There were testimonies of healings during previous services. Pastor Dale tells of many experiences in which the Spirit of God moved in services to bring miracles, healings, and deliverance. Healing may come through the preaching of the Word of God, but there are times when it comes through a move of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will ask what you want, not assuming anything. When the Spirit moves, you must cooperate quickly in order to receive. The anointing is the power of God. There are seasons when the Spirit moves, and we need to move with Him (John 5:1-9). Angels bring new seasons and gifts from heaven. When it’s in season, everyone can get in. He moves to relieve pain, to advertise to others who need to know of His healing power, and to diabolically oppose the devil (Acts 10:38). Don’t live with or cope with sickness. It’s from the devil, and God won’t cooperate with him. When Satan is coming in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will come, too.
Healing: Responding to the Spirit of God
Sunday November 18, 2012
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM