The 99 Going After the One Part 1

Wednesday April 18, 2012

Text: Luke 15:3-7. Neal Bratschun describes “The 99” as a walk-through reality theater for young people. Many volunteers, including 250-500 volunteers are needed to bring in this harvest of the lost. They will need to be mentored and discipled. Why do people get involved in a church? The move of the Holy Spirit, 2 to 3 close friends, and it’s where God called them to be. We are all capable and able to be used by the Lord to reach people’s lives (I Tim. 1:12; Num. 13:30; Phil. 4:13; Philemon 1:6). What is the good thing? Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, His Word, His anointing, His work, His grace, He is the Greater One, His mind, His joy, His kingdom… Keep a positive confession and pray for salvations, the location, team leaders, volunteers, corporate sponsors, Ben Krothe (who is in charge), and participation by other churches. It will be July 13 to Aug. 5 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights from 7-11.