snarl and snap more furious than before, fear not! Fear not! The gospel is here. The gospel is clear. Salvation is near, more near than you thought. Hallelujah!”
Sermon notes: Text: 2 Cor. 5:14-21 goes from the point of Christ’s suffering, sacrifice, and death and crescendos in our living in Him. Only the deepest joy (because of Christ’s and our victory) can carry the heaviest burdens. Look at people through the redemption of Jesus, not according to the flesh. Pastor Dale gives several examples of this. What’s the victory? It’s that we are new creations in Christ, because He reconciled us and gave us a ministry of reconciliation. Evangelism is a mirror of how you value and respect your own salvation. We represent Jesus and stand in His place. Don’t keep what Jesus did for you to yourself, but share it! He made us the righteousness of God in Christ. He paid for our salvation and healing. Gal. 3:13-14 tells us that Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, because He was made a curse for us. Blessings and curses are spiritual. Get a grip on all that He has already paid. Give Him the glory. He died that we might live.
Jesus is the True Vine (John 15:1-7). He takes away the branches that don’t bear fruit and purges with the Word those who do. The Word cleanses you. Allow Him to change and cleanse you. The goal is abiding in Him; fruit-bearing is the natural by-product. The levels of abiding are: bearing fruit, bearing more fruit, bearing much fruit. Without Jesus, we can do nothing. Allow your point of need to draw yourself to God’s arms. If you abide in Him, and His words abide in you, you will ask what you will (desire), and it shall be done for you. Be in union with the Word about what He is dealing with you. When your will and words from your heart (not just words from your head) are God’s will, He can trust you. If you want to know His will, get closer to Him, and when you know His will and do it, He will get the glory. Respond to the word that He has spoken to you. Abiding is one aspect of fellowship with Him; you’ll walk in light if you allow Him to cleanse and purge whatever He is dealing with you about (1 John 1:3-7)
The Power of Our Words Part 1
Offering message: Prov. 3:5-9Are you honoring God with your first-fruits and possessions? Gene English spoke about listening to the voice of silence from God in relation to his trip to Namibia, Africa. Pastor Dale preached on the power of the tongue from James 3:2-8, Prov. 18:20-21, Prov. 6:2, Mark 11:23-24, Prov. 12:13-14, and Isaiah 54:17. If you can control your tongue, you can control your whole body and being. The worst the conditions, the smaller you have to start, just like starting a fire with the smallest and driest wood. Your words are kindling to the fire you’re trying to build. The fire you build can bring life or destruction. Negative words and talking about your problems will burn your life up. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. You can be snared (tricked and trapped) by your words. Talk to your problems and tell them to be removed. Believe what you say, and you will have what you say. Use your words to work for you. Weed out the negative words! Rise up and condemn what comes against you.
Faith and Overcoming Fear
The Holy Spirit told Pastor Syd: “God’s mercy and His provision are indelibly linked. They cannot be separated. His compassion provides the interchange.” His compassion transfers (connects) His mercy to His provision. Where God’s mercy is, His provision is there. (Ex. Matt. 20:29-34; Is. 63:7)
The Word of God will come against what the devil brings to us. Text: Is. 7:1-9. Fear is deadly, and stress and worry are forms of fear. You can have fear but still stand in faith. We can resist fear by humbling ourselves before God, realizing that He is our source. Fear is a roadblock to what God wants to do. Don’t fear what everyone else is fearing. God is our source, and we are to fear Him only. The condition is believing the word of the Lord. Think only what the Lord has said. An example is David with Goliath. David could have faith to defeat him because he compared Goliath to God. We have God’s promises: Is. 41:10-13; Ps. 34:1-22; Is. 26:3; Ps. 23. When your faith believes that it receives, it rejoices. Seek the Lord, and He will deliver you from all fear. He will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your eyes on Him. Pastor Syd tells what all God’s peace means. Do you tremble at the word of God? Pastor Sydney shares powerful testimonies he and his wife experienced in the valley of the shadow of death.
The Power of Our Words Part 2
Text: James 3:2-4. Faith in your words can work for or against you and can change the direction of your life. Matt. 12:36 tells us that we will have to give account of every idle word. Actions start with words. Philemon 6 says that the communication (intimate sharing, interchange) of our faith becomes effective by our acknowledging what is every good thing in us in Christ Jesus. Do we acknowledge Him in our life situations so the Word works for us? Our first confession should be: “Jesus is the Lord of my life.” We must acknowledge truth to be truth for ourselves, because the Word of God works. It’s not based on how spiritual we are. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and that includes our relationships, business, even shopping. Ps. 103:1-7 is a great prayer/confession. Remember, your words change the direction of your life. (There was a communion service.)
Offering message: In 2 Kings 5:1-18 Naaman learned that the key to miracles is to do what God tells you to do. Sermon message: Text: Matt. 8:18-20 and 16:19 tell us that when two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name and agree about any matter that they pray for, it will be done. We pray in Jesus’ name, ask according to God’s will (1 John 5:14), have child-like faith, and the result is that we will have what we ask. Pastor Syd gave three examples of when he asked God with child-like faith. Hardening of the heart happens when you don’t get what you prayed for; the devil will even use Scripture against you to cause you to doubt. Exercise the Word of God. Believe it. God says, “I’ve done my part. Now do yours.” (There was a time of corporate prayer.)
Encountering Islam Part 1- A King Without a Kingdom
The purpose of these meetings is to make us aware of what to pray. Missions are our focus in looking at the Islamic nations and the Muslims. In Matt. 26:48-54 Jesus let us know that there is a spiritual realm. In John 18:33-37 we learn that the kingdom of God is different from earthly governments/kingdoms. Both the Jewish and Islamic world had the spiritual and political arenas intertwined. Jesus told us that His kingdom was not of this world. America became a missionary sending-out country, but with it came pride. We need to look at Muslims as human beings who are lost. In 2 Kings 6:8-16 fear was an issue then, and it’s an issue now. We need to see in the Spirit; there are more with us than with them. DO NOT FEAR. This isn’t a war of religions: there are only two kingdoms- God’s and Satan’s. We need to introduce people to Christ. First John 4:1 warns us to not believe every spirit, but to test them, because there are many false prophets. Every spirit has to be able to say that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh- IN OUR HUMAN FLESH. Other religions do not believe that God can live in a person. This is the starting point of the gospel: Jesus, the Greater One, lives in us!
Encountering Islam #2- What is Islam
O. M. Panicker, who was born and lived in Islamic countries and is based in Kenya, explains the eastern perspective of Islam and in what ways it is different from what we are told in America. He explains where the Muslims live, the two groups of Muslims, their holy places, what Islam is, what they believe, and what their goals are. There are more Muslims (2.1 billion) than Christians (2 billion). They believe that Islam is the first and last religion, that lying and killing are permitted; it’s the shortest and broadest way to God (their god- Allah). Their goals are to make Africa the first Islamic continent; they will take from the U. S. financially and then “kill the goat”; bring all people into submission; make Westerners think Islam is a peaceful religion by taking control of media, economics, politics, and bring confusion and chaos; rewrite the Koran (Qur’ an) into English, leaving out the violence and changing “Allah” to “God”, and calling it “The Holy Qur’ an” to make it like The Holy Bible.
Encountering Islam Part 3
Islam wants to destroy America, because they see it as a target of the Christian faith. It is a lie to think they are worshiping the same God as we do. Allah is not our God. How is Christianity different from other religions? 1- God reveals Himself to humanity through His Word, so we can know Him; other religions: search for God through torture and pilgrimages; they have no assurance of their eternity. 2- The Bible is inspired by God so we can trust it. (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Heb. 1:1); the Koran was only given to Muhammad, and he was illiterate, confused, demon-possessed at times; the Koran has no authority- someone had burned portions of it. Muslims give offerings every day, whether they have much money or not. They are given money, etc. to convert the world. Christians need to teach their children the Scriptures and discuss its stories and to give our money for the gospel.
Encountering Islam Part 4
Islam is an anti-Christian and anti-Jewish system. Its enemies are Jews, disbelievers, polytheists, idolaters, and pagans. Muslims are told to not have Christians or Jews as friends or protectors or Allah won’t protect you. Pastor O. M. taught about the history of Islam. (It has a history of idol-worship. Islam means “submission to Allah”.) He also taught about Muhammad’s character which was a life of death of people close to him, demonic revelations, sexual exploits- married his daughter-in-law, a 7 year old girl, had numerous concubines and prostitutes, used violence and wars, etc. He defended his “mistakes” by saying that Allah told him that he should them. Muslims are not allowed to criticize the Koran, Allah, or Muhammad. The Islamic men may have multiple wives, molest children, treat women as slaves, and have sex with young girls. They use violence against people to keep them “quiet”.
Encountering Islam Part 5
Confronting Islam is a mission aspect, to reach them for Christ. It is increasing greatly by population and American conversions to Islam (after 9-11). Many of the Muslims live in cities and are blacks in prisons. Even youths who were raised in Christian homes are converting. We need to pray and be prepared. Pastor Dale read from a book, The Islamic Anti-Christ, by Joel Richardson. They believe in Allah, prophets, scripture, end times, angels. Islam is enforced and spread by blood and the sword. All Muslims must believe in their own end-times beliefs. The flying of the black flag is an emblem of the coming of their messiah. Satan turns truth around. The Muslims believe that Satan will come and defeat Jesus. Allah is not God. We pray in the name of Jesus. The Muslims believe that Jesus will return and will defer to the Muslim messiah (Madhi) and will make a peace accord with Israel for seven years. Pastor Dale believes that the Anti-Christ will be a Muslim.
Encountering Islam Part 6
Pastor Panicker continued to teach about the history of Islam and Muhammad. After Muhammad died, several successors were assassinated, and then the caliph who was from Syria, assassinated more people and there became two groups of Muslims: the Shi’ ahs and the Sunni Muslims. Wars followed and people, including weak Christians, were converted by fear with each conquest. Constantinople fell to the Muslims. They encouraged slavery, polygamy, and degradation of women. Their barbarous treatment of Christians led to the Crusades. He explained the worship of Allah and Hubal. He taught what the Qur’ an teaches about Allah: Allah is the most tricky one; he is the best of plotters; he prefers some above others; he gives wealth and sustenance to whom he wills; he guides whom he wills; he punishes and forgives whom he wills; he will fill hell with jinns (demonic spirits) and mankind together; he leads astray whom he wills. Love is the greatest power to reach them. Don’t get into fear, and don’t go after them alone. Violence in the Islamic nations is leading to the United States of Islam. Democracy can never exist with Islam.
Encountering Islam Part 7
O. M. Panicker shares about his ministry, Intercontinental Christian Ministries
Encountering Islam Part 8
What is happening in the Islamic world? There is much Christian persecution. When Muslims come to the USA, they want freedom, but when Christians go there, they have no freedoms. The defense of Islam is to: prevent Christian missionary activity in all the world; suppress indigenous churches by torture and killings; not allow open evangelism. Thirty (30) percent of Muslims are radicals. There are battles between the liberals and the radicals. The aim of Islam is to memorize the Qur’ an. The reformation of Islam is not spiritual, but is a reformation of law to make the people live as Muhammad lived. The liberal Muslims want freedom. Lying is legally permitted in Islam in the war with the Jews and Christians and between husbands and wives. You can’t trust what a Muslim says. The aim of the Islamic world mission is to increase in non-Islamic nations through financial outreach, teaching the Arabic language, intermarriage- a Muslim man with a Christian wife, and seeking asylum and work in non-Muslim countries. Because they have multiple wives, population growth is their powerful weapon. Americans, on the other hand, are aborting their babies, not having children, and not teaching the Bible to their children. We need to seek God’s wisdom and encourage our children to come to church.
Pulpit Freedom Sunday
Dales shares about Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Listen to 10 minutes of Dales bold stand.
The Power of Our Words Part 3
(There was a baptismal service for four young ladies.) Text: James 3:1. Be careful with your words and control them. Think before you speak. Your words control your whole body. We should love the principle of our words changing things to the point that we can control our body. You can’t trust your thoughts or your emotions, because they can be manipulated. Pastor Dale shares an experience when he used Scripture to change his depressive thoughts and also, when a Congressional aide said the Lord’s Prayer and was able to resist an addictive sin. Confess God’s Word- it’s alive! Check what you’re meditating on before you go to bed and when you wake up, and you’ll know where you are. You can pull down strongholds in your mind and cast down imaginations (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Speak Eph. 1:4-6 with your name in it. Phil. 4:6-8 tells us not to worry but to pray, supplicate, and give thanksgiving in our prayer requests. It also tells us what to think on. Use the Word to shut your mind up when your thoughts are not good.
The Power of Our Words Part 4 (Choose Life)
Word given by Larry Hostetter: I take joy in you, My children, when you praise Me with your whole heart. It blesses Me. It excites Me. Your praises are so important. They come straight to the throne room. They create power. They create anointing. It’s so important. For all I have done for you through Jesus Christ, your Lord, your Savior, through the blood of the Lamb, through the stripes that He bore, through the Almighty name that is far above powers and principalities. Praise His name. Praise the name of the Lord for He is good. He is merciful. He is kind. He is awesome, far, far, far, far above the powers and principalities. And so you shall see soon. It’s coming quick. It’s coming quick when I will release My glory, when your praises will bring the presence of God in this place. Get a heart after Me. Get into My Word. Believe My Word because I’m going to fulfill it, all, every jot and tittle will be fulfilled, and you shall see Me. You shall know Me in a way that you’ve never known before, because My presence is coming. My might, My power will put the devil to run. He cannot stand My presence. He cannot stand in My presence. He has to go.
Pastor Syd gave a powerful testimony of God’s blessing his obedience.) Sermon text: Deut. 30:11-20. Whatever God commands us is reachable through Him. The Word is in our hearts and mouths. We can choose life or death. Choosing life means we love our God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. We are given choices. In 1 Kings 17 Elijah acted on a word God had previously given him and went to the king with the message that it wouldn’t rain until he said so. In 1 Kings 18:20-46 Elijah continued to walk in faith and God answered him. James 5:17-18 tells us that Elijah was a man like us, but he prayed and believed God. He didn’t say, “If it’s God’s will.” He proclaimed God’s word, and then God did His part. The words you choose create. Follow the checks and peace in your spirit and be led by God’s Spirit. Pastor Sydney shared another testimony of his and his wife’s standing on God’s word to them during a great financial collapse. (Note: The housing miracle was even greater! Pastor Sydney and his wife, Jen, checked back to their records and found that the final rent cost they had to pay was $500, not $700! Thank You, Jesus!)
The Power of Our Words Part 5 (Speak God’s Word)
Text: James 3:1-6. Verse 6 tells about the curse side of our words: the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, set on fire by hell. The words you speak define you. Some people have cycles of life, in which they constantly have troubles and tragedies. In those troubles looking for meaning in suffering and saying that you’re a victim of a generational curse won’t set you free. Instead, break the cycle by SPEAKING THE TRUTH OF THE WORD! There’s a secret place in God where we need to live (Ps. 91:1-9), and you get there by SAYING, “The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He is my God, in Him I will trust.” Speak what the desired result is and who Jesus is, which releases authority. When you are aware of a curse on you, SPEAK, “It will not come near me!” Believe in the power of the blessing. Unbelief and fear silence your mouth. Remember, even though there is a strategy to defeat you and your family and your future, GOD’S POWER IS GREATER. Is. 54:17. Don’t ignore words spoken against you, because that’s agreement with those words. YOU shall condemn every tongue that rises against you in judgment. YOU break the curses, because they are cycles of fire. Josh. 1:5 and Heb. 13:5 assure us that God will never leave nor forsake us, so we can boldly say: “The Lord is my helper!” Speak God’s Words.
Faith: Build Yourself Up
Offering message: Pastor Dale shared about a demonstration of faith and being steadfast (moving in a course), immovable (not being pushed off the course), and always abounding (doing more) (1 Cor. 15:57, 58). The demonstration was our sowing into Novi Jerusalim. Pastor Dale also talked about not putting the brakes on your faith. Sermon texts: Acts 20:32 and Jude 20. In order for us to built up, we need to get into God’s Word (listen, read, meditate on it) and pray in the Holy Spirit. Don’t live on your own strength. To help people, don’t try to fix their problems, but show them the options of how they can fix it themselves.
Support Our Political Leaders Who Stand For Biblical Principles
In Ezekiel 22 God talks about someone needing to stand in the gap before He judges a nation. Before that He gave a warning about the failure of the prophets and the spiritual leaders. Our political leaders are not a fix to the spiritual needs of our nation. We, as the church, should stand up for righteousness and to be light. In 2008, twenty million Christians did not vote. The president won in 2008 by eight million votes. We need to support and hold accountable those who have been elected. Call and let your governmental leaders know you are praying for them. Find out what is happening behind the scenes. Brian tells what is being voted in as U.N. treaties, which will greatly impact the church and all of us.
The Power of Our Words Part 6 (A Harvest of Words)
Text: James 3:2-5. Your life will go where your words lead you. Prov. 18:20-21 says that from the increase of your lips you will be filled. Speak more, affirm more, confess more, proclaim more. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. The time to build words for long life is when your children are young. The Bible has many promises of long life. Your stomach (the spirit of man) is satisfied by the fruit of your mouth (the words that come out of your mouth). The fruit of what you say is a harvest of words; the yield of a fruitful harvest; the offspring of life (birthing something through words). Get a harvest of words that you want in your life. Learn to love the power of your words, love the law of words. Authority is exercised by words (Deut. 30:14-20), such as when you say “yes” to salvation. Gen. 1:1 God said, “Let there be light”, which really means, “Light be!” God is the source of power. Satan responds to words because he is a created being. God gives the power to become the children of God to those who receive and believe Jesus. You receive and walk in Jesus with your mouth (Col. 2:6; Rom. 10:9, 10). Pastor Dale shares experiences about releasing power by confessing God’s Word. Love the power of your words.
The Wonderful Good Plan for Me Part 1
God’s plan for your life is a good one, one of peace and hope ( Jer. 29:11-14). If we pray to Him and seek Him, He will listen. Shalom is peace, perfect, prosperity, rest, safety, welfare, wholly well. You have to make a choice for life. Are the promises in the Old Testament for us today? YES! Gal. 3:13-14, 26-29, and 4:4 establish the truth that we are sons and heirs of God and that the blessing of Abraham has come to us through faith in Jesus Christ. What are some of those promises? Matt. 11:28-30 tells us that God gives us rest, His yoke is easy, and His burden is light, because we’re yoked with Him. Rom. 5:17 tells us that we will receive grace and the gift of righteousness to reign in life through Jesus Christ. Rom. 8:14-17 lets us know that we are God’s heirs. Rom. 8:31-38 says that God is for us and that nothing can separate us from His love. You’ll get excited and bold about the Word of God when it’s working for you. A quote from Keith Moore: “The plan of God is the glory of God prepared by the love of God especially for the children of God, me!” Our response is praise, joy, shouts of jubilation (Ps. 32:11; 35:27; 47:1; 100:1-4). Rely on His strength and His good plan for you.
The Power of Our Words Part 7 (Principles of Faith: The Spoken Word)
Sermon: In Mark 11:12-14, 20-24 the fig tree spoke lack and non-productivity, so Jesus answered it with a curse. He didn’t keep looking at it, because by faith He knew what would happen. Faith and your words work for you. You will have what you say. The word “pray” can mean to say and to address someone. Jesus spoke to the fig tree, but in Mark 11:23 He told Peter (and us) to speak to the mountain, and in verse 24 to believe that he will have what he says. There are four principles from this story shown by example: 1) Speak to you problem. 2) Speak the desired results and act on the promises. 3) Jesus’ words were at work in the unseen realm. 4) Negative words are a curse. There are five things Jesus taught from this passage. 1) This principle will work for whosoever , which means you. 2) Speak TO your mountain. 3) Speak the end result. 4) Don’t waver. 5) Believe what you say will come to pass.
The Wonderful Good Plan for Me Part 2
Pastor Syd reviewed last Wednesday’s message from Jer. 29:11-14 (God’s promise for our peace and plans to prosper us applies to us today; we must make a choice for God’s plan; God’s plan should be easy if we are yoked with Jesus; if we believe God’s plan for us, we’ll be excited about it, and it will work for us.) His plan gives us hope and hope produces joy. Faith produces peace. Hope expects. Faith receives. Faith, hope, and love are the armor and the weapons. We need to put on the helmet of salvation to think God’s thoughts, not the enemy’s. Watch your words, because they carry spiritual significance. Allow yourself to express joy and praise in your worship and root out the spirit of pride. Use praise as a sword to open the door to the Father with power. Laugh at the devil and his plans. Remember: he is NOT the equal opposite of God. Don’t agree with his thoughts and feelings and fears. Death is our enemy, but we don’t need to be afraid of it. Other texts: Luke 4:16-19; Matt. 11:28-30; Ps. 32:11; 47:1; Prov. 10:28; Rom. 15:13; Rom. 5:1-2; 1 Thess. 5:5-8; 1 Peter 1:6-8; Ps. 149:3-5; 2:1-4; 37:12; Job 5:22; 1 Cor. 15:52-55.
The Power of Our Words: Part 8 (Testimony of Receiving From the Lord)
Sowing and reaping message: Gal. 6:7 tells us not to be deceived, which means that we need to pay attention to deception. Deception is Satan’s work. Satan tries to deceive people about every good gift coming from God. Another deception is that circumstances dictate who you are. People are also deceived about sowing and reaping and that their actions don’t have consequences. Examine your life and sow forgiveness and walk in the love of God.
Testimony: Pastor Dale interviews Allen and Vera Zimmerman as they relate how they and their whole family used the Word of God and faith when they were in crisis. They fought with the Word for years to see victory in their son’s life. God blessed them with visions and angelic visitations. Here are a few truths they shared: Don’t receive a bad report. Get other believers to be in agreement with you. Don’t give the evil one any right. Don’t deny the problem, but apply the truth which is higher. Guard against fear and get the spirit of death out. Keep the Lord first. Faith is now and everyday is a new now. Don’t go down the “Why?” road. God wants you healed and whole. Receive what Jesus has provided. God will complete the work He has started in you.
Why Vote
Pastor Dale has seen the importance of economics in a country. In the former USSR he saw the void of moral consciousness. We are seeing the change in our own nation. In Canada twelve years ago a law was passed making it illegal to preach against homosexuality. Don’t allow political change to happen that will continue to kill children and cause our nation to keep drifting in the wrong direction. The church needs to stop being passive. Pastor Dale has determined to raise up political leaders. He wants to start a president’s college. Vote for the principle that will move this country in the right direction.