What is happening in the Islamic world? There is much Christian persecution. When Muslims come to the USA, they want freedom, but when Christians go there, they have no freedoms. The defense of Islam is to: prevent Christian missionary activity in all the world; suppress indigenous churches by torture and killings; not allow open evangelism. Thirty (30) percent of Muslims are radicals. There are battles between the liberals and the radicals. The aim of Islam is to memorize the Qur’ an. The reformation of Islam is not spiritual, but is a reformation of law to make the people live as Muhammad lived. The liberal Muslims want freedom. Lying is legally permitted in Islam in the war with the Jews and Christians and between husbands and wives. You can’t trust what a Muslim says. The aim of the Islamic world mission is to increase in non-Islamic nations through financial outreach, teaching the Arabic language, intermarriage- a Muslim man with a Christian wife, and seeking asylum and work in non-Muslim countries. Because they have multiple wives, population growth is their powerful weapon. Americans, on the other hand, are aborting their babies, not having children, and not teaching the Bible to their children. We need to seek God’s wisdom and encourage our children to come to church.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM