Apostle Dale Armstrong said God is good and the devil is bad. Apostle Dale read from Acts 10. Ministering, helping, or giving to the poor is what alms are. Alms are your giving before the Lord. If you don’t realize that God has done it, you cannot release your faith. God give Cornelius specific instructions. For Cornealus it was a vision and for others if may come another way. 1 Corinthians 12:7, God wants you to experience the gifts of the Spirit. Apostle Dale referenced John 3:16. Do not mistake that super natural ministry only belongs to certain callings. Manifestation, phanerosis, to reveal or to make known. A memorial is a remembrance. Give, alms, pray, and fast to get specifics instructions from the Lord. We must have supernatural ministries. Matthew 6:1, be cautious. If you give in the right way you’ll receive a reward from the Father. Celebration of Spiritual Disciplines, a book Apostle Dale had read. When you give alms, do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. We neglect fasting and praying. Alms given, prayer, and fasting. No man needs to know about anyone’s prayer life. Everybody knows what happens in the bedroom but, no body talks about it. It is intimate. Just like your prayer life with the Lord, it is intimate. The secret belongs to those that fear Him. God reveals His secrets to you, keep your mouth shut. It is between you and the Lord. When you give alms, you are preparing a heart that is good ground for the Lord to work in. Mark 10:17, knowing the commandants. Money wasn’t the problem it was what it was covering up. Give to the poor and you would have treasure in heaven. Where your treasure is, is where your heart is. Materialistic things hold you if you can’t give it away. The hundred fold is not in the giving, it is in the forsaking. Apostle Dale read from Psalms 41 and Isaiah 58:6. We are in a unique generation where we are in trouble. We are in a place where we need to embrace some of these principles. To get back to intercession in a prayer life and fasting. There are some things that only fasting can break. Mark 9:16, Jesus gives the answer to the question. It is the private prayer. There is a spiritual power in fasting.
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 4
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 1
Pastor Bill Hake mentioned that there is a concept of rain and growth. There is saturation and showers.There are times for showers and there are times for. Farmers are more important than your picnic. Daily you should have showers of the Lord. You are not made for the Sabbath, it was made for you. There are times of saturation when having meetings like the Armada. Expect to be saturated and to be filled. Pastor Bill read out of Revelation 1:8. You will train people to works is by focusing more on what to do. Instead we should focus on Him to bring forth the will of the Lord. We can’t live in the past but, we can learn from it. God wants us to live by faith moment by moment. It’s like going hiking, your focus needs to be on the next step. God shows us some things of the future because we need to know it. Everything in the past must to be reconciled with the truth. You have to understand the beginning and the end. Don’t look for the dramatic, you may miss God. Philippians 1, it is not wise to fight against God. We need to understand and know the plan of God everyday of our lives. We need to learn to live for God. Live for eternity. It doesn’t matter what I want, what I like, or what I think. Satin would try to bring false prophets.Whatever the enemy is doing God has something greater and we need to be part of the solution. God’s light will appear brighter in the mist of darkness. In the mist of the evil His light shines brighter. People do not have a sense of the beginning and and the end. Real fellowship in sharing what Jesus is doing. Many people get seduced away. God does not want confusion. To understand what is you have to understand what the Lord has set in motion. God takes the imperfect and begin to work or form it. You cannot eliminate foundation, you have to build on it. Foundations are laid, there is a foundation laid for Armada. Satan set things into motion, the Lord set things into motion. Mark 1:1, the Gospel had a beginning. 1 John 2:7, we have to understand what Jesus set into motion. Pastor Bill referenced Hebrews 6:1. Perversion of grace, people don’t repent anymore. You have to learn how love conviction but, not just conviction of sin. A command of love will keep you from being deceived. Knowing that beginning, can God do it again? Yes He can do it again.
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 2
Pastor Bill Hake read out of Revelations 3:7. When God opens a door, nothing can come against what He is doing. We can’t be ignorant of what the enemy is doing but, we need to be focused on what the Lord is doing. Lot of people obsess about money. If you don’t overcome whatever the devil is telling you. Than you can’t be completely trusted. We have to be over comers. The punishment for murder is death. Don’t curse your country. Strong delusion that has come over the people in the earth today is the delusion that they have to trust in man and not in God. It’s the mark of the beast. To do ministry and not have a heart for the people is a curse. It has to be in you, the love of God needs to be there in order to be able to minister to the people. Pastor Hake referenced 1 Corinthians 12. When God writes something on your heart, offense cannot take you out of it. We need to realize that hearing from God is essential. Living in obedience is not popular with people. In our nation people are getting drunk in building their dreams and leisure living. People are too busy with their fun and games. It is not for you to come up with a vision or dream.
Armada 2019 – Tuesday session 3
Pastor Pat Murphy referenced Hebrews 10:24. God’s heart speaks. John 1:1-5, Jesus is the expression of the word. Be doers of the word and not hearers only. We don’t put a whole lot of value on the word spoken. You can’t study physics and not see God. Do you read the Word looking for Jesus? Hebrews 4 was referenced. If you can do anything. If you can believe all things that are possible. His word is truth. Do you give God’s word honor. God wanted us to be a part of what He is doing. If you love God with all of your strength everything will fall into play. Majority space is nothing and the thing that makes it work is the Word. Read the word with value. John 6:33, the word is Spirit and life. Pastor Pat read from Psalms 119 and Psalms 107:20. Pastor Pat mentioned that he has to be a doer of the word. You would be able to tell where a person is by the things that they do. Mark 9:23-24, His word is truth
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 3
Pastor Brian Wills reference Isaiah 19. 1 Corinthians 12 and John 17. The Harvest, the Holy Ghost and the gift of faith is what was talked about. This generation has the ability to fulfill the great commission. It is time to pray, it’s time to get back our intimacy and personal relationship with God and to hear His voice and obey. Say what He wants you to say and do what He tells you to do. It is time to stretch your faith. Stretch and expand. A gift of faith is an open door to God’s power. Come to a place to where you are sensitive to God’s Holy Spirit. Prayer, faith, and anointing brings change.
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 1
What is freedom, questioned by Pastor Alex Cherny? Something that has been commissioned to you to do something. Pastor Alex spoke out of John 1:12 and Acts 13. We are the initiators. We have been given freedom. Freedom is ours.
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 2
Pastor Pradeep Perpera read out of Genesis 37, rebuilding the future. Genesis 50:20, God is going to turn it around for the good. Pastor Pradeep mentioned that God is his theology. God is still good. We do not have to fear. God is rebuilding. Fix your eyes on Jesus. 1 Corinthians 3:17, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. Isiah 61:7, God wants to restore us. Prophecy does come to past. 2 Chronicles 6:11 and Genesis 45:27. We serve a good God.
Armada 2019 – Wednesday session 4
Apostle Dale Armstrong read from Acts 10:1. God wants to reveal the Holy Spirit to you. He wants to tangible for you. God wants us to develop intimacy. Exceeding great reward means that I’m your paycheck is the meaning in Hebrew. Daily intimacy with the Father prepared Jesus. Apostle Dale read from Matthew 6:1, take heed. Don’t give in pride because you will miss out. If you give in the right motive there will be a manifestation. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster focuses onb meditation, prayer, fasting, study, simplicity, guidance, submission, solitude, service, confession, worship, and celebration. Jesus has three disciplines. Motive, intimacy, and Jesus. Giving and praying are intertwined. If you are praying and your answers aren’t getting answered then there is something wrong with you. Apostle Dale reference Isaiah 58. Don’t be moved by what you see, be moved by what you believe. Apostle Dale referenced Psalms 57:2. Apostle Dale read out of Psalms 66:18 and John 15:4.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 1a
Prophetic Presbytery
Holy is the Lord. Sanctified and is meant for the Master’s use. Set apart just for Him. Privileged to carry His presence His power, His heart, and love. Yes privileged. Not a thing of pride but, a privilege. He favored you, His children. The gates of hell that had been trying to prevail. The things that you have been up against….What you see is subject to change. As we look not what our eyes see in the natural. But, we look at Him. The one who is and was and soon will come. How much sooner that we probably even can comprehend. Time is accelerating and time is very short. There will be a quick work done. He has chosen to do it through His body and through His people. Those who have come into intimacy with His heart. The lust, even the care and the worry and the flesh of the world. Loving not the things of this world but, taking the time in His presence with the intimacy you release to Him. He will bring you to the depths of His heart to a greater degree that you have ever known. You’ve heard it said and preached many times, you drawn nigh and I will press in. I want you to see it in a different light. I want you to see it in your walk and in your action. Acknowledge me and I will start to direct your footstep in the details which many of you are calling out for. Between your years you get so busy and I have been set back on the shelf. You tell me that you would get back to prayer. That is not what I asked you to do. I ask you to pray always. I ask you to fellowship with me continually. It is not in and out anymore. It is abiding in me. Then you will ask and then you will see and experience the joy of what I will do. The reward belongs to you, for those who will stand in my presence and carry my presence because they don’t relate to any other presence. The presence of this world, of the evil, of strife, of bitterness, anger, and rage. There is no connection with Me in that. There ought not be any connection with you in that if you are to connect and represent Me. The correction comes and the chastisement becomes real and becomes tangible in the days that [are] ahead. I will sharpen you to be the arrow in My quiver. So, that when you are shot into assignment and destination you will hit the mark and not miss it anymore. This is the time for the aim of the target. To become the destination which your life will go and not be distracted. There was a season of where you could be many things but, this is not that. This the season where I have called you to stand in that office, in that anointing, that purpose, and even in that grace in which I have equipped you for and with. The ministry of help will rise up and surround. You will become the magnetic force and draw the gifts out of them. So that their gifts will manifest so that they would understand their purpose.
David the Lord spoke to me about you. He said son I have made you a pillar a pillar in the house of God, strength. I have equipped you to do things that you couldn’t do in the natural. You couldn’t even grasp what it would take to get the job done. There will be an opening of revelation and it will come when you put you hands to the tasks. You find the strength and grace that will be come real tangible to you. For the strength of the grace upon your life will make things stand where they use to fall and shaky. You see things to come. You will step through a threshold very soon. The mantle of that anointing will come upon you and you would become another man and people will look at you and say you’re different. It is called promotion in the Spirit. God can trust you to be a pillar of strength to those around you serving with humility and not ever wanting to assume or take credit for what’s done with you hands. The Lord is well pleased with you son.
Pastor Sydney
If I was John the Baptist I would say repent. There is a mind set that God wants to change within you, he wants to rearrange things in your life, your purpose , and your call. You are going to transfer the anointing that you carry upon many many others. A stirring of releasing that is needed on the hearts of human beings. I see promotion and when I speak to you I speak to your family. Let him know I am pleased with him. Let him know help is on its way because you are going to need it. There is an Apostolic anointing on you. To those of you that know that you have an apostolic anointing. I seen new works that don’t look like old ones. The works go beyond church, it goes into business and educational systems. Also schooling to help school people to help understand how to flow in and out of the work place. The stirring of God’s people where ministry will become life. The walls that contain us can no longer contain us like they have in the past. For there is a release for what God is doing. He is stirring the hearts, gifting, and the passion in His people in this day and in this hour.This is a new hour and this is a new day. It will cause them to reflect Jesus Christ. This is a new hour and a new day. There are things that are old but there is a new way of how things are to be done. Things that use to take years can no longer take years. There will not be that privilege given. So, put your mind into the perspective to what I anoint you to do will be done quickly through you. Don’t take the trouble, worry, and concern and think that you have to carry it. I have anointed you to establish it and to send it out like a baby would come in maturity. Send it out to hit the mark for what I have purposed it for. Many things have been held on too tight because of bondage to many. Not liberty and not growth. Responsibly is the key. To be responsible to be a doer and not just a hearer. Stop looking for them to do it and understand that I have called you to do it and to help others to see how it is done. Get out of the way the harvest is at hand. Brian when I look at you I see schools rising up, young men and women rising up. The anointing and the power that you carry will transfer.
Pastor Bob read from James 1:19, embrace the blessing with obedience to the word. Many prayer lives are confuse because they feel like they got to say more. Vein repetition is many words. Look at this word relieve. It means to accept it or receive. Meek is being very teachable. Be doers of the word. Faith has risen in many hearts hear. Hope is restored. The purpose of these meetings is to equip you. Without taking time you would become mechanical. It is time for fresh manna. It is time for the word to come alive today. I have bowls of miracles, bowls of healing, for you I am asking you to come to the table and sup with Me. Iron sharpens iron. This is not the time to be playing games. The word’s purpose is to do. Daniel 11:32, exploit means a deed or action.
The temptations but you won’t give yourself to them
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 1b
Prophetic Presbytery
Pastor Bob Hawk read out of James 1:12-16. God is incapable of being tempted by what is evil and He Himself tempts no one. We got to be aware church, we need to be aware church. The wages of sin has not changed. Will you stand in the evil day? It is a choice and is a decision of the heart. We are heavenly beings and heavenly minded. Apostle Dale Armstrong had a message from the Lord for Pastor Bob. First law of intercession is identification, it is tied up in prayer. You are coming before the Lord on their behalf, Isaiah 59:21. Pastor Pradeep Perera said he really needs to go to the toilet but, he doesn’t want to miss the moment. One of the things that the Lord is impression on his heart is, don’t miss the moment. The Holy Spirit that is telling me this morning is saying that if there is anybody that has hurt you. The Spirit of the Lord is releasing you to forgive who or whatever it is. For whatever situation you have been through. The Holy Spirit is giving you the grace to forgive. We are called to bring salvation to this world. Why am I here, what is my purpose? This morning God wants us to reconcile with whoever it is. Let it go, let it go. Don’t hold it against anybody. We have a greater purpose. The Holy Spirit is here to release us. Great days ahead of us. The word for Sister Juwana, “The Lord show that your home is a blessing. You and your husband are so united together and he Lord is pleased with that. God is releasing you and David with an anointing. You have been faithful. You are seeing the fruitfulness of you lives. You are going to see the gifting of God in such a great way. Get ready! You are going to see a great inheritance. Your home is going to be a blessing to so many others.” Brother Jacob, you come to Landmark burdened. The power of God comes over you, you will go from glory to glory. You will not fail. Nothing will fall to the ground. Faith is rising on the inside of you. The Goliath is rising on the inside of you today. Pastor Pradeep prayed for Apostle Dale. Pastor Bob sang Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 2
Levi read out of Matthew 20:25-26. Levi read out of Nehemiah 13:10-11. Understanding of authority. Levi read out of Exodus 18:21. Armada Network and youtube website will soon have services from the various churches within the network to be posted. Pioneering college courses for individuals to grow in their gifting. Apostle Dale Armstrong referenced Ephesians 4, to equip the saints. Don’t forget that you are someone who equips. Armada is not a denomination. Armada is having the heart of the Father.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 3
Two steps forward and one step back. The Lord says it is progress. Disciples are those following after the Lord Jesus Christ. What is it that you see that you want to follow after? What you don’t honor in Jesus you will not receive and what you don’t honor in the body of Christ you will not receive. Karen Burrows read from 1 Corinthians 10:31, Hebrews 12:32, 1 Corinthians 9:24, Philippians 2:16, Hebrews 3:6. Your today will build your tomorrow. How desperate are you today? Karen read out of Matthew 3:2. True repentance in the Lord is making a change. God honors giving and changes something in you that you don’t even know needs changing. You won’t see victory if you bought into the lie of the enemy. Some of us are not even aware of the double territory in us. we attend the word, abide in the vine, and come under the Holy Spirit today. Consistency is praise, prayer, and obedience. You need to be far sited and understand why you are here. Do live far sighted. Get into the heart of the Father. A relationship is two ways. Embrace today and make it important.
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 4
Ordination Service
Armada 2019 – Thursday session 5
Apostle Dale Armstrong read out of Acts 10 and Matthew 6, secrecy in giving and prayer. When He sees you giving alms, praying, or fasting in secrete then the Father should reward you openly. Identification is the first law of intercession. Every time you pray the Lords prayer, identification yourself is applied. Money might be easier to give but, your time is also valuable. As you are giving of your life you are giving to someone else. Isaiah 58, it is tied up in fasting. You can identify where you heart is by writing a check. As we give in alms we don’t do it for recognition. If you give in the wrong motive, you do not get the reward. When you start a fast declare the purpose. Before you need financial power you need spiritual maturity. Be Spirit lead when giving. Give, pray, and fast. These principles are all guaranteed, you have to be adamant about it. The key is that you got to start with the small things. You face your obstacle, give more. When you get into your private prayer closet, you don’t need the church to tell you where to give. Begin to look where you can give. When God begins to show you things in prayer it is not for you to brag or gossip about. Keep what God tells you private. Apostle Dale reference Psalms 2 and prayed for Sri Lanka.