Crossing Over – part 3

Saturday May 4, 2019

Pastor Rocky Veach mentioned that God is calling us to cross over. Unlock the key to the religion began. He is always using you to reach other places. One will one purpose of God. God is steady and strong. Get your eyes back on Jesus. We’re just ministering to those who are called. Faith is the responsibility we have. Pastor Rocky read out of Hebrews 11, we are answering the call to stand out for God. It requires going to the other side. There is a time to be among them, time to be along side God, and a time to be on assignment. Don’t give yourself over to suggestions. Don’t believe everything you see or hear. Pastor Rocky read out of Hebrews 8 and referenced Hebrews 16, the church was defeated by their own success. Pastor Rocky had read from Hebrews 4:16 and referenced Acts 15.