Building on a Firm Foundation: God’s Blessings

Sunday October 9, 2011

Offering message: Deut. 28:1, 2 The condition of God’s blessing is conditional: if you harken and obey His voice. God cannot reward disobedience. Sermon message: Text: Matt. 7:24-27. Hear the Word, act on it and do it. God is not your problem, and your problems are smaller than God. James 1:16-19 God is good. If Satan gets you thinking that the problem you’re experiencing is from God, you can’t resist. Why do bad things happen? There is a devil and there is sin in the world. Be a doer of the Word. Hearing but not doing the Word brings deception. Grace empowers you to act on the Word, but mercy is the“free pass”. I John 4:19-5:3 The commandment is to love God and to love our brother. We are to keep this commandment. We forgive, not by feeling, but by commandment. Josh. 1:2, 5-8 The past is dead. Get up and don’t quit. Be courageous. Observe to do. ACT. Meditate on the Word to know what to do, then you’ll make your way prosperous, and then you’ll have good success. Deut. 29:9 Keeping the Word and doing it allows you to prosper in all you do. I Kings 17:2-4 If you obey God, you’ll be in the right place for blessing. John 14:21 If you keep His commandments, He will manifest Himself to you. John 10:17-18 Jesus received the power to lay down His life by obeying God’s commandment. Do you want to walk in God’s blessings? You must keep and do His commandment.