Texts: Prob. 8:11-36 (Wisdom, the fear of the Lord); Matt. 25:14-29 (The Parable of the Talents); John 6:5-13 (The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes); Mark 4:13-20 (The Parable of the Sower and the Seed). Wisdom comes from God and is personified in His Son, Jesus. Wisdom is a spirit. Wisdom is infinite and unlimited and existed before creation. The word “parable “ means to lay side by side and is a comparison. A talent is a measurement of gold. In the Parable of the Talents, the faithful ones doubled what they were given. Jesus said that to whom has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance. God wants us to have abundance and unlimited thinking in our lives. The fear of loss is a crippling thing. Good stewardship is how you double and increase what you have by opening yourself to abundance thinking. God’s resources are unlimited. Don’t have limited thinking and don’t fear loss. Money is an exchange of time and effort. We are commanded to multiply our money. The Word that is sown in our heart is the source of all multiplication. Jesus measures by our faith when we release our money. Get the Word in your heart, and you’ll prosper. Release more faith and give in obedience. Plant the word of prosperity in your heart, and then wisdom will lead and guide you. Don’t allow time to be a limitation, either. Time makes you think you failed. Get the limits off your thinking.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 1
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 2
Prov. 8:14-21. Hate the lack of wisdom and seek wisdom as a priority. Riches and honor are with wisdom, and God leads a righteous man to inherit wealth. Inheritance is a legacy of increase. Prov. 2:1-6 You have to apply yourself to the wisdom of God. You have to work on it, just as you work for increase through a job. Wisdom makes you not care what others think of you. It is a treasure. Do you cry out and seek for wisdom? You must be strong in desire and hunger for it. Prov. 1:20-23 A scorner says, “I don’t need wisdom. I know better than that.” The Spirit leads you into all truth. Let the Holy Spirit tell it to you straight. Prov. 9:8-12 Some people you can’t help. A scoffer will hate you when you speak the truth to him. Speak strongly and rebuke a wise man, and he will be wiser. Wisdom gives you riches and honor, and it also gives you the promise of long life. Job 28:12-13. You can’t buy wisdom. Wisdom is the fear of the Lord. If you don’t the price of wisdom, you won’t value it. Cry out to God for wisdom. Wisdom comes from an answer to prayer. James 1:5 Ask God for wisdom. You need it!
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 3
Texts: Prov. 8:1-5; Ps. 90:12; Ps. 39:4; Deut. 32:29;Prov. 6:6. Wisdom has more to do with the heart than it does to the intellect. Wisdom is a spiritual product. What is life? It is time, environment, and decisions that a person makes. We are to measure our days and to consider our lives (time). Value time and value wisdom. How do we value our time? 1) Time is a resource, which can be managed and recorded. 2) Time can be measured, so use a calendar to measure the use of your time. 3) Time is limited, so don’t get lazy and waste it. 4) Time is money and money is time. 5) Time can be stolen, so don’t let people steal your time. Most of our time is stolen by relationships and distractions. Want to have a 13th month? Get up an hour earlier every day or stay up an hour later every day. 6) Time can be determined. Write down birthdays, anniversaries, and habits (like reading through the Bible) on your calendar. 7) Time has natural groupings. Group phone calls, check e-mails infrequently in a day. Grouping work and having a routine reduce stress and promote dependability and comfort. There are three types of time from a Bible perspective: 1) rest, 2) work (productivity, preparation, and maintenance), and 3) joy.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 4
Don’t Lean On Your Own Understanding. Prob. 8:1-5; Prov. 3:5-6; Is. 11:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:19-31; James 4:7-8. You cannot trust your mind, and if your heart is wrong, everything is wrong. Your heart should echo the Word. Talking yourself out of doing what God told you to do is leaning on your own understanding. Suicide is a spirit caused by opening a door to a spirit. You can trust the Word. When you don’t know what to do, praise, pray, give, love, stand, and do what you know to do. Jesus is the source of our wisdom. God made foolish the wisdom of this world. Christ is the power and the wisdom on God. When you cry out for wisdom, you are crying out for Jesus. God uses the foolish things of the world. Reputation is pride in disguise. Jesus is your wisdom. Obey Him. Purify your heart and get rid of the double-mindedness. If you’re facing something, put your heart into going through it, and learn from it. Wisdom is for you.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 5
Offering: Mark 6:30-44 Jesus gave of what He had, blessed it, and fed the multitude, even so that there were 12 baskets left over. Sermon message: I Cor. 1:30 Jesus became the wisdom of God for us. He will give us His wisdom, if we ask and seek and cry out for it. Wisdom is not knowledge, but helps you to know how to put knowledge to work. Wisdom is skillful. In Ex. 35:30-36:2 we learn that God gave artisans the Spirit of God in wisdom and understanding and knowledge and all manner of workmanship. He gives skill for you to do your job. Prov. 4:1-7 Listen and pay attention to wisdom. It’s not just a confession, but you must apply yourself to go after wisdom. The 3 keys to wisdom are instruction, correction, and rebuke. Prov. 1:1-7 Teaching gets wisdom to you. When there was unbelief, Jesus taught. Prov. 1:20-30 tells us to repent and turn at wisdom’s reproof. Prov. 12:1, 15 The one who hates correction is stupid. Prov. 13:18; Prov. 15:5, 31-32; Prov. 9:8; Prov. 29:15. There are touchy areas where wisdom may be needed but not easily received, such as weight, marriage, children, business. Show where a person is wrong in the Scriptures. Heb. 12:5-9 God chastens by discipline. II Tim. 3:14-4:5 says to preach the Word, rebuke, correct. Heb. 13:17 Receive correction from your pastor, and let others speak into your heart.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 6
Don’t Lean On Your Own Understanding. Prob. 8:1-5; Prov. 3:5-6; Is. 11:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:19-31; James 4:7-8. You cannot trust your mind, and if your heart is wrong, everything is wrong. Your heart should echo the Word. Talking yourself out of doing what God told you to do is leaning on your own understanding. Suicide is a spirit caused by opening a door to a spirit. You can trust the Word. When you don’t know what to do, praise, pray, give, love, stand, and do what you know to do. Jesus is the source of our wisdom. God made foolish the wisdom of this world. Christ is the power and the wisdom on God. When you cry out for wisdom, you are crying out for Jesus. God uses the foolish things of the world. Reputation is pride in disguise. Jesus is your wisdom. Obey Him. Purify your heart and get rid of the double-mindedness. If you’re facing something, put your heart into going through it, and learn from it. Wisdom is for you. Don’t lean on your own understanding.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 7
Eph. 1:17 Wisdom reveals what’s really important. It comes from God. Wisdom is a spirit. A spirit has an entity, an identify, and personality, and is a person. A spirit of wisdom is partnering with the Godhead. Wisdom doesn’t depend on you, because wisdom is having God in you. Are you listening to God? Get closer to Him so you can hear Him. Prov. 9:8-10 tells us not to correct a fool. You won’t win anyone by an argument. You must be willing to ask for and listen to instruction. Do we love change? If God isn’t talking to you, maybe you are not receiving wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God rebukes and corrects us for us to come up to a higher standard. Cooperate with Him. Luke 2:40-52 Jesus grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him. Pastor Dale explains about Jesus as a boy at the age of manhood and His relationship with His parents and God as His Father. Jesus increased in wisdom by habitually submitting to His parents. Increase (to cut one’s way forward) is hard work and is not growth (which is a natural process). Wisdom needs habitual submission to bring increase. Jesus’ preparation: the age of manhood- time when He thought He was ready; He had abilities; He knew He was called, but He wasn’t really ready for increase in wisdom, stature, and favor until He habitually submitted to His parents. Submission is a transfer of desire, when you make someone else’s will your own. Learn to receive a rebuke.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 8
Eph. 5:13-19 says that all things that are discovered are made manifested by the light of God’s Word. You can take this to be a negative or positive thing. A moment of discovery can precipitate repentance, like a person finding out that he is going the wrong way. Repentance is a good thing and is turning you in the right direction. A walk of wisdom takes your out of darkness into a realm of light. Eph. 5:16 God redeems the time; for example, Jesus did His whole ministry in three years, and what took the Israelites forty years in the wilderness took Jesus forty days in the wilderness. Eph. 5:17 is a contrast to Eph. 5:15 and tells us that walking outside of God’s will is unwise. Wisdom is the power to do things, but it must be in the confines of the will of God. When people don’t know the will of God and their destiny, they turn to drinking. Instead of getting drunk, run to the Spirit of God to understand His will for you. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs and praise God. Being filled with the Spirit changes your countenance. Col. 3:16 Letting the Word of Christ dwell in you in all wisdom brings teaching and praise. What is your problem? Let it develop you, and don’t be afraid of challenges. Who would David have been without Goliath?
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 9
Get Wisdom and Get Understanding. John 8:31, 32 If we continue in God’s Word, we will intimately know the truth, which sets us and other people free. You need to be in the place of authority, or Satan will steal from you. Ps. 119:45 How badly do you want to walk in liberty? To keep from being bound up, receive the Word. The responsibility for seeking for the truth and promises is ours, not God’s. The Word tells us repeatedly to not be deceived (I Cor. 6:9, I Cor. 15:33, Gal. 6:7). I Tim. 3:10-13 If you’re not free in an area, search to know the truth for that. Prov. 4:1-7 Get wisdom and get understanding. Give me understanding (Ps. 119:34, 73, 125, 144, 169). Prov. 28:5; Ps. 111:10. To get God’s results, do it God’s way. In Matt. 13:18-23 (Parable of the Sower) they all heard the Word, but the results came as they responded to it. Seek for understanding. I John 5:18-20 Knowing God is understanding.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 10
Offering message: III John 2. Your soul can prosper if you are in a prosperous place. God’s will is good and is for your body and soul to prosper. Aaron Ray Zimmerman reported on the purchase of properties in Ukraine for ministry use. A word was given about God’s joy in giving, our surrendering our giftings, obedience, standing, believing, being touched, released, and sent; understand who God is and who you are in Christ. Sermon message: The Israelites left Egypt, a place of bondage, and went into abundance. Getting out of debt is freedom. James 3:13-17 tells us that wisdom can be earthly, sensual, and devilish. If you have envy and strife in your heart, you don’t know who you are. If your faith isn’t working, check out your love walk. James 1:16 warns us to not be deceived. Everything that comes from God is good. Phil. 2:2-4 exhorts us to be like-minded, and the only way we can do that is by agreeing on the Word of God. James 1:2-6 Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. “Count” there means like balancing your books, and you do that by joy and praise. Set your thermostat in prosperity and health, and balance your account with praise. I Sam. 30:1-8 is the account of the captivity of David’s and his men’s wives and families. He wept until he couldn’t weep anymore, but he had the power to praise God. There comes a place where you have to balance your own accounts and encourage yourself.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 11
Offering message: Gen. 26:6 and 12 tell us that Isaac sowed in a time of famine and God blessed him so that he became very prosperous. Even in poor economic times, we can prosper. Sermon message: Prov. 4:5 Get wisdom and get understanding! It’s like your mother calling you to the dinner table, “Come and get it!” You have to put effort into it. #1 You must have desire and an appetite for wisdom. #2 You must ask for wisdom (James 1:5, 6). #3 You must receive, or take, wisdom by faith (Mark 11:22-24). There is earthly, sensual, and demonic wisdom, and then there is wisdom from above (James 3:13-17). Wisdom brings wealth. Nothing compares with wisdom (Prov. 8:10, 11; 16:16). II Chron. 1:6-12 is about Solomon, who after offering 1000 burnt offerings, which pleased God, He asked Solomon to ask Him for whatever he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom. He spared no expense for the temple he built for God. His wisdom brought huge wealth, so that queens, such as the Queen of Sheba, and kings came to learn from him, bringing large amounts of their wealth (II Chron. 9:1-28). Wisdom thinks abundance. Change your mindset, and don’t sit in judgment of what people spend.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 12
The sermon title- Merchandise Standard- Offering message: Prov. 3:9, 10. You are to honor God with your first-fruits. You determine the first-fruits by faith. You don’t have to wait until you know what is your increase, but you can tithe on what you need. God wants us out of debt so God can use us more and more; debt is a trap. God wants to bless you. Prov. 3:13, 14 “Happy is the man who finds wisdom…” It’s not a sin to be happy. God wants us happy; happiness comes with wisdom. You can merchandize wisdom. God wants you rich. Rich means having more than enough. What is money? #1 Money is a form of exchange. It’s an exchange of time, talent, effort. wisdom. The first step is to exchange it. What do you have? What knowledge do you have? Wisdom is better than the exchange of gold or silver. You can make money from your wisdom if you exchange it. #2 Money must move. It blesses every time it moves from one person, business, or place to another. Accumulation stops economies and money. God’s kingdom’s basic principal is for us to give. Giving is part of the godly movement of money. Matt. 25:14-21 is the parable of the talents. Focus on your gifts and what God has given you. Exchange what you have and can do with wisdom. The fear of loss keeps you from moving money. Stewardship is taking what you have and multiplying it. Being faithful with what God has given you allows us to enter into the joy of the Lord. III John 2. [Eph. 5:28, 29].
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 13
Principles to Produce a Manifestation” Jay Stoltzfus from CWI in Colorado shared who we are (Ps. 92:8-15) and a personal testimony of how he and his wife became the pastors of the Colorado church. Pastor Dale preached on the keys for receiving a now manifestation and what keeps that from happening. Matt. 6:19-24 tells us that where our treasure is, that’s where our heart will be. This world’s system is unstable, but God’s Word always works. You can’t serve God and mammon, which is idol-worship and the love of money. Luke 12:31-34. It’s a question of your heart. Luke 12:33, Matt. 6:1-4. The first key is giving alms, which is tied to giving to the poor and recognizing that God is why you are blessed. Sell what is your god and give it to the poor. Giving alms (done in secret) changes your heart. Matt. 6:5, 6 The second key is praying in secret. The third key is fasting (Matt. 6:16-18, Acts 10:1-4, 30). Even though Cornelius was a centurion and a very powerful man, he restrained himself and feared God with giving alms, praying, and fasting. Giving, praying, and fasting will change your heart and bring a breakthrough manifestation. Make sure Jesus is the center of your life.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 14
Principles of Increase and Prosperity- Text: Luke 5:10. Prosperity is not self-sufficiency. Experience, skill, and hard work are poor substitutes for the reward of seeking the kingdom first. In the Scripture text Peter gave his boat as a gift to multiply Jesus’ efforts to speak and to be heard. In turn Jesus increased and blessed Peter’s business efforts supernaturally by telling him to go out in the deep and let down his nets. Peter only let down one net and then needed another boat for the haul, which was sinking the boats. What did Peter do when he saw Jesus’ goodness and blessing? He repented! The goodness of God draws people to repentance. What can we learn from this Scripture? 1) Never justify non-productivity. 2) Get the fear out of thinking big. 3) Some things will not work without the anointing. God can take your repetitive efforts and make them flourish. Focus on the kingdom and how to multiply the outreach. The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 15
Texts: Is. 45:3; Deut. 29:29; Ps. 25:14; Jer. 33:3. What is your inner image of yourself? That is what becomes a filter of what you receive and do in life. You can change that image through the Word of God. See yourself as God sees you. His image is greater than yours. One of the first steps of God’s image change is to make you a giver. Jacob worked hard under Laban, but he said that God prospered him. God is your source. You can get secrets and answers from Him. As good as prophecy can be, God telling you Himself is greater. There are greater treasures in the Spirit. Ralph Wilkerson imparted revelation into Oral Roberts, and then he imparted revelation into Pastor Dale through the book, The Miracle of Seed Faith. Jesus came as the greatest seed. God is your source. Release seed in faith. Call out to God to get a new image and the revelation you need. God wants to give you the secrets and hidden riches to show us that He is the Lord!
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 16
“Abundance Mentality” ( A word was given, a testimony given of God’s provision for a mission trip; the offering message: John 6:5-11; Deut. 28:5; sowing into mission trip to Honduras) Using Scriptures from Proverbs, Pastor Dale expounds on diligence and how it tends toward abundance. Using contrasts as many Proverbs do, the lazy man is contrasted to the diligent one. The lazy, slothful man lacks discipline and wastes and doesn’t put his money to work. Lazy people take from the labors of others. Diligence is toward working smart and increasing. The mark of maturity is delaying gratification. A man diligent in his business will stand before people of influence. Be diligent to know the state of your income and your budget. Imitate and follow those people who inherit the promises through faith and patience. There is a difference between the law of sowing and reaping over a lifetime and the miracle power of God. (Prov. 10:4;12:24, 27; 13:4; 21:5; 22:29; 27:23; Heb. 6:12)
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 17
The Love of God: God Wants Me to Prosper Text: 3 John 2. God’s will is rooted in His love for you. It’s His goodness that leads people to repentance, so Satan tries to keep you from knowing and believing that. God wants you to prosper and considers that more important than holiness. To prosper is to have more than enough. God wants us to realize that He is a rewarder (Heb. 11:6). God wants to clothe us (Matt. 6:28-30), and He wants our soul to prosper. If you’re not prospering in health and being blessed, check on your soul’s prosperity. How does your soul prosper? When the Word of God gets in your thoughts, then prosperity can come. Recorded in Matt. 8:1-17 Jesus demonstrated God’s love and desire for us to prosper and be in health: in one day He healed a leper, the centurion’s servant, and Peter’s mother-in-law. Pastor Dale relates how tired he was after ministering and hearing testimonies of people’s healings, but God wanted to keep going, because He wants us to prosper even more than we want it.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 18
God Wants You to Prosper- Pastor Dale explains why he agrees with the King James version in 3 John 2, where it says “above all things”. God considers our prospering above holiness. It’s a matter or degree and priority. God doesn’t want us to go to hell, be sick, or be in poverty. God wants to give us good things (Matt. 7:7). Saying God causes car wrecks and other evil things is calling God a child-abuser, which HE IS NOT! God’s riches in glory (Phil. 4:19) are greater than your need, but you have to ask (James 4:1-3) and to speak to those things that come against you (Rom. 8:31-34), because God reconciled us by the death of Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:10). We must believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder (Heb.11:6). He gives us the natural things (Matt. 6:28-33), but we are to first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Wealth and riches are in our houses (Ps. 112:1-3), and God gives us the power to get wealth (Deut.8). God wants you to prosper (Josh. 1:7,8; Ps. 1:1-3).
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 19
God Wants You to Prosper- Offering message: Phil. 4:10-19 God’s promise to supply our needs is a promise that we will have needs. The sowing of seeds is to meet our needs. Sermon message: God wants us to savor thinking like Jesus thinks and to know that God wants us to experience His goodness, because He loves us (3 John 2). Heb. 11:6 tells us that we need faith to please Him- faith that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We aren’t to despise His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, but we are to know that His goodness leads to repentance (Rom. 2:4). Loving, blessing, doing good, and praying for our enemies exposes our heart and shows that we are the sons of God (Matt. 5:43-45). Bless means financial goodness. God is better than whatever you think is good. When we seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, God takes care of the natural needs (Matt. 6:28-31). If you are in lack, don’t think that it’s because God is not pleased with you. Ask, seek, and knock and your Father will give you good things (Matt. 7:7-12). When you prosper, remember that it’s God who prospers you and gives you the power to get wealth. God is gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger, great in mercy over all His work, and you are His work (Ps. 145:8-9). God loves you and has the best for you.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 20
God Wants You to Prosper- Prosperity is WORK and God’s blessings. God doesn’t bless lazy people. Matt. 6:28-32 DON’T BE AFRAID OF RICHES, but don’t be greedy or covetous. God knows you need things, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. After that, take care of the physical needs. Ps. 112:1-3 tells us that God blesses the righteous with wealth and riches. A righteous man with money is a powerful weapon in the world. You have more power in the name of Jesus than any amount of money. Look at things positively. The gospel is good news (2 Cor. 4:3-18). Satan tries to get you to blame God for the bad things he does. Get up and get to work. Letting go of your faith is seeing only the physical side of life. Change your outlook. Remember God is for you. No matter how you feel toward God, you can’t stop His loving you. You are more than a conqueror.
The Wealth of Wisdom Part 21
God Wants You to Prosper- God wants to bless you (3 John 2). Don’t ever agree with fear, death, disease, and don’t quit, but stand! How does your soul prosper? By the renewing of your mind. Heb. 11:6 says that faith pleases God, but faith can’t rise if you have doubt that God is good to you now. Faith feeds your spirit. God is – NOW! Faith that is alive will express itself with joy and victory. First you must seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33), have faith in God (Mark 11:22-24), believe what you say will come to pass, and it will. You affirm by speaking what you believe, not what you see (Heb. 11:1). Hope is a picture of the end result, but faith has it now. Faith will work for you. When fear comes in, ask yourself what you believe. Say the Word.(Rom. 10:17). Throughout the day make note of what you say, because it shows what you believe. Jesus used the example of faith moving mountains.