The 99 Going After the One Part 3

Wednesday May 2, 2012

Text: Luke 15:4. After a brief review from the previous Wednesday service, Neal taught and led a discussion about the characteristics that will cause spiritual growth and what a disciple does. The three main characteristics are that you will continue (abide) in the Word of God (John 8:31-32), have love one for another (John 13:34-35), and pray (John 15:7-8). The fruit you produce is the answer to prayer. You must have a heart for the lost and to see them grow and develop. Discipling a person is laying down your life to care about that person. Train that person to also be a disciple-maker; help him develop good habits of getting into the Word and praying. Assess what the new disciple’s needs are. 1) Give him an understanding of spiritual growth (1 John 2:12-14); 2) Get the Word of God in the new believer. The congregation spent time praying together for the one each of us is to disciple and for “The 99” event.