Matt. 6:9. This scripture says to pray in the manner of the Lord’s Prayer. It begins (“Our Father, hallowed be Your name”) with an acknowledgment and recognition of the Lord and His presence. It’s being with Him, (as your devotional time should be). It invokes His name, meaning that it’s using His name to get access and also it’s summoning His presence. It’s the believer’s privilege to access Him and to summon His presence. Everything falls under control by its name. In heaven you get your real name. “Your kingdom come” invokes His power. We learn to pray step-by-step. Praying is hard work and is tough on the flesh. Mark 1:35 If Jesus made prayer a priority, how much more should we? Make prayer a habit. Have a place and a time that will give prayer a priority in your day, such as in the shower, in your commuting time, on lunch break. Create a habit of prayer. You need personal, private prayer times before your expectations and results increase in corporate prayer. It’s relationship first. Suggestions and reminders: record what and who God puts on your heart in times of personal prayer; have a top ten (10) list of people the Lord lays on your heart to pray for salvation.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM