Speaker ‘Dale Armstrong’

Encountering Islam Part 1- A King Without a Kingdom

Friday October 5, 2012

The purpose of these meetings is to make us aware of what to pray. Missions are our focus in looking at the Islamic nations and the Muslims. In Matt. 26:48-54 Jesus let us know that there is a spiritual realm. In John 18:33-37 we learn that the kingdom of God is different from earthly governments/kingdoms. Both the Jewish and Islamic world had the spiritual and political arenas intertwined. Jesus told us that His kingdom was not of this world. America became a missionary sending-out country, but with it came pride. We need to look at Muslims as human beings who are lost. In 2 Kings 6:8-16 fear was an issue then, and it’s an issue now. We need to see in the Spirit; there are more with us than with them. DO NOT FEAR. This isn’t a war of religions: there are only two kingdoms- God’s and Satan’s. We need to introduce people to Christ. First John 4:1 warns us to not believe every spirit, but to test them, because there are many false prophets.  Every spirit has to be able to say that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh- IN OUR HUMAN FLESH. Other religions do not believe that God can live in a person. This is the starting point of the gospel: Jesus, the Greater One, lives in us!

The Power of Our Words Part 2

Sunday September 30, 2012

Text: James 3:2-4. Faith in your words can work for or against you and can change the direction of your life. Matt. 12:36 tells us that we will have to give account of every idle word. Actions start with words. Philemon 6 says that the communication (intimate sharing, interchange) of our faith becomes effective by our acknowledging what is every good thing in us in Christ Jesus. Do we acknowledge Him in our life situations so the Word works for us? Our first confession should be: “Jesus is the Lord of my life.” We must acknowledge truth to be truth for ourselves, because the Word of God works. It’s not based on how spiritual we are. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and that includes our relationships, business, even shopping. Ps. 103:1-7 is a great prayer/confession. Remember, your words change the direction of your life. (There was a communion service.)

The Power of Our Words Part 1

Sunday September 23, 2012

Offering message: Prov. 3:5-9Are you honoring God with your first-fruits and possessions? Gene English spoke about listening to the voice of silence from God in relation to his trip to Namibia, Africa. Pastor Dale preached on the power of the tongue from James 3:2-8, Prov. 18:20-21, Prov. 6:2, Mark 11:23-24, Prov. 12:13-14, and Isaiah 54:17. If you can control your tongue, you can control your whole body and being. The worst the conditions, the smaller you have to start, just like starting a fire with the smallest and driest wood. Your words are kindling to the fire you’re trying to build. The fire you build can bring life or destruction. Negative words and talking about your problems will burn your life up. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. You can be snared (tricked and trapped) by your words. Talk to your problems and tell them to be removed. Believe what you say, and you will have what you say. Use your words to work for you. Weed out the negative words! Rise up and condemn what comes against you.


Wednesday September 19, 2012

Jesus is the True Vine (John 15:1-7). He takes away the branches that don’t bear fruit and purges with the Word those who do. The Word cleanses you. Allow Him to change and cleanse you. The goal is abiding in Him; fruit-bearing is the natural by-product. The levels of abiding are: bearing fruit, bearing more fruit, bearing much fruit. Without Jesus, we can do nothing. Allow your point of need to draw yourself to God’s arms. If you abide in Him, and His words abide in you, you will ask what you will (desire), and it shall be done for you. Be in union with the Word about what He is dealing with you. When your will and words from your heart (not just words from your head) are God’s will, He can trust you. If you want to know His will, get closer to Him, and when you know His will and do it, He will get the glory. Respond to the word that He has spoken to you. Abiding is one aspect of fellowship with Him; you’ll walk in light if you allow Him to cleanse and purge whatever He is dealing with you about (1 John 1:3-7)

The Christian Life: Do You Value Christ’s Death For You?

Sunday September 16, 2012

Word Given by Pastor Dale: “Watch the turning of the tide. Watch the changing of the guard. Watch the renewal of times and in two years, just two short years, and you will see, and you’ll look around, and you’ll laugh, and you’ll remember, “Oh, do you remember those times of fear and concern in the political and the financial realm?” Two short years, and you’ll see a renewal and a shaking and a prospering. Rejoice, and do not fear! Thank You, Jesus!    Wars and wars and more wars. Not much has changed, but Satan’s playground is smaller and smaller and smaller. So, though he may snarl and snap more furious than before, fear not! Fear not!  The gospel is here. The gospel is clear. Salvation is near, more near than you thought. Hallelujah!”

Sermon notes: Text: 2 Cor. 5:14-21 goes from the point of Christ’s suffering, sacrifice, and death and crescendos in our living in Him. Only the deepest joy (because of Christ’s and our victory) can carry the heaviest burdens.  Look at people through the redemption of Jesus, not according to the flesh. Pastor Dale gives several examples of this. What’s the victory? It’s that we are new creations in Christ, because He reconciled us and gave us a ministry of reconciliation. Evangelism is a mirror of how you value and respect your own salvation. We represent Jesus and stand in His place. Don’t keep what Jesus did for you to yourself, but share it! He made us the righteousness of God in Christ. He paid for our salvation and healing. Gal. 3:13-14 tells us that Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, because He was made a curse for us. Blessings and curses are spiritual. Get a grip on all that He has already paid. Give Him the glory. He died that we might live.

Faith: Foundation for Believing

Wednesday September 12, 2012

Pastor Dale explains the four stones in our foundation of faith. They are: 1) God is not a respecter of persons. He treats everyone the same, and He does not have favorites. In the story of the Prodigal Son, neither the elder nor the younger son had the father’s (Father’s) heart. Jesus came to bring freedom for all of us. 2) Numbers 23:19 God never lies. You can place your faith in your Father. He is not arbitrary. We can receive what He has promised. 3) Heb. 13:8 Jesus never changes; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is moved with compassion. James 1:16-17 tell us to not be deceived; every good and perfect gift is from God, and He does not change. 4) Faith is of the heart, not the head. Your head will steal your faith. Faith is a product of the heart/spirit and is a spiritual force. Your heart is a better guide than your head if you’re full of the Word. Trust in the Lord … and lean not on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6).

The Christian Life: Live in the Grip of the Love of Christ

Sunday September 2, 2012

Word Given in the CWI Service by Larry Hostetter-  Do you know it’s all about you? It’s all about you. It couldn’t be done without you! Do you know how important you are? Do you know how important you are? This is the Body of Christ. It’s one of the little bodies of Christ all across this nation, all around the world. I’ve got a marvelous Church, …  a marvelous Church that is doing a great work today. You don’t read about it in the newspapers. No, No! That’s a whole different world, but My Church is My world in this world, and it’s here to be a light. It’s here to be a witness of My love for people, My love for individuals. You’re all important. You’re all part of the Body. Do you know how much I love you? I gave My only begotten Son for you.  My love will never die for you, but you have a choice: who will you serve? I’ve done it for everyone, but who will you serve? I asked for ten percent. That means that you get to keep ninety percent, but that ten percent is what you owe to Me for what I’ve done for you, but don’t forget, over and above that is where the blessings are. When I put on your heart to give … so be faithful, for My love for you is so great. I just desire for you to know Me, to know My love for you. So seek Me. Seek Me in the Word. Seek Me in prayer. Seek Me on your face. There’s power in that, you know, on your knees for a mighty and holy God. Until you can do it on a bent knee that shows Me that you reverence Me, you want to serve Me, you want to live for Me, because I am your King, says the Lord God. I am your King, and who will you serve?

Teri Armstrong shared about an after-school program that is successfully ministering to poor and neglected children in the Ukraine. Larry Hostetter gave a word about God’s love for us and about loving, knowing, seeking, and serving God.Text: 2 Cor. 5:14-17. If you aren’t gripped by the love of Christ, you will go nowhere. Life’s focus needs to be in balance: Don’t just focus of false humiliation and struggle (the death of Christ), nor focus only on the lofty things (being an ambassador of Christ).  It’s because He died for us that we are His ambassadors. Being gripped by His love means that you value that Christ died for you by living for Him. Be an example of Jesus and what He has done in your heart (Phil. 3:15-19). Going after your own will and dreams leads to an end of destruction. Everything is about serving Jesus. Here’s something else to keep in balance: suffering and glory; true humility that He may exalt you. Be clothed in humility by preferring others more than yourself (1 Peter 5:1-6). God allows us to continually confront pride in our lives in one area at a time. Allow the love of Christ to grip you. He will exalt you in due season (2 Cor. 5:14-15). Die to self and know that what you’re doing is the will of God.

Faith: Get in the Word

Wednesday August 15, 2012

Heb. 11:1, 3, 6. Faith is evidence. The Bible tells us that both Jesus and Paul perceived or saw faith in someone to receive healing. There’s a difference between a miracle by the sovereign move of God (the gifts of the Spirit) and receiving a healing by faith. Faith is up to you. You can have faith to be healed, but if you don’t act on it, it won’t do you any good. Pray for specific things so you know when you’ve received. Faith pleases God. Do you believe that God is a rewarder to you? If you do, He will work for you. Pastor Dale shared how God rewarded him for not complaining and for leaving his family to serve Him by miraculously healing a man who was deformed from birth. How do you have faith? Rom. 10:17 tells us: by hearing and hearing by the Word. God’s words  are alive and are Spirit, and they are health (Prov. 4:20-23). You’ll sense a difference by spending 30 minutes a day focusing on and reading the Word. The Word feeds your spirit, and then your faith can be released. If you can’t be talked out of believing you’re saved, you should have that same kind of faith to believe you’re healed. Your faith needs to be developed, like working out at the gym develops your body. Get into the Word! Read it! Speak it!

The Christian Life: His Love Constrains Us

Sunday August 12, 2012

The love of Christ constrains us (2 Cor. 5:14-21). To understand what the word “constrains” means, we need to know that we owe a debt to Jesus for our lives, like someone saving your life in war, and then you do all you can to protect and save the life of that person. Jesus’ death for our lives constrains us because it is a covenant bond, and God has the right to ask everything of us. Rom. 13:8 states that what we owe is to love one another. LOVE IS A DEBT, BOND, OBEDIENCE, COVENANT, ALLEGIANCE. The word “constrains” can also be used when someone is “taken with a fever”, meaning is has a hold on someone. We love God, and He loves us (1 John 3:14-18). You must forgive others, because Jesus has forgiven you (Col. 3:13). Pastor Dale shares a power testimony of Smith Wigglesworth’s wife and one that matched that in Mariupol, Ukraine. Eph. 5:2 tells us to walk in love. Pastor Dale tells of an example when he walked in love when his assistant took a church from him. The debt we owe Jesus is one we can’t work off. You belong to your Master. God doesn’t postpone your debt. He forgives it! Another meaning for “constrains” is to be put into debtors’ prison for a debt owed. Love in Christ Jesus is to lay down your life. LOVE NEVER FAILS! God’s love is in you (Rom. 5:5). Love is a commandment. Don’t feel love for someone? Don’t fake it. Faith it!

The Christian Life: The New Creation

Sunday August 5, 2012

Offering message: Seed reproduces. Pastor Dale shares about the powerful reproduction of seed he planted in Russia and the life-change of three people from that ministry time. A woman’s gangrenous leg was completely healed, a pastor’s assistant was freed and a church was restored, and many churches, drug rehabs, and orphanages were started. Sermon message: The love of Christ surrounds us (2 Cor. 5:14).  The price of Jesus was paid for all; He died for you; live for Him (v.15). You are a new creation, not a makeover (v. 16), because the “old” you died, and a new creation was born. Jesus has committed the ministry and the word of reconciliation to us (v. 17-19). When you became a new creation, you became an ambassador for Christ (v. 20). God made Jesus to be sin for you (v. 21). When you were born again, your body didn’t change. Your body is not your identity, not the real “you”. Your desires and addictions are not you. What’s created “new”? It’s your spirit. You are a spirit having a soul and living in a body. Your body and your soul (mind, will, emotions) may want to sin (lusts of the flesh and of the eyes, the pride of life), but your spirit does not. You have to decide to transform your mind by feeding on the Word of God. Your spirit becomes alive immediately at the new birth, and with it comes the anointing of God, which teaches you and helps you make the right decisions (1 John 2:15-27).

The Christian Life

Sunday July 29, 2012

(Word given about God’s wanting us to use us to bring in the harvest and our need to be obedient and faithful.) Communion: John 6:47-58 Jesus is the Bread of Life. Our sins have been remitted. Don’t abuse yourself with past sins. Sermon: Mark 16:14-20. Repent of hardness of heart and unbelief. To evangelize, go and tell others of what Jesus has done for you and give them Scriptures. It’s up to them to choose the Good News. Signs should follow you, not the other way around. What are the signs? Casting out demons in His name and living devil-free; speaking with other tongues; not being hurt by deadly things. Fight for Jesus. God confirms His Word. Kim Miller gave a powerful testimony of one person’s obedience to the voice of God bringing salvation to a whole Jewish family and healing to their son. (A word was given about pressing into Jesus and walking with Him in the light and repenting.)

The Christian Life: What’s in Your Wake

Sunday July 22, 2012

What follows after you? Praying in the Holy Spirit, healing, casting out demons? We as believers, not just the “pastors”, are to do Mark 16:14-18. (The Great Commission really was Jesus’ correcting the disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart.) Be a witness, tell the truth of the gospel, and tell what you have seen God do. In Mark 6:1-6 the people who knew Jesus from His hometown were offended when He laid hands on the sick, and their unbelief stopped Jesus’ doing mighty works there. When there was unbelief, He taught more to build their faith. Don’t let the devil rob you of mighty works. Matt. 14:28 demonstrates that faith is based on the Word of God and not on what you see or what has happened in the past. Use your faith so that it will grow, starting with where you are. Personalize Mark 16:17-18 by putting yourself in the verses. There was opportunity for people who sense there is ministry in their future and who are willing to lay their life aside for the gospel. “Here am I, Lord. Send me.”.

The Christian Life: Acting on Your Faith

Sunday July 15, 2012

Offering message: Matt.6:7-8 Ask, seek, knock if you want to receive. There is integrity in Jesus’ word, and it applies to those who believe in Him. Luke 6:38 is a word on giving in the middle of a message on loving and forgiving. The good measure return comes from believing and obeying. Sermon message: We live out our Christian life when we truly believe the Word and act on it in power and authority (Mark 16:14-17). Are you a true believer? Belief is not the same as an opinion. Belief is faith and action based on Jesus and the Word, such as laying hands on the sick. Mark 9:22-23 What are you believing God for? If your faith is weak, you’ve lost your hope, so you need to binge on the Word. Matt. 9:27 says, “according to your faith, let it be to you,” meaning you need to take the responsibility for your future. Be desperate and act in faith. Remember, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17).

An Attitude of Praise, Worship, and Thanksgiving

Wednesday July 11, 2012

(We prayed for rain. 2 Chron. 7:13-14) In John 4:20-24 the Samaritan woman was “hung up” on worship having to be on a mountain. In Phil. 3:1-3 the people were “hung up” on the ritual of physical circumcision (self-mutilation) and missed the true circumcision of heart. God is a Spirit. How much you know God is in relationship with how and how much you worship Him. How do we worship Him? We worship Him in and by the Spirit, speaking in tongues and glorifying Him. Deut. 28:1-14 tells about God’s blessings in relation to our willingness and praise. Deut. 28:15-44 tells about the curses caused by hardness to the voice of God and not serving God in  joy and gladness. Our praise and thanksgiving should be louder before than after the victory. Col. 1:12. There is also a relationship between praise and inheriting. Rom. 1:19 -20 says that even though people can know God by seeing His creation, they do not glorify Him as God and are not thankful. Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually (Heb. 13:15).

The Life of a Christian: The Christian Life

Sunday July 8, 2012

“The Christian Life”

Offering message: Wherever there’s strife, you are losing money. Walking in love is more important than faith, because faith works by love. Sermon message: Scholars wanted Mark 16:9-20 out because they had a problem with the fact that there is judgment (those who don’t believe shall be damned). Unbelief is perverted faith- faith in the negative and not believing in the face of evidence. Doubt is not believing because of lack of evidence. Hardness of heart is refusing to hear what is being said. You do nothing when you are in unbelief and hardness. The principle of action is to put the Word into action to release your faith. The power of the gospel transforms lives. What does the gospel of truth produce in a believer? It produces signs following him; casting out devils; speaking in new tongues; divine protection; laying on hands and the persons recover. You’re not a believer if you don’t act on the gospel. Let God use your hands. (Pastor Dale laid hands on the people to receive an impartation of anointing for healing in our hands with the direction to lay hands on the sick.)

Acting On The Word of God

Wednesday June 27, 2012

Doing the Word of God is walking in wisdom. Storms will come, but you will stand, if your life is built on the Rock, and you act according to it (Matt. 7:24-29). There are seasons of storms; Jesus was attacked 40 days, and 3 victories are recorded. Mary found out that the Word of God has the power to fulfill itself and to produce, which it did because she agreed with it (Luke 1:37-38). If you need joy, agree with Scriptures about joy, etc., because that Word produces itself. Peter received from what he agreed to do when Jesus told him to let down his nets, and he only let down one net. HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD AND DO IT! Don’t let common sense stop you from obeying God. Obedience glorifies God. #1 Be sure you’re acting on the Word by faith. #2 Don’t let your circumstances justify failure (Luke 8:49 Jairus). #3 Recognize that fear will keep you from thinking big. God wants to bless you more than you can believe. #4 Some things will not work without the anointing. The Word and the Spirit agree. Sometimes you are building faith, and at some point you know you have the faith. Stand on the Word and wait for the move of the Spirit.

Your First Ministry

Sunday June 24, 2012

Offering message: Is. 30:21 God talks to us, and we should hear Him so He can guide us. In Deut. 28:1-2 God tells us to listen to and obey God, so we’ll know which way to go and will be blessed. Sermon message: Deut. 10:8 The Levites (priests) were separated to minister to God. According to the New Covenant, we are all priests, and our first ministry is to the LORD (in worship). Samuel, Mary, Anna, the leaders of churches in Antioch, angels, living creatures, and the elders ministered or will minister to the LORD. When Solomon sacrificed and gave praise to the LORD, His glory came down. You were made for God (Is. 43:7, 21). Karen Burrows and Pastor Dale led a time of worship and ministry to the LORD.


Thursday June 21, 2012

Acts 9:3-6 is the account of Saul’s conversion when he was confronted with the Lord Jesus Christ. In an extremely short time what had been Saul’s truth was turned upside down. Immediately he asked the Lord, “What do You want me to do?” All that Saul had to do was to pass the test of obedience. Obedience releases power. The more obedient you are, the more accurate you’ll become. Deuteronomy 29:9 says to keep the words of the covenant, do them, and prosper. Don’t grumble. If you don’t prosper, it’s because of you, not God. Pay attention to the little things and obey to do them. There are five types of obedience. 1) Exact obedience (paying attention to details); 2) Instant obedience (not letting time pass, but moving on a directive); 3) Total obedience (not getting distracted); 4) Thorough obedience (Getting it done!); 5) Willing obedience (Isaiah 1:19 Doing what He told you to do even if you don’t want to do it.). Ephesians 5:18-21 tells us to be filled with the Spirit, talking and singing to yourself in psalms and spiritual songs, and submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord. Delight to do His will and enjoy obeying God. Submission is the transfer of desire. It’s when you set your goals in line with the plans and goals of someone else. Passivity is accepting another’s will as your own, but you are active when you pursue it. Press toward the mark (Philippians 3:14-15).


Repentance: A Doctrine Worth Fighting For

Wednesday June 20, 2012

There are people who need to be saved. You don’t know it, but perhaps that person will become the next evangelist. An American missionary in Pakistan was passing out tracts, and the General’s son read the tract and prayed the prayer of salvation, got filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak in tongues. His father disinherited him and had him thrown into prison, and had the man who baptized him killed. He fled through Russia, Turkey, Europe, and ended up in Sweden. Every year he, Christopher Alam, wins about a million people to Jesus in crusades and churches. We need to get our fixation and joy on the right things. That joy will overwhelm us, and we’ll flow in it. Isaiah 59:1-2 says: The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it can’t save, nor His ear heavy that He can’t hear. God has not lost His power. We serve the same God who raised people from the dead. What separates us from Him is our iniquities and our sins. This principle is being attacked today. We are drifting away from repentance as a foundational doctrine. We need to contend for the faith and for what’s of eternal value. There are fundamental doctrines that we need to be teaching. Let’s not be gullible. After salvation, you might sin, but there’s 1 John 1:9 and Hebrews 4:16. You can come boldly to the throne of grace. Living in sin and feeling good about it isn’t living free of condemnation. If you don’t come to the throne of grace, you won’t find mercy and grace. You can repent and get rid of your sin. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Apostle Dale explains an example of how false doctrine about grace has come into the body of Christ through one well-known preacher. Acts chapter five shows that there was no “waterfall of grace” for Ananias and Sapphira. To live free of condemnation, you must stay out of sin and live in the presence of God. God is faithful and just. After you are born-again, you need to repent when you sin! Simon the Sorcerer was born-again when he tried to buy the power to minister the Holy Ghost (Acts 8). Peter told him, “Your money perish with you… Repent therefore of this your wickedness.” Sin is sin. You don’t determine your walk with God by your emotions, but by basing it on the Word of God. Hebrews 6 says that repentance is a foundational doctrine. If there is a “waterfall of grace”, then there’s no eternal judgment or judgment in the body of Christ. In Acts there are three acts of divine judgment: Ananias and Sapphira, Elymas the Sorcerer, and King Herod. The judgment of God is real, especially with the young in the Lord and with the move of the church. God protects His church. Grace can be pushed so far that it allows sin in the church, and then the doctrine of repentance and judgment disappears. Sequentially, sin becomes crowned as the leader of the church. Sin is rooted out by the power in God to confront and deliver. Sin that tries to come in and invade like leaven in the body has to be dealt with, or it will remove the power that needs to be released. God is displeased when truth fails (Isaiah 59:14-17). By preaching the doctrine of repentance and judgment, sin is brought out of the church, and then the church can be the salt of the earth she was intended to be. We need a resurrection of these doctrines to have the boldness to speak truth. Apostle Dale told of a Russian man, who was warned by the Lord through Apostle Dale not to go to America, and who was killed in a car accident when he went there. God gives a space of time to repent. In a special service at CWI, the Lord told Apostle Dale to get up on the stage and look around. When he did, He showed him a guest couple that he was to prophesy to. He was prophesying to the man about his ministry that he was running the race, but he was on the wrong track. God said that He wanted him to get on the right track and run straight, and if he didn’t, he would die. He’s dead. If you strip away the judgment out of the body of Christ, you take away so much of the boldness. Being in the will of the God is better than being in a safe place. Apostle Dale tells of his experience in Russia when he needed to repent and how his repentance in a frustrating situation became a blessing. God and Jesus are the same. The problem is my sin. Confess your sins. Repent. Get back to God. When you repent, He can take the bad situation and turn it around to a blessing. Thank God for the doctrine of repentance. There is sin in the camp. Let’s get it out and want a deep clean.

The Lostness of Man

Tuesday June 19, 2012

We, as Christians, are a counter-culture. We should change what we oppose. We shouldn’t relate to sin. We should not compromise. We need to speak boldly. Your enemy will define you. Where would David be without a Goliath? We have to reclaim lost ground to present a pure Gospel. You have to see the iniquity around you in order to cry out for judgment and justice. Otherwise, the man who speaks and lives by truth becomes prey and is consumed. We have neglected some doctrines. Jesus has come to seek and save the lost (Luke19:10). He didn’t just come to pay the price. Satan blinds man from understanding his lost state (2 Corinthians 4:4). There is a blindness that a person doesn’t know he has. We have a Gospel revelation of our identity, nature, and fate. His name is Jesus. The lost don’t have that revelation. The way to Jesus is exclusive: He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). There is only one Gospel! Attitudes of inclusion do not belong in the vocabulary of a Christian, because we don’t want people to go to hell. There is the judgment of God, and hell is a reality. Man is accountable for his sins. By nature man is a child of wrath. The Gospel is to save man out of his lostness and of suffering eternal damnation. Hell is a motivation for evangelism. The real account in Luke 16:19-31 of a certain rich man and Lazarus was revealed to Jesus. There are seven truths from this Scripture. 1) Consciousness will continue after death with forms of communication. 2) He retained his memory and sentiments like a living man. 3) The good are rewarded, and the wicked are tormented with the recognition of what they deserved. 4) He was aware of others’ final destiny. 5) He was resolved that there was no means of transition. 6) All further efforts for salvation are abandoned after death. It’s over! 7) There’s complete brokenness. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Jesus affirmed the validity of the Old Testament. Value the Scriptures. Jesus knew He would be the One raised from the dead. Jesus didn’t stay here, because if you don’t believe the Scriptures, you’re not going to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. The revelation of the power of the Scripture is greater than raising someone from the dead. The rich man is still there in everlasting flames! This should motivate you and affect your prayer life and how you represent Jesus. Man’s lost state is sealed at death. In the resurrection, both good and evil are raised from the dead. He is the same Jesus that was raised from the dead. The saved will go to rewards and eternal life. Those who died in sin, separated from God will be placed back in a resurrected body to endure the consequence of that sin in that body and punished eternally. Hell is torment in fire, flame, weeping, and gnashing of teeth, eternally. Romans 2 says that the goodness of God draws men to repentance. Preaching hell is for the perishing Christians. You owe the debt of love to those who haven’t heard. Preaching of hell is to bring revival to a once-living church. Without the Gospel the heathen will go to hell. The fate of the lost is in the hands of the church. Are we the blind men? Do we do what we can to bring in the lost? Scriptures are more powerful than experience. Life is short. Old things have passed away and what needs to become new is a new perspective of the judgment of God and the perils of hell and the lostness of man. We need to oppose hell and Satan’s blinding of peoples’ minds. Don’t let your perspective of the lost wane. All things become new. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation, which is new (2 Corinthians 5:17-20). This is committed to you. You are a minister of reconciliation. Pettiness comes in when we lose our vision of God’s commitment to us. You are here in Jesus’ stead. We go, stand, and speak for Him. Be reconciled to God. Souls hang in the balance by what you do. Commit to do the work of an evangelist. Encourage others with your testimonies. (Pastor Bob shared his testimony. While he was walking he stepped across a threshold and he saw a pit and people around this pit, a big black hole. All of a sudden, someone would fall into the pit and disappear. He was seeing people he would never see again. One after another fell into the pit. The Lord spoke to him and asked him to reach a million souls. God rebuked him for asking why didn’t He speak this to him when he was younger. God dealt with him about the sleeping state of the church and his love-walk with people. His life was changed. There’s not another chance for those who go to hell.)

The Heart of the Father

Sunday June 17, 2012

Offering message: Ps. 66:12 and Is. 43:2 refer to going through the fire and the water, but God brings us out to a wealthy place. We all face problems, but what’s important is the person’s heart and what the person does under the pressure. Pastor Dale defined “landmark”. Sermon message: God sets the solitary in families (Ps. 68:5-6). God wants you rooted in a church family. He is a Father to the fatherless. Malachi says that the hearts of the fathers will be turned to the children and the children’s hearts to the fathers. Children, you may need to repent to your fathers. Learn from your father and look for a spiritual father. Fathers, pass the spiritual “baton” or “mantle” to your children or other youth and be the spiritual head. What Elijah didn’t do, Elisha completed. Invest in the next generation. Be an example (2 Tim. 4:12- 5:2). Your attitude allows someone to invest in you. The younger generation must receive from the former generation. (Matt. 26:53)

Birthing Through Praying in the Holy Spirit

Wednesday June 13, 2012

Offering message: Gal. 6:7 Whatever you sow, you will reap, positive or negative. You don’t have a money problem; your problem might be obedience, faith, faithfulness… In due season you will reap, if you don’t quit. Sermon message: Gal. 4:19 tells us about Paul’s prayer for those who received salvation, but who slipped away. Travail in prayer comes before birth. Is. 66:7-10 says about Zion (the church) travailing and then giving birth. There is a point of prayer needed to bring forth children. Expect revival because prayer has gone forth. Pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20, 21). Your spirit has a voice, so link up with it. When you’ve prayed in the Spirit, something will come up into your mind, and then you can pray it out in English. Praying in the Spirit gives you answers and creativity. Rom. 8:14 tells us that if we are led by the Spirit of God, we are the sons of God. PRAY IN THE SPIRIT!

Jesus Is Lord: Who Is Jesus to Me?

Sunday June 10, 2012

Offering message: Josh. 1:8. You make your way prosperous. Find out why you aren’t winning and look for victory. Take care of what you have, but know that God wants to bring you more. Meditate on success and on the truth that you are victorious. Sermon: Matt. 16:13-25.Who do you say that Jesus is? You must receive Jesus as LORD, the way, the truth, and the life. Your response to His lordship is obedience and faithfulness. You must lose your life, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. I John 4:17. In Mark 7:20-22 Jesus said that it’s what comes out of a man’s heart that defiles him, and in Gal. 5:19-25 Paul mentions almost the same list of things that defile, but he said that the defilement comes from works of the flesh. Why? Jesus was speaking to unsaved men, because He hadn’t died or been resurrected, whereas Paul was talking to born-again people. Die to self and make Jesus LORD of your life.

Your Quiet Time

Wednesday June 6, 2012

Prepare your heart to listen to God. Abraham (Gen.19:27) and Jesus (Mark 1:35) got up early in the morning to spend time with God. Daily time with God in the Word and prayer must be a priority. Make it a habit to have a place and a time to meet with Him. Worship Him (develop your love relationship and fellowship with Him). Daily devotions will keep you holy. Matt. 6:9 (the Lord’s Prayer) is a way to have your quiet time: Adoration (worship), Confession (get the sin out), Thanksgiving (count your blessings), and Supplication (prayer requests). Feed on the Word as spiritual food. Keep realistic goals, so you can meet them. Develop a system for yourself, and keep a notebook of what the Lord speaks to you. Treasure the Word, apply it (What does it mean for me?), and meditate on it. There is more in the Bible about meditation leading to prosperity than giving. (Other Scriptures: Job 23:12; Prov. 4:20-22; Josh. 1:8)

The Lordship of Jesus

Sunday June 3, 2012

Acts 9:1-6 Saul (Paul) was violently opposed to Christians, but God took him from fighting Him to submission. Christianity is not a make-over, but a new creation. Each person upon salvation becomes what didn’t exist before. The question we must ask is, “Who do you say I (Jesus) am?” Who is Jesus to you? We should ask, “What do You want me to do?” “Lord” speaks of submission and kingship, and as Paul put it, as being a slave to Jesus. Obedience is in relationship to His lordship. HE IS MY KING! Rom. 10:9-10 tells us to confess Jesus as Lord and to believe that God has raised Him from the dead. The new birth is a commandment. 1 John 3:2 says that we are sons of God. Don’t fight His will. LOOK TO JESUS! HE IS LORD! Know the difference between your will and His (John 7:17). Submit to His will and then you will receive His will. To affirm that He is Lord of your life: know your faith is in His lordship over your life; use His name by being under His authority; and want your life to glorify Jesus.

“Praise: The Highest Form of Faith”

Wednesday May 30, 2012

Pastor Dale and others shared testimonies of God’s wonderful power and healing. What would you do if you were completely healed? Start doing it and release your faith by praising God. Praise is the highest form of faith. God’s Word works. Praise and thank Him for all He has done. Stir yourself up. If you are fighting a habit, apply praise to it. Fear is the opposite of praise; it is faith in the wrong thing. Mark 11:22-23 tells you that you will have what you say. Believe that what you say will come to pass. Are you saying what you want? Pastor Dale gave the challenge of praising God every time you brush your teeth.

We Need the Power of God: Pentecost Sunday

Sunday May 27, 2012

Text: John 7:37-39. You will be filled with whatever you’re hungry for. If you’re hungry for God, the Holy Spirit will flow out of you. God’s supernatural power makes things new. Be and stay teachable and be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues (Acts 19:1-6). You have to yield to the Holy Spirit. There is a reason why the power is or isn’t there: unity is needed. Thirst for unity. Call on God and expect the suddenlies from Him. Acts 2:4. The test is if you can worship when you get bad news. Be filled with the Holy Spirit to excess; be drunk in the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18-19). How do you have a move of the Holy Spirit? Glorify Jesus, worship Him, put Him first. You are always a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). Every day is a new relationship with Christ. You are a product of the new creation. Forget what is behind and reach forward (Phil. 3:13-14). Stir yourself up for personal revival. (There was a time of ministry and prayer.)

The Vision of the Church Part 2

Sunday April 15, 2012

Offering messages: Text: Luke 6:38. It’s the same measure or manner you give that is given back to you, not the same amount. BE QUICK TO GIVE. SOW YOUR BEST. GIVE EVERY DAY. Text: Luke 15:4. BE QUICK TO OBEY. Sermon message: Text: Acts 13:1. Pastor Dale shares his many divine connections which sent him from northwestern PA to Armenia, the Philippines, Ukraine, Russia, and Argentina. God kept showing him that He could quickly place him in front of a large number of people. He also relates how Pastor Sydney Ropp from Colorado became connected to CWI Lancaster and will be going on a ministry trip to Oregon. What else does it take to be in God’s will? Being faithful, recognizing positions of authority, praying, fasting, and pressing in, and ministering to the Lord. Pastor Dale asked us to be praying for him while he is away and to prepare for “The 99” by coming for training on Wednesday evenings.

When God Speaks to You, It’s a Command

Wednesday April 11, 2012

Gen. 16:16, 17:1-5 tells us that Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born, and God didn’t speak to him until he was 99 years old. God had told Abram that his seed would be in number like the stars and the grains of sand, but God was silent for 13 years because Abram tried to make it happen in the flesh. Moses was a zealous deliverer when he killed the Egyptian, but four years later when God spoke to him to be a deliverer, he was hesitant because he didn’t want to make another mistake. Deut. 28:1 says that we must diligently listen and obey (harken) to the voice of the Lord. In Matt. 4:4 Jesus said that it is written that man shall live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. God speaks to us, and we need to obey, fear Him, and realize that what He told us to do or not do is a command. John 10:17, 18; John 14:21. God manifests Himself to those who keep His commands. Allow the voice of God to be a commandment in your life. What has God told you to do? Don’t keep going in circles, but be quick to obey and do something that puts you in the right direction of obedience and commit to it. If God is silent, go back to the last thing He told you to do and do it. Your point of offense is your point of deliverance.

The Power of the Resurrection

Sunday April 8, 2012

Pastor Dale tells of the power of just declaring “Jesus is alive!” and how a deaf-mute girl was healed. Payment (Jesus’ blood) for our sin was not enough; punishment was required, too, and that started at the cross and sent Him to hell for three days. As much as the cross is a part of salvation, there is nothing mentioned about it in Rom. 10:7-10. Salvation is faith in the truth that Jesus IS alive. In Acts 9:4-18 Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him (Jesus), showing that He took Saul’s persecution against the Christians personally. Like Paul we need to tell God that we’ll do what He asks, and then He will tell us what His will for our life is. Like Paul, we can know that Jesus has a purpose for each of us, and we need to be obedient to do it (Acts 26:12-19). Pastor Dale shared about the apostolic call on his life, first to Belarus and to intercede for the cities. God is stirring in Pastor/Apostle Dale to visit the cities of Russia to bring revival. We all need to be great, to be nation-changers, and we all need the blood of Jesus. Word in sermon: There are some things God won’t do until you finish your list. There was a word given to Pastor/Apostle Dale at the end.

The Vision of the Church

Sunday April 1, 2012

Offering Message: 2 Cor. 9:6-7. You can purpose to have abundance in your heart. What do you want to see in your life? That’s where you sow. You can’t give consistently and be selfish. There can be a miracle and blessing in the midst of the negative. Sermon Message: Why do God’s people perish? 1) Where there is no vision, the people perish (Prov. 29:18). 2) God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). 3) Not discerning the Lord’s body and taking communion unworthily can bring on judgment (1 Cor. 11:29). What is discerning the Lord’s body? It’s understanding that we are all members one of another. We’re not only one with Christ, but we are one with other believers (Rom. 12:4-5). We are to preach the Word, be ready in and out of season, and rebuke (reprove), convince, and exhort, because there will be a time when people won’t listen to the truth ((2 Tim. 4:1-4). The church and ministry should be together. You shouldn’t be choosing a church but should join where God has put you (1 Cor. 12:18). Ask if this is your church, if God is in it for you. Remember, worship isn’t for you, but for the Lord. We should rejoice and suffer with one another (1 Cor. 12:26). If someone doesn’t walk in what God has for him or her, we all suffer. Jesus took Saul’s persecution against the church personally and called him to be a minister and witness of Him (Acts 26:15-19). Jesus gave Paul purpose. The vision is to preach the Word and the T- transform, E- equip, And M- mobilize. We are one body. Get involved.

Offering The Faith Factor

Sunday March 25, 2012

In Mark 10:17-30 the man talking to Jesus had insight into Jesus’ ministry and wanted to know about eternal life. It’s important to have right attitudes toward God. Jesus was not telling the man that what he possessed was his problem, but what he lacked, which was a full trust in God. God wants us to go into our “Promised Land”, but there will be people who will tell you that you can’t do it. The faith factor says that you can! If you’re waiting for money to do what God told you to do, you’ll fail. Jesus’ disciples left all- houses, family, lands- for His sake. Jesus told them that they would receive 100 fold. Pastor Dale shares two experiences of forsaking all for the Gospel and how he and others were blessed. You must forsake all to get into the next level where the blessings are.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 21

Sunday March 18, 2012

God Wants You to Prosper- God wants to bless you (3 John 2). Don’t ever agree with fear, death, disease, and don’t quit, but stand! How does your soul prosper? By the renewing of your mind. Heb. 11:6 says that faith pleases God, but faith can’t rise if you have doubt that God is good to you now. Faith feeds your spirit. God is – NOW! Faith that is alive will express itself with joy and victory. First you must seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33), have faith in God (Mark 11:22-24), believe what you say will come to pass, and it will. You affirm by speaking what you believe, not what you see (Heb. 11:1). Hope is a picture of the end result, but faith has it now. Faith will work for you. When fear comes in, ask yourself what you believe. Say the Word.(Rom. 10:17). Throughout the day make note of what you say, because it shows what you believe. Jesus used the example of faith moving mountains.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 20

Sunday March 11, 2012

God Wants You to Prosper- Prosperity is WORK and God’s blessings. God doesn’t bless lazy people. Matt. 6:28-32 DON’T BE AFRAID OF RICHES, but don’t be greedy or covetous. God knows you need things, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. After that, take care of the physical needs. Ps. 112:1-3 tells us that God blesses the righteous with wealth and riches. A righteous man with money is a powerful weapon in the world. You have more power in the name of Jesus than any amount of money. Look at things positively. The gospel is good news (2 Cor. 4:3-18). Satan tries to get you to blame God for the bad things he does. Get up and get to work. Letting go of your faith is seeing only the physical side of life. Change your outlook. Remember God is for you. No matter how you feel toward God, you can’t stop His loving you. You are more than a conqueror.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 19

Sunday March 4, 2012

God Wants You to Prosper- Offering message: Phil. 4:10-19 God’s promise to supply our needs is a promise that we will have needs. The sowing of seeds is to meet our needs. Sermon message: God wants us to savor thinking like Jesus thinks and to know that God wants us to experience His goodness, because He loves us (3 John 2). Heb. 11:6 tells us that we need faith to please Him- faith that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We aren’t to despise His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, but we are to know that His goodness leads to repentance (Rom. 2:4). Loving, blessing, doing good, and praying for our enemies exposes our heart and shows that we are the sons of God (Matt. 5:43-45). Bless means financial goodness. God is better than whatever you think is good. When we seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, God takes care of the natural needs (Matt. 6:28-31). If you are in lack, don’t think that it’s because God is not pleased with you. Ask, seek, and knock and your Father will give you good things (Matt. 7:7-12). When you prosper, remember that it’s God who prospers you and gives you the power to get wealth. God is gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger, great in mercy over all His work, and you are His work (Ps. 145:8-9). God loves you and has the best for you.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 18

Wednesday February 29, 2012

God Wants You to Prosper- Pastor Dale explains why he agrees with the King James version in 3 John 2, where it says “above all things”. God considers our prospering above holiness. It’s a matter or degree and priority. God doesn’t want us to go to hell, be sick, or be in poverty. God wants to give us good things (Matt. 7:7). Saying God causes car wrecks and other evil things is calling God a child-abuser, which HE IS NOT! God’s riches in glory (Phil. 4:19) are greater than your need, but you have to ask (James 4:1-3) and to speak to those things that come against you (Rom. 8:31-34), because God reconciled us by the death of Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:10). We must believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder (Heb.11:6). He gives us the natural things (Matt. 6:28-33), but we are to first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Wealth and riches are in our houses (Ps. 112:1-3), and God gives us the power to get wealth (Deut.8). God wants you to prosper (Josh. 1:7,8; Ps. 1:1-3).

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 17

Sunday February 26, 2012

The Love of God: God Wants Me to Prosper Text: 3 John 2. God’s will is rooted in His love for you. It’s His goodness that leads people to repentance, so Satan tries to keep you from knowing and believing that. God wants you to prosper and considers that more important than holiness. To prosper is to have more than enough. God wants us to realize that He is a rewarder (Heb. 11:6). God wants to clothe us (Matt. 6:28-30), and He wants our soul to prosper. If you’re not prospering in health and being blessed, check on your soul’s prosperity. How does your soul prosper? When the Word of God gets in your thoughts, then prosperity can come. Recorded in Matt. 8:1-17 Jesus demonstrated God’s love and desire for us to prosper and be in health: in one day He healed a leper, the centurion’s servant, and Peter’s mother-in-law. Pastor Dale relates how tired he was after ministering and hearing testimonies of people’s healings, but God wanted to keep going, because He wants us to prosper even more than we want it.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 16

Sunday February 19, 2012

“Abundance Mentality” ( A word was given, a testimony given of God’s provision for a mission trip; the offering message: John 6:5-11; Deut. 28:5; sowing into mission trip to Honduras) Using Scriptures from Proverbs, Pastor Dale expounds on diligence and how it tends toward abundance. Using contrasts as many Proverbs do, the lazy man is contrasted to the diligent one. The lazy, slothful man lacks discipline and wastes and doesn’t put his money to work. Lazy people take from the labors of others. Diligence is toward working smart and increasing. The mark of maturity is delaying gratification. A man diligent in his business will stand before people of influence. Be diligent to know the state of your income and your budget. Imitate and follow those people who inherit the promises through faith and patience. There is a difference between the law of sowing and reaping over a lifetime and the miracle power of God. (Prov. 10:4;12:24, 27; 13:4; 21:5; 22:29; 27:23; Heb. 6:12)

The Carnal Man and the Spiritual Man

Wednesday February 15, 2012

I Cor. 3:1-3-7. Carnal Christians act like babes in Christ. Envy, strife, and divisions are signs of carnality and being in the flesh. Carnal Christians don’t follow the Spirit and can lose their salvation. Romans 8:1-14. They can’t take strong teaching; their carnal minds are enmity with Christ; they can’t please God; they can’t walk by faith; to be carnally minded and living according to the flesh is death. Carnality disconnects you from what you need and lets the flesh rule. Carnality is a sin. You repent out of it. Fasting and prayer deal with carnality. Gal. 5:16-22 tells us that if we walk in the Spirit, we won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. Don’t fight sin- walk by the Spirit! The Spirit of God is stronger to convict than the flesh’s strength to sin. You can’t walk by the Spirit and by the flesh, because they are at war with each other. The Spirit will lead you into love. Follow the Spirit.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 15

Sunday February 12, 2012

Texts: Is. 45:3; Deut. 29:29; Ps. 25:14; Jer. 33:3. What is your inner image of yourself? That is what becomes a filter of what you receive and do in life. You can change that image through the Word of God. See yourself as God sees you. His image is greater than yours. One of the first steps of God’s image change is to make you a giver. Jacob worked hard under Laban, but he said that God prospered him. God is your source. You can get secrets and answers from Him. As good as prophecy can be, God telling you Himself is greater. There are greater treasures in the Spirit. Ralph Wilkerson imparted revelation into Oral Roberts, and then he imparted revelation into Pastor Dale through the book, The Miracle of Seed Faith. Jesus came as the greatest seed. God is your source. Release seed in faith. Call out to God to get a new image and the revelation you need. God wants to give you the secrets and hidden riches to show us that He is the Lord!

State of the Ministry: Vision, Gifts, and Callings

Sunday January 22, 2012

Pastor Dale introduced the new administrative leaders, who have brought their strengths to come alongside him. He also reaffirmed the focus of TEAM: Transform, Equip, And Mobilize. Scriptures: Acts 1:8; Mark 4; Matt. 13; Romans 11:29; Prov. 29:18; Ps. 2:8; Is. 60:21, 22; Ezekiel 36:37. Vision is an environment. A ministry should have one vision and many people with different gifts and callings. Where there is no vision, the people perish, and where there are no people, the vision perishes. Members of the church body need to bring their gifts and callings into the environment (vision). What can we expect at CWI? Changed lives. Ministry is about people. Have an increase mentality. Pray for the harvest and for men to go out into the harvest. Take your place and use your gifts and callings.

How To Relate To Your Pastor Part 3

Wednesday January 18, 2012

Ex. 18:13-21. Authority is delegated responsibility. It’s a demonic strategy to wear out the believers. Leaders need to be strong and rested. Their first responsibility is prayer, and the second is the Word of God. Matt. 16:16-19 Jesus is the Messiah. The church stands contrary to Satan’s kingdom. The believer is to bind what needs to be bound and to loose what needs to be loosed. Matt. 18:7-35 Jesus is talking about the church as a body. Satan tries to bring disunity by sowing offenses in the body of Christ. If you are the victim of an offense, there is a process to show love and to save the lost. First, you go to the person alone. If that person doesn’t listen, then you get 2 or 3 people to witness what is said. If the person still doesn’t listen, then it is taken to the church leadership. At this point, perhaps the person is not even born-again, so he or she needs to get saved. Discord is an abomination to God (Prov. 6:16), a faithful spirit conceals a matter (Prov. 11:13), and whoever covers a transgression seeks love (Prov.17:9). Loosing a person means forgiving them. Make the choice to forgive, get rid of offenses, win people not an argument, and clean up your own messes. You’re a believer with a believer’s authority.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 14

Sunday January 15, 2012

Principles of Increase and Prosperity- Text: Luke 5:10. Prosperity is not self-sufficiency. Experience, skill, and hard work are poor substitutes for the reward of seeking the kingdom first. In the Scripture text Peter gave his boat as a gift to multiply Jesus’ efforts to speak and to be heard. In turn Jesus increased and blessed Peter’s business efforts supernaturally by telling him to go out in the deep and let down his nets. Peter only let down one net and then needed another boat for the haul, which was sinking the boats. What did Peter do when he saw Jesus’ goodness and blessing? He repented! The goodness of God draws people to repentance. What can we learn from this Scripture? 1) Never justify non-productivity. 2) Get the fear out of thinking big. 3) Some things will not work without the anointing. God can take your repetitive efforts and make them flourish. Focus on the kingdom and how to multiply the outreach. The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it.

How To Relate To Your Pastor Part 2

Wednesday January 11, 2012

Pastor Dale built on part one of these sermons. He shared several of his experiences of being a pastor. There is a presence, weight, and anointing to being a pastor, as he carries his church in his heart. His priority is to pray, and as we submit to God’s anointing on him, we can learn from him the way that we are to walk (Ex. 18:13-22), and that’s the way of unity (Gen. 11:1-6; I Cor. 1:10; Ps. 133:1, 2). Our communication and language in the church should be in the same mind and judgment. Get closer to Jesus. THERE ARE NO SECRETS FROM THE PASTOR. THERE IS NO CONFIDENTIALITY IN THE CHURCH. We are our brother’s keeper. Don’t let Satan get involved in the communication within the church body. Understand what needs to be passed through to the pastor. God fixes messes, and the pastor won’t feel differently about you if have a problem. Bring your deeds to the light. You can trust your pastor. Learn the way by listening to him, so you can be on the same page as he is on. We are family. We are the church.

Rebuke the Devil

Sunday January 8, 2012

Mark 1:21-22, 38-39 Pastor Dale tells about casting out a demon in a woman in Andorra. In Jesus’ day only the religious leaders had authority, and the people had none, so when they saw Jesus’ authority, they had the right to question Him. Jesus moved a Syro-Phoenician woman’s faith to have her demented daughter set free. Jesus had to deal with Satan when Peter rebuked Jesus when He told the disciples what was going to happen to Him. As soon as you submit to God or make a consecration to Him, you will have a challenge from the devil. Seal the victory over him. Resist him and keep him out. There’s authority in us, and we take it wherever we go. Acts 16:16 Jesus rebuked the spirit of divination. If it’s from the devil, it will give you grief. People are not your problem!!! Deal with the demonic spirits (religion, depression, can’t do …), and don’t let Satan steal your joy! Mark 16:15 The first sign mentioned that follows believers is casting out devils. We need revelation knowledge, or maybe we just need to have the scales removed from our eyes. Use the authority that He’s given you!

How to Relate To Your Pastor Part 1

Wednesday January 4, 2012

Listen to this very important message from Pastor Dale on his role as our pastor and how we benefit from the anointing that God has given him. The pastor watches out for our souls, and Pastor Dale intercedes for us to flow in unity with the anointing that is on him, so that we can develop the gift that is within us. There are problems and needs in a church, but the pastor is to give himself to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Pastor Dale and our church leadership are not looking to fill positions. They are developing the gifts that are in us by flowing with Jesus’ anointing that is on Pastor Dale and receiving the transfer of anointing from him. Texts: Heb. 13:17; Ex. 18:13-26; Matt. 8:9; Eph. 4:11, 12; Ps. 133:1-3; Acts 6:1-7.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 13

Sunday January 1, 2012

Principles to Produce a Manifestation” Jay Stoltzfus from CWI in Colorado shared who we are (Ps. 92:8-15) and a personal testimony of how he and his wife became the pastors of the Colorado church. Pastor Dale preached on the keys for receiving a now manifestation and what keeps that from happening. Matt. 6:19-24 tells us that where our treasure is, that’s where our heart will be. This world’s system is unstable, but God’s Word always works. You can’t serve God and mammon, which is idol-worship and the love of money. Luke 12:31-34. It’s a question of your heart. Luke 12:33, Matt. 6:1-4. The first key is giving alms, which is tied to giving to the poor and recognizing that God is why you are blessed. Sell what is your god and give it to the poor. Giving alms (done in secret) changes your heart. Matt. 6:5, 6 The second key is praying in secret. The third key is fasting (Matt. 6:16-18, Acts 10:1-4, 30). Even though Cornelius was a centurion and a very powerful man, he restrained himself and feared God with giving alms, praying, and fasting. Giving, praying, and fasting will change your heart and bring a breakthrough manifestation. Make sure Jesus is the center of your life.

Read The Book

Saturday December 31, 2011

In a very short talk, Pastor Dale encouraged all of us to fulfill God’s will this coming new year by reading and hiding the Word of God in our hearts. (Ps. 119:9-11) To conquer habits in your life, put more of the Word in your heart. Receive Jesus’ work by feeding on the Word intentionally. Put your Bible (or mp3 or CD player…) where you do something routinely to remind you to use that time to get the Word into you.

Christmas The Gift of Love

Saturday December 24, 2011

Pastor Dale read the Christmas account in Luke 2, a devotional from Daily Light on the Daily Path, and an e-mail of appreciation from a local waiter about the CWI youth. Pastor Dale stressed the importance of reading the Word, because it brings change to us when it gets into our hearts. It is the seed. The Parable of the Seed in Matthew says that we are the seed. It is truly about: “One way we love God is by loving one another.” Christmas is the gift of love.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 12

Sunday December 18, 2011

The sermon title- Merchandise Standard- Offering message: Prov. 3:9, 10. You are to honor God with your first-fruits. You determine the first-fruits by faith. You don’t have to wait until you know what is your increase, but you can tithe on what you need. God wants us out of debt so God can use us more and more; debt is a trap. God wants to bless you. Prov. 3:13, 14 “Happy is the man who finds wisdom…” It’s not a sin to be happy. God wants us happy; happiness comes with wisdom. You can merchandize wisdom. God wants you rich. Rich means having more than enough. What is money? #1 Money is a form of exchange. It’s an exchange of time, talent, effort. wisdom. The first step is to exchange it. What do you have? What knowledge do you have? Wisdom is better than the exchange of gold or silver. You can make money from your wisdom if you exchange it. #2 Money must move. It blesses every time it moves from one person, business, or place to another. Accumulation stops economies and money. God’s kingdom’s basic principal is for us to give. Giving is part of the godly movement of money. Matt. 25:14-21 is the parable of the talents. Focus on your gifts and what God has given you. Exchange what you have and can do with wisdom. The fear of loss keeps you from moving money. Stewardship is taking what you have and multiplying it. Being faithful with what God has given you allows us to enter into the joy of the Lord. III John 2. [Eph. 5:28, 29].

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 10

Sunday December 11, 2011

Offering message: III John 2. Your soul can prosper if you are in a prosperous place. God’s will is good and is for your body and soul to prosper. Aaron Ray Zimmerman reported on the purchase of properties in Ukraine for ministry use. A word was given about God’s joy in giving, our surrendering our giftings, obedience, standing, believing, being touched, released, and sent; understand who God is and who you are in Christ. Sermon message: The Israelites left Egypt, a place of bondage, and went into abundance. Getting out of debt is freedom. James 3:13-17 tells us that wisdom can be earthly, sensual, and devilish. If you have envy and strife in your heart, you don’t know who you are. If your faith isn’t working, check out your love walk. James 1:16 warns us to not be deceived. Everything that comes from God is good. Phil. 2:2-4 exhorts us to be like-minded, and the only way we can do that is by agreeing on the Word of God. James 1:2-6 Count it all joy when you fall into various trials. “Count” there means like balancing your books, and you do that by joy and praise. Set your thermostat in prosperity and health, and balance your account with praise. I Sam. 30:1-8 is the account of the captivity of David’s and his men’s wives and families. He wept until he couldn’t weep anymore, but he had the power to praise God. There comes a place where you have to balance your own accounts and encourage yourself.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 8

Sunday December 4, 2011

Eph. 5:13-19 says that all things that are discovered are made manifested by the light of God’s Word. You can take this to be a negative or positive thing. A moment of discovery can precipitate repentance, like a person finding out that he is going the wrong way. Repentance is a good thing and is turning you in the right direction. A walk of wisdom takes your out of darkness into a realm of light. Eph. 5:16 God redeems the time; for example, Jesus did His whole ministry in three years, and what took the Israelites forty years in the wilderness took Jesus forty days in the wilderness. Eph. 5:17 is a contrast to Eph. 5:15 and tells us that walking outside of God’s will is unwise. Wisdom is the power to do things, but it must be in the confines of the will of God. When people don’t know the will of God and their destiny, they turn to drinking. Instead of getting drunk, run to the Spirit of God to understand His will for you. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs and praise God. Being filled with the Spirit changes your countenance. Col. 3:16 Letting the Word of Christ dwell in you in all wisdom brings teaching and praise. What is your problem? Let it develop you, and don’t be afraid of challenges. Who would David have been without Goliath?

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 7

Wednesday November 30, 2011

Eph. 1:17 Wisdom reveals what’s really important. It comes from God. Wisdom is a spirit. A spirit has an entity, an identify, and personality, and is a person. A spirit of wisdom is partnering with the Godhead. Wisdom doesn’t depend on you, because wisdom is having God in you. Are you listening to God? Get closer to Him so you can hear Him. Prov. 9:8-10 tells us not to correct a fool. You won’t win anyone by an argument. You must be willing to ask for and listen to instruction. Do we love change? If God isn’t talking to you, maybe you are not receiving wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. God rebukes and corrects us for us to come up to a higher standard. Cooperate with Him. Luke 2:40-52 Jesus grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him. Pastor Dale explains about Jesus as a boy at the age of manhood and His relationship with His parents and God as His Father. Jesus increased in wisdom by habitually submitting to His parents. Increase (to cut one’s way forward) is hard work and is not growth (which is a natural process). Wisdom needs habitual submission to bring increase. Jesus’ preparation: the age of manhood- time when He thought He was ready; He had abilities; He knew He was called, but He wasn’t really ready for increase in wisdom, stature, and favor until He habitually submitted to His parents. Submission is a transfer of desire, when you make someone else’s will your own. Learn to receive a rebuke.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 6

Sunday November 27, 2011

Don’t Lean On Your Own Understanding. Prob. 8:1-5; Prov. 3:5-6; Is. 11:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:19-31; James 4:7-8. You cannot trust your mind, and if your heart is wrong, everything is wrong. Your heart should echo the Word. Talking yourself out of doing what God told you to do is leaning on your own understanding. Suicide is a spirit caused by opening a door to a spirit. You can trust the Word. When you don’t know what to do, praise, pray, give, love, stand, and do what you know to do. Jesus is the source of our wisdom. God made foolish the wisdom of this world. Christ is the power and the wisdom on God. When you cry out for wisdom, you are crying out for Jesus. God uses the foolish things of the world. Reputation is pride in disguise. Jesus is your wisdom. Obey Him. Purify your heart and get rid of the double-mindedness. If you’re facing something, put your heart into going through it, and learn from it. Wisdom is for you. Don’t lean on your own understanding.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 4

Sunday November 6, 2011

Don’t Lean On Your Own Understanding. Prob. 8:1-5; Prov. 3:5-6; Is. 11:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:19-31; James 4:7-8. You cannot trust your mind, and if your heart is wrong, everything is wrong. Your heart should echo the Word. Talking yourself out of doing what God told you to do is leaning on your own understanding. Suicide is a spirit caused by opening a door to a spirit. You can trust the Word. When you don’t know what to do, praise, pray, give, love, stand, and do what you know to do. Jesus is the source of our wisdom. God made foolish the wisdom of this world. Christ is the power and the wisdom on God. When you cry out for wisdom, you are crying out for Jesus. God uses the foolish things of the world. Reputation is pride in disguise. Jesus is your wisdom. Obey Him. Purify your heart and get rid of the double-mindedness. If you’re facing something, put your heart into going through it, and learn from it. Wisdom is for you.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 3

Wednesday November 2, 2011

Texts: Prov. 8:1-5; Ps. 90:12; Ps. 39:4; Deut. 32:29;Prov. 6:6. Wisdom has more to do with the heart than it does to the intellect. Wisdom is a spiritual product. What is life? It is time, environment, and decisions that a person makes. We are to measure our days and to consider our lives (time). Value time and value wisdom. How do we value our time? 1) Time is a resource, which can be managed and recorded. 2) Time can be measured, so use a calendar to measure the use of your time. 3) Time is limited, so don’t get lazy and waste it. 4) Time is money and money is time. 5) Time can be stolen, so don’t let people steal your time. Most of our time is stolen by relationships and distractions. Want to have a 13th month? Get up an hour earlier every day or stay up an hour later every day. 6) Time can be determined. Write down birthdays, anniversaries, and habits (like reading through the Bible) on your calendar. 7) Time has natural groupings. Group phone calls, check e-mails infrequently in a day. Grouping work and having a routine reduce stress and promote dependability and comfort. There are three types of time from a Bible perspective: 1) rest, 2) work (productivity, preparation, and maintenance), and 3) joy.

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 2

Sunday October 30, 2011

Prov. 8:14-21. Hate the lack of wisdom and seek wisdom as a priority. Riches and honor are with wisdom, and God leads a righteous man to inherit wealth. Inheritance is a legacy of increase. Prov. 2:1-6 You have to apply yourself to the wisdom of God. You have to work on it, just as you work for increase through a job. Wisdom makes you not care what others think of you. It is a treasure. Do you cry out and seek for wisdom? You must be strong in desire and hunger for it. Prov. 1:20-23 A scorner says, “I don’t need wisdom. I know better than that.” The Spirit leads you into all truth. Let the Holy Spirit tell it to you straight. Prov. 9:8-12 Some people you can’t help. A scoffer will hate you when you speak the truth to him. Speak strongly and rebuke a wise man, and he will be wiser. Wisdom gives you riches and honor, and it also gives you the promise of long life. Job 28:12-13. You can’t buy wisdom. Wisdom is the fear of the Lord. If you don’t the price of wisdom, you won’t value it. Cry out to God for wisdom. Wisdom comes from an answer to prayer. James 1:5 Ask God for wisdom. You need it!

The Wealth of Wisdom Part 1

Wednesday October 26, 2011

Texts: Prob. 8:11-36 (Wisdom, the fear of the Lord); Matt. 25:14-29 (The Parable of the Talents); John 6:5-13 (The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes); Mark 4:13-20 (The Parable of the Sower and the Seed). Wisdom comes from God and is personified in His Son, Jesus. Wisdom is a spirit. Wisdom is infinite and unlimited and existed before creation. The word “parable “ means to lay side by side and is a comparison. A talent is a measurement of gold. In the Parable of the Talents, the faithful ones doubled what they were given. Jesus said that to whom has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance. God wants us to have abundance and unlimited thinking in our lives. The fear of loss is a crippling thing. Good stewardship is how you double and increase what you have by opening yourself to abundance thinking. God’s resources are unlimited. Don’t have limited thinking and don’t fear loss. Money is an exchange of time and effort. We are commanded to multiply our money. The Word that is sown in our heart is the source of all multiplication. Jesus measures by our faith when we release our money. Get the Word in your heart, and you’ll prosper. Release more faith and give in obedience. Plant the word of prosperity in your heart, and then wisdom will lead and guide you. Don’t allow time to be a limitation, either. Time makes you think you failed. Get the limits off your thinking.

Grace Not in Vain

Sunday October 23, 2011

Offering message: Debt is like bondage and slavery. This is a a debt-free zone. John 6:5. God’s blessings are tied to God’s purposes. If God can get it through you, He will get it to you. Sermon message: Texts: James 1:16-19; 2:14-18; I Cor. 15:9, 10; Eph. 2:8, 9; Rom. 2:1-7; Titus 3:5-8; Col. 1:12. Hear and act. Anything that will lead you away from acting on the Word will lead you to deception, because your being a hearer of the Word only and not acting means you are being deceived. Faith impels you to act. Act on grace and live free from sin. The works come after grace. God is good to all. It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. We are saved by grace, and it is His grace that empowers us to live a higher life. Act on the Word. Faith’s highest level is praise. Don’t know what to do? You can always praise God and pray.

The Spirit of Man: Who Is Hindering You

Wednesday October 19, 2011

In Rom. 1:9-13, Rom. 15:22, and I Thess. 2:17, 18 Paul writes that often he was hindered from coming to be with the church by circumstances he couldn’t control. Even with amazing things happening, Paul was hindered by Satan. Things don’t always go the way we planned because of adversaries. You have to be determined to fight for the will of God, and don’t just take what life gives you. In I Cor. 16:9 Paul wrote that a great and effectual door was opened to him, and there were many adversaries. Then in Acts 16:5-13 Paul was forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go to preach the Word in Asia. There are some places God does not want you to go. So, you have to determine if it is Satan hindering you or God forbidding you by the Holy Spirit. Regardless, keep moving. God clarified His will to Paul through a vision in Troas. Years later, in II Cor. 2:11-13 Paul came to Troas again, and this time a door was opened for him by the Lord, and he went to Macedonia. The door that was opened to him was a prison door. Your experiences get shaken by Satan. Come back to your spirit. Check your heart. Acts 16:25 In the midnight hour, what is your heart telling you? When you don’t know what to do, praise and pray. In II Cor. 2:12-15 the earthquake opened all the prison doors, and the jailer and his household were saved. There is always victory in your problem. Don’t be quick to run away from problems and victories. You don’t know the impact on others of even one of your victories.

Building on a Firm Foundation: Obedience

Sunday October 16, 2011

Offering message: John 4:35; John 6:5-11. Order before increase. Jesus told Philip to do what would test him, for Jesus knew what He would do. Live by the supernatural. The will of God comes before every financial decision. God gives wealth to fulfill the vision. The issue is souls. Be thankful for what you have and stop operating on limits. The only limits are on what God wants to do. Sermon message: Matt. 7:24-27 Build your life on the Word- hearing and doing it. Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered (Heb. 5:8), such as loneliness, rejection, abandonment, and death. Through the tough times you can learn obedience. In a problem, stop looking for an answer and simply obey God. Deut. 28:1, 2 Success is measured by obedience. Harken to the voice of the Lord; He still speaks today! I Kings 19:9-12 tells us that God spoke in a still small voice to Elijah. Obedience is suffering. Fast and pray over big decisions. What is God saying to you? Be diligent to obey the Lord. I Tim. 1:18 War a good warfare and don’t let Satan take what God told you to do. Obedience, not results and money, is your measuring stick of success.

Building on a Firm Foundation: God’s Blessings

Sunday October 9, 2011

Offering message: Deut. 28:1, 2 The condition of God’s blessing is conditional: if you harken and obey His voice. God cannot reward disobedience. Sermon message: Text: Matt. 7:24-27. Hear the Word, act on it and do it. God is not your problem, and your problems are smaller than God. James 1:16-19 God is good. If Satan gets you thinking that the problem you’re experiencing is from God, you can’t resist. Why do bad things happen? There is a devil and there is sin in the world. Be a doer of the Word. Hearing but not doing the Word brings deception. Grace empowers you to act on the Word, but mercy is the“free pass”. I John 4:19-5:3 The commandment is to love God and to love our brother. We are to keep this commandment. We forgive, not by feeling, but by commandment. Josh. 1:2, 5-8 The past is dead. Get up and don’t quit. Be courageous. Observe to do. ACT. Meditate on the Word to know what to do, then you’ll make your way prosperous, and then you’ll have good success. Deut. 29:9 Keeping the Word and doing it allows you to prosper in all you do. I Kings 17:2-4 If you obey God, you’ll be in the right place for blessing. John 14:21 If you keep His commandments, He will manifest Himself to you. John 10:17-18 Jesus received the power to lay down His life by obeying God’s commandment. Do you want to walk in God’s blessings? You must keep and do His commandment.

Building on a Firm Foundation: The Fear of God

Sunday October 2, 2011

Prob. 8:1-5; Prov. 3:5-6; Is. 11:1-2; 1 Cor. 1:19-31; James 4:7-8. You cannot trust your mind, and if your heart is wrong, everything is wrong. Your heart should echo the Word. Talking yourself out of doing what God told you to do is leaning on your own understanding. Suicide is a spirit caused by opening a door to a spirit. You can trust the Word. When you don’t know what to do, praise, pray, give, love, stand, and do what you know to do. Jesus is the source of our wisdom. God made foolish the wisdom of this world. Christ is the power and the wisdom on God. When you cry out for wisdom, you are crying out for Jesus. God uses the foolish things of the world. Reputation is pride in disguise. Jesus is your wisdom. Obey Him. Purify your heart and get rid of the double-mindedness. If you’re facing something, put your heart into going through it, and learn from it. Wisdom is for you. Don’t lean on your own understanding.

Building a Firm Foundation: Tithing, First Fruits First

Sunday September 25, 2011

Offering message: Heb. 5:5-11, Heb. 6:20, and Heb. 7:1-2. What do you give to your High Priest? First, you give the tithe, secondly your sacrifice of praise and worship (which reveals your heart), and thirdly your confession of sin (which cleanses you). Sermon message: Matt. 7:24-29 Build on the firm foundation. Matt. 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God, then the rest will come. The tithe on your money is not yours, and Mal. 3:8-11 says that you have robbed God if you aren’t giving your tithes and offerings. Deut. 8:16-18 tells us that God gives us the power to get wealth. God’s covenant establishing power is subject to your wealth-gathering power. Prosperity is a spiritual tool to subject this world’s rulers to God. Finances in your hands are a tool.

There’s A Miracle Under Your Seat

Wednesday September 21, 2011

Text: Eph. 2:4-8. God loved us when we were dead in sins, even when we were His enemies; He is rich in mercy. You may slip and fall, but God still loves you. Don’t ever waver from God’s love for you. God made us alive together, raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. His grace and kindness in providing salvation, resurrection, and our place in authority are eternal. He wants to show His kindness for eternity; His goodness stretches backward as well as forward. God extends His grace, but we have to receive it. We can’t boast about our faith or our salvation. Our fasting and confession on faith can become works. Recognize that all comes from God, and that He has something for you. God created you to do good works, but they are the results of your having received Him. In Gen. 2:1 God rested on the seventh day from all that He had created. He made man and female on the sixth day. (“Man” contained both male and female.) God’s last day of creation was man’s first day. Man started on God’s rest day. Salvation is like that. You start with and you rest in what God has finished, and then you work out the plans that God has invested in you. What God has finished, He’s not going to do anymore. He’s already answered your prayers and provided for what you need. God is the Creator. He is eternal. He is immutable. Our finite minds can’t comprehend an infinite God, but understand that your life is intricately planned. Look at creation. Look at how intricate your body is. Imagine how much design and planning God put into your days. II Tim. 1:9 It’s according to His purpose and grace which was given us before time began. Your salvation was before the world began. He knew all of your problems since time began and had an answer already prepared. He had a whole eternity to work out your problem. Pastor Dale tells about an experience of God’s prepared answer for him when he was in Washington, D. C. His purpose for you is being worked out in your life. Receive the grace of God. God is not caught by surprise at our sin. If we fail to see God’s plans, He has many back-up plans. His nature is unchangeable, and it’s love. Don’t fail to receive God’s grace! Pastor Dale tells about God’s working things out for his friend, Gene Olon, who was ministering in Romania. He also relates about God’s connection in Andorra and about another experience with Gene Olon, when Gene was beaten up in Romania and was missing. Your life and your days are not chance. You can miss the grace of God, but He knew you would sin. God designed you for victory. I Cor. 15:57 and II Cor. 2:14 tell us that God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. God knows, prepares, and provides for us.

A Man on the Wall

Wednesday September 7, 2011

Ezek. 22:30 God sought for a man who would make a wall and stand in the gap, but He found no one. In Gen. 18:17 God asked, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?” He didn’t ask if He should show him what He was doing, but whether He should hide it from him. The Lord did tell him, and Abraham stayed before the Lord (verse 22), and then he went near and asked God if He would spare the righteous (verse 23). He had intimacy with the Lord and fervency of heart as he negotiated for Lot’s family. Abraham was bold in front of God. We are righteous, and God is righteous. Just as Abraham had authority on earth because God gave it to men, so do we. Even with the righteous people, God called on His angels. Is. 59:15 In society he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. Doing the right thing costs you. It takes intercession. Is. 59:16 God wondered that there was no intercessor. Prayer opens the door for His authority to move. Is. 59:17 He (Jesus) was clad with zeal. Jesus is our intercessor. When God couldn’t find a man as intercessor, He sent Jesus as our intercessor. Rom. 8:26-28 tells us that the Holy Spirit also is our intercessor. God tells us that we don’t know what to pray for as we ought, and we don’t know how to pray. Sometimes words aren’t enough. Verse 28 (all things work together for good) only works because of verse 27. If you just believe 28, you’ll have to believe that it’s God’s will for people to go to hell. When you pray, a lot of times it’s not intercession; it’s just you praying your own prayer concerns. When you intercede, you’ll be praying for countries, etc. Rom. 8:31-34 tells us that God is for us, and He freely gives us all things. Jesus Christ is our intercessor. Pray in the Holy Spirit. (Pastor Dale shares how praying in the Holy Spirit changed his plans for a month-long ministry trip in Europe and Russia.) Sometimes it hurts to pray in the Spirit, because it brings up emotions and things in your past that caused a lot of pain. Praying in the Spirit can allow God to sort it out and help you to be delivered from the hurt and the scars, so you can experience inner healing. Rom. 8:37-39 We are more than conquerors. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. What can separate you from God? Your past. If you don’t deal with your past, it will keep you out of the love of God. Let go of it. To be intimate with God is a one-on-one experience. Draw near to God and get alone with Him.

Building on a Firm Foundation

Sunday September 4, 2011

Offering message: Luke 6:47-49 tells us to come to Jesus, hear Him, and do what He says, and then our house will be built on the foundation of the rock. In Phil 4:15-19 Paul relates the relationship between sowing a gift to God’s work and submitting to do the Word of God with receiving the promise of God’s supply to the givers. Second Corinthians 9:6-11 again reinforces sowing and reaping and abundance. Sermon message: Matt. 7:24-27 Doing what Jesus says (saying in the Sermon on the Mount) is being like a wise man. Mark 4:24 Take heed what you hear; be careful what you listen to. Grow in God and endure sound doctrine. Bad things happen to everyone. Why do some fall? They are not established on the firm foundation. The Sermon on the Mount can be summarized as: walk in love and be a love-initiator. Luke 8:18 tells us to take heed to how we hear. Some people listen, but don’t hear. How we hear affects whether we get the right understanding. Hear how things are said. Pastor Dale shared two incidents in which people took what he said in different ways, and depending how the person took it, one was set free and one stayed in bondage. Heb. 4:2 says that the word preached to them and that they heard didn’t profit them. Why? They didn’t mix faith with the Word. In I Cor.3:1-3 Paul says that he couldn’t speak to the people as spiritual, because they couldn’t handle it. The people were too carnal. Carnality is envy (trying to be someone else, because the person doesn’t know who he/she is). Carnality is strife (having it your own way). So how do you get out of carnality? Repent! Carnal sins are the kinds of storms that will break you. How are you going to respond? Matt. 5:10-12 says that those who are persecuted for Jesus’ sake are blessed and should rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is their reward in heaven. Repent and rejoice!

Pray Prayer Night

Wednesday August 24, 2011

Pastor Dale and others led the service in prayer for our president, for CWI events and outreaches, for ministers and missionaries associated with CWI, and for the body of believers at CWI Lancaster.

Building on a Firm Foundation: Acting on the Word of God

Sunday August 21, 2011

Offering message: Poor economic conditions creates a cry in the hearts of the people. Cry out to save this nation and to bring deliverance. Sermon message: Matt. 7:24-28 tells us that: both men heard the Word of God from Jesus, both were building something, and both had the storms come. What you do determines who you are rather than what happens to you. Eph. 6 says to stand and that means, don’t back off, regardless of the time it takes. Faith without corresponding actions (works) is dead (James 2:17). Put your faith in the Lord and act on the Word by confessing and believing the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. YOU CAN WALK ON THE PROMISE WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE. SOMETIMES THE POVERTY OF SPIRIT IS WHAT IT TAKES TO TAKE AWAY OUR STRENGTH IN OURSELVES, SO WE WILL DEPEND ON THE LORD.

How Do You Cast Your Cares

Wednesday August 17, 2011

After a time of praise and worship through songs and testimonies, Pastor Dale taught on Phil. 4:6. Be careful for nothing. That’s a command, not a suggestion, and since God told us to do it, it’s possible to do. Grab peace, and don’t fret or be anxious about anything. It doesn’t mean you don’t care because you aren’t worrying. Sympathy identifies with a person, but compassion meets that person’s needs. Even if you are addicted to and trained in worrying, it is possible to stop it. So what do you do? In prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. You can’t shout and doubt, and you can’t worry with thanksgiving. Praise is a choice. In everything give thanks and praise God. Matt. 5:11 tells us that even in persecution for Christ’s sake, you can rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Praising the Lord isn’t a feeling. It’s like priming a pump. Unless you first pour some water in, no more will come up, but as soon as you do, you will have great amounts of water. It’s the same way with praise: you have to pour some out first, and then your emotions will follow your praise. Luke says to leap for joy, not because you have it, but because you’re leaping to get it, just like holding a treat up for a dog to jump to get. Shout! Rejoice in the Lord (Phil. 3:1; Phil. 4:4). God’s promise to meet your needs is a promise you will always have needs. Rejoice! If you are worrying, you are not rejoicing.

Prayer Praying in Tongues

Wednesday August 10, 2011

Prayer is work, but Isaiah 28:11 and 12 tell us that our prayer language is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest. The problem is further in the verse where it says, “yet they would not hear”. Don’t let prayer wear you out. It should energize you. Speaking in tongues builds you up and gives you rest. Like a dynamo, it produces more energy and strengthens you. John 16:24 says for us to ask, and we will receive, and then our joy will be full. Deepest joy can sustain the heaviest burden. Leave the prayer closet with joy. Ask for a fresh infilling of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the true intercessor. You may feel burdened in prayer and heaviness in the Spirit. Don’t confuse it with depression. It’s a burden that you need to press through. Rejoice and carry it to the birth. When you pray in the Spirit, a person’s face may come up. Stop and pray for that person. [The congregation spent time praying in tongues.]

Confidence in Prayer

Wednesday August 3, 2011

Carlene shares a powerful testimony of God’s creative power in blessing and developing a baby in the womb. I John 5:14 and 15 tell us that we have the confidence in God that He hears us if we ask according to His will and knowing that He hears us, we have confidence that we will receive what we have asked for. We must pray according to the will of God, which is what the Bible says. People often pray like they’re playing Russian roulette. If a person prays, “If it’s Your will…” and the person being prayed for doesn’t get healed, for example, then the person praying can say that it wasn’t God’s will. Really, we can know that it’s God’s will, because Jesus came to bring healing to us. To say that it wasn’t God’s will, is unscriptural and full of pride. You need to know your rights and what the Bible says and what His promises are. God said, and He keeps His Word. In Mark 11:12-24 Jesus cursed the fig tree- not that it would die, but that no man would eat food from it forever. Pastor Dale told of a young girl speaking to the warts on her hands and how the warts disappeared. Speak blessings. In Mark 11:23 Jesus raised the stakes from speaking to the fig tree to speaking to the mountain. Your words will work for you. You’ll get what you say, not what you believe. What do you desire? Mark 11:24 says whatever you desire when you pray believe, you will have. Prayer will have power when you have a strong desire to see the answer. Pray for the people on your top 10 list. Dwight Miller shared a testimony about warts being removed by speaking to them.

The Foundation of the Word

Sunday July 31, 2011

Communion message: I Cor. 11:23-26 Jesus paid an amazing price for our lives. He gave thanks to lay down His life for us. He was thankful for the healing of our bodies. Is. 53:4-11. Offering message: Mal. 3:8-11 We give to God, not to man. We rob God in tithes and offerings. Be wary of anyone who tries to explain away the simple truths of the Scripture. Tithing is for today. The principle is not to try to make people do anything. It is to enjoy the favor and blessings of the Lord, because He is so good to us. The devil is rebuked in our lives. We hold the Lord to His Word. What we don’t receive from God is what we really deserve. Sermon message: The chapters of the Sermon on the Mount have become the core of Christianity and give the structure of what it means to be a believer. His teaching was revolutionary in His day, such as when He addressed God as His Father, and then taught His disciples to call Him Father, too. Matt. 7:24-29 is the summation of the Sermon on the Mount. When Jesus taught, He took the Messiah’s authority starting from the Beatitudes. He used the analogy of the wise or foolish man. Caution: Don’t fall for lies saying that the Word on different topics only applied to people in the past. Act on the Word you hear. He will liken us to a wise man. Start acting wise. Watch and do what Jesus did in different situations. Be careful where you go to church and what they teach. Most people who come for counsel already know what to do, but they aren’t doing it. It’s foolishness to know what to do and to not do it. We are equipped for victory. In Mark 5 the woman with the issue of blood acted on the Word she heard, and she received her healing. Pastor Dale tells of his experience of being depressed and not wanting to act on what he heard from Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland, who said to take the path that is the hardest. Finish what you start and fulfill your word. The hard way is to build on the Rock. The foundation is the Word, not just a move of the Spirit, a vision, a dream, a prophetic word, which are given at a moment of time. Make sure that what you are receiving is based on the Word and remember that the Word and the Spirit always agree. The Word never passes, never wanes. James 2:15 Faith without corresponding action is dead. Faith is an act. When Jesus ministered healing, He tried to get the people to act, because faith needs action. Rom. 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word. The foolish man had faith, because he heard the Word, but he didn’t act upon it. It doesn’t matter what you believe, but what you believe and act on. You can measure your Christianity by your acts. Who are you? Do you give, pray, serve…? Luke 5:1-5 There must be hunger in us to receive the Word. Peter responded at Jesus’ word. Launch out and do His Word. Search the Word to find out what to put into action. Take Him at His Word and act on it, whether it’s in tithing or whatever.

Back to the Basics: Prayer

Wednesday July 27, 2011

Matt. 6:9. This scripture says to pray in the manner of the Lord’s Prayer. It begins (“Our Father, hallowed be Your name”) with an acknowledgment and recognition of the Lord and His presence. It’s being with Him, (as your devotional time should be). It invokes His name, meaning that it’s using His name to get access and also it’s summoning His presence. It’s the believer’s privilege to access Him and to summon His presence. Everything falls under control by its name. In heaven you get your real name. “Your kingdom come” invokes His power. We learn to pray step-by-step. Praying is hard work and is tough on the flesh. Mark 1:35 If Jesus made prayer a priority, how much more should we? Make prayer a habit. Have a place and a time that will give prayer a priority in your day, such as in the shower, in your commuting time, on lunch break. Create a habit of prayer. You need personal, private prayer times before your expectations and results increase in corporate prayer. It’s relationship first. Suggestions and reminders: record what and who God puts on your heart in times of personal prayer; have a top ten (10) list of people the Lord lays on your heart to pray for salvation.

A Foundation in the Word Part 2

Sunday July 17, 2011

Offering message: II Cor. 9:6, 7 Sow to the Spirit and reap life. There is joy in giving, but hilarity in giving is when you see it working. Never give grudgingly, because then God can’t give the blessing. Giving is good for you. You need to give; don’t give only when there is a need. Sermon message: Text: Matt. 7:24-29. When you hear His sayings, do them, and then you’ll look like a wise man. Start doing what you know is right. Knowledge that is not acted upon is a waste and leads to self-deception. Use the knowledge you have. We know enough to live a life in victory and breakthrough and to win souls. Write down what God speaks to you. The foolish man built on the sand. It is easier and there is less resistance to build there. #1 The storms came to both men. Being established in the Word of Faith prepares you for the storms of life. You will encounter crises and conflicts. Religion dwells on the storms and the problems. #2 Both men built a house, but they built on different foundations. Your life is what you make it. You have to work at building your future. It is not easy to build on the foundation of the Word. Listen and do the Word. Begin where you are and think about eternity. Building on the sand is thinking that the storm won’t come to you. When the house fell, that represents a life or a marriage. It’s God idea that there wouldn’t be storms that defeat us. In Psalms 91:7-10 He says, … “it shall not come near to you, because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, your dwelling place.” We model the Word of God for others. He tells us who to follow. The issue is: Are you building on the sand or on the Rock? Joshua 1:8 informs us to meditate, observe, and do the Word if you want to see the result of standing through the storms. Build a strong foundation by praying and meditating and working. Help, don’t enable others. When you don’t know what to do, meditate on the Word and then act on it, and then you’ll make your way prosperous, and then you’ll have good success. Prov. 4:20-23. Keep your heart with all diligence. It’s a battle to focus on your destiny and on doing the Word. Guard your heart.

A Foundation in the Word

Sunday July 10, 2011

Offering Message: Revivalists Finney, Moody, and Wesley all had people behind them financing them. In Luke 8:2, 3 we are told that certain women, such as Mary Magdalene, provided for Jesus’ ministry, out of appreciation and gratefulness for what He had done for them. Sermon message: Matt. 7:24-29 is the parable of the wise and foolish builders. The difference is that the wise man built on the rock (Jesus Christ) and the other built on the sand (things of the world). The storms of life came to both. There are seasons of the evil day. The foundation is the Word, which you not only need to have, but must use and apply. Sometimes you can follow others who are wise and just act like them until you gain experience and wisdom. Pastor Dale told of one of his elders who watched and learned from a veteran who had survived a previous beachhead attack, and he in turn survived five other beachheads. It’s hard to fight when you’re losing the battle, but when you have built on the Word foundation, you can have peace and confidence in the midst of the battle. Ps. 112 tells us to not be afraid of evil tidings. Grab the respect of others when they go through a battle. You not only should be in the Word, but you can delight in it. Make the Word a priority. Pastor Dale tells of his cousin who died three times and how the Lord reminded him to not be afraid of evil tidings and to not make haste, and he saw a miracle. Make sure the foundation of the Word is in you. Go where God is feeding you. Get the Word at any cost. Listen to and get the Word in you, and when you face a crisis, you won’t react. Preparation meets opportunity. You can be in the bubble of God’s grace in a time of horror. Eph. 6:13 tells us to take on the armor of God. Not every thought is safe. You can’t trust them, but you can trust the Word. The grace of God is eternal life. Double-up on the Word of God, and when things are easy and going smoothly don’t slack off.


Wednesday July 6, 2011

In 1 Tim. 2:1-4 Paul write to Timothy exhorting him first of all to supplicate, pray, intercede, and give thanks for all men, for kings, and for all who are in authority. Our first ministry is to pray. It’s the first step in every endeavor. Praying is not just for a certain group of people but is what all believers are to do. Prayer is meant for answers. It is being with the Lord, but it will bring miracles and change. Spending time with God without getting answers is like spending time with Tiger Woods and never talking about golf with him. Don’t let the devil make you think that your prayers aren’t working. Your prayers for the President of our country are effective. You do have a sphere of influence; you will get more details when praying for those people and situations. Pastor Dale shares two experiences of answered prayer, one concerning the sale of a house and another concerning friends for his boys when they were living in Moscow. Prayer is the first step in being a Christian. You don’t need to know how to pray. Just do it! You’ll learn to pray by praying. You need to be encouraged to pray. There are different kinds of prayer: supplication, faith, salvation, consecration, thanksgiving, intercession, and others. Some prayers don’t work in certain situations. First John 5:14, 15 says that we can be confident that if we ask anything according to His will (what is in the Word), He will hear us, and that we will have the petitions that we have asked of Him. Your prayers will work when you know the will of God, so you don’t have to say, “If it is Your will.” We have confidence when we know what the will of God is from the Word of God. Pray to get the will of God. Then you can pray with knowledge. When we pray the Spirit will tell us what to pray. Eph. 6:18 says that we are to pray always with all manner of prayer and supplication in the Spirit. Intercession is praying for someone else. Your life of prayer is effective. The highest forms of prayer are praise and intercession.

The Five-Fold Ministry

Sunday July 3, 2011

Offering message: Release your tithe with your faith. Jesus was strengthened by angels, and He could have called angels to keep Him from having to go to the cross. We have divine protection. Ps. 30:5 God’s favor lasts a lifetime. His anger goes away, but not His favor toward us. God is for us. Be passionate about the things you hate, such as sin. God rebukes the devil for our sakes. God is our rear guard, and His armor is covering us in the front. Interlude message: The Holy Spirit is real and is in us. Pastor Dale tells of the first time he was confronted with the Holy Spirit manifesting in tongues and praise. It is God’s heart for men to praise Him, stand in the gap, worship Him in spirit and truth, and be righteous. Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel. The presence of God will hit people and change them. Pastor Dale tells of two drunks who came to a service to heckle, but who were saved, one of them who is now a missionary. Sermon message: (Eph. 2:19-22) We are to build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, not just those went before, but those who are living now. First Peter 2:3-6 says that we are living stones, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone, and He is alive. These scriptures refer to the apostles and prophets who are living now. Apostolic ministry must be present tense. First Cor. 12:27-31 names the five-fold ministry gifts. Pastor Dale relates about the experience of being on a train in Bulgaria with an atheistic woman who spoke English and an elderly believer who never had a Bible. You can survive without teachers, apostles, pastors, prophets, and evangelists, but why would you want to. The Word is precious, but we miss out when the apostolic and the prophetic are taken out. Want all of God. (Eph. 4:7) The gift of Christ is apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists. The order is not in rank or value, but in the process of time. The measure of the gift of Christ comes first and then the grace comes. If you see a need, you may be the one who has the grace to meet it. Follow the grace that’s on you. Our yoke is easy and our burden is light. Grace is contagious. Jesus dropped His mantle on the church. The apostolic minister networks the gifts together. Anointings can be on you; you take on those aspects. If you hang around prophets, you’ll prophesy. You may take on the characteristics of all of the five-fold ministry gifts, but you need more. We’re after the image of Christ. The ministry gifts are for equipping of the saints for the work of ministry and for edifying the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12-16). An effective believer needs input from all the five-fold ministry gifts. Speak the truth in love that we may grow in all things into Him. Receive what God is doing. You develop easier and better if you receive from the five-fold ministry gifts. John 15:5 tells us the importance of abiding in Him, with bearing fruit as the by-product. Work in the flesh will come to nothing. Your talent is not your ministry. If you can do it without Jesus, it’s not a ministry.

You Are Blessed

Wednesday June 29, 2011

Num. 23:19-20 tells us about God: He doesn’t lie, repent, or change His mind; He does what He says He will do. He speaks and then acts on His Word. When the Bible says, “Behold”, or “Verily, verily”, or “Of a truth”, it means that it is something amazing, something that is hard to believe. God commands a blessing, and His blessing cannot be reversed. In Ps. 30:5 we learn that God’s anger is momentary, but His favor lasts for a lifetime. His anger comes and goes, but He doesn’t change His mind about His favor and blessings. His favor doesn’t wear off. Eph. 1:3 says that God has (past tense) blessed us with every spiritual blessing. His blessings are not because of our performance, but because we are in the Kingdom of God. You don’t have to wait for the blessings. You are blessed. Deut. 28:1, 2 states that blessings shall overtake you. Under the Old Testament, blessings came from obedience to the law. In the New Testament you are blessed and then opportunity finds you. Everything you put your hand on is blessed. Expect the best, bounty, plenty, what you’re looking for, blessings. Speak and see blessing. Is. 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Don’t allow Satan’s power and witchcraft to put you in fear, and don’t let your thought-life tend toward the negative.

Delegated Authority

Sunday June 26, 2011

Offering Message: Mark 10:17-26. The rich young ruler came to Jesus with questions. Jesus loved the man. He is always against lack and need, and He was pointing out to the man that he was lacking something. The man was distracted by materialism, but he was held back by what he was lacking. What is holding you back? Pastor Dale shares how a thought of not being able to move to Moscow because someone had just blessed him with beautiful bookshelves in his office. The disciples must have had money, because they questioned who could be saved if it’s difficult for those who trust in riches to be saved. The call of God on your life is greater than anything you possess. There is no man who has left, not given, houses, etc., who won’t receive a blessing. Every quality decision you make qualifies you for a blessing. With persecution means that Satan doesn’t like you getting blessed, and he will try to steal your joy and peace. Don’t back off. Hold to God’s standard. Robert Cox shared a testimony of God’s healing power; Jay and Kim Stoltzfus were anointed as pastors, and a word of encouragement was given about the CWI church. Sermon message: Matt. 8:5-13 tells of Jesus’ healing the centurion’s servant. Jesus used His faith in the Word. Speak the Word only. You’ll never have more authority than you’re under. The centurion understood authority, but it was his faith that Jesus commented about. We do and are expected to obey what He has told us to do. Pastor Dale tells about his giving a gift to a man he had a rift with. He did it in obedience to God when his wife was in the hospital after the birth of their first child. Her condition changed as a result of his obedience. Luke 8:49, 50 says to believe only. Matt. 8 indicates that the Roman centurion begged Jesus, but Luke’s account in chapter 7 verses 1 to 10 says it was the elders of the Jews who came to Jesus. The centurion was not worthy to come to Jesus, so the centurion had delegated the power to the Jewish elders. When we say, “Be healed in Jesus’ name”, it is really Jesus saying it. In 2 Cor. 5:17-21 we learn that we are new creations, that old things have passed away, and that we have the ministry of reconciliation. We are ambassadors for Christ. Receive from God in spite of the messenger. The message you bring changes people. Don’t let the Word slip. The message is more important that the messenger. Is. 55:8-11 God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. His Word shall prosper. Think and act in God’s ways and thoughts. When you speak His Word, you are His delegate.

The Anointing: How to Place a Demand on the Anointing

Sunday June 19, 2011

Offering Message: Phil. 4:19 tells us that God shall provide for all your needs according to His riches in glory. That’s a promise that you’ll always have needs. Children don’t worry about their needs if they have a father. You are your Father’s child. Pastor Dale tells of a time when he needed money to pay a hotel bill and how God provided from an unlikely source. Pastor Dale told of God relaying to him that if he wouldn’t have started this church, other ministries wouldn’t be sent out. Robert Cox shared about his recent trip to Switzerland and the walk of faith that it was for him. Sermon: In 2 Kings 2:8 Elijah took the mantle, struck the Jordan River, and it divided. Joshua had parted the Jordan before. The anointing blesses you or curses the enemy. It becomes a chain to the person who rejects the anointing. Satan hates the anointing! After the Ark of the Covenant was put in the river, and the waters parted, it became the Ark of the Testimony. Elijah deliberately used the anointing to bring about a miracle. Jesus said that He was meek and lowly of heart, but He could be bold in the Spirit, because He was going to use the anointing to bring a miracle. Kenneth Hagin deliberately put a demand on the anointing. God touched His hands and the people he ministered to received healing, because the anointing heals. In Mark 5:25 the woman touched the hem of His garment. He told her that her faith made her well. She drew the anointing out of Jesus. When the minister is moving in the anointing, believers should draw on it. While Pastor Dale was in Kiev, he ministered as a teacher . When he was staying at a pastor’s home, he had a dream about the worship leader that he and his wife were fighting about his wanting to go to America alone. Pastor Dale told him that the Lord told him in a dream that he shouldn’t go, but he went anyway. He was killed in an accident and shortly afterward his wife who did not go to America, was attacked, but God protected her. Later, in another place in Kiev, Pastor Dale was introduced as a prophet. In Matt. 10:40-42 Jesus said that whoever received Him received the Father. If you receive a prophet, you can receive a prophet’s reward. The gift that God has given you is NOT for yourself, but for other people. We’re channels of blessing. Smith Wigglesworth ministered with kidney stones while he ministered the anointing for healing to others. Don’t grieve the Spirit by not receiving the anointing. There are many anointings here that we must draw on. Say with your mouth and by your actions that you receive. John 4:6 tells of the Samaritan woman whom Jesus asked to give him water. That just did not happen in that culture. #1 She was a woman. #2 She was a Samaritan, and a Jewish male would never talk to one. Remember that in Matt. 10:42 Jesus said that whoever gives a little one a cup of water in the name of a disciple would not lose his reward. In 1 Kings 17:9 a widow woman was to sustain Elijah. Elijah asked for a little water and for a cake. Jesus and Elijah put the person in a position of receiving.

What Are You Looking At

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Offering Message: I Cor. 15:57 God gives us the victory through Jesus Christ. There’s always more grace. Move forward in God and be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Sermon Text: 2 Cor. 5:7 We walk by faith and not by sight. We don’t ignore our circumstances, but we look at faith and the promises. In 2 Cor. 4:16-18 the inward man is being renewed daily. Don’t look at your light affliction, but look at what is not seen. Don’t look at the problem you have today, but look at the promises. It’s not enough to turn away from temptation or a problem. It’s important what you turn and look at. In 2 Kings 4, the barren woman was given a prophetic word and as a result of God’s promise to her, she gave birth to a son, but the son died. She spoke words of faith when she told her husband and the prophet that he was well, although he really was dead. She was stubborn and wouldn’t speak death over him, but spoke words of faith, and God raised the child from the dead. Verse 27 says that her soul was vexed within her. That same expression is used in describing Samson and Jesus. Samson failed. Jesus didn’t. When she released her faith, she remained steadfast to what she said. DON’T WAVER IN BELIEVING. Decide not to quit. Lazarus was sick, but Jesus delayed coming to him for two days (John 11:3-44). The first time Jesus didn’t say that Lazarus was dead, but that he was sleeping. He didn’t want to speak death, and He was looking at the glory of God. He was looking for a live man in the tomb. Look for the good and positive in people. Rom. 4:17 says that Abraham was made a father of many nations by God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. God will honor your word if you don’t break it. Looking at your problem causes your faith to waver. Don’t let your faith waver. Look up! Face the impossibility and look at God. Repent if you messed up, and ask for His forgiveness.

The Intent is to Get People Saved

Sunday June 12, 2011

Offering Message: Matt. 5:23 and 24. God will speak to you in your time of offering and worship. If you bring your gift and remember that someone has something against you, leave your gift, reconcile yourself to your brother, and then offer the gift. Bare your heart before the Lord. God speaks when we get our hearts right. Pray for God to search your heart. Pastor Dale shared about a recent experience of humbling himself to make things right with a pastor friend. Remember: Love never fails. Don’t be wrong with your brother. Sermon message: Pastor Dale tells of the time he was in charge of the youth in his denominational church. Rumors and accusations by people in the church who were against the baptism of the Holy Spirit caused him to be removed. Listen as he tells how he handled the situation and how he ministered Matthew 18 to the adults. In Matt. 18:1-20 Jesus is talking to adults and referring to the newly-converted as the “little ones”. Omar Carberra, who was a powerful leader in the Argentine revival, said that it takes humility to reach the world for God. You have to humble yourself; God doesn’t humble you. The body of Christ must be strong for ministering restoration. We need restorative power in the church. Resisting the Holy Spirit and causing offenses made Jesus Christ very angry. We cannot become offended by the people who are being saved. We need the grace of God, which along with forgiveness is free. The devil’s intent is to get us off God’s intent. Offenses and strife kill. Pride is deceiving, because you don’t know you have it. The world is interested in reputation, whereas the Christian should be concerned about character. When a brother trespasses against you, you go to him alone. Don’t go to anyone else. Don’t resist the grace of God. If the person will not hear you, then go with 1 or 2 more people. The purpose of going to him is to restore him to the Lord and the church. If he continues to refuse hearing them, then go to the church leadership. If he doesn’t hear them, he must be an unbeliever, and then you minister salvation to him. The world should not be dealing with church issues. Privacy is necessary for restoration. Verses 18 to20 tell us to loose the person and to bind the devil. Pastor Dale tells of a time a pastor stole Dale’s church from him. God told him and Teri, “He can’t steal what you give him.” They gave him the church, loosed the pastor and bound the devil. In verses 19 and 20 the 2 or 3 are the people who went through the process of restoration. The purpose is to protect the person. Prov. 17:9 Repentance is not a cover-up; he who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends. In 1 Peter 4:7 and 8 we are told to have fervent love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. Prov. 11:13 says that a talebearer reveals secrets. A talebearer is not a gossip. He who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.

What It Takes To Overcome

Wednesday June 8, 2011

The account of David in 1 Sam. 1-6 tells of a time when David and his men returned to Ziklag to find that their wives and families had been taken captive and the city burned. The men were so distraught that they wanted to stone David. First Samuel 30 verse 6 says that David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. There will be times when no one will encourage you, and tragedy often turns people against their leaders. You can’t help others until you are strong enough yourself. How do you get stronger? Encourage yourself in the Lord. Give Him praise and thanks. Everything you have has been given to you from the Lord in the first place. AND if God gave it to you once, He can give it to you again. God is your source, so focus on Him in the middle of whatever you are facing. Ps. 30:5 His anger is but for a moment; His favor is for life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. There’s a time to weep and a time for joy. Even though David had no more power to weep when Bathsheba’s first son was sick, he had power to praise when he died. Heb. 13:15 Offer your sacrifice of praise continually. Eph. 5:20 Give thanks always for all things unto God, but don’t thank Him for what He doesn’t give. First Thess. 5:16 Rejoice evermore. Pastor Dale tells of Terry Law’s experience of bitterness after the death of his wife and children while he was in England serving the Lord. Oral Roberts ministered to him only by telling Terry to get on his knees and praise God and thank Him. After about twenty minutes of doing that, he experienced a breakthrough in the Holy Spirit. Thank God for what He gives and who He is. Worship fixes what is in you. Submit to God by worshiping Him. The Holy Spirit inhabits the praises of His people. Is. 40:28-31 God is bigger, so look to Him. He gives power to the faint and to those who have no strength He gives strength. Wait of the Lord, like the priests in the Old Testament, listening to Him, praying to Him, spending time with Him. God wipes out the bitterness. Minister to the Lord. Your praises may set your family free. What happened when David praised God? In 1 Sam. 30:7 and 8 we learn that they overtook and recovered all. Praise gets you to a place where you can hear from the Lord. Paul and Silas praised God when they were in deplorable conditions in an inner jail cell in Acts 16:25. Their praise was so loud all the prisoners could hear them. What was the result? All the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were loosed, and the jailor’s household was saved. Phil. 4:6 tells you to not be anxious, but let your requests be made known to God by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Peace comes by giving praise to God with thanksgiving.

Seven Things You Can Know About the Anointing Part 2

Sunday June 5, 2011

Offering message: Text: Ps. 107:1, 20-21. Offerings are tied to worship. Our offerings are an expression of our love for God the Father and His Son, Jesus. In Mark 4 the seed is the Word in your heart. Everything we receive from God is from the seed of the Word. Sermon: Pastor Dale talked about the blessing of Ralph Wilkerson to the Body of Christ and to his family as they visited with Ralph and Aileen. In 2 Kings 2:7-9 it is recorded that fifty men were watching Elijah and Elisha, but only those two men went through the Jordan. The anointing is the power of God for ministry. What you do gets different results when the anointing is there. Pastor Dale shares about the anointing on him setting a co-worker free from demonic spirits and releasing the power for him to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. We need the anointing to minister. We should be more moved by the love of Jesus than our love for other people. Jesus never asked Peter if he loved people. He asked him if he loved Him. You need to ask for the anointing. Elisha asked for a double portion, which had a higher cost to go with it, but hardships can’t compare to the blessings. Pastor Dale tells about Brother Dresner being anointed to deliver healing to a family who sacrificed to have Dale and him stay with them. Expect God to provide the anointing for you, but ask for it. Ethen Armstrong was anointed and blessed at the end of the service.

The Anointing Part 2

Sunday May 22, 2011

Offering message: III John 2- your finances will never prosper more than your soul prospers. See your soul prosper in the Word of God and change your thinking. God doesn’t talk about limited resources. God is your source, not your paycheck, Social Security. your employer. Think abundance. The world has limits, but God has abundance. If your thinking is limited, you will consider what one person has as taking from what someone else can have. Sermon message: A word was given through Lee Jones about a new wind stirring up the dormant wind in the CWI body. It’s like a fire that can’t be shut up. We need to give place for God to move; we need both the Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. II Kings 2:8-14 is the text for learning about the seven things about the anointing. #1 You need to ask for the anointing. #2 The anointing can be measured. #3 The anointing can be increased. #4 The anointing can be transferred from one person to another. #5 The anointing can be lost. #6 The anointing can be transmitted materially (such as through mantles, bones, handkerchiefs). #7 You must qualify for the anointing. James 4 tells us that we don’t have because we don’t ask. Ask for the Lord to use you. THERE’S AN ANOINTING FOR YOUR CALL. ASK THE LORD TO ANOINT YOU TO DO WHAT HE HAS FOR YOU. Ask, seek, and knock. There are intensities of asking. Enlarge your praying and asking. In the anointing there is access to all things. Get hungry for the anointing. It will keep you safe. Pray for the anointing of God’s favor. Pastor Dale tells of a “scary” encounter with an angel in Armenia and how we can limit God’s anointing, which has no limits. Fear can cause us to limit the Holy Spirit’s anointing, but yokes need to be broken by the anointing.

Jesus Walked on the Water

Wednesday May 18, 2011

Offering message: Luke 6:36. Sowing begins long before your giving. Being merciful, not judging or condemning, and forgiving all come before giving. Watch what you’re sowing. If you want to change what you are reaping, sow something different. Look at and remember what God and others have given you. Sermon: In Matt. 14:24-31 as Jesus was walking on the water when the wind was contrary, He told His disciples, “Be of good cheer. Do not be afraid.” You do not need to be afraid, but you should also be of good cheer. Jesus is with you. There is some victory or good thing you can remember experiencing. A little taste of victory can change you. Peter obeyed Jesus when He said to come. He did walk on the water, too. When God tells you to do something, have faith in Him and do what He tells you to do. Peter got his eyes off of Jesus and onto the wind and “began to sink”. Again, Jesus told him to not be afraid, and Jesus immediately saved him. What did Peter doubt? He doubted himself. People doubt their ability to receive from God. In Luke 4:17-18 Jesus quoted the Scriptures that talked about Himself. Find in the Bible what tells about you and your situation and speak it. Problems help define who you are when you defeat them, such as David was defined by taking care of the Goliath problem. Don’t back down, but stand on what the Bible says about you and get your eyes on Jesus. Laugh at your problems.

The Anointing Part 1

Sunday May 15, 2011

Judges 6:13-16 If there weren’t any miracles, then God has forsaken His people. Gideon said his clan was poor. God said, “Surely I will be with you. You shall defeat the Midianites as one man. Gideon, you don’t have to do it alone.” Two together can strike the enemy as one man. Insist on upholding one another.Is. 10:24-27 The anointing establishes the covenant of God and breaks off the yoke of bondage. Moses and Gideon were anointed to do what they had to do. It was like the five-fold ministry as one man. In 2 Kings 2:8-15 Elijah’s mantle (the double anointing) was passed to Elisha, but both Elijah’s and Elisha’s servants left or failed their masters. DON’T DROP THE BATON! Build on what went before. See with the eyes of the Spirit. The anointing does not come easily, and the devil will try to rob it. In 2 Kings 13:14 Elisha’s servant, Gehazi, failed because of the lust of money. When Elisha tried to transfer the anointing to the king of Israel, the king only smote the arrows three times, meaning Syria would be defeated only three times. When Elisha was buried and a dead man was put in his tomb, the bones of Elisha caused the man to revive and stand up. Anointings need to be passed on. DON’T BURY YOUR ANOINTING! We are anointed as believers, whereas under the Old Covenant, only priests, kings, and prophets received the anointing. If you want results, there must be an anointing. There was a time of prophetic ministry to individuals.

Prayer: Spend Time With the Lord and Take Heed to What You Receive in the Lord

Sunday May 1, 2011

Offering Message: Ps. 112:1-4 Our seed will be mighty on the earth. Wealth and riches shall be in your house. You have to take wealth and riches by faith before you see it. You can be a believer and be sincere, but still be in darkness. Don’t stay there. Don’t hold onto the darkness, but hold onto hope, joy, and light. Sermon: Acts 3:1- There is a connection with prayer and miracles. Make prayer a habit. When you are praying, you won’t enter into temptation. The disciples had been on their way to pray when they passed by a man, and their ministry to him brought many to salvation. Pastor Dale told of when the Lord set up several situations which put him in connection with people and ministry in other countries. In Acts 16:13 Lydia was a person of prayer, and she was the first person to receive Jesus in Asia. Go to meet God, and He will get you to meet people. Talk to God about men before talking to men about God. Seek the Lord and spend time with Him. Use a time of loneliness for intercessory prayer. You can have confidence to act on what God tells you to do, if you have spent time with Him. Pastor Dale shared how being hungry at night in Argentina put him in connection with Ukranian men who had been praying in tongues, trying to find him. Prayer should be a delight and serving Him should be fun. Don’t let religion and the devil beat the fun out of you. Col. 4:17 Take heed to the ministry you have received from the Lord. You have to receive it, not achieve it. Relax and worship God.

The Use of the Name of Jesus

Wednesday April 27, 2011

Ps. 8. God’s name is excellent. Jesus’ name is far above all other names (Eph. 1). God has perfected praise. To Jesus perfected praise is strength over our enemies. (Remember: people are not the enemy or the problem.) Praise shuts up the enemy. When Satan torments your sleep, praise the Lord and pray in tongues. James 4:7 tells us that we first submit to God (by praising Him), then resist the devil, and he will flee. In Ps. 8:5 we learn that God made man a little lower than the angels, but in the Hebrew language it was “God”. In Heb. 2:7-9 the Greek translation is “angels”. Jesus restored dominion to man. John 14:13 says that if we ask anything in Jesus’ name, He would do it … that the Father may be glorified in Jesus Christ. In John 16:23 He told His disciples that in that day they would ask Him nothing, but whatever they would ask the Father in Jesus’ name, He would give it to them. We can use Jesus’ name as a command of faith, like Peter did in Acts 3:1-11, in which he spoke to the lame man rather than praying for him. Pastor Dale told of a time in Armenia when the Holy Spirit told him that He was going to preach. In that service a deaf mute was healed, and he saw Jesus going through the congregation and touching people. Is. 45:11 tells us to ask Him of things to come and concerning the work of His hand, we are to command Him. Value Jesus’ name. You can decree a thing, and it shall be established for you. Pastor Dale told about Boris, a Russian prisoner who had received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and had a desire to become a translator for American missionaries. He didn’t know English, but he wrote his desire with a rock on a handkerchief and hung it up. He later translated for Pastor Dale. We can use Jesus’ name when we are praying to the Father. Praise and the name of Jesus are weapons for us to use. Ps. 149:5-9 tells us about the weapon of praise.

Jesus Is The Lamb of God

Sunday April 24, 2011

Offering Message: Text: Mark 4:20. Your money is not your seed; it’s your faith behind your giving. Sow the seed in your heart and give in obedience to God. Your confidence should be in the Word. Do you want to see a 100-fold return? Communion: I Cor. 10:16 The bread represents the Body of Christ, and the Cup of Blessing represents the Blood of Jesus Christ. The Body of Christ is one. Acts 2 says that they were in one accord. Satan likes to divide. When anyone in the Body does not fulfill his/her part, the whole Body suffers. Sin breaks us up, and the communion table instills unity. The point of agreement with the whole Body of Christ is the Blood of Jesus Christ. Sermon: John 1:29 Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. I Peter 1:18, 19- Know that you were redeemed with the Blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish or spot. The Jews disagreed about resurrection. The Body of Christ does not agree on everything either, but the non-negotiable is the Blood of Christ and its power. You cannot buy or earn or work for your redemption; it is only grace and faith in Jesus’ blood. Do you realize the sinfulness of sin and its consequences? His blood was the price paid for the sins of the world. Do not hide from God when you sin. I John 2:1. God takes us as we are, but He does not leave us the same. The purpose of His grace is to get you out of sin. In reality, we sin, but we have an Advocate- Jesus! He is our lawyer. He does the talking for us, when we are accused by our sin. He is the propitiation for our sins; God’s wrath was poured out on Jesus, not us. Propitiation means the one who receives the penalty. Jesus paid the price and took the punishment for our sins. Don’t take the punishment yourself! Jesus was our “whipping boy”. We put Jesus on the cross. Surrender the worst things to Jesus, and He will turn them around. I John 1:7-10 As we walk in the light, He gives us more light to walk in. When we are in His light, we are forgiven and cleansed, and Jesus argues our case. God wants us clean.

Who Am I

Sunday April 17, 2011

II Cor. 5:17 tells us that when we are in Christ, all things have become new. Transformation is the forceful power of death and then life. Saul died. Paul was alive to do God’s will. God does not forgive the old man, because the old man is dead. Salvation is of the spirit, not of the body. Heb. 5:14. You can get your body to respond before your mind does. When you get saved, your mind does not get saved. You still have memories; you have to renew your mind. Your spirit is what gets saved. You are spirit, have a soul, and live in a body. Your emotional state is not your identity. Heb. 4:12 tells us that the Word of God divides the soul and the spirit. You can’t trust your emotions, because they can change. What you have is not your identity. The real you is inside of you; it’s your heart. You are the sum total of all that Jesus gave you. It’s not what happens to you that makes you what you are, but it’s what you do in response to what happens to you. In Matt. 15:19 Jesus said that out of the heart come evil thoughts. In Gal. 5:19 Paul is speaking to born-again people and said that the works of the flesh are evil. Before you are saved, evil comes out of your heart, but after salvation, evil comes out of your flesh. John 3:16, 17 God loves you! He loves sinners. God sent Jesus to the world that the world through Him might be saved. Don’t condemn people. He wants to set people free and to make them clean.

God’s Grace

Sunday April 17, 2011

Offering message: II Cor. 8:9 Through His poverty we might become rich. The favor of God toward you is to make you rich. God’s favor and grace is not like taking a Tylenol. Ps. 30:5 tells us that His favor lasts for a lifetime. God doesn’t change, and you can’t make Him change His disposition toward you. It’s because of what Jesus went through that He can pull you through what you’re going through. Realize He wants you to be blessed. Jim delivered a word to the congregation. I Cor. 15:9. Our faith will increase based on your knowledge of God. We can only take advantage of grace if we know it’s there for us. We are saved by grace through faith. We have to put our faith in the grace of God. GOD ALWAYS MOVES FIRST. God’s grace toward us should not be in vain. We need to receive it as a gift. Paul said that he labored more abundantly than the other apostles by the grace of God. Grace will never leave people where they are, because it removes sin. We must participate with God’s grace. God puts a grace in us and a desire for something, and then we put labor to it. We must see the grace behind a person’s labor, whether it’s a Michael Jordan or a Tiger Woods or whomever. Gal. 2:20; Eph. 1:17-19. God’s power is released in response to our faith. His power reflects His character. His exceeding greatness- exceeding means to surpass, be higher than some other level. GOD CANNOT DO LESS THAN HE DID BEFORE. God is the God of increase. We should always get something better than what we had. That’s grace. God’s favor is not for a season; it’s for a lifetime. It will empower us to surpass. Pastor Dale gave a word about a career adjustment that would mean the person can surpass in money or influence or learning or position… Pastor Dale told of how John Adams had to choose between being a preacher or being a lawyer. He chose being a lawyer and greatly moved the Continental Congress and influenced George Washington at a critical time in our country’s history. If you’re not following grace, you are in works and self-will.

Strategic Conversions

Wednesday April 13, 2011

Text: Rom. 12:1-3. Paul used the word “beseech” meaning to plead or beg, to relate how you are to give your body to God, namely as a living and holy sacrifice, which is your reasonable form of worship. You are to renew your mind, which is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. When Paul said to not think more highly of yourself than you should, he was talking to very confident people, not to people of low-esteem. You are to apply the scriptures soberly to your walk with the Lord. Are you in the good or the acceptable or the perfect will of God? What is the will of God? It is getting people into heaven. Financial prosperity is a truth that helps when it is applied to being used to meet the needs of humanity and living to give. Prayer is the highest form of evangelism. Prayer for the lost is the perfect will of God. The truth is the person you are praying for has a choice. When you pray for people’s salvation, don’t quit. There is God’s grace. Rom. 12:12 tells you how to hope- rejoice in hope. Hope should make you joyful. Hope is not faith. Hope expects something tomorrow. Faith has to do with your will now. Faith will NOT work without hope. (Pastor Dale shares how the common denominator in his answered prayers was desiring the answer greatly.) Hope works toward people. Faith works toward agreement. Start treating the one you are praying for as if they are saved. Faith and hope work together; patience and longsuffering work together. Patience is toward things and circumstances; longsuffering is toward people. Be sensitive to situations and people you should be praying for in an instant, such as seeing an accident. Gal. 4:19 tells about travailing in birth again. A Christian who is mature reproduces spiritually. Is. 66:8 Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day, or shall a nation be born at once? Our intimacy with God and knowing Him is like that of intimacy between husband and wife, only in the Spirit. The outcome of that spiritual intimacy is a birth- the spiritual birth of the person you are praying for. Father Nash prayed and saw individuals and cities come to the Lord by birthing them in the Spirit. When a person is born-again, his/her will is changed. Things can be birthed in the Spirit that will not be birthed any other way. You cannot really describe being saved or speaking in tongues. It must be experienced. In Mark 10:23-27 a rich man did not want to be saved, but we are told that that’s not impossible with God. Pray for wicked sinners to be saved.

The Person of the Holy Spirit

Sunday April 3, 2011

Offering Message: Luke 6:38, 39 Give, and it shall be given to you. The seed that you sow today is for the future. Faith takes your needs to God. Give faithfully to God. Trust God with your needs. God gives more than you need so that you have seed for your future and so you can meet the needs of others. You determine the level of God’s provision. Pat Murphy shares his testimony of God’s goodness in a time of no income and their faithfulness to give. Be faithful to do everything God tells you to do, so that God can do everything He promised to do. How generous do you want God to be with you? Bob Hawk delivers a word to Jon Fike and Sandy Burkholder. He also shared about the shift Wednesday and Thursday (March 30 and 31, 2011) in the blowings of God’s wind and that which God’s Spirit is causing to manifest on the people of CWI. He also told about the Spirit telling him about Deut. 1:11, that the Lord will make us a 1000 times more numerous than we are. There were words and minstry to a few people in the congregation, as well as Dale and Teri and Bob. Eph. 1:17-19 God is the Father of Glory. There is the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. You can know your calling and destiny and should pray to know who God is. You should know what belongs to you. God is for you. You must understand the greatness of His power and the person of the Holy Spirit. What happened to Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 was because they thought the Holy Spriit was a power, not a person. Also, there are times of judgment, and that was one of those times. We are in precarious times now, too. Fear is like pain, in that it tells you something about your body. The fear of the Lord is real fear. Fear has a powerful tendency to teach. It can condition you in the way you respond. Pastor Dale told of his pastor who blasphemed the Holy Spirit in a church service and dropped dead. The person of the Holy Spirit gives assignments. He shows you how to accomplish those assignments; you must cooperate with Him. Worship Him and receive Him on His terms. Agree with Him. * You must receive the Holy Spirit. * You must respect the Holy Spirit; He reveals the Word. Pastor Dale tells of his experience as a young man in obeying the Holy Spirit, even when he would have lots of reasons to postpone doing what the Spirit told him to do. * Learn the ways of the Holy Spirit and learn His voice by spending time with Him. Tell Him you are available to be used by Him. * Obey Him. Three steps to knowing Him better are: 1) Obey what He tells you. 2) Come to a place of usefulness. 3) Then you will receive a promotion from the Lord. Make sure you are doing what God is doing. Cooperate with Him.

Being Confident in This

Sunday March 27, 2011

Offering message: I Kings 17:8-13 God commanded the widow to provide for Elijah, but God did not tell her. She had nothing, but Elijah told her to make him some food. God didn’t fill the jar from the top but from the bottom. When you need a miracle in your finances, you can’t be soft, but bold. You can’t walk in fear and blessing at the same time. You can’t deal with cancer with fear. Fear not! Facing lack? FEAR NOT! Put God first- regardless. Abundance is laid up in heaven. Phil. 1:6 Being confident in this that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it (perform it) until the day of Jesus Christ. Pastor Dale relates about a person his wife knew who was living a life of sin and how God touched and saved him in the middle of that lifestyle. Your prayers will take care of the one you are praying for. Our strength and confidence are in Him, not in ourselves. What can we be confident in and about? 1) We can be confident that God has begun something good in you. Christ’s work is finished, but the work in us isn’t finished until we’re resurrected. What is God doing in you? Regardless of what is happening, God has started something in you. It’s like walking out to the end of the high dive with no chance of getting down the ladder again. He is concerned about your heart. Pastor Dale told of how his father-in-law was convicted in a bar and had to be saved and again how God healed his leg of gangrene. When you minister to others, remember that God has started a good work in the other person and understand that it’s a process. In other words, encourage them. 2) Be confident that He is the one doing the work. Cooperate with God. What is He doing in your heart? What is He teaching you? Pastor Dale told how the Lord dealt with him and vice versa concerning his books and albums. God is still dealing with you today. 3) Be confident that He is still working and continuing to work in you. Rom. 12:1, 2. Christ died and it was over, but the crucificion of the believer is that of a living sacrifice. Your confidence is not in yourself, but in God. Bob Hawk and Maria Krothe shared how God took each one of them through a process of being a living sacrifice.

Stir Yourself Up Part 1

Wednesday March 23, 2011

Luke 15:11-32 is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Both sons got their inheritance, but the one was faithful and the other one was wasteful. The father ran to the prodigal son. In a revival two main things happen. One thing is that the prodigals come home. People on the “outside” get saved. Critical spirits want to put requirements on the newly born-again converts. Let the Spirit of God clothe them and let the Holy Spirit be the Holy Spirit. The second thing that happens is that, just like the elder brother, some people get upset that the younger brother is in the kingdom. People who went through a previous move of God become jealous or offended at the new move of God. Watch it! We want the move of the Holy Spirit, so don’t let biases and boundaries restrict the flow. Oral Roberts joined the Methodist Church so that people who were healed through him wouldn’t worship and give attention to him rather than to the Lord. Pastor Dale told of a minister who heard about healing before he went blind, but only his wife knew about it. He preached healing, and although he had sugar diabetes and was blind, he received his sight back. Praise God! Another concern with the elder brother is the spirit of: “Why did You do it for him and not for me?” Understand that your body is the temple of God, and God lives in you if you’re born-again. God never leaves us. He is a very close friend. Everything that God the Father has, is ours. When others are being blessed, and you aren’t seeing it for yourself, the devil will tell you that there must be something wrong with you. Eph. 1:3 tells us that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. All blessings begin in the spirit, and we receive them by faith. You already possess what you want. Rejoice with others. Complete the course. It’s your party too when the “prodigals” come home. Pastor Dale shared that some of the harvest in Japan is his because of what he sowed in Titusville for Japan. II Tim. 1:6 tells you that you are to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of hands. The younger brother prays to be used, and the elder brother complains that he feels used. What God gave us, He doesn’t take back. You can’t go further until the gift that is in you is stirred up. Go back to what God told you and stir it up.

Cast Out the Strongman and Fill the House With the Spirit

Wednesday March 16, 2011

Offering Message: II Cor. 9:6-8 God loves a cheerful giver. He is able to make all grace abound toward you so that you always have all sufficiency in all things, and may have an abundance for every good work. The sufficiency is so that you can establish God’s covenant. The anointing is in you. Jesus had financial supply. He had a treasurer, Judas, who, when he was missing, the disciples thought he was out giving money to the poor. Testimony: Anita Trythall shares a testimony of her divine meeting with a sister in the Lord. In Luke 9:1-2 Jesus gathered the 12 disciples and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Before the kingdom of God comes, the devil has to go. In Luke 11:20-26 it says that if demons are cast out by the finger of God, the kingdom has come upon you. When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he will come back with 7 other spirits more wicked than himself, if the “house” is empty. The problem is that the “house” was empty. It should have been filled with the glory and Spirit of God. When you’ve been set free, you need to be filled anew with the Spirit of God. In Matthew 12:28 this same passage says that the devil is cast out by the Spirit of God. You carry God’s Spirit, and you carry God’s power and authority. In Gal. 4:27-30 Abraham and Sarah had to cast out Ishmael and Hagar. Ishmael represented the flesh. There are some things that need to be cast out- the law, religion, religious backgrounds, and you need power and authority to break them. Charismatics have religious bondage, because without the Spirit, we will go into bondage. We need a new impartation of the Spirit. Before we were first filled with the Spirit, we didn’t speak in tongues. It was something new to us. We don’t need a filling of the same thing. We need something new. Expect something different and new, like in the natural anticipating the taste of a new recipe. We must receive at a new level and not what we received years ago. That was for then, but we need the Spirit for where we are now. We are born of the Spirit. When something comes out, something new of the Spirit must come in. Make room for God. There was a time of laying on of hands and prayer for those who wanted to be filled anew with the Holy Spirit.