Pastor Sydney Ropp read from Psalm 119:10, the blood of Jesus. There is a seeking after and treasuring. The recipe of the supernatural is to go on your behalf. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 11 and Matthew 11, 2 Timothy 15:3, and 2 Timothy 2:15. Pastor Sydney read from Genesis 5, before the law. He also read from Romans 13:1, what rulers are supposed to be like. It’s for good for your benefit. Swords were not meant to spank people, they were meant for killing. God wants the avenger. God will deal with it. You are not to avenge. Pastor Sydney read from 1 Peter 2:13 and Acts 4:18:21, these people are their simple authority. Acts 5:29, we must obey God rather than man. We are not to seek revenge, it is not wrong to want justice being served. Pastor Sydney read from Romans 12:9, it was written as a letter. Be persistent in prayer. In Romans 12:19, friends do not avenge yourselves. Pastor Sydney read from Proverbs 25:21-22., conquer good with evil. Pastor Sydney read from Revelation 6:9-10, the Lord tells them to hold on. Desiring Justice. Don’t seek it on your own.
Integrity of God’s Word – part 11
Integrity of God’s Word – part 12
Pastor Sydney Ropp mentioned that the word will make you smarter, just apply the word. Christ in me the hope of glory. Hope is a confident expectation. Pastor Sydney read from Psalm 119:105. If you stay in the word you won’t get into the dark. Pastor Sydney read Psalm 119:30, entrance of your word brings light. The light of the world, we are the light of the world. Christ in you is the hope of glory. Pastor Sydney read II Peter 1:3, to know the father and the son immediately. He has given everything required for life. Pastor Sydney also read out of Genesis 9:1, setting forth the rules of what is to take place. Genesis 9:7, sign of the covenant. God promised He wouldn’t flood the earth gut, there will be capital punishment. Man is authorized to carry out justice. Pastor Sydney read from Romans 13:1 and 1 Peter 2:13, a government is God’s servant for you. Romans 12:9-17, submit to his laws. My rights God gives rights. We become selfish or self centered. He read from Exodus 22:2 and Luke 11:21, His possessions are protected. Nehemiah 4:16, how do we rightly divide. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 5:38, submit to the government.
Victory Over Unbelief
Victory Over Unbelief – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from 1 Corinthians 10. We want to identify unbelief. Unbelief in the great limiter and it will keep you from God’s promises. Unbelief will stop you from many things. Everything is possible to him who believes. There is an unbelief of ignorance. 1 Timothy 1:12, first kind of unbelief. Psalms 78:41 he cure for that is educating. second kind of unbelief is when you know you have unbelief and are taught right but decide to ignore it. Numbers 14:20, the cure for it is obedience. Unbelief is a life and death matter. Temptation is an outside source. I ma from above and you (temptation) is from beneath. God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. Exodus 14:5, faith is moved by the word of the Lord. Unbelief is negative and is sarcastic. You can’t be negative and be in faith. The promises of God’s word still remain. Unbelief complains and grumbles. Faith give thanks and looks through to the promises of God. Most common area is marriage. Faith puts pressure on the Lord. Faith yields to the word. Pastor Sydney read from Exodus 15:22, Exodus 16:1, and Matthew 13. Unbelief doesn’t trust in the Lord. We aren’t going to rely on our bank accounts. It is wise to lay aside for what you are going to do. Pastor Sydney referenced Numbers 11. We are not moved by what see, 2 Corinthians 4:7. We look at what is unseen which is eternal.
Faith and Fellowship
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Mark 11:12. He mentioned that a tree is easier to get rid of than a mountain would be, it would be difficult. Pastor Sydney read out of Psalms 66:18-20, un-forgiveness. He referenced Deuteronomy 1. Maybe you are doubt or unbelief if you are not getting your prayers answered. Pastor Sydney encourages us to say to the mountain be removed. He read out of 1 John 5:14, how to receive when we speak. Pastor Sydney read from John 14:10, John 15:1, Numbers 14, and Isaiah 14:12. As we abide with Him our desires changes.
Stopping The Thief – part 1
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of 1 Peter 5:8, sober means clear minded and to be alert. Don’t alter your state of mind, it’s your adversary. Pastor Sydney read out of John 10:1-18 and 2 Corinthians 11. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, they are teaching people to depart from faith. Pastor Sydney read from James 4:16, John 14, John 10:17, and John 5:18-19, submission to authority. Jude 20, keep yourselves in the love of God. God is love love and perfect love drives out all fear. Sin gives the devil access to you. Temptation is not sin. It is the putting action to the temptation that is sin. Pastor Sydney read from Romans 14:23, and 2 Corinthians 4:4. He talks about the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the desiring of pride in Genesis 3:2. He read from James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:8. Worry will dull you. Perfect means that he was complete. Pastor Sydney encourages us to speak the Word and to submit to God. In Ephesians 4:26 it talks about that it is ok to be angry but, do not sin.
Stopping The Thief – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from 1 Peter 5, to be watchful. Ephesians 4:26, don’t give the devil an opportunity. John 10:10, the devil has the agenda of stealing from you. God is not in control of everything. We get to choose. Satan is the god of this world, Pastor Sydney read from 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 14:30, Ephesians 2:12. Luke 4:6, Jesus said worship God and God only. Sin is what opens the door that lets the enemy in. In Romans it talks about those in sin fall short of God’s glory. Matthew 24:23. Fear and pride are the two major distractions. Strife opens the door to the devil, James 3:14. Earthly, fleshly or demonic wisdom are the three different types.Don’t get in strife with trying to cast out strife. 1 Timothy 6:4-5, a conceded proud person has craving for arguments and debates. Galatians 5:19, hatred, strife, adultery, and witchcraft. We have to examine ourselves to eliminate the open doors. Not every attack that comes against us is not caused by our sins. God is not the author of sickness. Examine ourselves in the light of the Word not in what the accusers have. It will show you your identity.. Health, wealth, and identity is where the attacks occurs. Examine yourself in the light of the Word. He is looking to get you across and into victory. Submit the authority of God and resist or fight, put on the armor of God, and watch or be alert. Be firm in faith. 1 Peter 5:8, be clear minded. Pride had blinded your heart. Isaiah 22:22, Revelations 3, Revelations 1:17. Keys authority to open a door or to lock the door. Revelations 20:1, the key to they abyss. Pastor Sydney read from Isaiah 14:13 and Luke 10:17. He referenced Matthew 18:16, to have three witnesses. Pastor Sydney read from 1 John 3:8. Matthew 28:18, power means authority. Mark 16:15-17.Believers need to do something about the devil in their lives. Jesus had done all he had done, it is our responsibility to take authority.
Stopping The Thief – part 3
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of 1 Peter 5:8. Ephesians 4:27, be angry and sin not. Don’t be concerned with who left the door open. First expose the enemy and get him out and close the door. Then be concerned with how he got in. Do not give the devil an opportunity. Pastor Sydney read from 2 Corinthians 4:4 and 1 John 5.Sin, strife, fear, anger, and pride is what gives the devil access. Being in fear is not submitting to God. You want to resist the enemy. Pastor Sydney read from 1 Peter 5, submit yourselves to the elders. Three main areas the devil tries to get in to attack, health, wealth, and identity. Pastor Sydney read from James 4:7, Revelations 3:7, Luke 10:17, Ephesians 1:19, and Ephesians 6:10. Pastor Sydney encourages us to yield ourselves to the Lord. To put on the whole armor of God.
You Must Be Born Again
Karen Burrows mentioned that the Father looks at your heart. She read out of 1 Peter 1:23, the word of God is incorruptible. Karen read out of John 3:3 and Matthew 7:21. 2 Peter 3:9, all shall come to repentance. If you could get to heaven by your good works then, why would Jesus be sent to the cross? He is the only way to the Father. You come into communion with the Lord Jesus Christ. Karen read out of 2 Corinthians 5:17. Karen talks about true forgiveness. It is when you don’t bring up someone’s past. Philippians 4:7, rejoice in the Lord. R+L-W+P+T is to rejoice add love subtract worry add praise plus thanksgiving believe it and say it.
How To Live By Faith – part 1
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Hebrews 11:6, without faith it is impossible to please Him. He read out of 1 Peter 3, always be ready to give an answer. Apostle Dale encourages us to study faith. Prove yourself in your faith. Faith has no limits. “He wants to turn the tide of the battle in your life.” It does not mean that problems in your life are going to disappear. Thank God we have faith. It is called a shield of faith. Put up the shield of faith, defensive. You learn that healing is for your. You begin to learn that you can live in abundance.The tide of the battle turns when you begin to fight and do what God has created you to do. 1) What is faith and what is not faith? 2) How is faith developed? Romans 12 states that God has given faith to everyone. 3) How is faith applied? We need to examine our faith and we need to know when we get out of faith. Faith is not understood. Faith is based on us looking to God. You may know something and it may not be right. Apostle Dale read out of Romans 1:16 and Romans 10:17. We need to hear with our ears. Rama is when He is going to prosper you and the just shall live by faith. Logas, Greek word for written or recorded word of God. When you know you are right with God, faith works. Apostle Dale read from Luke 5:20, Acts 14:7, Mark 11:22, and Hebrews 11:3. We need to take time with the Lord. Feed ourselves food or the word of God. We need to exercise our faith.
How To Live By Faith – part 2
Apostle Dale read out of James 1:5 , the just shall live by faith. Faith is not just an isolated moment. Faith should be operating throughout our life all the time. It not something to us just when we get the bill in the mail. Every time we praise the Lord is an act of faith. Hebrews 11:1, evidence not seen. He references Luke 5:22, Jesus saw their faith. Sometimes fear will motivate people to pray. Our dirty laundry is not to be on display for people to see. Apostle Dale mentioned that if he saw faith he will throw gasoline on it. You have to take steps with faith. People get discouraged because they don’t see a result right away. You have to build your faith. It takes time, nourishment or food, and it takes exercise. Faith will make you do interesting things. You don’t have to waiver. When you drop a rock in the water, you never know how far the ripples will travel. Faith is important to release God’s purpose in your life. Apostle Dale encourages us to use our faith. A faith that you use to cast out the devil, a faith to use in church. There is a faith to be used out in the world, so use your faith.
How To Live By Faith – part 3
3) His words are at work in the unseen realm. Sometimes healing takes time. Apostle Dale read out of Romans 4:17 and mentions that denial is not faith. We are taught to speak to the problem. Do not waiver. Faith is of the heart, you have to renew your mind. Your faith is deliberately applied, believe that it will come to pass. You want to find where your faith is, role of desire, and understand release. Forgiveness, we got to stay clean and keep our hearts right before the Lord.
The Power of Your Testimony
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Luke 17:11 and Hebrews 11:1. They asked the Lord to have mercy on them. Mercy and God’s provision cannot be divided. Pastor Sydney read from Mark 10:46, Are you telling the good news so that people can receive it and are you sharing the good news of the gospel? Faith is specific. Ephesians 2:4, abundant in mercy because of His great love. So, when people ask for mercy they are looking for the answer to the problem that they are up against. We will have trouble but, be of good cheer. Go in His authority. Ask the Lord for mercy, His grace and compassion has come upon you. Pastor Sydney read from Mark 5:1.
Answered Prayer?
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Luke 18:1. Faint means to cave in of faint. People generally can’t stay committed to something that doesn’t produce results. How often would you pray if you saw results and what would you be praying? Prayer should fill our lives. Apostle Dale read out of John 15:1. Prayer keeps you in tune. The answers to prayer is associated to bearing fruit. There is a differentiation between the written word and the spoken word. We are to have communion with the Lord. Gather direction from the Holy Spirit. Apostle Dale read from Philippians 4:6. Worry could be turned into a prayer request. If we don’t pray enough eventually we will cave. What happens to people when prayers are answered? 1). People want to pray more. 2). You want to be with people who pray. 3). Presence of two or three successful prayer warriors sparks a revival. 4). Tangible sense of God’s action in their life, John 15:4-7. 5). A person’s prayers are answered consistently. If you do what you know to do, you’d be a whiz!
Faith That Finishes
Known As The Miracle Man
Jim spoke these words to Dale. “Those words which were spoken over your life, that were spoken over your life which you have seen manifest and fulfilled were from my lips and my heart saith the Lord. Yea, there is more yet to come there are greater assignments. There is more yet to do. Do not draw back do not stay thy hand. Be steady and unmovable. Though shalt continue to abound in the work of the Lord. Despise not small beginnings. Every beginning that is of Me saith the Lord has the seed of greatness and manifest life for many and miracles. So rejoice and be glad when I speak saith the Lord. For my word shall be fulfilled. It shall come to past. Rejoice and be glad and leap with joy and gladness for all that I have done and all that I shall do.”
Pam Dumont told the miracle of her husband and her walk with God. Pam mentioned that everywhere she went that Jesus was her friend. Pam tells a story of when her husband was found laying at the bottom of the hill unconscious. She mentioned that the bible says to call on the elders. A hundred people showed up to intercede. Pam thought that Jim was dead. She knew that if she let herself look at the situation she could have continued to think that Jim was dead or she could praise the Lord. She knew that she couldn’t let her emotions get to her. It is the overwhelming preciousness. The bible says that it is the renewing of your mind. After Pam was told that Jim had brain damage. Their grandchildren had prayed and sang over Jim. Jim had pushed through the coma and had come back and had a five day recovery in rehab. 1) The prayer of faith will save the sick man. 2) Jim had needed prayer of faith. His brain, the washing of the water of the word. We have lost the reverence of the Lord. Philippians 3:10, that we know Him. 3) To know Jesus in the power of His resurrection. It is easier to deal with junk in your life now rather than later. Pam referenced Hebrews 11:35. There are so many attributes of Jesus and we can have as much of Him as we want. So many people only know Jesus as savior and stop there, just enough to get into heaven. However, He is our redeemer, He is master, the way of truth an life, the bright and morning star, He is the Lamb of God, the Head of the church, our faithful and truth, and He is all these things and many more. Philippians 3:8, the overwhelming preciousness. One of the things that marks a devoted follower is the story can be told it is the sheep that is devoted to the Shepard. Those that look to Jesus will become radiant. Bring home those that He loves. He called for this season knowing what we are facing. For those who are radiant the world will come and be a path to your door. We cannot afford worry, anxiety, or pettiness.
What Does It Mean To Be Pro-Life
Pastor Sydney talked a little about abortion and encouraged us to go see Unplanned. He questioned what are we doing as a community to prevent abortion? We together are Church of the Word International. It is not enough just to pray. We have to put action to our prayer. Our job is to do the work of the ministry and it is Pastor Sydney’s job to feed us the Word. Kathleen English spoke about her experience with abortion and she encourages us that God restores time and what was lost. Mike Frede mentioned about how Ephesians 3:20, is encouraging for family to continue on. Pastor Sydney mentions that the Lord wants to empower us. We can’t walk on the water. His grace is there to empower us. Josh Shuman encourages to know who we are voting for to know whether or not the candidate is for abortion at any stage of life. Pastor Sydney mentioned that we have work to do and it is time for us to act. Let’s get out of the boat. He encourages us to do our research. What do we have available in this county? How might we act differently if we were the only church left in the community? Communion had taken place. It is more than just freeing you from your past. The time is now the season is now.
We Are God’s Plan
Pastor Sydney Ropp mentioned “we are not waiting for the move of God. We are the move of God”. Pastor Sydney read out of Jonah 1. He mentioned that judgement is a real thing. We see things as being judgement that aren’t judgement at all. We should not be so quick to say that it was God’s judgement. Judgement is a decision. It is not smart to disobey something the Lord has told you to do. The fish was God’s mercy to Jonah. Matthew 12:40, show us that you are the son of God. Jonah 2:1, Jonah calls out from the dead. The pit means corruption. An idol is something you worship and anything that takes place before the Lord. Salvation is from the Lord. God is a God of unlimited chances. You and I have good new, you don’t have to die and go to hell. We have good news to take to the people.Jonah was clear on instruction and yet he chose not to do what the Lord told him to do. Not obeying the Lord is wrong.Pastor Sydney read from Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8. What did you witness? You are suppose to tell that. Only if you open your mouth, there would be grace there to carry on a conversation with a person. The reason we are alive today, our purpose is to see people translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. The ministry of reconciliation, to relationship with the Father. It is easy to be hard on Jonah but, easy to for us to make an excuse for ourselves.
The River of the Holy Spirit is flowing in this place. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Pastor Pradeep prayed of the congregation declaring liberty over lives, liberty over your children, and he declared liberty over your well being. Someone here that God is healing your mind right now, the healing power of God is coming upon you and He is touching your mind right now. Thoughts are going to be changed into holy thought and happy thinking. There was someone else that God is healing lower back pain. Someone else that God is healing the pain in the spine. Someone else where God is healing your neck and healing you completely. Someone had gotten report about chest pain. God is saying do not worry do not fret for I am the Healer. I have sent my word and I will heal every aliment an every disease. The breath of God is here. He will touch you, he will heal you, and he will restore you. There was someone that had a demonic attack and the work of God is crushing the enemy Pastor Pradeep continued to pray.
We are fools for Christ and you are going to be a winner. Where ever you go you may feel that it may not work out in the heathen world but, Got has got better plans. God is greater. Pastor Pradeep read from 2 Samuel 6:11. He mentioned that God is going to release hope into your life because of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit is that you choose to please God. When you choose to please God, God is pleased with you. Pastor Pradeep referenced Psalm 37:4, abundance was a word that had come to him. Luke 1:26-38 and 2 Peter 3:18, growing in grace. Grace means that God is with us. God wants to give us favor. In the book of Esther, Esther was going through a time period of purification. Issue of the heart. God is preparing our hearts so that we could deeper into the presence of the Lord. Esther prepared herself and came into the royal court and became a queen. Esther used that favor for Kingdom purposes. God will take you from glory to glory. The power of fasting and prayer does work with the word of God. Pastor Pradeep encourages us to wait on God. He mentions that the Lord is with us. Genesis 22:9 was read from. 1) Place of order, examine yourself and walk in the Spirit. 2) Waiting on God, it deals with and attitude of change, John 5:19. 3) The key, the Holy Spirit will come and overshadow you. Living in the overflow things don’t matter anymore. 1 King 19:19, be faithful where you are. 2 Kings 2:9, God will test us. God is releasing holy determination. Activation is happening as you are being ministered to. Pastor Pradeep gave a testimony about his wife being able to get pregnant.
Pastor Sydney Ropp read fro Psalm 107:17. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law (613 laws). Then he read from Exodus 23:20, the covenant is conditional verse 26, no body dies young, no woman will lose their child. Deuteronomy 28:14If you break one law you break them all. The good news is that we don’t have to live under a curse. It is only that in Christ the curse is lifted. Pastor Sydney read out of Hebrews 8:6, a better covenant. You believe it to recieve where as the old one was that you had to earn it to deserve it. Pastor Sydney referenced John 17:4. He read from Romans 10:4, Christ is the end of that law. Christ is the law of love.The good news does no one any good if they don’t know about it. Pastor Sydney made a covenant to give John a $100. It does John no good because he was told that it was gifted to him but, it was not in his possession. In order for the covenant to be beneficial to him and to lead him to the way of the cross or where the $100 was. John was shown it but, he had the option to reach for it symbolism of his free will to choose Christ or not. It is our responsibility to show people the way. To be a disciple. Pastor Sydney read out of Luke 22:14 and 1 Corinthians 11:23.
Truth Not Tolerance
Karen Burrows talked about letting self decrease and God increase in our lives. She also mentioned that culture does not change the Bible. As the church we have become lukewarm. Churches are embracing sin and are saying that it is ok. Tolerance is not the Bible. It is the truth and love of God that sets the captive free. Karen mentioned that oil an water do not mix. We should not tolerate sin in our lives. We are to be seed planters. Karen read out of 2 Timothy 3:16. We got to draw the line in the sand. Love the sinner but, hate the sin. Karen read out of Hebrews 4 and 1 Timothy 1:2. You are responsible for how you live your life and how to grow up in God. Karen read out of 2 Timothy 4:2-5, Romans 10:8-10, Romans 14:11, and John 3:3. You must be born again!
Crossing Over – part 1
Pastor Rocky Veach mentioned that we minimize God’s plan. Take advantage of what He has called us to do. To set the limits or the boundaries in advance. Jesus died to deliver us from our old nature. Rocky read from Hebrews 1. Rocky talked about how him and his wife almost had a divorce but, God had come through. The reason few are chosen is because there is time involved. You are chosen but, do you chose to be chosen? It comes down to words, to find out what it means and how it is used. You go into levels of sleep. Dreams usually have a lot to do with what is going on. We see through a glass darkly. God wants to talk to those who have a calling. We are not moving forward with the call. To cross over into a region beyond is what Hebrews mean. Abraham’s name got changed to Hebrew in Genesis 14. If we don’t pay attention to God we will not hear Him. Rocky references Romans 8. Much of the church is asleep. God is going to raise up a might people because they know their God. It is time to rise up in your call and in the authority of God. Hebrews start in the book of Psalms. Rocky referenced Psalms 110. Our call is a continuation of His call. We are not to do it alone. God has got His eye on you. He waits for the precious fruit of the earth.
Crossing Over – part 2
Pastor Rocky Veach mentioned that God wants to engage us. God chooses to use us in the plan. Many people are awakening. Pastor Rocky encourages us to get present with the Lord and intend to be called. It is like a blank canvas and throwing paint at it. Jesus is worth your time. It’s dealing with the process. Pastor Rocky read out of Revelation 1:12 and Hebrews 6:1, get past the foundation. Sometimes depression or sadness comes but, you got to remember what Jesus has done. Give God time, because God is interested in houses. Pastor Rocky read from Acts 3, we still have an on going relationship with the Lord. Where are our ears? Are you hearing? Ears have a lot to do with the condition of our heart.
Crossing Over – part 3
Pastor Rocky Veach mentioned that God is calling us to cross over. Unlock the key to the religion began. He is always using you to reach other places. One will one purpose of God. God is steady and strong. Get your eyes back on Jesus. We’re just ministering to those who are called. Faith is the responsibility we have. Pastor Rocky read out of Hebrews 11, we are answering the call to stand out for God. It requires going to the other side. There is a time to be among them, time to be along side God, and a time to be on assignment. Don’t give yourself over to suggestions. Don’t believe everything you see or hear. Pastor Rocky read out of Hebrews 8 and referenced Hebrews 16, the church was defeated by their own success. Pastor Rocky had read from Hebrews 4:16 and referenced Acts 15.
Crossing Over – part 4
Pastor Rocky Veach mentioned that it is like building a fire. It’s a day to cross over. Now it is go time. It is time to rekindle the fire. The call is of the new and the old. To a degree everybody is a prophet. Set in on the training on how to be a Shepard. Pastor Rocky read from Hebrews 12. If I have to give in what do I have to give up? Time period of grace. He read from Hebrews 5:14, let God have all of your senses. He read out of Hebrews 11, stay in the new with God. What is happening is that there is a clash of two kingdoms God has secrete agents.
Be Fruitful – part 1
Are you here as a consumer or as an employee of the Lord. We are in a consumer culture. When we are looking what the Kingdom can do for me instead of looking at what can I do for the Kingdom, we become ineffective for the Kingdom. Genesis 1:26, being fruitful. This is how some of us live today, we live satisfied with an occasional visit from the Lord. Instead of Him being involved in you life all the time. Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of John 15:8, and 1 Corinthians 3:9. Not everything done is going to last or stand the test of fire. There is going to be a testing of the works we do. Pastor Sydney read out of Matthew 7:1 Much better to judge yourself is better than having someone else to judge you. We have the privileged of examining ourselves. Deal with yourself first. Pastor Sydney read from Jude 1:12. Don’t yield to condemnation but, if your heart is pricking do pay attention. Anything that makes us uncomfortable is not always the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit pricks yours heart to bring you closer to the Lord. Prune mean cleansing. No man can remove you from the vine. He needs you Jesus the vine and you are the body. The fruit doesn’t grow on the vine. Produce much fruit, go from glory to glory. If you stay in the Word all week, then you wouldn’t come to church as a consumer. It is time to examine yourself when you start to feel dried up and withered. Abide in Him and produce much fruit. What is blocking between you and the vine.? Examine it and remove it. If you are not staying hooked up with Him in relationship all your are doing is a fruitless exercise. You have to abide in Him. It is a place of living not a visitation. God is priority!
Understanding Praise & Worship
Apostle Dale Armstrong mentioned that we miss the supernatural for looking for the spectacular. Apostle Dale read out of Luke 4:5, when Jesus met the devil. Not my will but, yours be done. Identify where the thought or idea is coming from. Apostle Dale read out of Revelations 11:15, if you don’t act on the word then you would become self deceived. As we act on the word knowing the right answer is not enough. Apostle Dale mentioned that you have to do what you know to do. Resisting the devil isn’t enough. It is the submission of God that has to be done. You got to learn how to bring the presence of the Lord into your day. Pray first before dealing with the problem. When you begin to worship you become one with the Lord. When thinking of a loved one who is gone is not why are they gone? Our thought process should be, how is it that He spared our lives? Worship is what we know to do. Apostle Dale read out of Luke 4:5-6, there are three key words to look at. That is Kingdoms, glory, and power.
Be Fruitful – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Colossians 3, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 11:30 and 1 John 2:24-28. Pastor Syd talks about staying in the Lord, to be fruitful, and to be in continuous worship. Stay in God’s word. Know how to use God’s grace. Keep in mind that the knowledge of God gives you understanding. Do what you have heard from the beginning, to bare fruit. Do you have the desire to bare fruit and what kind of fruit would that be? Pastor Sydney read from 1 Corinthians 3:6. The very ability of God lives inside of us. God gave us the ability and know that today is the day, 2 Corinthians 6:1.
But What If She Will Not Come?
The silver medalist of all the mothers. Pastor Andrew Taylor read out of Genesis15:2 Eliezar (type of the Holy Spirit) was to find a bride for Abraham. Pastor Andrew read from Genesis 24:2, Abraham is a type of God the Father, the riches man. Abraham has the seed, Isaac who is the type of son. We cannot escape the consequences of our decisions. There are 206 bones in the body, the biggest and strongest muscle is the thigh muscle. Putting your underneath someone’s thigh means 1.) Making a promise or swearing, 2.) Submission, and 3.) from the Hebrew also means the reproductive organs, swear by your children’s children. Abraham, Eliezar, and Jesus. Father, Holy Spirit, and Son. The name of Egypt symbolizes the world and the Lord has brought us out of Egypt. 2 Peter 2:22, like a dog who turns back to his vomit. Psalms 40:8, do we desire to do the Father’s will or are we consumed doing what we want to do? John 4:34, meat means task. 2 Peter 3:9, If we reject His precious son, God has to honor our choice. It is not God’s will that any soul should perish. When a soul does if grieves Him. How will God’s will be done? God’s will will be done by willing people. We are all sons and daughters of God. All over this world the Spirit is moving, flat out like a lizard drinking water. What is she will not come? What if she is too comfortable? What if we are too self absorbed? Pastor Andrew referenced Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20 and encourages us to get up and go do the work of the Father. The price has been paid for everyone but, not everyone knows. If it is to be, it’s up to me. It is not the time to turn to your neighbor. Seek the Kingdom of God first. If you do the will of the Father, He will take care of what is needed. Pastor talks about the generations. Rebecca’s father is a guy named Bethua. Nahor and Milcah are the parents of Bethua. Abraham and Sarah have a child named Isaac. Isaac and Rebecka are the same age. Pastor Andrew read from Genesis 24. Genesis 24:56, yes I will go. Psalms 110:3, the people should be willing.
Simple Truths From The Father’s Heart
Karen Burrows referenced Proverbs 18. The way you become what you think you are through emotions and feelings does not make you a good master. Karen read out of 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Colossians 1. Karen mentioned that if you are double minded you are not receiving anything from the Lord. Karen read from Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 6:16, and James 4:7. Passive and distracted is how we have become. You want to think of the word of God until it becomes your rut. Karen read from Psalms 138:2, Philippians 2:9, Ephesians 1:7, and Revelation 12:11. Kevin Burrows read from Deuteronomy 4:16
God Is Good!
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 4
Apostle Dale Armstrong said God is good and the devil is bad. Apostle Dale read from Acts 10. Ministering, helping, or giving to the poor is what alms are. Alms are your giving before the Lord. If you don’t realize that God has done it, you cannot release your faith. God give Cornelius specific instructions. For Cornealus it was a vision and for others if may come another way. 1 Corinthians 12:7, God wants you to experience the gifts of the Spirit. Apostle Dale referenced John 3:16. Do not mistake that super natural ministry only belongs to certain callings. Manifestation, phanerosis, to reveal or to make known. A memorial is a remembrance. Give, alms, pray, and fast to get specifics instructions from the Lord. We must have supernatural ministries. Matthew 6:1, be cautious. If you give in the right way you’ll receive a reward from the Father. Celebration of Spiritual Disciplines, a book Apostle Dale had read. When you give alms, do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. We neglect fasting and praying. Alms given, prayer, and fasting. No man needs to know about anyone’s prayer life. Everybody knows what happens in the bedroom but, no body talks about it. It is intimate. Just like your prayer life with the Lord, it is intimate. The secret belongs to those that fear Him. God reveals His secrets to you, keep your mouth shut. It is between you and the Lord. When you give alms, you are preparing a heart that is good ground for the Lord to work in. Mark 10:17, knowing the commandants. Money wasn’t the problem it was what it was covering up. Give to the poor and you would have treasure in heaven. Where your treasure is, is where your heart is. Materialistic things hold you if you can’t give it away. The hundred fold is not in the giving, it is in the forsaking. Apostle Dale read from Psalms 41 and Isaiah 58:6. We are in a unique generation where we are in trouble. We are in a place where we need to embrace some of these principles. To get back to intercession in a prayer life and fasting. There are some things that only fasting can break. Mark 9:16, Jesus gives the answer to the question. It is the private prayer. There is a spiritual power in fasting.
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 2
Pastor Bill Hake read out of Revelations 3:7. When God opens a door, nothing can come against what He is doing. We can’t be ignorant of what the enemy is doing but, we need to be focused on what the Lord is doing. Lot of people obsess about money. If you don’t overcome whatever the devil is telling you. Than you can’t be completely trusted. We have to be over comers. The punishment for murder is death. Don’t curse your country. Strong delusion that has come over the people in the earth today is the delusion that they have to trust in man and not in God. It’s the mark of the beast. To do ministry and not have a heart for the people is a curse. It has to be in you, the love of God needs to be there in order to be able to minister to the people. Pastor Hake referenced 1 Corinthians 12. When God writes something on your heart, offense cannot take you out of it. We need to realize that hearing from God is essential. Living in obedience is not popular with people. In our nation people are getting drunk in building their dreams and leisure living. People are too busy with their fun and games. It is not for you to come up with a vision or dream.
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 3
Pastor Pat Murphy referenced Hebrews 10:24. God’s heart speaks. John 1:1-5, Jesus is the expression of the word. Be doers of the word and not hearers only. We don’t put a whole lot of value on the word spoken. You can’t study physics and not see God. Do you read the Word looking for Jesus? Hebrews 4 was referenced. If you can do anything. If you can believe all things that are possible. His word is truth. Do you give God’s word honor. God wanted us to be a part of what He is doing. If you love God with all of your strength everything will fall into play. Majority space is nothing and the thing that makes it work is the Word. Read the word with value. John 6:33, the word is Spirit and life. Pastor Pat read from Psalms 119 and Psalms 107:20. Pastor Pat mentioned that he has to be a doer of the word. You would be able to tell where a person is by the things that they do. Mark 9:23-24, His word is truth
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 1
What is freedom, questioned by Pastor Alex Cherny? Something that has been commissioned to you to do something. Pastor Alex spoke out of John 1:12 and Acts 13. We are the initiators. We have been given freedom. Freedom is ours.
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 2
Pastor Pradeep Perpera read out of Genesis 37, rebuilding the future. Genesis 50:20, God is going to turn it around for the good. Pastor Pradeep mentioned that God is his theology. God is still good. We do not have to fear. God is rebuilding. Fix your eyes on Jesus. 1 Corinthians 3:17, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Isiah 61:7, God wants to restore us. Prophecy does come to past. 2 Chronicles 6:11 and Genesis 45:27. We serve a good God.
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 4
Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Acts 10:1. God wants to reveal the Holy Spirit to you. He wants to tangible for you. God wants us to develop intimacy. Exceeding great reward means that I’m your paycheck is the meaning in Hebrew. Daily intimacy with the Father prepared Jesus. Apostle Dale read from Matthew 6:1, take heed. Don’t give in pride because you will miss out. If you give in the right motive there will be a manifestation. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster focuses onb meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, guidance, submission, solitude, service, confession, worship, and celebration. Jesus has three disciplines. Motive, intimacy, and Jesus. Giving and praying are intertwined. If you are praying and your answers aren’t getting answered then there is something wrong with you. Apostle Dale reference Isaiah 58. Don’t be moved by what you see, be moved by what you believe. Apostle Dale referenced Psalms 57:2. Apostle Dale read out of Psalms 66:18 and John 15:4.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 1b
Prophetic Presbytery
Pastor Bob Hawk read out of James 1:12-16. God is incapable of being tempted by what is evil and He Himself tempts no one. We got to be aware church, we need to be aware church. The wages of sin has not changed. Will you stand in the evil day? It is a choice and is a decision of the heart. We are heavenly beings and heavenly minded. Apostle Dale Armstrong had a message from the Lord for Pastor Bob. First law of intercession is identification, it is tied up in prayer. You are coming before the Lord on their behalf, Isaiah 59:21. Pastor Pradeep Perera said he really needs to go to the toilet but, he doesn’t want to miss the moment. One of the things that the Lord is impression on his heart is, don’t miss the moment. The Holy Spirit that is telling me this morning is saying that if there is anybody that has hurt you. The Spirit of the Lord is releasing you to forgive who or whatever it is. For whatever situation you have been through. The Holy Spirit is giving you the grace to forgive. We are called to bring salvation to this world. Why am I here, what is my purpose? This morning God wants us to reconcile with whoever it is. Let it go, let it go. Don’t hold it against anybody. We have a greater purpose. The Holy Spirit is here to release us. Great days ahead of us. The word for Sister Juwana, “The Lord show that your home is a blessing. You and your husband are so united together and he Lord is pleased with that. God is releasing you and David with an anointing. You have been faithful. You are seeing the fruitfulness of you lives. You are going to see the gifting of God in such a great way. Get ready! You are going to see a great inheritance. Your home is going to be a blessing to so many others.” Brother Jacob, you come to Landmark burdened. The power of God comes over you, you will go from glory to glory. You will not fail. Nothing will fall to the ground. Faith is rising on the inside of you. The Goliath is rising on the inside of you today. Pastor Pradeep prayed for Apostle Dale. Pastor Bob sang Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 2
Levi read out of Matthew 20:25-26. Levi read out of Nehemiah 13:10-11. Understanding of authority. Levi read out of Exodus 18:21. Armada Network and youtube website will soon have services from the various churches within the network to be posted. Pioneering college courses for individuals to grow in their gifting. Apostle Dale Armstrong referenced Ephesians 4, to equip the saints. Don’t forget that you are someone who equips. Armada is not a denomination. Armada is having the heart of the Father.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 3
Two steps forward and one step back. The Lord says it is progress. Disciples are those following after the Lord Jesus Christ. What is it that you see that you want to follow after? What you don’t honor in Jesus you will not receive and what you don’t honor in the body of Christ you will not receive. Karen Burrows read from 1 Corinthians 10:31, Hebrews 12:32, 1 Corinthians 9:24, Philippians 2:16, Hebrews 3:6. Your today will build your tomorrow. How desperate are you today? Karen read out of Matthew 3:2. True repentance in the Lord is making a change. God honors giving and changes something in you that you don’t even know needs changing. You won’t see victory if you bought into the lie of the enemy. Some of us are not even aware of the double territory in us. we attend the word, abide in the vine, and come under the Holy Spirit today. Consistency is praise, prayer, and obedience. You need to be far sited and understand why you are here. Do live far sighted. Get into the heart of the Father. A relationship is two ways. Embrace today and make it important.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 5
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Acts 10 and Matthew 6, secrecy in giving and prayer. When He sees you giving alms, praying, or fasting in secrete then the Father should reward you openly. Identification is the first law of intercession. Every time you pray the Lords prayer, identification yourself is applied. Money might be easier to give but, your time is also valuable. As you are giving of your life you are giving to someone else. Isaiah 58, it is tied up in fasting. You can identify where you heart is by writing a check. As we give in alms we don’t do it for recognition. If you give in the wrong motive, you do not get the reward. When you start a fast declare the purpose. Before you need financial power you need spiritual maturity. Be Spirit lead when giving. Give, pray, and fast. These principles are all guaranteed, you have to be adamant about it. The key is that you got to start with the small things. You face your obstacle, give more. When you get into your private prayer closet, you don’t need the church to tell you where to give. Begin to look where you can give. When God begins to show you things in prayer it is not for you to brag or gossip about. Keep what God tells you private. Apostle Dale reference Psalms 2 and prayed for Sri Lanka.
Pastor Anthony Simon read out of Acts 1:1-6. He mentioned that we are always talking about generation. However, we are not preparing for the generations to come. He talked about the neglect of the Greek widows, problem for the revival to come or to destroy the church. We need to decide what to neglect and what not to neglect. We do not want to neglect fasting and praying. God is preparing our lives for the next generation. Pastor Anthony read from Acts 8:4-8. Our lives are to be dedicated to God. God will prepare your life.
Be Fruitful – part 3
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from Psalms 103. Pastor Sydney referenced Mark 16. We need to be bold and declare some things. I will be bold to declare the goodness of God. Larry Hostetter had given a word from the Lord. God and Jesus Christ died for all of us. When we don’t know what to do we have to put our trust in the Holy Spirit. Pastor Sydney mentioned that we have gained the Father. Eternal life is to know the Father and His Son, to have a personal relationship with Him. Pastor Sydney read out of John 15:1. Every branch bears fruit, every branch bares more fruit, and every branch bares eternal fruit. Matthew 7:15, you’ll find out if it is a wolf or sheep by their fruit. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 3:46, produce fruit out of the mouth from the heart. Pastor Sydney read out of Proverbs 12:14, Proverbs 18:21-22, Proverbs 23:7, Luke 8:4, Ephesians 5:8, and Colossians 1:3.
Be Fruitful – part 4
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of John 15:1, be fruitful. A branch is either getting pruned or hacked off the branch. The Father expects you to produce fruit. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 6:43. By your fruit you will be known by looking for fruit. What you put in your heart is going to come out. What are you watering on the inside. Are you speaking life words, death words, idol words (words that don’t have faith in them). Pastor Sydney mentioned that the Lord is pruning how his time is spent or used up and is teaching him how to better manage his time. Money buys time. Pastor Sydney read fromEphesians 5:1, Galatians 3:13, Galatians 4:5, Ecclesiastes 8:5, Proverbs 3:5, and Hebrews 4. Get wisdom, the Lord wants to keep you from wasting time. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 6:19-34, seek first the kingdom of God. He also read from James 1:5. He referenced Revelations 1 and Isaiah 11, 7 spirits.
Pastor Jen Ropp read out of Hebrews 13:5. We want to be free from money. Money is not the sustainer. We don’t want to love the tool, we want to love the provider.
Be Fruitful – part 5
We need to remember even when covering ground that we are not standing still. Pastor Sydney Ropp read from John 15, it is the Father who prunes you. Pastor Sydney referenced John 1:1. Stop thinking of the word as a written promise but, instead think of it as Jesus is the Messiah. Don’t let go of what is written but, it the One who said it. 1 John 5:3, what love for God is. His command is not a burden. The command of God carries within it the grace to do it. John 12:48, the word of Christ is both grace to you or judge you. 2 Peter 1, grace is not a cover up. Grace is what would make you be able to bear fruit. supplement you faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with self control, self control with endurance, endurance with Godliness, Godliness with brotherly affection, brotherly affection with love. Manly, excellence, valor is the meaning of goodness. God is a Spirit of excellence. Pastor Sydney read from Romans 8:5 and Galatians 5:13. We live by the Spirit and follow the Spirit.
3rd Annual Mission Sunday
.Pastor Sydney Ropp questioned “How much is one soul worth?” What was the price paid for it. It’s the value you hold to heaven. Flesh is geared to look at meat. If we continue to look outside of ourselves to keep our mind on the Lord. We need to be about our Father’s business. Keep the right mindset about giving. Pastor Sydney read out of 1 Timothy 6. Lot of our time and energy is spent on a consumption of goods. There needs to be a mind shift in us. Your enjoyment is not the goal. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. Pastor Sydney read our of Matthew 28:16, Acts 2:7, Acts 13, and referenced Deuteronomy 16.
Fulfill Your Purpose
Pastor Shane Lehman read out of 1 Corinthians 15:58, Ezekiel 3:7, Isaiah 50:7, and Luke 9:51. Pastor Shane questioned what moves people away from fulfilling God’s promise in their lives? First distraction is people. The Lord wants one hundred percent obedience and He knows that we can’t do it on our own. The anointing is for a purpose, we need to guard our hearts The second distraction is pleasure. The third distraction are opportunities. Don’t try to fill someone else’s shoes and don’t expect anyone to step in and fill anyone else’s shoe. Don’t believe something you hear without verifying it. How do you remain unmoved? By conviction meaning fixed or firm belief. Pastor Shane read our Matthew 5:3 and 1 Timothy 2:4, John 6, Romans 1:16, and Acts 2.
Be Fruitful – part 6
Pastor Jen Ropp mentioned that there are tithe that are acceptable, Psalms 20:3. Luke 21 and Hebrews 11:4, you are not going to out do God by the amount of money you give. God looks at percentages. You want to give in faith and give out of the heart of love, 1 Samuel 2:30.
Be Fruitful – part 7
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 1:28-29. Apostle Dale mentioned that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of the wisdom. Malachi 3:16, fellowship between two believers. Apostle Dale read out of Psalms 34. It is not so much that we miss the gifts but, we miss the presence of the Lord. You are empowered to obey His voice. You must choose the fear of the Lord. Apostle Dale read out of Acts 5:1. Ananias didn’t dye because of lying, the devil was involved. We don’t know what is going on and we don’t know the whole story. It’s none of our business. When you choose the presence of the Lord, you got to press in.
Be Fruitful – part 8
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of John 15:8, producing fruit. Pastor Sydney read out of 2 Peter 1:2. If you have faith and goodness in addition to knowledge is being fruitful. Romans 10:12 and Hebrews 13:1, brotherly love. 1 Peter 2:17, 1 Peter 1:22, John 8:37, Mark 3:31, Galatians 6:10, 1 John 3, and 1 Corinthians 13.
Receiving Jesus
The Power of Covenent vs The Power of Promises of God
Pastor Lavere Soper read from Acts 2:46, Matthew 10:7, Zechariah 8:23, Psalms 89:34, Jeremiah 33:25. Some people are not the living the covenant. They are living on God’s promise. Pastor Lavere also read out of 2 Kings 2:10, Mark 11:23, and Isaiah 55:3. Kingdom means the power of God.
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Exodus 20:18, fear of the Lord. First don’t be afraid. We will behave differently around other people. Apostle Dale read out of Luke 3:2, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 2:1, and Luke 16:10. In the mist of the revival. Having wisdom to do with the knowledge.
What’s in a name? – part 1
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Acts 10:38 and Philippians 2:8, God’s grace and God’s ability. We are too hynble to write in the amount we really want on a blank check. What’s in the name of Jesus is authority. Pastor Sydney read out of Matthew 28:18-19, Matthew 18:18, Mark 16, and John 16:23.
What’s in a name? – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from Luke 9:49, Luke 10, Mark 9, Mark 16:17, Acts 19, and Ephesians 1. There is authority in His name. We are adopted into the Kingdom of God. What we do today in His name will have forever results. Pastor Sydney showed a video where it was talked about that where the world wants you look at your past. It is about the future. Everyone lives for the now and don’t think about what is to come in the future. Pastor Sydney mentioned that there is no good at the end of the rope unless one makes the Lord the Lord of their life and to make changes. There are blessings when we make ourselves busy in doing for the Kingdom of God.
The Great Escape – part 1
Pastor Sydney Ropp talked about the Kingdom and about empowering the believer to carry out the great light. We don’t have the ability to carry it out on our own. It is through His ability. Pastor Sydney read from Romans 5:2 and II Peter 3:9. It is gods will for no one to perish. We are to pray that the will of God be done. He is patient and he is quick. Pastor Sydney read from Daniel 9:2, Daniel 9:18, and Galatians 3. Pastor Sydney read out of II Timothy 2:3, change and repent ( a gift from God). Pastor Sydney also read from Mark 1:14-15, Matthew 4:17, and John 13.
The Great Escape – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from II Timothy 2 and II Peter 3. Repentance is a gift from God that He has given. It is the great escape. Repentance is change of mind that leads to a different action. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 21:28, I Timothy 4:1, Acts 20:25, and Jude 1:7-25.
The Importance of The Local Church – part 1
Word of the Lord through Larry:
The Importance of The Local Church – part 2
Pastor Kurt Owen mentioned that people have lost the value of their church. It is like children with their toys. No matter how precious the gift is, we lose the importance of it. We should not be interested in titles. Pastor Kurt read from I Timothy 3:14, I acknowledge that you are the church. The ground of truth is to make stable. The pastor’s office has the gifting of stability. You have to participate in the service. The pillar of the ground of truth. The defense of truth. The church was created to be a defense of truth. Someone asked Pastor Kurt what his thoughts were on gay marriage? Pastor Kurt mentioned that the position of my King is that a marriage is to be between a man and a women. When the King spoke that was the end of my opinion. You are not being compassionate for anybody if you are not standing for truth. Pastor Kurt read out of Luke 13. Pastor Kurt shared a testimony of when he was in California and sick with pneumonia. He would get better than it would get worse. Florida let him know that he was dealing with the spirit of infirmity that had to be dealt with first. The only thing that matters is the good of the sheep. It does matter where you go to church. Pastor Kurt read from Matthew 9 and I Timothy 2. Somebody can be saved and not come to the knowledge of truth. There is truth of the Lord wants people to know. Pastor Kurt read from Jeremiah 3 and I Thessalonians 3:9.
The Importance of The Local Church – part 3
Pastor Kurt Owen read out of I Timothy 3:14 and Corinthians 14:12, you want to use your gifting for the kingdom o God. It’s sad what people would do for the love of money. Start esteeming the word of God and time should be added to you. Expect to reap the harvest. Pastor Kurt read out of Jeremiah 3:15, the pastor is the gift. Understanding in Hebrew means to act with insight, to be prudent, to act with devotion, to give insight. When you go to church you need to make up your mind that you need insight on your situation or problem. If you’re not doing what is taught it doesn’t matter. Pastor Kurt referenced Luke 6 and read from Jeremiah 23:4.
The Importance of The Local Church – part 4
Pastor Kurt Owen read out of I Timothy 3:15 and Mark 3:14. You need to know why we go to church. If you don’t understand why, it is easy not to invest in it. Jesus picks those who He wants. Jesus never went down the mountain to drag someone up. When a call gets given all you have to do is make your mind. Grounded or foundation to have stability. It is important that you show up because you are grounded. Pastor Kurt read out of Matthew 9:35-37. Dismayed means scattered or distressed. You can receive a word from God and never see healing because the office of the pastor is not active in your life . The answer is in the local body, if you’d be willing to receive from your pastor
The Great Escape – part 3
The Great Escape – part 4
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of 2 Peter 3:9, 2 Timothy 2, and 1 John 5:16. Sin that is into death is one you cannot come back from. You can blasphemy the Son but, not the Holy Spirit. Pastor Sydney read out of Ephesians 2:4, God’s grace our faith. Pastor Sydney read out of Romans 5, Galatians 5:16, and 1 Corinthians 10:13. You are not your flesh. Don’t take ownership of an idea that doesn’t belong to you. Pastor Sydney read out of 2 John 1:6. When walking in the light, we have fellowship with Him. Pastor Sydney read from Luke 15 and Luke 13:6. 1)Acknowledge you were wrong/sinned, 2) Ask for forgiveness, 3) make a new agreement/covenant.
The Great Escape – part 5
Redeemed From The Curse of The Law – part 1
Salvation includes in the here and now. It includes everything you need to know in your life. Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Deuteronomy 27:9-30. Recognize these things as curses and are nit given to because He is trying to teach you something. Spiritual death and sickness is a curse. Pastor Sydney read from Galatians 3:13, from Genesis 17:15 and Genesis 22: 15. What God blesses no man can curse.
Redeemed From The Curse of The Law – part 2
Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of Galatians 3. It’s time we get a hold of the real deal and not just having the Deuteronomy 28, health, finances, death was the start of the curse. Pastor Sydney read from Genesis 12. When the Lord blesses you He blesses you. You don’t get wealthy by moving because it is expensive. Wi the blessing of finances there is persecution. Pastor Sydney read from Mark 10:26. What the Lord is looking for is people of faith. The Lord is looking for whatever you give do it with being cheerful. Pastor Sydney read from Peter 10:28 and 2 Corinthians 8:9. You have the right to be wealthy. God doing His part is grace. Particular grace for this purpose. No one can save themselves. The grace of finances.
Authority to Speak to Your Situation
Apostle Dale Armstrong Psalms 27:13. Mark 1:15-22, the good news about Jesus Christ. The truth escapes us. The first step is to stop believing the bad news. You do have authority. If you don’t know that you have authority you don’t exercise it. Apostle Dale read out of Mark 1:24. Repentance is not I’m sorry. Repentance is turning away. The first thing you have to do is tell the devil to shut up. Apostle Dale read out of Mark 4:39 and Luke 17:5, learn to talk to your problem. Luke 4:38 and Matthew 16:21, you got to speak to the problem and not ignore it. There is more fight in you if you just stir yourself up. Thoughts are the most difficult because it takes energy. You are the master of your thought life. Quit inviting the devil and being passive.
Redeemed From The Curse of The Law – part 3
Pastor Sydney Ropp read from Galatians 4:4, Galatians 3:6-13, and Deuteronomy 28:15-28, Deuteronomy 28:35, Deuteronomy 28:58, Deuteronomy 28:65. We should only yield to the Lord only. Pastor Sydney read out of Isaiah 53:5, the number one way to be a doer of the word is to speak the word over your life. Pastor Sydney read from Matthew 8:16 and Acts 10:34. Pastor Sydney read out of 2 Peter 2:24, Psalms 103:1, Mark 16:18, and Acts 14:9. The price was paid for at the cross.
Christmas Eve Service
2020 – testimonies
Corrine speaks of the miracle of her dog being healed of a tumor on its face. Caleb gave a testimony of being healed of the pan in his stomach. Nathan gave a testimony of being healed of peanut allergy. Vera gave a testimony of bring a fish back to life. The was a testimony given about a healthy baby having a good report after it being reported that the baby having birth defects. Shannon gave testimony of shoulder pain that wasn’t hers that God had her pray for a friend that was dealing with the issue. Jim mentioned about a miracle that happened at Cracker Barrel. Nikole gave testimony about healing of the back of a family member. She also gave testimony about receiving a gift for Costco Membership. Katie gave testimony about receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jon gave testimony of his wife liver enzymes and A1c being normal. Corrine’s husband gave testimony of his back being healed. Stay calm consistent in being a doer if the word. Carol gave a testimony of an older man in a retirement home had received Jesus before he passed. She also gave a testimony of a man healed of kidney stones. Conrad gave a testimony of being healed from a work injury.