Listen to this very important message from Pastor Dale on his role as our pastor and how we benefit from the anointing that God has given him. The pastor watches out for our souls, and Pastor Dale intercedes for us to flow in unity with the anointing that is on him, so that we can develop the gift that is within us. There are problems and needs in a church, but the pastor is to give himself to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Pastor Dale and our church leadership are not looking to fill positions. They are developing the gifts that are in us by flowing with Jesus’ anointing that is on Pastor Dale and receiving the transfer of anointing from him. Texts: Heb. 13:17; Ex. 18:13-26; Matt. 8:9; Eph. 4:11, 12; Ps. 133:1-3; Acts 6:1-7.
How to Relate To Your Pastor Part 1
How To Relate To Your Pastor Part 2
Pastor Dale built on part one of these sermons. He shared several of his experiences of being a pastor. There is a presence, weight, and anointing to being a pastor, as he carries his church in his heart. His priority is to pray, and as we submit to God’s anointing on him, we can learn from him the way that we are to walk (Ex. 18:13-22), and that’s the way of unity (Gen. 11:1-6; I Cor. 1:10; Ps. 133:1, 2). Our communication and language in the church should be in the same mind and judgment. Get closer to Jesus. THERE ARE NO SECRETS FROM THE PASTOR. THERE IS NO CONFIDENTIALITY IN THE CHURCH. We are our brother’s keeper. Don’t let Satan get involved in the communication within the church body. Understand what needs to be passed through to the pastor. God fixes messes, and the pastor won’t feel differently about you if have a problem. Bring your deeds to the light. You can trust your pastor. Learn the way by listening to him, so you can be on the same page as he is on. We are family. We are the church.
How To Relate To Your Pastor Part 3
Ex. 18:13-21. Authority is delegated responsibility. It’s a demonic strategy to wear out the believers. Leaders need to be strong and rested. Their first responsibility is prayer, and the second is the Word of God. Matt. 16:16-19 Jesus is the Messiah. The church stands contrary to Satan’s kingdom. The believer is to bind what needs to be bound and to loose what needs to be loosed. Matt. 18:7-35 Jesus is talking about the church as a body. Satan tries to bring disunity by sowing offenses in the body of Christ. If you are the victim of an offense, there is a process to show love and to save the lost. First, you go to the person alone. If that person doesn’t listen, then you get 2 or 3 people to witness what is said. If the person still doesn’t listen, then it is taken to the church leadership. At this point, perhaps the person is not even born-again, so he or she needs to get saved. Discord is an abomination to God (Prov. 6:16), a faithful spirit conceals a matter (Prov. 11:13), and whoever covers a transgression seeks love (Prov.17:9). Loosing a person means forgiving them. Make the choice to forgive, get rid of offenses, win people not an argument, and clean up your own messes. You’re a believer with a believer’s authority.