Be Fruitful – part 8

Sunday September 1, 2019
Word from the Lord through Larry:
This has been a church after my own heart. I have planted in Pastor Dale’s heart. I have planted it in Pastor Sydney’s heart.  It is My heart,  I have seen the faithfulness of this church. To paint the Gospel all over the world.  I have heard prayers. I have heard the intercessions. I am going to take you further than you have ever dreamed of going. Because it is not about you. It is about Me in you. It is the plan that I have for the church. It is the plan I have for each and everyone of you. The church is going to grow and prosper. The church may be small now but, it is going to grow. Be faithful and be on your knees praying. I will use your prayers. I will use your intercessions. Pray in the Spirit more and more. Because it is a part of me in you. It is the Holy Spirit who will lay a foundation for what I want to do. Be faithful my children. Stand in the gap for one another. I love you. I have died for you. I have a plan for you.
Main Message:

Pastor Sydney Ropp read out of  John 15:8, producing fruit.  Pastor Sydney read out of 2 Peter 1:2. If you have faith and goodness in addition to knowledge is being fruitful. Romans 10:12 and Hebrews 13:1, brotherly love. 1 Peter 2:171 Peter 1:22John 8:37Mark 3:31Galatians 6:101 John 3, and 1 Corinthians 13.