The Call of God #4
The 99 Going After the One Part 6
Neal shared some of his experiences with the supernatural. We must put our faith in the Lord, just like the Israelites did in the wilderness. Neal taught about how we can keep the harvest of new believers. We want to lay a good foundation in them and help them to grow spiritually, based on the Word of God (1 Peter 2:2). We need to be disciples (Eph. 4:15) and help them to grow in grace, in knowledge, in faith, and in love. He led a time of prayer for “The 99” and the harvest that will come from it.
The 99 Going After the One Part 5
Neal reviewed what “The 99” is, some statistics about it, and about the rooms that the teens will go through. He related how prophetic words have been given about change and the need for obedience and willingness of God’s people. Using Scriptures, Neal taught about spiritual growth and gave Scriptures using the acronym of DISCIPLE. The congregation spent time in prayer circles.
The 99 Going After the One Part 4
Luke 15:4. After people are born-again, a foundation must be laid in their lives (2 Tim. 2:19; I Cor. 3:10-12; Heb. 5:12, 6:1-2). We should know the basics and be able to teach them. A person working with a new believer should pray with them and follow-up with phone calls, e-mails, and letters. What is needed for spiritual growth? Prayer, reading and studying the Bible, attending church regularly, having fellowship with other Christians, and sharing what Jesus has done in your life. Neal shared Scriptures that we should know. He taught about being filled with the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. He also taught about ways to receive healing.
The 99 Going After the One Part 3
Text: Luke 15:4. After a brief review from the previous Wednesday service, Neal taught and led a discussion about the characteristics that will cause spiritual growth and what a disciple does. The three main characteristics are that you will continue (abide) in the Word of God (John 8:31-32), have love one for another (John 13:34-35), and pray (John 15:7-8). The fruit you produce is the answer to prayer. You must have a heart for the lost and to see them grow and develop. Discipling a person is laying down your life to care about that person. Train that person to also be a disciple-maker; help him develop good habits of getting into the Word and praying. Assess what the new disciple’s needs are. 1) Give him an understanding of spiritual growth (1 John 2:12-14); 2) Get the Word of God in the new believer. The congregation spent time praying together for the one each of us is to disciple and for “The 99” event.
The 99 Going After the One Part 2
Luke 15:4. We are to make disciples. The Great Commission is to make disciples of all the nations. A disciple is a student, follower of Jesus Christ, learner, an adherent. It is Pastor Dale’s heart to double the church. Ask God to give you one person to win to the Lord and to disciple. We must be ready to bring in the harvest. Pray, give, reach out to someone, go to another land. When the harvest is ready, we must be ready for them, or we’ll lose the whole crop. (We saw a video entitled, “The Harvest”.) God wants to minister through us. How do you know if you’re mature? You’re mature if you’re reproducing. Believe to get someone saved. Win souls to the Lord. Share your testimony.
The 99 Going After the One Part 1
Text: Luke 15:3-7. Neal Bratschun describes “The 99” as a walk-through reality theater for young people. Many volunteers, including 250-500 volunteers are needed to bring in this harvest of the lost. They will need to be mentored and discipled. Why do people get involved in a church? The move of the Holy Spirit, 2 to 3 close friends, and it’s where God called them to be. We are all capable and able to be used by the Lord to reach people’s lives (I Tim. 1:12; Num. 13:30; Phil. 4:13; Philemon 1:6). What is the good thing? Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, His Word, His anointing, His work, His grace, He is the Greater One, His mind, His joy, His kingdom… Keep a positive confession and pray for salvations, the location, team leaders, volunteers, corporate sponsors, Ben Krothe (who is in charge), and participation by other churches. It will be July 13 to Aug. 5 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights from 7-11.