Missionary, O. M. Panicker, gave his mission update, according to John 13:16 and Ps. 118:8. He and his wife work in Kenya and India, having a medical facility and a school. He also trains missionaries and pastors. He shared how people can support missionaries by prayer and financial support. Scriptures: Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-18; 2 Thess. 3:1-2; Rom. 15:30-32; Col. 4:3; 2 Cor. 8:1-4; 1 John 3:17-18.
Our God Is Faithful
Dr. Panicker shared about living in Kenya when they had no church support and during a time of famine. They fasted and prayed for a month, declaring that they would not lack. A man from Morocco blessed them, and a woman they did not know came with two boxes for them. It was at a time when they had no food, and the boxes were filled with all the food they needed. They wanted to send their son to school, but they had no money. Dr. Panicker went to the headmaster to ask him to keep his son there for two weeks and at the end of the two weeks he would have the money for him. He was impressed by the Lord to go to the headmaster after just one week. The headmaster informed Dr. Panicker that someone had come in the first day he came with his son and paid for the whole year. Our most precious times are as we sit at the feet of the Lord. Prayer is talking and listening to God. Do we truly pray, or do we assume that God will do this or that? Are you always engaged with the Father? We talk and listen to the Lord. Daddy God will minister to your every need. Learn to talk to the Lord in prayer. We need silence with Him, too, to hear His voice. If you do not walk with Him, you will not talk with Him. Be inspired to pray and pray for the American church-goers to read the Bible. Jonah was called to the city of Ninevah, which was Assyrian, but he was afraid to go. God’s heart was broken by all of its sin. He had a heart for the people of Ninevah. God’s character is love, mercy, and holiness. He knew He had to punish the people, so He called Jonah to warn them to repent. Jonah tried to escape God’s call for him to go to warn Ninevah, so he ended up spending time in the belly of a fish. Jonah did obey God and warned the people of Ninevah to repent and turn to God. Assyrians were fighting the Jews, but the people believed God and proclaimed a fast. God touches the hearts of the wicked, and this happened in Ninevah. The wicked king was afraid of God’s judgment, humbled himself by stepping down from his throne, repented, and cried out to the Jewish God, declaring a fast of food and water, even for the animals, and Ninevah was spared. Prayer has the power to humble the proud. Much of the American church is a coffee-club. When your belly is full, it is easy to sleep and hard to pray. God listens to the cry of the wicked, because His character is love, mercy, and holiness. We say “no” to “political correctness.” Another city was Sodom in Genesis 18 and 19. Ezekiel (16:49-50) referred to Sodom and Gomorrah as arrogant, overfed, unconcerned, haughty, not helping the poor and needy, and detestable (morally disgusting). It takes both prayer and action. The righteous are bold as a lion. God destroyed Sodom. Why did God destroy Sodom and save Ninevah? Sodom did not repent, and it was burned. Ninevah repented and was spared. [Dr. Panicker had said in 2012 that it was wrong for the United States to invade Iraq. Some countries need a dictator because the people are not able to handle the responsibility. In Iraq churches were protected and even built under the Iraqi dictator, but that all stopped when he was killed.] In 2012 the president of Uganda brought his nation’s people together. He repented and called the people to come together to God. Dr. Panicker read the prayer of repentance that the Ugandan president prayed asking for God’s forgiveness of many sins, such as idolatry, witchcraft, shedding innocent blood, and pride. Our national leaders need to repent. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
Encountering Islam Part 8
What is happening in the Islamic world? There is much Christian persecution. When Muslims come to the USA, they want freedom, but when Christians go there, they have no freedoms. The defense of Islam is to: prevent Christian missionary activity in all the world; suppress indigenous churches by torture and killings; not allow open evangelism. Thirty (30) percent of Muslims are radicals. There are battles between the liberals and the radicals. The aim of Islam is to memorize the Qur’ an. The reformation of Islam is not spiritual, but is a reformation of law to make the people live as Muhammad lived. The liberal Muslims want freedom. Lying is legally permitted in Islam in the war with the Jews and Christians and between husbands and wives. You can’t trust what a Muslim says. The aim of the Islamic world mission is to increase in non-Islamic nations through financial outreach, teaching the Arabic language, intermarriage- a Muslim man with a Christian wife, and seeking asylum and work in non-Muslim countries. Because they have multiple wives, population growth is their powerful weapon. Americans, on the other hand, are aborting their babies, not having children, and not teaching the Bible to their children. We need to seek God’s wisdom and encourage our children to come to church.
Encountering Islam Part 7
O. M. Panicker shares about his ministry, Intercontinental Christian Ministries
Encountering Islam Part 6
Pastor Panicker continued to teach about the history of Islam and Muhammad. After Muhammad died, several successors were assassinated, and then the caliph who was from Syria, assassinated more people and there became two groups of Muslims: the Shi’ ahs and the Sunni Muslims. Wars followed and people, including weak Christians, were converted by fear with each conquest. Constantinople fell to the Muslims. They encouraged slavery, polygamy, and degradation of women. Their barbarous treatment of Christians led to the Crusades. He explained the worship of Allah and Hubal. He taught what the Qur’ an teaches about Allah: Allah is the most tricky one; he is the best of plotters; he prefers some above others; he gives wealth and sustenance to whom he wills; he guides whom he wills; he punishes and forgives whom he wills; he will fill hell with jinns (demonic spirits) and mankind together; he leads astray whom he wills. Love is the greatest power to reach them. Don’t get into fear, and don’t go after them alone. Violence in the Islamic nations is leading to the United States of Islam. Democracy can never exist with Islam.
Encountering Islam Part 4
Islam is an anti-Christian and anti-Jewish system. Its enemies are Jews, disbelievers, polytheists, idolaters, and pagans. Muslims are told to not have Christians or Jews as friends or protectors or Allah won’t protect you. Pastor O. M. taught about the history of Islam. (It has a history of idol-worship. Islam means “submission to Allah”.) He also taught about Muhammad’s character which was a life of death of people close to him, demonic revelations, sexual exploits- married his daughter-in-law, a 7 year old girl, had numerous concubines and prostitutes, used violence and wars, etc. He defended his “mistakes” by saying that Allah told him that he should them. Muslims are not allowed to criticize the Koran, Allah, or Muhammad. The Islamic men may have multiple wives, molest children, treat women as slaves, and have sex with young girls. They use violence against people to keep them “quiet”.
Encountering Islam Part 3
Islam wants to destroy America, because they see it as a target of the Christian faith. It is a lie to think they are worshiping the same God as we do. Allah is not our God. How is Christianity different from other religions? 1- God reveals Himself to humanity through His Word, so we can know Him; other religions: search for God through torture and pilgrimages; they have no assurance of their eternity. 2- The Bible is inspired by God so we can trust it. (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Heb. 1:1); the Koran was only given to Muhammad, and he was illiterate, confused, demon-possessed at times; the Koran has no authority- someone had burned portions of it. Muslims give offerings every day, whether they have much money or not. They are given money, etc. to convert the world. Christians need to teach their children the Scriptures and discuss its stories and to give our money for the gospel.
Encountering Islam #2- What is Islam
O. M. Panicker, who was born and lived in Islamic countries and is based in Kenya, explains the eastern perspective of Islam and in what ways it is different from what we are told in America. He explains where the Muslims live, the two groups of Muslims, their holy places, what Islam is, what they believe, and what their goals are. There are more Muslims (2.1 billion) than Christians (2 billion). They believe that Islam is the first and last religion, that lying and killing are permitted; it’s the shortest and broadest way to God (their god- Allah). Their goals are to make Africa the first Islamic continent; they will take from the U. S. financially and then “kill the goat”; bring all people into submission; make Westerners think Islam is a peaceful religion by taking control of media, economics, politics, and bring confusion and chaos; rewrite the Koran (Qur’ an) into English, leaving out the violence and changing “Allah” to “God”, and calling it “The Holy Qur’ an” to make it like The Holy Bible.