Speaker ‘Jim & Pam Dumont’

Sunday March 24, 2019
Word given through Jim Dumont from the Lord:
” I am looking for those whom I may show myself strong on their behalf.Yea those who’s heart is set on pilgrimage.Those who’s eyes are set on higher things. Those things that are above. Yea, I am here saith the Lord and I will show myself strong in your life. Do not draw back do not stay the hand but, reach forward take more ground. Move ahead saith the Lord.Press deeper go for the things that are higher. Those things that are eternal and those things that are a blessing. Yea, you should be amazed what I will do. Do not try to reason your way through but, believe and walk with me saith the Lord. I will never fail thee nor forsake thee for I am with thee.”
Pam Dumont talked about the miracle Jim had. She mentioned that we don’t know how rich we are. Jim Dumont talked about how him and Pam met.

Known As The Miracle Man

Saturday March 23, 2019

Jim spoke these words to Dale. “Those words which were spoken over your life, that were spoken over your life  which you have seen manifest and fulfilled were from my lips and my heart saith the Lord. Yea, there is more yet to come there are greater assignments. There is more yet to do. Do not draw back do not stay thy hand. Be steady and unmovable. Though shalt continue to abound in the work of the Lord. Despise not small beginnings. Every beginning that is of Me saith the Lord has the seed of greatness and manifest life for many and miracles. So rejoice and be glad when I speak saith the Lord. For my word shall be fulfilled. It shall come to past. Rejoice and be glad and leap with joy and gladness for all that I have done and all that I shall do.”

Pam Dumont told the miracle of her husband and her walk with God. Pam mentioned that everywhere she went that Jesus was her friend. Pam tells a story of when her husband was found laying at the bottom of the hill unconscious. She mentioned that the bible says to call on the elders. A hundred people showed up to intercede. Pam thought that Jim was dead. She knew that if she let herself look at the situation she could have continued to think that Jim was dead or she could praise the Lord. She knew that she couldn’t let her emotions get to her. It is the overwhelming preciousness. The bible says that it is the renewing of your mind. After Pam was told that Jim had brain damage. Their grandchildren had prayed and sang over Jim. Jim had pushed through the coma and had come back and had a five day recovery in rehab. 1) The prayer of faith will save the sick man. 2) Jim had needed prayer of faith. His brain, the washing of the water of the word. We have lost the reverence of the Lord. Philippians 3:10, that we know Him. 3) To know Jesus in the power of His resurrection. It is easier to deal with junk in your life now rather  than later. Pam referenced Hebrews 11:35. There are so many attributes of Jesus and we can have as much of Him as we want. So many people only know Jesus as savior and stop there, just enough to get into heaven. However, He is our redeemer, He is master, the way of truth an life, the bright and morning star, He is the Lamb of God, the Head of the church, our faithful and truth, and He is all these things and many more. Philippians 3:8, the overwhelming preciousness. One of the things that marks a devoted follower is the story can be told it is the sheep that is devoted  to the Shepard. Those that look to Jesus will become radiant. Bring home those that He loves. He called for this season knowing what we are facing. For those who are radiant the world will come and be a path to your door. We cannot afford worry, anxiety, or pettiness.