Acts 9:1-6 Saul (Paul) was violently opposed to Christians, but God took him from fighting Him to submission. Christianity is not a make-over, but a new creation. Each person upon salvation becomes what didn’t exist before. The question we must ask is, “Who do you say I (Jesus) am?” Who is Jesus to you? We should ask, “What do You want me to do?” “Lord” speaks of submission and kingship, and as Paul put it, as being a slave to Jesus. Obedience is in relationship to His lordship. HE IS MY KING! Rom. 10:9-10 tells us to confess Jesus as Lord and to believe that God has raised Him from the dead. The new birth is a commandment. 1 John 3:2 says that we are sons of God. Don’t fight His will. LOOK TO JESUS! HE IS LORD! Know the difference between your will and His (John 7:17). Submit to His will and then you will receive His will. To affirm that He is Lord of your life: know your faith is in His lordship over your life; use His name by being under His authority; and want your life to glorify Jesus.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM