Doing the Word of God is walking in wisdom. Storms will come, but you will stand, if your life is built on the Rock, and you act according to it (Matt. 7:24-29). There are seasons of storms; Jesus was attacked 40 days, and 3 victories are recorded. Mary found out that the Word of God has the power to fulfill itself and to produce, which it did because she agreed with it (Luke 1:37-38). If you need joy, agree with Scriptures about joy, etc., because that Word produces itself. Peter received from what he agreed to do when Jesus told him to let down his nets, and he only let down one net. HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD AND DO IT! Don’t let common sense stop you from obeying God. Obedience glorifies God. #1 Be sure you’re acting on the Word by faith. #2 Don’t let your circumstances justify failure (Luke 8:49 Jairus). #3 Recognize that fear will keep you from thinking big. God wants to bless you more than you can believe. #4 Some things will not work without the anointing. The Word and the Spirit agree. Sometimes you are building faith, and at some point you know you have the faith. Stand on the Word and wait for the move of the Spirit.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM