Sunday March 24, 2019
Word given through Jim Dumont from the Lord:
” I am looking for those whom I may show myself strong on their behalf.Yea those who’s heart is set on pilgrimage.Those who’s eyes are set on higher things. Those things that are above. Yea, I am here saith the Lord and I will show myself strong in your life. Do not draw back do not stay the hand but, reach forward take more ground. Move ahead saith the Lord.Press deeper go for the things that are higher. Those things that are eternal and those things that are a blessing. Yea, you should be amazed what I will do. Do not try to reason your way through but, believe and walk with me saith the Lord. I will never fail thee nor forsake thee for I am with thee.”
Pam Dumont talked about the miracle Jim had. She mentioned that we don’t know how rich we are. Jim Dumont talked about how him and Pam met.