Word given by Larry Hostetter: I take joy in you, My children, when you praise Me with your whole heart. It blesses Me. It excites Me. Your praises are so important. They come straight to the throne room. They create power. They create anointing. It’s so important. For all I have done for you through Jesus Christ, your Lord, your Savior, through the blood of the Lamb, through the stripes that He bore, through the Almighty name that is far above powers and principalities. Praise His name. Praise the name of the Lord for He is good. He is merciful. He is kind. He is awesome, far, far, far, far above the powers and principalities. And so you shall see soon. It’s coming quick. It’s coming quick when I will release My glory, when your praises will bring the presence of God in this place. Get a heart after Me. Get into My Word. Believe My Word because I’m going to fulfill it, all, every jot and tittle will be fulfilled, and you shall see Me. You shall know Me in a way that you’ve never known before, because My presence is coming. My might, My power will put the devil to run. He cannot stand My presence. He cannot stand in My presence. He has to go.
Pastor Syd gave a powerful testimony of God’s blessing his obedience.) Sermon text: Deut. 30:11-20. Whatever God commands us is reachable through Him. The Word is in our hearts and mouths. We can choose life or death. Choosing life means we love our God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. We are given choices. In 1 Kings 17 Elijah acted on a word God had previously given him and went to the king with the message that it wouldn’t rain until he said so. In 1 Kings 18:20-46 Elijah continued to walk in faith and God answered him. James 5:17-18 tells us that Elijah was a man like us, but he prayed and believed God. He didn’t say, “If it’s God’s will.” He proclaimed God’s word, and then God did His part. The words you choose create. Follow the checks and peace in your spirit and be led by God’s Spirit. Pastor Sydney shared another testimony of his and his wife’s standing on God’s word to them during a great financial collapse. (Note: The housing miracle was even greater! Pastor Sydney and his wife, Jen, checked back to their records and found that the final rent cost they had to pay was $500, not $700! Thank You, Jesus!)