We, as Christians, are a counter-culture. We should change what we oppose. We shouldn’t relate to sin. We should not compromise. We need to speak boldly. Your enemy will define you. Where would David be without a Goliath? We have to reclaim lost ground to present a pure Gospel. You have to see the iniquity around you in order to cry out for judgment and justice. Otherwise, the man who speaks and lives by truth becomes prey and is consumed. We have neglected some doctrines. Jesus has come to seek and save the lost (Luke19:10). He didn’t just come to pay the price. Satan blinds man from understanding his lost state (2 Corinthians 4:4). There is a blindness that a person doesn’t know he has. We have a Gospel revelation of our identity, nature, and fate. His name is Jesus. The lost don’t have that revelation. The way to Jesus is exclusive: He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). There is only one Gospel! Attitudes of inclusion do not belong in the vocabulary of a Christian, because we don’t want people to go to hell. There is the judgment of God, and hell is a reality. Man is accountable for his sins. By nature man is a child of wrath. The Gospel is to save man out of his lostness and of suffering eternal damnation. Hell is a motivation for evangelism. The real account in Luke 16:19-31 of a certain rich man and Lazarus was revealed to Jesus. There are seven truths from this Scripture. 1) Consciousness will continue after death with forms of communication. 2) He retained his memory and sentiments like a living man. 3) The good are rewarded, and the wicked are tormented with the recognition of what they deserved. 4) He was aware of others’ final destiny. 5) He was resolved that there was no means of transition. 6) All further efforts for salvation are abandoned after death. It’s over! 7) There’s complete brokenness. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus affirmed the validity of the Old Testament. Value the Scriptures. Jesus knew He would be the One raised from the dead. Jesus didn’t stay here, because if you don’t believe the Scriptures, you’re not going to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. The revelation of the power of the Scripture is greater than raising someone from the dead. The rich man is still there in everlasting flames! This should motivate you and affect your prayer life and how you represent Jesus. Man’s lost state is sealed at death. In the resurrection, both good and evil are raised from the dead. He is the same Jesus that was raised from the dead. The saved will go to rewards and eternal life. Those who died in sin, separated from God will be placed back in a resurrected body to endure the consequence of that sin in that body and punished eternally. Hell is torment in fire, flame, weeping, and gnashing of teeth, eternally. Romans 2 says that the goodness of God draws men to repentance. Preaching hell is for the perishing Christians. You owe the debt of love to those who haven’t heard. Preaching of hell is to bring revival to a once-living church. Without the Gospel the heathen will go to hell. The fate of the lost is in the hands of the church. Are we the blind men? Do we do what we can to bring in the lost? Scriptures are more powerful than experience. Life is short. Old things have passed away and what needs to become new is a new perspective of the judgment of God and the perils of hell and the lostness of man. We need to oppose hell and Satan’s blinding of peoples’ minds. Don’t let your perspective of the lost wane. All things become new. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation, which is new (2 Corinthians 5:17-20). This is committed to you. You are a minister of reconciliation. Pettiness comes in when we lose our vision of God’s commitment to us. You are here in Jesus’ stead. We go, stand, and speak for Him. Be reconciled to God. Souls hang in the balance by what you do. Commit to do the work of an evangelist. Encourage others with your testimonies. (Pastor Bob shared his testimony. While he was walking he stepped across a threshold and he saw a pit and people around this pit, a big black hole. All of a sudden, someone would fall into the pit and disappear. He was seeing people he would never see again. One after another fell into the pit. The Lord spoke to him and asked him to reach a million souls. God rebuked him for asking why didn’t He speak this to him when he was younger. God dealt with him about the sleeping state of the church and his love-walk with people. His life was changed. There’s not another chance for those who go to hell.)
The Lostness of Man
Repentance: A Doctrine Worth Fighting For
There are people who need to be saved. You don’t know it, but perhaps that person will become the next evangelist. An American missionary in Pakistan was passing out tracts, and the General’s son read the tract and prayed the prayer of salvation, got filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in tongues. His father disinherited him and had him thrown into prison, and had the man who baptized him killed. He fled through Russia, Turkey, Europe, and ended up in Sweden. Every year he, Christopher Alam, wins about a million people to Jesus in crusades and churches. We need to get our fixation and joy on the right things. That joy will overwhelm us, and we’ll flow in it. Isaiah 59:1-2 says: The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it can’t save, nor His ear heavy that He can’t hear. God has not lost His power. We serve the same God who raised people from the dead. What separates us from Him is our iniquities and our sins. This principle is being attacked today. We are drifting away from repentance as a foundational doctrine. We need to contend for the faith and for what’s of eternal value. There are fundamental doctrines that we need to be teaching. Let’s not be gullible. After salvation, you might sin, but there’s 1 John 1:9 and Hebrews 4:16. You can come boldly to the throne of grace. Living in sin and feeling good about it isn’t living free of condemnation. If you don’t come to the throne of grace, you won’t find mercy and grace. You can repent and get rid of your sin. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Apostle Dale explains an example of how false doctrine about grace has come into the body of Christ through one well-known preacher. Acts chapter five shows that there was no “waterfall of grace” for Ananias and Sapphira. To live free of condemnation, you must stay out of sin and live in the presence of God. God is faithful and just. After you are born-again, you need to repent when you sin! Simon the Sorcerer was born-again when he tried to buy the power to minister the Holy Ghost (Acts 8). Peter told him, “Your money perish with you… Repent therefore of this your wickedness.” Sin is sin. You don’t determine your walk with God by your emotions, but by basing it on the Word of God. Hebrews 6 says that repentance is a foundational doctrine. If there is a “waterfall of grace”, then there’s no eternal judgment or judgment in the body of Christ. In Acts there are three acts of divine judgment: Ananias and Sapphira, Elymas the Sorcerer, and King Herod. The judgment of God is real, especially with the young in the Lord and with the move of the church. God protects His church. Grace can be pushed so far that it allows sin in the church, and then the doctrine of repentance and judgment disappears. Sequentially, sin becomes crowned as the leader of the church. Sin is rooted out by the power in God to confront and deliver. Sin that tries to come in and invade like leaven in the body has to be dealt with, or it will remove the power that needs to be released. God is displeased when truth fails (Isaiah 59:14-17). By preaching the doctrine of repentance and judgment, sin is brought out of the church, and then the church can be the salt of the earth she was intended to be. We need a resurrection of these doctrines to have the boldness to speak truth. Apostle Dale told of a Russian man, who was warned by the Lord through Apostle Dale not to go to America, and who was killed in a car accident when he went there. God gives a space of time to repent. In a special service at CWI, the Lord told Apostle Dale to get up on the stage and look around. When he did, He showed him a guest couple that he was to prophesy to. He was prophesying to the man about his ministry that he was running the race, but he was on the wrong track. God said that He wanted him to get on the right track and run straight, and if he didn’t, he would die. He’s dead. If you strip away the judgment out of the body of Christ, you take away so much of the boldness. Being in the will of the God is better than being in a safe place. Apostle Dale tells of his experience in Russia when he needed to repent and how his repentance in a frustrating situation became a blessing. God and Jesus are the same. The problem is my sin. Confess your sins. Repent. Get back to God. When you repent, He can take the bad situation and turn it around to a blessing. Thank God for the doctrine of repentance. There is sin in the camp. Let’s get it out and want a deep clean.
Acts 9:3-6 is the account of Saul’s conversion when he was confronted with the Lord Jesus Christ. In an extremely short time what had been Saul’s truth was turned upside down. Immediately he asked the Lord, “What do You want me to do?” All that Saul had to do was to pass the test of obedience. Obedience releases power. The more obedient you are, the more accurate you’ll become. Deuteronomy 29:9 says to keep the words of the covenant, do them, and prosper. Don’t grumble. If you don’t prosper, it’s because of you, not God. Pay attention to the little things and obey to do them. There are five types of obedience. 1) Exact obedience (paying attention to details); 2) Instant obedience (not letting time pass, but moving on a directive); 3) Total obedience (not getting distracted); 4) Thorough obedience (Getting it done!); 5) Willing obedience (Isaiah 1:19 Doing what He told you to do even if you don’t want to do it.). Ephesians 5:18-21 tells us to be filled with the Spirit, talking and singing to yourself in psalms and spiritual songs, and submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord. Delight to do His will and enjoy obeying God. Submission is the transfer of desire. It’s when you set your goals in line with the plans and goals of someone else. Passivity is accepting another’s will as your own, but you are active when you pursue it. Press toward the mark (Philippians 3:14-15).