Offering message: The key to miracles is to do whatever He tells you to do. The tithe is 10%, and offerings are your giving beyond the tithe. Sermon message: Pastor Syd shares many personal experiences on listening to God’s voice. Scriptures: John 2:1-11; John 10:1-27; John 14; Ps. 66:18; Acts 24:16; Romans 9:1; Rom. 8:14,16; II Peter 1:16-21; II Tim. 3:16-17; John 16:8,13-16; I John 2:27; Luke 1:1-4; Acts 15:22-36. If we are Jesus Christ’s sheep, we will hear His voice and follow Him. When won’t you hear His voice? 1- If you’re not His sheep. 2- If you’re praying for something for which the Bible has already given you an answer. 3- Because God has already told you what to do, but you haven’t obeyed Him. 4- If you have known, unconfessed sin in your life. 5- You are hearing from the wrong source. How does God speak to us? 1- Through His Word. 2- By His Spirit. 3- Through other people. When does He use other people to speak to you? 1- If you’re hard of hearing. 2- To bolster you for rough sailing. 3- To confirm what you already know. Don’t be led by money. Do what seems good to you (God’s peace). Following God’s voice will save you time, money, lives.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM