Honduras Team Sharing Make Disciples

Sunday March 25, 2012

Lynzee Hershey shared some pictures from the team’s trip to Honduras, mainly those of ministering to the children. She grew through her time spent with God. Sarah Bratschun wondered why she was to go on the trip and was blessed because God was honored by her willingness to go and to be used for the sake of the Gospel and other people. Sam Zook affirmed the importance of being willing and of the spirit of unity and power. He thanked everyone for their support and prayers and shared testimonies of God’s power touching the people. Kelly Burrows talked about ministering in a home for women who had been in trafficking and villages where people were saved, set free, and healed. The Friday service showed the young people’s desperation for the Lord and the Saturday morning time when people gratefully grabbed a hold of God goodness. She addressed a lack of unity in the body. Kevin Burrows was blessed by a night visit by the Lord telling him to share with the leaders that they need to set differences aside, forgive, speak well of others, love like God loves, be longsuffering, and to repent. The key words are unity and love. It’s important to focus on matters of eternity- salvations. Pray- 2 Chron. 7:14. How do we change the world? We show people that we care! Take new Christians and the young and make disciples of them by showing them that you care. They must know the goodness of God. Men need someone who believes in them and will speak life in them. Women need to know their identity in Christ. The Great Commission in Matt. 28:18-20 tells us to make disciples. Immerse the person in the Word of God by teaching them the ways of God. Set an example and live a life of God. Empower them to go and make disciples, too. We are to reproduce God’s life, not our own. God reproduced Himself when He created us in His image. Pour yourself into others and put God first. See the gift of God in your life and in others. Reproduce the things of God. Teach others.