What Does It Mean To Be Pro-Life

Sunday March 31, 2019

Pastor Sydney talked a little about abortion and encouraged us to go see Unplanned. He questioned what are we doing as a community to prevent abortion? We together are Church of the Word International. It is not enough just to pray. We have to put action to our prayer. Our job is to do the work of the ministry and it is Pastor Sydney’s job to feed us the Word. Kathleen English spoke about her experience with abortion and she encourages us that God restores time and what was lost. Mike Frede mentioned about how Ephesians 3:20, is encouraging for family to continue on. Pastor Sydney mentions that the Lord wants to empower us. We can’t walk on the water. His grace is there to empower us. Josh Shuman encourages to know who we are voting for to know whether or not the candidate is for abortion at any stage of life. Pastor Sydney mentioned that we have work to do and it is time for us to act. Let’s get out of the boat. He encourages us to do our research. What do we have available in this county? How might we act differently if we were the only church left in the community? Communion had taken place. It is more than just freeing you from your past. The time is now the season is now.

Jennifer Ropp read out of 2 Corinthians 9, God’s grace to abound in your finances. His able to make all help to abound to you. He supply seed to the sower, not the hoarder.
Mission Offering:
1 Corinthians 16 and Hebrews 10:19, boldness to enter in. All of has had a past that would send us to hell but, if it wasn’t for the blood of Jesus. All of us stand on equal ground. Temptation of wavering comes. Did I come to receive or to encourage and give?