Year ‘2014’

The Word of God – Renewing Your Mind

Saturday January 4, 2014

Texts: James 1:21; Romans 12:1-2. God wants His Word engrafted in us, so that we become one with the Word for the saving of our soul. We present ourselves to God. We are not to be conformed to the world, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. How does this happen? The world forms a framework of how we look at things, but we can change that by becoming Word-minded. You can change your thinking by thinking, responding, seeing, and reacting as God thinks, responds, sees, and reacts by desiring and meditating on the Word (Psalm 1:1-3). If you want change, get into things that will change you. Everyone meditates, either positively or negatively (worrying). How do you see things? What’s your mindset toward reading and memorizing the Bible? You can create your own desires by renewing your mind. How can you create a desire or control your desires? One way you can control your desire is by perceptions (Proverbs 18:1). Before you can desire something, you must know about it. Your perception could be negative or positive. Run to the Bible and find out what will set you free. Secondly, pay attention to your desire and study the positive. Instead of studying about cancer, study the Scriptures about healing. Thirdly, conception takes place when you change your thinking and do not even remember the way you used to think. For example, instead of thinking poverty thoughts, you think according to prosperity. You must delight in the Word (Psalm 1:2).

We Would See Jesus

Sunday January 5, 2014

Text: John 12:20-21. The Greeks were coming to worship at the feast, but they had to stand outside, so they talked to Philip as a connection saying, “We would see Jesus.” We can ask the Holy Spirit to open your loved ones’ eyes that they may see Jesus (Psalm 119:18). The gospel is hidden to the lost (2 Corinthians 4:3-6). Why can’t people receive the gospel? Satan, the god of this age has blinded their eyes, and the gospel is veiled to them. Satan is the god of this worldly system and of those under his rule. Jesus is the ruler of the earth. There are only two groups: the children of light and the children of darkness. Satan has representatives on earth. Jesus never lacked power over the devil. If He would have wiped out the devil, He would also have wiped out all of Satan’s people. Jesus wants the harvest. Let’s turn on the light. People need to be exposed to the light, so that they can make a choice. Saul saw Jesus, and Jesus told him that he was to be a witness to open they eyes of the lost, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God,that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus (Acts 26:13-18). How can you pray for your unsaved loved ones? Pray that they would see and for God to open their eyes. Pray that the devil wouldn’t blind their eyes. We are witnesses to open the eyes of the lost. Satan tries to make people think that God is against them, or that there is not a God. People are already forgiven (2 Corinthians 5:19), but Satan blinds people so they can’t receive. Why don’t people receive their inheritance (verse 18)? Again, it’s because the devil has blinded their eyes. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son (Colossians 1:9-13). You have a purpose in life. God can restore you to His purposes in an instant. He redeems the time.

Prophetic Conference – Prophecy in the Church

Sunday January 5, 2014

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1, 7, 11; 1 Corinthians 14. Today’s problem in the church is not a lack of knowledge about the gifts of the Spirit but the absence of the them. The Holy Spirit distributes to each one as He wills. Just because He used you one way one time, don’t limit Him to only using you in that gift. We should desire to prophesy, because prophecy edifies the whole church. All of the gifts should be done, decently and in order. Prophesying is a commandment (14:1). Your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ are your “safety net” for prophesying. They will help teach and affirm you. Just as hearing and hearing the Word is the only way to get faith, prophesying is the only way to edify the church. We are to covet the best gift, which is the gift that you need at the time. When we gather for a church service, we should come in full, so that God can use us. Churches need an interpreter, who is like a moderator. Learn to allow the Holy Spirit to use you, but be humble enough to understand that He may use someone else instead of you. Desire the prophetic anointing.

Prophetic Conference – Integrity

Monday January 6, 2014

Integrity is soundness, that your “yes” be “yes”, and your “no” be “no”. Are we worshiping someone other than God? He requires our focus. Sin can be distractions that keep us from worshiping and focusing on God. Sin affects everyone around you. That person who heard what you taught or preached will be affected by you if they see you sinning. Repentance means to turn around. Repentance is continuous. The Word should be what you mutter to yourself. Focusing on Him means communion, prayer, and time spent with Him. The war to be a Christian of integrity is not over until you quit. You need to continuously present yourself to God. Do you want to be used by God and to be changed by Him? The One who created people and even the devil knows you and is for you, so no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up in judgment against you, you shall condemn. Are you a person of integrity, or are you a hypocrite?  Focus on Jesus and be a person of integrity.

Prophetic Conference – Personal Wisdom and Discernment

Tuesday January 7, 2014

The end of things is at hand (1 Peter 4:7). There is a convergence of what God has said and what the devil is doing. What have we learned in the last twenty-five years? We’ve learned about the spirit of wisdom (Ephesians 1:17-18) and wisdom (what is needed when a problem comes up, and you don’t have an immediate solution). Jesus became for us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). We’ve learned how to be led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18). We’ve learned about the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16). We’ve learned about the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12, 13; Hebrews 2:4). Here the struggle is, are we off the path or are we needing to break through something that the devil is hindering? Can we walk in discernment, personal Christian discernment, which is not the gift of the Spirit, and is resident in each one of us? Especially now, we need personal discernment because of seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. We need alertness and awareness in God to perceive what God is saying. This can save your life. To discern is to recognize or identify as distinct what is of the soul or of the spirit. Be cautious of people who try to give you their dream. Find out the will of God. To discern also means to separate what’s of God, what’s of this church or of this group. Furthermore, it means to distinguish, compare, like weighing things out on a scale, to perceive, to discriminate. If we know the real God and truth, we will be able to discern the false and counterfeit. Have you become dull of hearing (Hebrews 5:11-14)? Are you choking on solid food, or can you discern good and evil? We must become masters of the sword of the Spirit, the Word. Paul’s perception saved lives (Acts 27:10). There are lost, unlearned, and ignorant people. Do you live the Word? Experiences are the lowest level, then come our prayer life, meditation in the Scriptures, and spending time with God, and then being sensitive to God. The Word of God is above His name and is an eternal constant. (Prophet Cohn shared how the Lord reveals things to him that connect and direct him to minister. There were many other Scriptures confirming the teaching.)

Prophetic Conference – Rivers of Living Water

Wednesday January 8, 2014

Listen to God and wait for the unction of God. Those who believe in Jesus, out of their hearts will flow rivers of living water (John 7:37-38). There is a pure river of water of life proceeding from the throne of God and the Lamb (Revelations 22:1-2), and in the middle of the street was the tree of life. One river flowed into the Garden of Eden and four flowed out. Your heart is the garden of God, and in the center of your heart, is the tree of life. The river flowing in is the New Birth, the Spirit within us, and the rivers flowing out are the baptism of the Holy Spirit. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. God drove man out of the Garden, and cherubim were placed at the east gate, and a flaming sword turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life, which he should have been eating from (Genesis 3:22-24). Since Adam and Eve sinned, they became spiritually dead, but they could create with their mouths. Although the tree of life was locked up, when we are born-again, He puts His tree of life in us, which is the ability to speak, confess, and create with our words. He opened up what was locked up, because He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). The Word changes our lives. Because of Jesus (the Word), our lives are hid in Christ. We overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11) (There was a time of testimony.) When the veil was torn from the top to the bottom, God was saying that He would not live anymore in a temple built by man, but He would live in a temple made by Him. The prophet’s ministry is a sudden inspiration, light of a sudden revelation at the moment, seems to be fundamental to future events or the mind of the Spirit in general. The prophet of God is preeminently the ministry that reveals the emotion of God to the people. He communicates things to the prophet so he can change them.

Prophetic Conference – Living According to His Word

Thursday January 9, 2014

Karen shares her personal testimony of a changed life being lived by faith in the Living Word. As she spoke she gave powerful nuggets for living a life of faith in God. Mary did not question God when the angel told her she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. She said, “Let it be according to your word.” Zacharias, however, did not believe what the angel told him and became dumb until he spoke out the name of his son, John, agreeing with the Word of God given by the angel. The Word is God’s language. It’s how we get to know our Father. You must say, “Yes”, for Jesus to move into your life. Get rid of the “ruts” in your brain. You are in a fork in the road. You can choose truth, or you can go the way you’ve been going. Everyone has one of two fathers: the devil or God. The devil wants the Word out of your life, which is the fight of your faith. Do not question God’s Word. Let the Word become alive to you. Give God permission to change you.

Prophetic Conference – Greatness by Connection

Friday January 10, 2014

In 2 Kings 4:8 it is recorded that Elisha the Prophet went to Shunem, where there was a great woman. Why was this woman called great? She was called great because of her connections. First, she was connected with the Lord. Your first connection must be with Him to receive His power. You need to follow Him personally and pray. Secondly, she connected with the prophet of God, Elisha. She insisted that he stay with them, and she stayed connected with him. Thirdly, she was connected with her husband. They were one in the Spirit. Discuss God’s purpose in your life with your spouse. Finally, she connected with her people. She said that she was provided for and didn’t need anything because she dwelt among her people. Similarly Ruth connected and stayed connected with Naomi and then later with Boaz. She was “least” when she came to Naomi’s homeland, but she ended up married to the landowner, because she stayed connected. Ruth was King David’s great grandmother. When you look at people’s beginnings, they may not seem to be that important, but God sees greatness. When there is a connection in the Spirit, there is provision, such as when Elisha prayed for the Shunammite woman to have a baby. When you care for the prophet, you receive a prophet’s reward. When there is a Spirit connection, there is protection, as demonstrated in Elisha’s telling her about the upcoming famine. When there is a Spirit connection, there is restoration. Because of Elisha, the land was restored to the woman when she returned to it.

Prophetic Conference – Developing That Which Is In You

Saturday January 11, 2014

Text: 2 Peter 1:3-10 (8). We were born in the image of God. We need to be changed like never before. God wants the image and life of Jesus Christ to radiate from us and from every church. This takes repentance for everyone. Lay aside what trips you up and put on the new spiritual self. Open up your heart to receive and be a doer of the Word. Our assignment is to have and be abounding in these things that are added to faith: virtue (moral knowledge), knowledge, self-control, perseverance (patient endurance), godliness, brotherly kindness (Christian affection), love. Having these things added to our faith will keep us from being deceived and will bring life, godliness, exceedingly great and precious promises. We are called to reflect Jesus. We don’t have to be given to lust. This is a time when many people are deceived, compromising, lulled to sleep, and thinking they’re doing right, when really they’re doing wrong. We are to pursue God diligently like a man pursuing the woman he wanted for his wife. Make a commitment to be more productive than ever before. What is God convicting you of? Is it self-control or patience or love? Your attitude affects the atmosphere around you, either for the negative or the positive. The challenge for the church is to develop what is in each person. Develop means to cause to grow, mature, advance, set forth, make visible and manifest, and to create or produce by effort over time. God wants to expand His Body in numbers, power, and authority and to equip us with more to overcome our weaknesses.

Dale Armstrong – Women in Church and Ministry

Sunday January 12, 2014

Paul says in Galatians 3:26-28 that we are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus and that there is neither male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus. This is a supernatural unity, Greek and Jew, slave and free, male and female. (Pastor Dale shares of how a woman song writer, Janny Grein, impacted his life and how he gave a place for her to preach. That church experienced 16 weeks of revival. During that time, God supernaturally communicated with him when he was in Kiev, and Janny was ministering in his church in Titusville.) Acts 2:16 quotes Joel which says that your sons and daughters shall prophesy and that God’s Spirit would be poured out on your menservants and maidservants. Women do have a place in ministry. The book of First Corinthians was a letter written in response to a letter the church had written to Paul. Paul’s letter refers to what they wrote previously, as seen in 1 Corinthians 7:1. Chapter 11:2-5 and 16 says that the women can pray and prophesy but that there is a flow of authority. Chapter 14:31 says that you can all prophesy. Verses 34 and 35 were not Paul’s comments, but comments he was responding to from the Corinthian church. How do we know? He just said that women may prophesy, and the law doesn’t say that women can’t prophesy anyway. It is in the Jewish commentary, not the law. Paul’s response is in verse 36-40 where he says, “Did you write the word of God?” In Acts 2:4-11 all spoke aloud in tongues. Go back to Acts 1:13-14 and see that those who were part of the 120 people werewomen, Jesus’ disciples, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ brothers. Mary and the other women spoke in tongues on the Day of Pentecost.

Praise Is for the Lord

Sunday January 12, 2014

God is everywhere, even in hell, so how were Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:9-10) able to hide from God? There is an essential presence of God, which means that God is everywhere, but there is also an influential presence, such as our fellowshipping with Him, which can be covered up. We prepare God a habitation by our praise. Listening to praise and worship music is not preparing a habitation for God. Praise is aloud and loud. In Psalm 22:2-5, a Messianic psalm, it says that Moses and the Israelite fatherscried to the Lord. Luke 18:38-43 tells about the blind man crying out to Jesus for Him to heal him. He was annoyingly loud to the point that he was rebuked and told to be quiet. What did he do? He became louder! He was so loud that Jesus stood still and healed the man. Then, the other people started to praise Jesus, too.  We know Paul and Silas were loud in the prison, because the other prisoners heard them. Worship is for God, not to give you some emotion. Our praise is to Him, because He is holy. He is enthroned in the praises of His people. You don’t naturally want to praise God, and in fact, something in you inhibits your praising. When it says in Psalm 149:5-9, “Let them sing aloud on their beds”, it means that on the bed of sickness and affliction, we are to lift our praises to Him. [Pastor Dale shared the time he rescued a beaten-up missionary in Romania.] Praise binds difficulties, and sometimes that means that you have to praise in spite of heavy oppression. Praise Him until you get a note of victory. Heaven is a noisy place (Revelation 19:1). Salvation, glory, honor, and power belong to the Lord our God. Praise Him!

Praying in the Spirit

Saturday January 18, 2014

Jude 20 tells us to build ourselves up in our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Some translations use Holy “Ghost”, meaning “Guest”, indicating the indwelling Spirit of God. Ephesians 6:18 says for us to pray in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication. We are to pursue love, desire spiritual gifts, prophesy, and to speak (pray) in tongues (an unknown language) (1 Corinthians 14:1-2, 4). Why are we to pray in tongues? It’s something only you can do for yourself, because it edifies you, and it’s speaking mysteries to God. Out of you will flow rivers of living water when you pray in the Holy Spirit. When you are praying in the Spirit, you can get the interpretation of what you are praying (1 Corinthians 14:13). If you give out a tongue in a group, there must be an interpreter. When you pray in the Holy Spirit (tongues), what you are praying is not coming from your mind but from His Spirit in you. Praying in the Spirit will greatly help you to know how to raise your children, what to say, actually everything you do, because He has prepared things for you. When you pray in tongues, you’re speaking mysteries (1 Corinthians 2:4-13). God had hidden these mysteries from the devil since before the beginning of the world, and He reveals them by His Spirit. Our minds and our emotions are not the Spirit. We receive the Spirit so that we might understand what has been freely given to us by God. God’s Spirit gives us the ability to speak the mysteries, the wisdom of God.

Praying the Ephesians Prayer

Sunday January 19, 2014

Ephesians 1:15-20 is a prayer that you can pray for yourself and your loved ones. Paul prayed this prayer with thanksgiving, not with worry and fear. If you pray that a) you might receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and God, and that b) the eyes of your understanding (your spirit) would be enlightened, you will pray to know what is 1) the hope of His calling, 2) the riches of His glory, and 3) the exceeding greatness of His power toward you. Numbers 1)-3) do not happen if you don’t do a) and b). The hope of His calling means your purpose. You are sent. If you don’t have hope, you don’t know why you’re here. Walk in your purpose. Pray for the hopeless using this prayer. The riches of His glory refer to what belongs to you. As a child of the King, you have an inheritance. What belongs to you will come through prayer. Do you know the exceeding greatness of His power toward you, how powerful you are? The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is at work in you. You have an assignment: Write and print out Ephesians 1:17-19 personalizing this prayer for yourself, and then post it somewhere you’ll see it. Then do the same thing inserting your loved ones’ names. Finally, pray these prayers for yourself and your loved ones.

Acknowledging and Confessing Your Faith

Saturday January 25, 2014

Offering message: Isaiah 1:19 tells us to be both willing and obedient. We are givers, not takers. Our willingness is important. God wants us to change nations. Sermon message: You received salvation by confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus, (which means saying aloud), and believing in your heart, (that’s faith) that God has raised Him from the dead. The same way you received salvation, you receive all the spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, such as healing, righteousness, freedom from fear, and provision. Because you know that God has already provided for these spiritual blessings, you can hold onto them by confessing them as your own, thanking and praising Him for the victory. Confessing is acknowledging every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus. You can abound, which means having more than you can contain, because you have fellowship (communication, free flow, interchange, koinonia) with God and Jesus, who are alive. Jesus is in the heavens, which is not referring to distance, but is the realm of the Spirit and access, a place of control of the universe. For example, the instant you die physically, you are with Him. There’s no time or space lapse. Use your faith by confessing the spiritual blessings that are in you through Christ Jesus. (Pastor Dale tells of using his confession of faith to get the victory over asthma.) [Texts: Philemon 6, Colossians 2:6-7; Romans 10:9-10; Hebrews4:14; Ephesians 1:3]

Put Me in Remembrance

Sunday January 26, 2014

God blots out your transgression for His sake and tells you to put Him in remembrance (Isaiah 43:25-26). This is covenant and legal language, pointing to a contract made together. What does He forget? He forgets our sins. What is to be remembered? We are to call on God to remember His promises to us. Remembering is a covenant word to make a claim on a promise that was given. God does not count our sins against us, because He put them on Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:15-19). We are to declare the Word of His covenant. We can plead our case for righteousness together with the Holy Spirit. We say God’s Word promise, and the Holy Spirit pleads with us. We declare our innocence that we may be justified. Keep your own word (Psalm 15:1-5). What God says, He will do. We insult and offend God when we dishonor or disbelieve what He says. God’s Word will come to pass, if you listen to His voice to observe and to do it (Deuteronomy 28:1). Jacob pleaded with God (Genesis 32:9). You can plead with God by saying, “Lord, You said …” Put God I remembrance of His promises, plead together with the Holy Spirit, and make a declaration.

Word Seed

Saturday February 1, 2014

Text: Mark 4:14-20 (The Parable of the Sower and the Seed). God’s Word is the seed. The ground (soil) is a person’s heart. The seed’s (the Word’s) growth and fruitfulness depend on the ground that the seed lands on. If the soil (a person’s heart) is good, it doesn’t take much for the seed to grow and produce fruit, like the woman who was healed of the issue of blood. Immediately after you receive the Word, Satan will try to steal it out of your life, because he hates the Word in you more than he hates you. Don’t let Satan take the Word out of you! Tribulation and persecution arise for the Word’s sake, and people get offended at it. Maybe it’s a Word about giving or healing. Keep a good heart. We have three main enemies or weeds in our heart. They are: the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts for other things. These “weeds” choke the Word and cause the Word to become unfruitful. Keep the weeds out of your garden. Your heart must be receptive. For example, before ministering to a person with cancer, you have to get the fear out of his/her heart. Pluck out the lust of the flesh, of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:15-16). Get your heart right before God, and bear fruit- thirty fold, sixty, or a hundred.

The Word in Your Heart and Mouth

Sunday February 2, 2014

Text: Psalm 27:1; Proverbs 18:20-21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. You are satisfied by what comes out of your mouth, and by saying and confessing aloud the Word of God, you activate this spiritual principle. You get what you ask for. What is abundant in your heart (Matthew 12:34)? If what’s in your heart in abundance isn’t good, don’t hide it, but curse it and say what you want and need, and don’t drop your commitment to what you’re saying. In other words, speak death to what you don’t want and speak life to what you want. Your tongue is a powerful rudder, and your words are producing- life or death. When you are quoting Scripture into a situation, you’re not lying if that’s not what is in the natural. In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus said, “Let us cross over to the other side.” He sowed Word seed. Jesus used His words exactly and precisely. The disciples spoke care and worry. Jesus spoke death when He rebuked the wind and spoke life when He spoke to the sea, “Peace, be still.” Speak your desires and end results by speaking the Word.

The Miracle of Unity

Saturday February 8, 2014

The biggest miracle is unity in the Body of Christ. Revelation 22:7, 11, and 17 tell us that Jesus is returning and the time is near. Keep full of the Spirit of God. Great power is released when the church is in unity. Put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity (Colossians 3:12-14). It is possible for the church to be in unity, as Jesus prayed for it and gave His glory to us that we may be one (John 17:20-23). As God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, so we are to be one. When the world sees the church unified, they’ll see Jesus. Everything in the Christian faith is received by revelation. We can receive God’s glory. We can be in unity. Be determined to press into unity. Just like the different instruments in an orchestra are playing different parts, they are still making in unity creating music. Psalm 133:1-3 connects unity with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the commanded blessing. Be willing to forgive and show love, affection and mercy, taking on the form of a bondservant (Philippians 2:1-2).


Sunday February 9, 2014

The Scriptures affirm the importance of words. God spoke and created the earth, and He created man in His image. He upholds all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). We are partakers, co-laborers, and joint-heirs with Christ. We have Jesus as a High Priest. Let us hold fast to our confession. We’ve been made kings and priests. Your words have power, and your tongue is the fruit of a root in your heart. There is a confession unto faith, when you speak the Word to believe, but there is also a confession of faith, which is when you can’t be made to doubt. Be convinced that your words are important and believe your own words. Don’t speak half-truths, saying things like, “I was just kidding”. Speak the truth. God doesn’t want us to bless Him and then curse people. Only you can control your complaining. There are two laws that govern your words: the law of sowing and reaping (Galatians 6:7) and the law of increase (2 Corinthians 9:6). God will back up the Word that we speak, if our hearts are right. Cross over the line and stop blaming others. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). Your assignment is to write three things that you want Jesus to do in your life this year. Call out what you want. Preach to yourself and others by confessing the Word of God, because it is a creative force. Both God and Satan want your thoughts and words. Scriptures used: Genesis 1:1-3, 26; Isaiah 55:11; Job 22:28; Hebrews 3:1; Revelation 5:10; Psalm 125:3; Hebrews 4:14; Matthew 9:29; Colossians 2:6; Proverbs 6:2; James 3:9-12; 1 Peter 4:11; James 1:6-7; Romans 4:17; Luke 4:18; Psalm 19:14.

Faith: The Power of Forgiveness

Saturday February 15, 2014

Offering Message: Even after we are saved from our sins, we still need to make a choice for what God has provided for us, such as life, prosperity, and healing. Pastor Sydney shares a strong testimony of choosing healing over sickness and death and choosing provision over lack. Jesus doesn’t like lack. He provided for fishermen who weren’t catching fish, food for the multitudes, and possible increase for the rich young ruler. Sermon Message: Colossians 3:13 tells us to forebear and forgive one another. This goes beyond tolerating one another to loving and understanding. If you quarrel, forgive it out. We are to owe others our love for them, because we are in a debt to one another as a result of Christ’s forgiveness of our sins (Romans 13:8). Jesus is all about forgiveness (Ephesians 4:31-32). The effectiveness of our speaking to the mountains in our lives depends not only on our believing, but also in our forgiving others (Mark 11:23-26). The “Lord’s Prayer” is a prayer template or pattern. If you notice how often “we, us, our” is mentioned in this prayer, you will realize it is not for yourself, but for His whole Body (Matthew 6:7-13; Luke 11:1-4). Some translations use the words, “debts” and debtors”, which carry the importance of forgiveness. The disciples knew the mechanics of prayer, because they were trained in the Jewish prayers. You have to learn the mechanics of prayer before you get into the “art”, passion and fire behind it. As an artist takes care of his tools, you will get into the tools of prayer- the name of Jesus, praying in the Spirit, etc. Challenge: Use the Lord’s Prayer to “kick start” your day and prayer time. Each time you pray it, forgive whoever comes to mind. Be quick to give, forgive, and forget. Get rid of the bitterness rejection, and pride, including that of spiritual pride. The sin of omission separates the goats from the sheep. Repentance should be ongoing. If you’ve forgiven someone once, and that person keeps coming back in your thoughts, keep repenting and forgiving. Consciously and deliberately work forgiveness into your praying. Forgive and ask life for a brother and even for our nation (1 John 5:16).

Faith: The Power of the Holy Spirit and Thy Kingdom Come

Sunday February 16, 2014

Jesus’ public ministry ended when He died, but His private ministry began with His disciples after He rose from the dead. In Acts 1:1-8 Jesus was giving His disciples leadership training. He told them that they would receive power (dunamis) after the Holy Spirit would come upon them. Jesus told the Pharisees that if He cast out demons by the Spirit of God that the kingdom of God had come upon them (Matthew 12:25-29). In the Lord’s Prayer it says, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. The kingdom of God comes after the devil’s kingdom is destroyed (Luke 11:14-22). When His kingdom comes, the atmosphere and culture change. (Pastor Dale tells of the kingdom of God coming into the life of a co-worker.) The kingdom is in our lives. Acts 1:8 and 10:38 tell us that we will receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon us. That means both proximity and progression. It’s our receiving the kingdom personally. Power is progressive. Jesus conquered the devil in the wilderness, after He was full of the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:21-22; 4:1). Personal battles need to be won before you can minister to others. It is your personal victories that put you in a place of power. (Pastor Dale’s personal victory over asthma put him in a place to destroy that sickness in others.) Every personal victory causes an increase of power in your life so that you can possess the kingdom of God. After your personal victory, you’re in a position to bind the strongman (Luke 11:20). Challenge: Pray for God’s kingdom to come in the area that you need victory. Personal victory over the devil separates little children from men (1 John2:12). Be strong in God and His Word and bring the kingdom of God into your life. After the Holy Spirit has come upon you, each day should bring you greater power.

Message to the Female Youth

Wednesday February 19, 2014

Make the Word of God personal: God so loved “me”. The first key is that God has given you authority over your emotions. God wants us to use our emotions for His glory. If you blame other people for your life, you’ve locked yourself in, and you will never change. The other person and you are both victims. (Deuteronomy 28; 2 Timothy 3:2) Thankfulness is a big deal to God. You are not a byproduct of your circumstances. Instead of praying for God to change your circumstances, God wants you to change in those circumstances. God uses the rough times of our lives to develop our character, our love level, and our integrity. How is your heart? You can take charge of your heart, your emotions. Remember the Word of God, and you can be cheerful all the time. The Word can become you. Hearing the truth can be hard. Let not your heart be troubled (John 14:1). Emotions follow what you’re thinking. Your emotions are controlled 100% by what you think. Unpleasant tasks and daily drudgery can still bring joy (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). It’s the little things in life that map out your destiny and develop your character. Do your job with all excellence and as unto the Lord. God is building you for something greater. Circumstances come and go. People are not the problem (Ephesians6:12). Our battle is not with people or with ourselves. Satan is your problem in other people and in yourself and in circumstances. Jesus is the problem-solver. You can love the person who has hurt you. Generational curses can come down, but you can rebuke whatever spirit came through the blood-line. Cast it out of you and don’t let that function in you. Other people have to seek for deliverance and healing for themselves. Plant seeds in your life that will give a harvest of God. You’re the master of your emotions. Speak to yourself (Philippians 4:4; Matthew 11:12). No one can take your joy. You give it away. Temptation is not sin (James 1:13-15). Temptation is hearing something from the enemy, usually accusation, accusing you or accusing someone to you. Sin is when you talk about what you were tempted with. Every man is tempted 1) when he is drawn away by his own desires and 2) enticed, then 3) when lust has conceived (in your heart) it 4) brings forth sin, and sin 5) brings forth death. Lust is enticement, a pressure, a strong desire. Lust is our wanting something that is anti-God. Sin is always emotional. This is the progression of how your emotions get out-of-whack. Sin is not smart. Your emotions are the drivers of your actions. God gave us imagination, the creative part of our minds, to be used for Him. Imagination is the power to form images, to envision, to visualize. You can’t get anything from God that you can’t visualize in the spirit. Use your imagination and be specific with God and be detailed in the visualization of what you want to be. Satan tries to counterfeit what God does in our imagination. There are bad imaginations. We are to take every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of God (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). A stronghold is like having ruts and grooves in your brain. Fear is a demonic spirit, which is the opposite of faith. Satan reinforces a fear in your life to where it becomes a memory, a ridge in your mind. The memory of a fear is just as real as the real thing you’re afraid of. People often are afraid of things, but don’t know why. It’s in their brain as a memory. You have to do something about a memory of a fear. The love of God casts out all fear.  Ask God to help you love other people, and you won’t have fear. Strongholds stop the work of God. We have to cast down imaginations against God. You need to say, “You will not have dominion over me. I am a conqueror. I am the head and not the tail.”You have to cast it down for yourself. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- is not of the Father, but is of the world (1 John 2:16).  Imaginations are seeds and can grow and control all the areas of your life. Take care of problems at seed-level. Deal with your problems. Don’t give Satan an inch. The key to casting down imaginations and controlling emotions: 1) Matthew 6:31 -33 We never accept a thought until we speak it. James 4:6-7 Submit to God. Resist the devil, and he must flee. God extends His grace and mercy to us when we admit that we’ve blown it and are humble. 2) Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus came against the enemy when He said, “It is written.” Speak the Word of God aloud. 3) Take personal responsibility. You master your own emotions. You choose to be in joy and to love. You can be powerful if you choose to walk in the God-kind of love to those who don’t love you. We overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus and by the word of our testimony, and not loving our lives to the death (Revelation 12:11). You’re not looking for someone to love you first or to pat you on the back. Forgiveness is a principle of heaven (Mark11:25). Forgive the sin in the other person and love the person.

Faith: Your Words Will Work For You

Saturday February 22, 2014

Our words work for or against us, bringing either life or death (Proverbs 18:20-21). Pastor Dale told of Janny and Bill Grein giving all that they had in obedience and then God’s blessing them by having Pat Boone sing twice one of her songs on the Tonight Show. Use your mouth to speak life, blessings, and joy. Pastor Dale told of being in Tulsa and having a car that “died”. He kept speaking to the car to be sold. Within a short time of being towed by his employer’s company, a man bought it and had it towed. You aren’t going to have what you believe, but what you say (Mark 11:23). Speak the Word, and then faith will come. It has to get into a place of abundance. The third experience Pastor Dale shared was when he was sickened by some food in Moscow and was left with a bad rash after a week of fever and delirium. He kept cursing the rash that it would leave. When he was in Istanbul, Turkey, he ministered to a Muslim man who had been scalded by boiling water. The man was instantly healed. Later Pastor Dale found that his own rash had disappeared, and that he was healed, too. The increase of your lips will satisfy you. Your words will work for you.

We Are Blessed in Christ

Sunday February 23, 2014

Pastor Dale shared about a Mennonite missionary to Ethiopia who found out that miracles are for today and is writing a book about the miracles in Ethiopia. Pastor Dale told about talking to a Baptist pastor near Pittsburgh who told him that he doesn’t believe in speaking in tongues and being charismatic, but this pastor told of being in Africa in a crisis and how he and the Africans didn’t understand each other, but all of a sudden this language came out of his mouth, and they understood him. The pastor said he still doesn’t believe in tongues. Sermon: Just like you are a sibling in your family, and you don’t have a choice about it, you can try to be depressed, defeated, or sick, but you’re blessed. God has blessed you! Isaac, even through deceit and deception, couldn’t take back his blessing. God has commanded the blessing on us. You are blessed! “Happy” is not the same as “blessing”. God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). God’s blessing rests on you. You are blessed in heavenly places, which is the spiritual realm where angels and demons are. The spirit realm birthed us. You are blessed in Christ. Being born-again or saved is Christ in us. Colossians 1:27 says Christ in us, the hope of glory. Jesus Christ has come in my flesh (1 John 4:2). We are also in Christ. That’s where the blessings are. What does it mean to be in Christ? In Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22). What are the effects of being in Adam? (Romans 5:12) Adam opened the door to sin and as a result suffering, wars, corruption, and death came. Does sickness come because of a person’s sin? In some cases it does. All sickness does come from sin, at least from Adam’s sin. If you have sinned and have sickness, run to the cross and the blood of Jesus takes care of it. Apply faith to the grace that has been given to you. The Old Testament priesthood was replaced by Christ as our High Priest. Abraham tithed, and when you tithe you are really giving to God, testifying that Jesus is alive (Hebrews 7:8-). Levi paid tithes through Abraham, but Levi was born 430 years after Abraham. How could he have paid tithes to Abraham? Abraham paid tithes to Melchizadek, the Priest of the Most High God, a type of Christ, obligating Levi to come underneath what Abraham did. You are the result of those who have gone before you. One act affects lineage. (Pastor Dale told of his German cousin, Johnny, and his meeting with his grandfather years later. He found out that he was the recipient of one act of mercy.) In Abraham, you can be blessed. (Pastor Dale gave a demonstration of lineage: God, Adam, Cain. When Adam sinned, there was a breach, and the blessings couldn’t pass down the line.) We all were in Adam. Jesus’ lineage is in Luke 3:23-38, tracing all the way to Adam, who was the son of God. In Adam all die. In Abraham there can be blessing because he tithed. In Christ, He took His blood and went to heaven to the mercy seat, breaching the gulf with His sacrifice. As long as you put faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, the lineage doesn’t stop at Adam, but goes back to God. We were grafted into the root. Being born is how we inherited all the sin and sickness and death, but being in Christ is to have all the righteousness, wisdom, redemption, peace, joy, love that comes to us through Christ Himself. We have to receive by putting faith in the grace of God. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). It’s your birthright to be blessed. You are born blessed and healed. We are in Christ, blessed and redeemed.

Faith: Love Meditating on the Word

Saturday March 1, 2014

Speaking God’s Word satisfies you (Proverbs 18:20-21). Your words carry the power of life or death. The people who love His Word will eat its fruit. Pastor Dale told of how he loved football practice, whereas others on the team didn’t but only wanted the lights and action of the Friday night games. We have to love “practice”, the daily time with the Father, His Word, and the confession of it. We “see” by what we hear, because words carry visual images (Mark 4:21-26). Sin brings darkness, and darkness is a lack of the Word; the Word is light. Love the process of meditation on the Word. There is power in it. Meditating on the Word is like sowing seed, like the practice for the football games. It’s a process of life. Blessed (favored by God) is the man who doesn’t walk, sit, or stand where he shouldn’t (Psalm 1:1-3). Sometimes you are blessed by what you don’t do. Don’t walk in ungodly counsel. Good is not necessarily God. Correct your course, or you’ll get in a place where you’ll have to justify your course. Love the Word and love meditating on it. Take heed how and what you hear. Start where you are. It’s a process of planting (Psalm 1:3). If you love the process, you’ll love the harvest. Meditate on the Word for the Word’s sake, not to get some result and apply kingdom principles first.

Grace: We Need It

Saturday March 8, 2014

Texts: Acts 4:33-34; James 4:6. With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all, and the result was that no one lacked, because they share their possessions. God gives more grace to the humble. Throughout the New Testament letters, Paul wrote about grace, often opening and closing his letters with a blessing of grace, but it was more than just a greeting. Just as God said, “Light be!” in Genesis, Paul said, “Grace be upon you.” Grace can be increased. We can grow in grace. We can take a stand in grace. A dictionary definition of grace is unmerited favor. The Greek word for grace is the same as for favor. “Grace” conveys the picture of a superior stooping down to help an inferior. Mainly, grace is God’s ability and empowerment. We are told to come boldly to the throne of grace (God’s ability), so that we can obtain God’s strength, wisdom, and ability. If grace would be increased in our lives, hard things would become easy. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Grace is NOT mercy. Mercy is not getting the judgment you deserve. Grace helps you with the ability and empowerment to get out of what you needed mercy for. In Genesis 6:5-8, God saw man’s wickedness and regretted He created him, and if Noah wouldn’t have found grace in the eyes of the Lord, He would have wiped out all men and animals from the earth. We’re here because He gave grace to Noah- grace to build an ark and to do what he needed to do. Grace picks us where mercy ends. It was God’s mercy to the Israelites when they complained, that His wrath didn’t wipe them out, but His grace was shown when Moses extended his rod and the Red Sea parted. God’s grace was shown when Peter walked on the water, and Jesus’ mercy was demonstrated when Jesus reached out for Peter when his focus turned away from Him, and he doubted. We need God’s grace!

Cling to the Word

Sunday March 9, 2014

The Israelite army fled from the Philistines, but four of David’s mighty men fought against eight hundred of the enemy (2 Samuel 23:9-12). Eleazar stood against the enemy and fought to the point of his hand being stuck to his sword. The men stood and fought, and the Lord brought about a great victory. God will do that for us, but we must stand, clinging to the Word of God. Proverbs 4:13, 20-23 tells us to hold onto instruction (the Word) and guard it, because it’s your life. When we delight in His Word, we delight in Him. First of all, we have to get the Word of God into us. Every day at home, get into His presence and into His Word. That’s where you will receive strength for what’s ahead of you. Your hand will grab onto the sword (the Word of God), and you won’t let go of it, because you have a foundation of truth inside of you. Meditate on the Word and sing Scripture songs. If you have the Word in the proper perspective, you will live according to it. The Word is health. Guard what you allow to come in, which guards your heart, and allow the Word to come out of your mouth. The battles that we fight are spiritual ones (Ephesians 6:10-18), and the way to have victory is to take up the full armor and stand, being full of the Word of God. Every part of the armor really is based on the Word of God, whether it’s the belt, shield of faith, or any other part of the armor. The Word in our mouths is truth. Psalm 119:162 tells us to rejoice in the Word as one who finds great treasure. The entrance of God’s Word gives light and understanding (Psalm 119:130).  Praise God, sing, dance, be joyful, let praise be in our mouths and a two-edged sword in your hand (Psalm 149:1:6). Get the Word in you and cling to it.

More Grace

Saturday March 15, 2014

Word Given During CWI Service
“Get Ready for the Outpouring” Given by Larry Hostetter:
My children, the shaking is coming. Get yourselves ready. Get yourselves in the Word, because you have to trust in Me like you’ve needed trusted in Me before, but My power and My love is sufficient. I have a boldness, a boldness for you, a boldness you have never experienced in your life, and a love, and a power, and an anointing that you’ve never experienced in your life, because it’s time for the outpouring. So, get ready! Get ready! Get on your knees. It’s time to be holy. It’s time to put things aside. It’s time to shake yourselves. Shake off those things that have a hold on you. They don’t belong to Me! They don’t belong to Me, and you need all of Me that you can get.
Be ready, My children! Be ready, My children for I’m coming soon! I’m coming soon! I’m coming soon! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!
It seems like a long time coming, but time is very, very short, so be ready. Be ready! Be in your Word. Be on your knees. Be opened to hear the Holy Spirit, and do what He says.
There’s so much to be done. I want to see souls come flooding into My kingdom. I want to see peoples’ lives changed by the power of a living God, because you can’t do it on your own. It’s not by might. It’s not by power. It’s by the Spirit of the living God. You need to know Me more and more and more. You need to know Me more and more and more.

Pastor Sydney Ropp “More Grace”
Texts: James 4:6; Acts 4:33. The grace of God is His favor, His wisdom, and His empowerment. Our part is to be humble, living to do His will, not our own will. We are to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). With enough grace I can do anything He asks me to do. We have to come to God boldly and humbly (Hebrews 4:16). Grace is NOT God covering-up or overlooking my sin. It is God’s empowerment for me not to sin. Sin should no longer be our master (Romans 6:14). If you are in a “wilderness experience”, it could be because of hardness of heart. God graces you to come out of the wilderness, but you still will have to face enemies, and then His grace is there for you, if you are obedient. Grace, proclaimed to her by the angel Gabriel, made a huge difference in Mary’s life (Luke 1:26-30). God’s grace was on Jesus (Luke 2:40). God does give more grace to some people than to others. Jesus grew in wisdom, grace, and stature as a child (Luke 2:52). John 1:14-17 says that Jesus was full of grace and truth. We have received grace upon grace from Jesus’ fullness. It is by His grace that we can go through the valleys in life. We need God’s grace now more than ever, because there are more people on the earth than ever before. Ask Him for more of His grace.

Hear and Do the Word

Sunday March 16, 2014

We are told to be doers of the Word and not hearers only, and if we don’t, we are self-deceived (James 1:22-25). To remember the Word, so write it down. Pastor Sydney asked God for dreams and visions, and He gave him a dream about financial wisdom. He was sure he would remember it in the morning, but he didn’t value it enough to write it down, and in the morning he could not remember it. Joshua 1:8 states how important it is to keep the Word and meditate on it. Knowing the truth does not change anything, unless you act on it. Live in the Word. We can become deceived in our relationship with the Father, if we do not talk to Him. You cannot have a relationship with someone you do not talk to. Be a hearer, doer, and you will be blessed. Ezekiel 33:30-32 relates about people who hear what to do but do not do it. “Doing it” is not talking about it, planning to do it, and wanting to do it. The Word has to be what sustains us. Walk in the light that you have. He will bring to your remembrance what you have put into yourself in the past. We let the Word slip if we are not doing it, and we are deceiving ourselves. God’s Word brings light and understanding. Are you walking in the light that you have? Build your life on the solid rock. How you stand in a storm reveals how established you are in the Word. Use what you have (Luke 19:20-26).

His Presence, His Grace

Saturday March 22, 2014

Texts: Acts 4:33; Exodus 33:1-6, 11-17. Moses told God that he would not leave Sinai and go into the Promised Land without the Lord. He asked God for grace for Him to show Moses His way and that Moses would know Him. God said that Moses found grace in His sight and that His presence would go with him. God’s presence is God’s grace. Greater grace results in greater peace. Peace is the indicator of God’s grace. Pastor Sydney and his wife, Jenn, tell of the grace that God gave Jenn after surrendering and submitting to Him when He told them that they were to move to Lancaster at a very inconvenient time. You eat the good of the land if you are obedient and willing. You have to submit to God’s will (James 4:6-7). Get into His presence. Get into His grace. You can get out of God’s grace by regarding the wind and the waves, the outside pressures, and worries. The “Yeah, buts” will sink you. An idol is anything that takes the place of your Source. It’s you thinking you can do it yourself in your own ability. God’s grace is in everything. Don’t think you can do it on your own. The time is short. We need great grace. The word of grace is to empower you (Acts 20:32). Rotten talk tears you down (Ephesians 4:29). Minister life and encouragement. Grace is the opportunity for you to have faith.

Walking in the Light of the Word

Sunday March 23, 2014

Text: James 1:22-23. In order to remember the Word, we need to speak it, write it down, and reread it. Ezekiel 33:30-32 gives a description of people who were excited to hear the Word of the Lord, but they didn’t obey it. Their mouths spoke much love, but their hearts pursued their own gain. The Word should change us and we should act according to it. Knowing what the Bible says isn’t enough. John 8:31-32 tells us that we must continue in the Word to be a disciple of Jesus. It’s the truth you know (intimately) that sets you free. Knowing is in the heart, not just the head. Freedom comes when you continue in the truth. The one who keeps His commandments is the one who loves Jesus (John 14:21). You are deceiving yourself if you think you are doing the Word and really you just know it in your head. You will be blessed in what you do if you continue to do the Word (James 1:21-25). Doing the Word is walking in the light. If your spiritual eyes are good, your whole body is full of light. The light shines into our spiritual eyes. Light exposes what is in the dark. Don’t keep walking around in the dark, but walk in the light. Ephesians 5:8-14 says that we should walk as children of light. We should judge ourselves, but before we judge anyone else, we need to remove the “planks” in our own eyes (Matthew 7:1-6). Are we walking in the light of the Word about our speech? About tithing? About walking in love? Know the truth and walk in it. Judge yourself. When light comes in, rejoice.

Grace: Pleasing God

Saturday March 29, 2014

(There was communion and children departments’ participation.) Text: Acts 4:33. Pastor Sydney reviewed about grace. When we are in God’s presence and experiencing His grace, we enter into peace, joy, and victory (Psalm16:11; Psalm 5:11-12; Psalm 30:5, 7). How can we receive more of God’s grace? Psalm 89:17 tells us that pleasing God releases His grace. Even your enemies are at peace with you (Proverbs 16:7) and they don’t triumph over you (Psalm 41:10-11) when you please God. It was the grace of God that protected Jesus, and He had that grace because He always did what pleased the Father (John 8:29). We should walk as He did, always pleasing the Father. You can choose to delight to do His will by agreeing with Him quickly.

Be A Doer of the Word: God Is Light

Sunday March 30, 2014

Text: James 1:22. Are you practicing in faith what you have heard about healing, tithing, etc.? Talking and making plans are not the same as doing what you have heard. Be a faith-walker and do what you say. God is light, and when we walk with Him we are in the light, but when we walk away from Him, we enter areas of darkness. In darkness, you lose your direction and get confused. The Word you see is the Word you need to walk in. Don’t move away from God and from His light. Darkness is sin and is a violation of the light you have. Look for the light.

Having A Sound Mind in Crisis: God Is King of All the Earth

Sunday April 6, 2014

(Alex Mirsaidov translated to Russian) Jesus said we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but, “See that your heart is not troubled.” Watch your heart. Fear is a spirit from the devil. Rebuke that spirit. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. That’s what we need in times like these. We can have a supernatural understanding of our days if we ask God, the wisdom of God is ours. Satan is afraid of prayer and of you praying. Satan is afraid of a prayer meeting. The prayers of God’s people change nations. Don’t be afraid of bombs and guns. It is by the Spirit. The key verse in Daniel 4:13-17 is 17- “in order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men.” Just like in Nebuchadnezzar’s case, a kingdom can change overnight. Things can happen quickly when people follow truth and throw off corruption. We can depend on the Word and the Spirit of God. Jesus is Lord. God is King. The pastors in Ukraine are rising up and working in a new unity. The politicians are looking to the pastors for answers. It’s an amazing day. God rules. Don’t get into strife with one another. It’s a great opportunity to destroy the devil’s propaganda. There needs to be repentance in Ukraine. It wasn’t by accident that Daniel and Joseph were in their positions. We are all in our place for a reason. You have a place. For every Pharaoh, there’s a Joseph. For every Nebuchadnezzar, there’s a Daniel. We have a place of power, love, and a sound mind. Ask God to share His secrets with you. Start praying for nations, presidents, and other leaders.

The Role of the Apostle and Pastor

Saturday April 12, 2014

Texts: John 21:15-17; Philippians 1:27; 2:12, 19, 25-30; 3:17; 4:10. A pastor’s role is to feed (with the Word) and protect the local church. The Lord told Apostle Dale to keep his feet in the local church and his hands in the world. Jesus had world dominion in mind. If we are after the world, we need a world structure. Apostle Dale makes a comparison of his role with that of Paul’s. Paul was an apostle. He wrote his epistle to the Philippians from prison, so even though he wasn’t physically with the people, he knew what was going on with them. He communicated with them. He expected their obedience to him. He determined the movement of ministries and teams. He expected their service to the apostolic ministry. He expected them to follow him. During his lack of presence, he expected them to care for one another. He expected them to take care of his needs. Apostle Dale told about the Lord’s calling Pastor Sydney to come to Lancaster. In the first phase, he saw  him pastoring and covering the pulpit in his absence. In the second phase, he saw him traveling and learning with Apostle Dale, and in the third phase, he would release and send him. We are in phase one, where Pastor Sydney will be installed as the CWI pastor. Apostle Dale will step out in apostolic ministry. Under Apostle Dale will be Pastor Sydney Ropp (CWI, Lancaster), Pastor Gene English (Slavic church in D. C.) and Pastor Jay Stoltzfus in Colorado, and Pastor Demeke Getahun (Ethiopian Church). Pastor Demeke’s church will be joining CWI and will take the CWI name. Artack and Anna (Slavic) will be coming to New York, Philadelphia, and Lancaster. Pastor Sydney shared how the Lord brought him and Jen to Lancaster. God’s will cannot be stopped, although it can be delayed. We live in perilous times. Pray and be bold to confess your faith. We can have greater unity, because we have a common Lord. Lord, help us find our place in Your kingdom.

Feeding the Sheep

Sunday April 13, 2014

Text: John 21:15-17. Jesus affirmed Peter by asking him three times if he loved Him and then He told him to feed His sheep and lambs. Jesus must be more important to you than anything else. The phileo (responsive love) that Jesus and Peter talked about required the action of Peter’s feeding His lambs and sheep. Here “feed” means to pastor. He was saying, “If you love Me, take your place.” People get out of their place, and then they get into trouble. David was supposed to be going to war, but instead he saw a woman and gave into temptation. One of the roles of a pastor is to feed his sheep. The second role is to protect the sheep. Peter wasn’t a pastor, but he was an apostle. In other words, he was an apostle, pastoring. Don’t put church roles into a box. Pastor/Apostle Dale shares about being an apostle and a pastor. An apostle needs to keep his feet in the local church and his hands in the world. He shared that Sydney Ropp will be the CWI pastor, so that Apostle Dale can fulfill the apostolic role in CWI. What happens to Ukraine is happening to us, because of our connections. Pastor Demeke’s church will be joining CWI. Gene English is reaching to Washington, D. C. Our sister church is in Colorado.

The Blood Covenant

Saturday April 19, 2014

Pastor Sydney shared his testimony of his salvation and peace in a serious accident. Because of what Jesus did for us in the New Covenant, we can come boldly into the throne room. Covenant means to cut where blood flows. It is a binding, unending agreement with one another. Jesus’ covenant is unending. In a covenant each person loses his own identity and individuality. Some covenants were made by cutting wrists and intermingling the blood and then catching the blood in a cup of wine and then each one drank it. Sometimes an animal is cut in half with parts opposite each other. The participants would walk through the blood to the other person and so on. It’s because of the blood that we can see glory. Hebrews 8:6-10 tells us that Jesus is the Mediator of a better covenant. Abram and God made the first blood covenant (Genesis 15). Each animal God told him to bring to Him symbolized something: the cow (wealth), the goat (strength), the ram (political power and favor), the turtledove (love forever), and the young pigeon (dependency). David and Jonathan had cut a covenant (1 Samuel 18; 2 Samuel 9). God’s covenant never weakens. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:11-10:23). Jesus’ sacrifice was done once. Jesus took away the first covenant (Hebrews 10:9). We should not lack because of our covenant (Psalm 23:1). He restores our soul. He leads us on the right path. We don’t need to fear evil even when we are in the valley of the shadow of death. He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies. This is our covenant meal. We participated in the Lord’s communion.

Meditating on the Word and Your Testimony

Saturday April 26, 2014

Sydney Ropp had the offering message. Dale’s message, Text: Psalm 1:1-4. You can be blessed by what you don’t do: NOT walking in the counsel of the ungodly, NOT standing in the path of sinners, and NOT sitting in the seat of the scornful. Watch your desires. The Word and God’s promises do not change, so keep your eyes on them. Meditating takes time, just like planting by the rivers of water and then prospering (the harvest of meditating). Meditation is greater than crisis. In Psalm 119:1-2 the Word is called “His testimonies”. A testimony is a landmark in your life. It is something you can obey and keep, because it should change your life forever. For instance, Pastor Syd and Jen can keep the testimony of their daughter’s miraculous birth. There is a law of gratitude for all that God has done in your life. Meditation is seeing God in the Word making a change. Make the New Testament biographical by reading it and putting yourself as the character in the account. Do not let your testimony slip. In Genesis 15:5-6 God gave Abram an image to help him see and believe what He was saying to him about being the father of many descendants. What is the image you have of yourself? Get the right image and then you will have it. Meditation is your way out of wherever you are. Joshua 1:8 tells us to keep the Word coming out of our mouths and we will see things differently. Action comes out of meditation and prosperity comes out of the action. The problem of your problem is that it demands your attention. Meditate on the Word, not your problem. Light comes out of darkness (Psalm 112:4).

Be Seed-Minded

Sunday April 27, 2014

Text: Mark 4:26-29. The kingdom of God is as if a man should plant seed. Be seed-minded. Planting seed takes time, but keep planting seeds. It does not always mean giving money. Rule your life by divine appointments. Apostle Dale sowed seed by helping a man get out his car out of a ditch. Forget your own deliberate plans and honor God’s divine appointments. When you realize what you’ve done, you will have to say, “I don’t know how that happened. It was the Lord!” Peter did everything he needed to do as a fisherman, but Jesus, a carpenter, told him what to do to prosper. His obedience brought a boatload of blessing. Let go and leave it up to the Lord. Be immediate in your obedience to do what God tells you to do (thrusting in the sickle). Apostle Dale tells of blessing missionaries to Russia and how that impacted them and him. Whenever inspiration comes, act on it. 

Everything Will Turn To Good

Saturday May 3, 2014

Arthur Simonyan, a pastor from Armenia, preached on Romans 8:28. The number one thing for believers is to love God, and secondly, to love our neighbors. Loving one another and God means to take care of one another and to protect one another. Pastor Arthur shared several examples of people who were serving God and bad things happened to them, but in the end, it turned out for the good.  For instance, their church started out as a Bible School in a park, but they were banned. Later they applied for a loan to build or buy a building, but the bank told them they don’t finance religious organizations. The good that came from that is that they own, debt-free, a beautiful 3500 seat church building. Peter caught no fish after a night’s fishing, but because his boat was empty, he connected with Jesus, who brought a boatload of fish to him. We have many Goliaths who want to break down our faith, but your “Goliath” can become a blessing. God is with us and victory belongs to us.  

Who Is the Blessed Man

Sunday May 4, 2014

Who is the blessed person? Is it the person living in a multi-million dollar home along Malibu Beach, or is it the young woman in Iran who is imprisoned and beaten and shamed for her faith in Jesus Christ? Is it riches or what is it? A blessing is a spiritual thing. In Genesis 18:18God said that through Abraham every nation would be blessed. That didn’t mean that the Jews would give money to all the nations. It meant that blessing would come through spiritual experience. What we receive from Christ is salvation and eternal life. We get blessed when someone gets saved through us. Revelation 5:12 mentions blessings separately from riches. We are of the blessing of Jacob. Even though his father-in-law and brother were against him, and everything seemed to be taken from him, God blessed him, and from him we have blessed generations. Multiplication is part of blessing. Pastor Arthur told a story of a woman who had two other children and was going to have an abortion because her husband died. Pastor Arthur ministered to her, and his church supported her and her children. Today that youngest child is one of the lead dancers in the Russian ballet. Blessing is creative. Determine and choose what a true blessing is. You will have battles and persecution, but desire to be a blessed person. The church is to bring the truth of spiritual blessing. Be blessed and be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Value the Word of God

Saturday May 10, 2014

Psalm 19:7-10 tells us that God’s Word is the law, a testimony, statutes, the commandment of the Lord, the fear of the Lord, and the judgments of the Lord. The Word should be more valued than your paycheck. In keeping God’s Word is great reward. The Word is not qualified by the sower, and the sower does not determine the Word. It is the Word that is important. We are experience-oriented, but purifying your soul is  not an experience, but a process by obeying the truth through the Spirit. (1 Peter 1:22-23) God wants our hearts red-hot for Him. Love others and reach out to them, even those who are different. God’s Word is eternal. When we work the Word, we will be blessed. (James 1:25) The Word of God can convert your soul. It is a process of renewing your mind by it. Your desires rule you, and you can choose your desires. (Psalm 19:10) What you focus on long enough, you will desire. Get your desires on the Word. Read the Word for yourself and value it.

Jesus Is Great!

Sunday May 11, 2014

The angel told Mary that she would conceive and have a Son named Jesus, and He would be great. (Luke 1:26-32) Keep Jesus at the focus and center of your life. Colossians 1:12-23 tells us that God has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus is the head of the body, the church. Make sure Jesus always has pre-eminence and keep Him first in your life. He reconciled all to Himself having made peace through the blood of His cross, and we are now reconciled to Father God. We were alienated, and we were enemies in our mind by wicked (twisted) works. Our thoughts can be alienated from God. The blood and His body died on the cross to present us (me) holy, unblamable, and unreprovable in His sight. How does God see you? He sees you holy. He sees you without blame or fault. He sees that nothing is needed to be added or fixed about you. The alienation and enmity are in our minds, not in God. What He sees is more important than what you think about yourself. He sees you always victorious, having more than enough, finding opportunities, and full of love, joy, and peace. God sees the answer. God can’t answer a prayer when it is for something He has already given us. Luke 1:13-15 is the account of the angel telling Zacharias that Elizabeth was going to have a son named John and that he would great in the sight of the Lord. Even though John the Baptist would be great, in fact greater than Adam, Abraham, and Daniel, Jesus said that whoever is the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John. That is who we are. Most of us do not see the greatness God sees. If we would see ourselves as God sees us, we would be translated from darkness to light in a moment. Knowing that you are holy, unblamable, and unreprovable in His sight will destroy past memories and make every day new. God sees what He has fashioned for Himself.

Re-Present Jesus: What Did Jesus Say About Himself?

Sunday May 11, 2014

Jesus Say About Himself?” Jesus purchased our healing. There are five (5) common denominators between people like Kenneth Hagin, who received their healings. 1) They stood on the Word in their hearts. 2) The leading of the Holy Spirit led them out of sickness in steps. 3) They were obedient. 4) They acted on their faith. 5) They were persistent. Jesus is our example. What did He say about Himself? He said that through Him the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. Eighty-three percent of what He did was miracles. He told of his demonstrating Jesus to a witch doctor, who was healed and became born-again, a blind woman who was healed, and a woman who couldn’t feel her legs who was able to walk and feel again. Jesus did not get great results when the people were offended at Him, so He taught the people to increase their faith. (Mark 6:2-5) Go and tell what you see and hear. Brian shared his testimony of being told he would die of cancer and his fight of faith. In order to prosper on the outside, we need to prosper on the inside. (3 John 2) As we get older, we need to contend for the faith. One of the greatest tributes to Jesus is to not settle for less. What does “By His stripes you are healed” mean to you? You can walk in divine health, but not if you conform to this world’s thinking. (Romans 12:2) God’s Word is life, light, and medicine.

Divine Health From the Word in Your Heart

Monday May 12, 2014

Text: Jeremiah 1:4-5. The spiritual womb and belly are part of your heart, the part of your heart which is the part of your soul that believes God. Your born-again spirit man always agrees with God, but your soul (heart) needs work. You can doubt in your heart, but not your spirit. So how do you get doubt out and faith into your heart? You sow the seed (the Word) into your heart. The Word you sow into yourself creates healing and divine health. We know that as soon as the seed is sown, Satan comes to steal it. (Mark 4:13-15) There is a healing flow, and if we are off even a little bit from where that flow is, we need to make a little adjustment to get into that flow. What comes out of your mouth is important. (Proverbs 18:19-20) The condition of your heart makes a difference, too. If the Word (the seed) is planted in your heart, the Holy Spirit can bring it back to your remembrance. Words create an image. In your heart you must see yourself walking in divine health (prosperity) and get rid of the wrong image. Watch what comes out of your mouth and guard whom you fellowship with and what is spoken into you. Anti-faith is faith that works against your faith in God’s Word. (Matthew 10) You may need to “fast” certain people who steal the Word from you. (2 Timothy 2:15-20) Know the truth and make it yours. Being renewed takes place in the mind of your being. Allow God to enlighten any darkness in your life. (Psalm 18:28) Truth can see into your heart. You get the seed in your inward parts by speaking it and edifying yourself. It takes effort to get God’s Word into you, but that’s how to live in divine health. (Other Scriptures: Psalm 22:9-10; Job 3:11; Genesis 6:5; Matthew 15 and 16; Proverbs 20:27; Psalm 51:6; Proverbs 4:20-24)

Don’t Settle for Less Than God’s Best

Tuesday May 13, 2014

Romans 8:29 says that God foreknew and predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son. Ron tells of his life, which started out by his mother being raped followed by his being greatly harmed by a botched delivery. God’s plan for Ron was for him to live miraculously. Don’t settle for a healing when you can get a new body part from God. In order to receive, you must have God’s image of yourself. Religion tells you to stop sinning. Instead of trying not to do something you shouldn’t be doing, do what you should be doing, and you won’t do the “don’t”. When God tells you to do something, His grace is there. Step into the ability to do what you are to do. Instead of trying to put off something, put on health and freedom from pain. Do the “do”, and you can resist the “don’t”. If you have bad habits, take on new good habits. Get God’s image of you. Joshua 1:8 tells you to put the Word in your mouth, and when you speak it aloud, your inner and outer ear hear it. Speak the Word until you get the revelation of it, and it becomes a reality. Your focus and image must be God. Take a step of obedience, even when you don’t have all the details. When you speak in tongues, you speak the will of God, and you can get God’s plans and the words to speak out. Tongues can prophesy your future in God into existence. Establish a perfect image in God’s eyes of what it means to be in divine health. God is higher than you, and He will not come down to your level but will help you to come up higher. He sends the Holy Spirit to get the Word to you, so that you can get His thoughts and ways. Sow seeds into yourself by speaking out the Word. When you practice reading the Bible, speaking the Word, and praying in tongues, then you can react in God’s way.

Receiving Your Healing

Wednesday May 14, 2014

We are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18) The unseen realm is eternal and more real than the physical world. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Where there is no vision or revelation, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) We need to see things as God sees them. Light and revelation are the differences between the sick and the healed. To receive from God, you can’t be just waiting for God. He is waiting for us. Also, you can’t be thinking that it’s going to take a long time to be healed. God heals those who “have their motors running and are percolating and are like fizzy sodas”. In order to receive your healing, you must believe, conceive, and then receive. To conceive your healing, you must see yourself healed. Then you can receive the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:5; Mark 11:20-24) Jesus had faith in the power of God to back up His Word. The power of God manifests the Word of God. Healing is from the same Jesus, power, and anointing that you received for salvation, being baptized in the Holy Spirit, and being delivered. You can have instant results if you have faith for instant results. Raise your level of expectation, because greater is the power of God.

What Is Our Foundation About?

Thursday May 15, 2014

Psalm 11:2-3 asks what the righteous are to do if the foundations are destroyed when the enemy attacks. In 1 Corinthians 3:11 we are told that our foundation is in Jesus Christ. One of the foundations in Jesus Christ is found in John 15:9, 12-13. Here He tells us to love one another as He loved us. How did He love us? He laid down His life for us. If you are not willing to die for someone, you do not care. We are from heaven’s culture. Do we know how much God loves us? Do we really care what God has in His heart? We need God’s heart. No curse will enter through His foundation. Our foundation is Jesus and when we give our lives for people, our foundation will stand.

Healing By Honoring Jesus and Forgiving

Friday May 16, 2014

We should hold the Word more valuable than anything else. Those who came to Jesus for healing honored, obeyed, and believed Him. We can be hardened by unbelief. Believing is simple. The Isaiah 53:1-9 account of Jesus’ stripes healing us was written hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth. Matthew 8:16-17 and 1 Peter 2:24 were written when and after Jesus was here. By His stripes we were healed. Jesus suffered in hell to pay the price for us. (Acts 2:25-31)  He tasted spiritual death for everyone. (Hebrews 2:9) He was put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. (1 Peter 3:18) He not only had the sin of everyone on Him, He had people against Him. When He was being “tried”, He did not open His mouth to answer their accusations. To be forgiven, we must forgive. It is not a “tack on” to His instruction to make prayer work, but it is actually the condition for it to work. (Matthew 6:9-15) Unforgiveness places you under the curse of the law, even though Jesus took the curse for us, and we are redeemed through His blood. (Galatians 3:13) We must forgive in order to be healed. Forgiveness is a choice to release the other person. Go to the person privately; bind the evil spirit; loose the plan of God. (Matthew 18:15-20) Be quick to repent when you sin. (Matthew 5:23-24). Faith does not work if you’re in unforgiveness. (Mark 11:20-26) If you are blaming God, you must forgive Him, even though He did nothing wrong. Jesus took all injustices upon Himself. What did Jesus say on the cross? “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” For Him to stay in faith, He had to forgive those who were killing Him. (Luke 23:32-46) He died in faith and forgiveness. He paid the price for our sin and sicknesses.

What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong Part 1

Saturday May 17, 2014

Proverbs 24:10 says that if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. When we are weak, we can rely more on God’s strength. If you get weary in a time and in a land of peace, how will you handle the really bad times? (Jeremiah 12:5) We need to get strong in the Lord. MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN CONTACT WITH THE LIVING JESUS! Rather than wondering what others think, want God’s approval. Get right with God by repenting. Drop those sins, even those that seem small. Put on the whole armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18) Ask yourself if you are missing a part of the armor, because if you are, you can’t stand against the devil. Where the devil attacks you shows you where you are weak. The devil hates you and wants to kill you. There is a real devil, who has strategies against you in a real war. Be careful to notice the subtle way the devil steals your time away from God. STAND and don’t waver. We stand against the wiles of the devil. We don’t wrestle against people. Some seasons in your life are darker than others. You don’t need to be afraid of the evil day, if you have your armor on. Run to the Word and stand on God’s promises. Your faith should put out the enemy’s darts. Paul’s expansion on the armor of God is really from Isaiah’s teaching in Isaiah 59:14-17. Intercession was tied in with all the pieces of armor. Satan tries to take you out of the role of intercessor. He is afraid you will get into the Spirit. When things go wrong, PRAY MORE. LEAN ON AND FOLLOW THE SPIRIT. TAKE THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, PRAYING.

What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong Part 2

Sunday May 18, 2014

We can be strong in the Lord and stand against the wiles of the devil. Isaiah 54:17 tells us that there will be weapons against us but that they will not prosper. Satan seeks whom he can devour. We can get “captured” by ourselves by not listening to and obeying the Holy Spirit. Learn to dodge the next weapon. Every tongue that rises against you, you shall condemn. (Isaiah 54:17) Oppose, not tolerate, negative talk against you. You may have to condemn the words that even loved ones speak or have spoken against you. You have a heritage to break everything built up against you. You can say “NO!” and not let self-judgment cause you to back off. In Luke 13:11-17 a woman had a “spirit of infirmity” assigned against her. A “spirit” is a personality, entity, being. It is alive. She didn’t glorify God when she was crippled over but when she was healed. She was loosed (like a donkey is untied) from the spirit of infirmity which came from Satan. You can know the devil’s there, and still not get paranoid. Don’t look for reasons why something bad is happening to you, but if there’s sin in your life, repent and look to the blood. Then, when God looks at you, He sees the blood. If you stand against the enemy, you need the breastplate of righteousness on you. Romans 8:1 says that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. You empower Satan when you say, “What’s wrong with me?” What’s the devil’s “revival”? War. God is for you! You must condemn condemnation. The weapons formed against you are words. There is power in the Word of God. Sin no more. Get the living Jesus in your heart.

Being People With a Different Spirit

Saturday May 24, 2014

(There was an anointing service for Brian and Jen Rohrer.) We carry the blood and power of Jesus Christ. God wants to do something here. He is a God of increase – in demonstration of love, prayer, intercession, revelation, and manifestation. There are things God wants to release, and we are carriers of revival, but we must seek His face and be quiet to hear and then obey His voice. He is looking for people of a different spirit. Let Jesus plan your day, every day. Your listening should be acted upon. Do you intend to do what you learn in the Word? (Proverbs 16:20) Some people are afraid to put faith to what they say because they don’t think it will happen. You should choose to be faithful, even when you don’t have the feeling. You can choose to seek Him, give your life to Him, be obedient, tithe, forgive, etc. God promised to give the Israelites the Promised Land, but only Caleb and Joshua believed what He said and that they would be able to overtake it. (Numbers 13:1-2, 30; 14:8, 24) Caleb had a different spirit in him. If you don’t operate by the faith that you have, your faith is dead. If you aren’t where you need to be, repent and do the will of God now. Abraham and Sarah had to do their part of the promise. (Romans 4:17-18) You are anointed and have an assignment to reap the harvest, whether by invading schools or government with the Gospel. You are well-able to bring in the harvest and bring change to this country. Psalm 112 tells us that you don’t need to be afraid of evil tidings. Choose to be full of the Holy Spirit. The harvest field is here now. Go into His presence in intercession. Obey the voice of the Lord and blessings will overtake you. (Deuteronomy 28:1-2) Know that God loves and takes care of you. Get in alignment to receive. Believe what God has said and have a different spirit, taking Him at His Word. (Prophet Bob gave several words.)

The Anointing to Flourish

Sunday May 25, 2014

Texts: Psalm 23:1-5; Psalm 92:4-10; 1 John 2:20. God has prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemy (Satan), and He anoints our heads with oil, so that our cup runs over. We have an impartation of anointing that needs to go to others. There is a greater measure of anointing available, through communion in His presence. It’s time to receive a fresh anointing. We carry the anointing. We have the power and authority to take back what Satan has stolen. We as the church need to be doing what God is doing and see and hear with a fresh anointing. There is a shift, and there are many adversaries, but the greater One is in us. Get back to your first love, repent and go to Him so He can anoint you with fresh oil. You can know the strategies of the enemy and can bind and loose, declare and decree. This house must be a house of intercession.

God’s Plan of Shalom For You Includes Forgiveness

Saturday May 31, 2014

God has a good plan full of hope and peace for you. God is the author of good things. Peace (shalom) means completeness, soundness, welfare, safety, health, prosperity, tranquility, contentment, and friendship. Isaiah 26 verses 12 and 3 say that God will establish shalom for us. You can be in a crisis on the outside and still have peace on the inside, like Jesus asleep in the boat in the midst of a big storm. Jesus expected His disciples to deal with the storm by speaking peace to it. If you can stand in peace, you can get the victory. If you can’t, then you need to get into the Word. You will get to the point that you can even laugh in the circumstances by keeping your mind on Him. A requirement is forgiveness. In Mark 11:26 we are informed that if we don’t forgive, God can’t forgive us our sins. The blood washes away my sin, but if I refuse to forgive, He can’t forgive us. What do you do about it? You say that you forgive the person and release them. When the thought of that person and your unforgiveness come up, take captive that thought. Thinking on the problem is thinking on the flesh, which is death. Set your mind by the power of the Word and truth, submitting to God’s plan. If we are not walking in forgiveness, we are in darkness. Jesus is light, and if we walk in the light, we walk in love and fellowship with one another, and Jesus’ blood can cleanse us from all sin (1 John 1:5-10). Once we are born-again, we have the power and ability to walk without sin. If we say that we have fellowship with God, but we walk in darkness, we lie. We must be hearers and doers of the Word. We are deceived if we know to walk in the light, but we don’t do it. Judge yourself and examine yourself by the light of the Holy Spirit. If Christ is in you, the flesh is dead! When that memory comes from the “dead man”, tell him to be quiet. Say, “NO! I have forgiven them!” Unforgiveness keeps your prayers from being answered. God’s love is never taken from us, but we separate ourselves from Him by our unforgiveness (Romans 8:9-39). (We received communion after self-examination.)

Being Led By the Spirit of God

Saturday June 7, 2014

Pastor Sydney, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, had three young men tell about Samuel, Judas Iscariot, and Peter. Each Bible character was called, but each responded differently. Pastor Sydney then read the books of Ephesians, Jude, and Titus. (There was a word given at the beginning of the service.)   

The Nature of the Church

Saturday June 14, 2014

The church’s beginning is in Genesis 1:26-28 when God created man (mankind is plural) and He created them male and female. Real unity with two or three is more powerful than the idea of unity in a large group. In 1 Peter 3:6-7 God tells about husbands and wives and the marriage covenant. Prayer between a husband and wife is powerful. In Ephesians 3:14-15 Paul prayed for the whole family of Christ to have a revelation of the love of God. Ephesians 5:21-30 tells the husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Jesus laid down His life for the church. Are we decreasing in our love for the church? Today there is as much disregard for the church as there is for the family. No matter what your brother does, he is still your brother. Love the church. Make your family better. Christ sanctifies and cleanses the church with the washing of the water by the word. He nourishes and cherishes the church. A husband and wife become one like Christ and God are one. The Christians in the early church ran to their own company (Acts 4:18). We are to make disciples, which is work. Influence others. We are all one family. 

The Nature of the Church

Sunday June 15, 2014

The church’s beginning is in Genesis 1:26-28 when God created man (mankind is plural) and He created them male and female. Real unity with two or three is more powerful than the idea of unity in a large group. In 1 Peter 3:6-7 God tells about husbands and wives and the marriage covenant. Prayer between a husband and wife is powerful. In Ephesians 3:14-15 Paul prayed for the whole family of Christ to have a revelation of the love of God. Ephesians 5:21-30 tells the husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Jesus laid down His life for the church. Are we decreasing in our love for the church? Today there is as much disregard for the church as there is for the family. No matter what your brother does, he is still your brother. Love the church. Make your family better. Christ sanctifies and cleanses the church with the washing of the water by the word. He nourishes and cherishes the church. A husband and wife become one like Christ and God are one. The Christians in the early church ran to their own company (Acts 4:18). We are to make disciples, which is work. Influence others. We are all one family. 

Fulfill God’s Will for Your Life

Monday June 16, 2014

Texts: Acts 26:13; Colossians 4:17. Every manifestation of the Spirit is for a purpose. You will be judged for what God has called you to do. Determine the will of God and then pursue that. Doing God’s will is about the ministry you have received, not the one you achieved. What have you received from the Lord? #1 You have received opportunities that God brings to your life. #2 You have received a place. Start out at your “Jerusalem”, and at some point God may send you other places and then back home again. #3 You have received a people. Be faithful to the people God has given to you. #4 God will give you projects. Do not preach the Gospel to raise money. #5 God will require you to be the provider of money, wisdom, etc., to others. (There were prophetic words and individual ministry.)

Working With the Prophetic Word

Tuesday June 17, 2014

1 Timothy 1. There is a season of releasing things. Sometimes you feel like you are sitting on eggs until they hatch. Giving God control is about trusting and submitting. When releasing a word to a person, make sure that the person is ready to hear what you have to say. Prophecy is what is in the heart of God. You can’t compare your faith with others’. Live out your life in relationship, not in your gifting, and don’t get so busy that you forget your faith. There are prophetic visions, dreams, and words in you. Are you practically doing all you can in that? Sometimes you have to let go in order to step into what He has called you to. Get rid of rejection, shame, and pain. Romans 4:14-16. There’s a level of faith that comes. We prophesy in part, and then we get into God’s presence. There’s a period of separation and preparation. God’s Word is a seed and will prosper in your heart if you allow it. Deal with the weeds. If you are getting into confusion it will not come to pass. God wants to use everyone. If you do not do what to do you know to do, you will be stuck.


Tuesday June 17, 2014

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:8. God wants us to prosper. He is able to make all grace abound toward you that you will have an abundance to share with others. Ecclesiastes 2:26 and James 5:3 refer to the transfer of wealth from the ungodly to the righteous. Other Scriptures: Proverbs 3:10-16; Proverbs 10:22; Malachi 3:7-10; Ephesians 4:28; Acts 24; Genesis 12:2-3; Psalm 35:27; Proverbs 13:22; Isaiah 53:12; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Ecclesiastes 9:13-16. God wants you to be willing to give. Reasons to be blessed: #1 To bring our tithes and offerings into the church. #2 To meet or bring supply into His storehouse. #3 To pay our taxes and government. #4 To take care of your family. #5 To take care of your parents. #6 To help the poor. #7 To have some clout. Can you imagine you are so blessed that you can pay someone’s mortgage?


Tuesday June 17, 2014

We are here to make disciples, which is kingdom business. We are to transform the world. Pass the baton, so the kingdom continues. Mark 16:15-18 says that we are to demonstrate and teach the kingdom. Go, because we love people. Preach the Gospel at all times. Wherever you are is a revival center. Who are you training to take your place? Discipleship is about growing and multiplying the work. If a ministry isn’t growing, it isn’t discipling people. Demonstrate the kingdom: cast out demons, speak in tongues. Teach people how to flow with the Holy Spirit. Take time to learn, submit to leadership and one another, and do everything so you know what your calling is. You are not responsible for what your disciple does, but model to him. We are not settlers, but doers. Send out with power and authority and be willing to go. Vision gives direction.


Tuesday June 17, 2014

Cyrus was commissioned to build the house of God (Ezra 1:1-5). Jeremiah prophesied that the Israelites would be in captivity for 70 years. You may never see what you are praying for. Raise someone else up who will fulfill what the Lord spoke to you. Believe that God will stir up the heart of a heathen king today. Go or help someone else to go. It doesn’t have to be far away. We need God to stir up people to go and to give (Ezra 1). In Ezra 2 and 3, the controlling-spirited crowd discouraged the people who were to rebuild. In Ezra chapter 5, Haggai and Zechariah prophesied to strengthen the rebuilders, and Zerubbabel and Jeshua began to rebuild. Ministry is work. We do it, not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Purpose to be a finisher. Don’t do things by comparison, but do what God tells you to do. There may be mountains standing in your way (Zechariah 4:7). Speak to them.


Wednesday June 18, 2014

Proverbs 13:22 tells us that the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. Wealth is not to be for the devil. There is power in money. God gives us the power to get wealth. Jesus became poor so that we can become rich. Jesus had a treasurer to handle His and the disciples’ money. The disciples were former businessmen and tax collectors. The grace that God gives us is so that we can glorify Him. God gave Jacob the grace to become exceedingly prosperous by a wealth transfer. The glorious church means loaded down with loot. Three things of a glorious church: 1) There will be signs and wonders (and the fear of the Lord will be brought back.) 2) The church will be holy and reveal God’s character. 3) The church will be prospering and growing in health. The restoration of all things shows the kingdom of God. When the Egyptians gave the Israelites gold, silver, and jewelry, they were paying back what the Israelites should have received for their honest labor. God daily loads us with benefits. Other Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 2:26; Job 27:16-17; Exodus 3:20-22; Exodus 12:35-36; Psalm 105:37-38; Deuteronomy 6:10-12; Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Corinthians 9:8; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Genesis 30:43-31:1; Genesis 45:13; Haggai 2:6; Ephesians 5:27; Acts 1:6-7; Acts 3:21; James 5:1-8; Psalm 68:19.   


Wednesday June 18, 2014

The goal of discipling is for someone else to become just like you. It is not the same as teaching. Serving is not glamorous. The church exists to worship, and disciples exist to make it happen without distraction. We are trained to demonstrate the kingdom. Be bold and do the Word wherever you are- Costco or Walmart. Disciples need to be teachable, learning from their masters or leaders. To be a witness means laying down your life. The disciples had to wait for the Holy Spirit. Elisha had to stick closely to Elijah. Real disciples do not quit but endure to the end. Disciples ask a lot of questions. They will work for free or pay to work. They are going someplace. They are part of a team. They do what they are supposed to do. They demonstrate the kingdom of God. When Jesus comes, what will you be doing? Disciples are chosen on purpose. They will get the work done. Do the ministry. Other Scriptures: Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Romans13:11– 14:4.

Working With the Prophetic Word

Wednesday June 18, 2014

1 Timothy 1:18-20 says that some people reject faith and good conscience and become shipwrecked. If you are sitting on a prophetic word, do what you need to do. Know God and rightly divide the Word so you can discern what the prophetic word is. There is a birthing process. Fight with the Word. Resist fear, because it takes you out of the place of faith. Know who your enemy is. Hang onto your faith and keep a clear conscience. Flee some things and pursue and fight for your faith (1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 4:7), pull down strongholds daily (2 Corinthians 10:4-5), and endure hardships (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Receive the word you’ve been given and operate like it’s true. Love from a pure heart and good conscience (1 Timothy 1:5). Don’t put more stock in “a word” than the Word of God. War with the Word of God. You have the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20, 27). As you yield to God, He can download to you. The Holy Spirit will teach you if you abide in Him. Live in a relationship with Him. What is the proper response to prophecy? #1 Discern so you can reject or receive the word. #2 Faith. #3 Obedience. #4 Patience. #5 Humility (Submission to God’s Spirit). #6 Meekness. #7 Submission to His lordship.


Wednesday June 18, 2014

God shows us the future and gives us vision, but we are to focus on what’s now, not the past or the future. You can read the Bible, looking for the character of God or you can look for the power of God. Matthew 25:1-13 is about the wise and foolish virgins. What’s the message? #1 Be ready. #2 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (the oil). Allow the Lord to interrupt you, allow time for compassion, be balanced in flexibility and structure, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss opportunities (Luke 9:51-62). Encourage yourself and minister to the Lord when you get tired. Feed the hungry, not wasting your time on those who won’t receive you and the message. Don’t worry about who is not here. Watch out for people who talk a lot about themselves. Know what can wait and what can’t. You may only have a moment to do and to go. Don’t compare yourself with others. Stay full. Be patient. What you need in order to go, He provides. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest (Luke 10:1-2). Obey God and do your part.

God’s Anointing

Wednesday June 18, 2014

(If you wait for the provision for what God has said to do, money is your god.) God asked Samuel how long he was going to mourn over Saul, since He had rejected him from reigning over Israel (1 Samuel 16). Saul failed because of his insecurity, but God didn’t give up. The anointing is not limited by man’s failures. Samuel had to let go of some relationships for the Lord. God always provides. An anointing service is important. In Samuel’s case, anointing David was worth risking Samuel’s death. Samuel looked on the heart and relied on God’s Spirit to know who would be the next king- called, chosen, and faithful. God sees in your heart, your destiny, your position, and your plan. Listen to the Word, not razzle-dazzle. Samuel anointed David in the midst of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David. The anointing needs to be in the midst of the brethren. God anoints families, a church, a body. God wants us to recognize what He does. Don’t turn your back on your brothers, but root for one another. God anoints what man anoints. Anoint means prosper, represent, come mightily. (Gene English was anointed and ordained. Pastor Sydney was anointed and installed as CWI pastor. Apostle Dale was anointed as admiral and apostle over the Armada.)


Thursday June 19, 2014

Moses was on the mountain with God, and Aaron listened to the desires of the people for a god (Exodus 32:1-35; 33:1). The pastor must have the authority. God speaks to the man in authority. Moses had to intercede, because he was more concerned about God being glorified than about himself. As an intercessor, sometimes it’s better not to know too much. A real leader takes responsibility for his actions and gives his life. Don’t respond out of emotion to other people’s sins. When we are challenged by people’s sin, keep your eyes on Jesus, and don’t be moved by emotion. You need to hear from the Lord. God deals with humanity because of covenant. You can’t trust in your own abilities. Exodus 33:14 says that God’s presence would go with Moses and the Israelites. Keep yourself in love toward the people you’re ministering to. All you need is faith in God. Keep a heart of love. The greater the work, the greater the revelation you need. To go to the next level, you must die to the things of the flesh. It’s an opportunity for God to show what He can do. Show me Your glory. If you lead people, you’ll need His revelation and help. We need His help to see them like He sees them. You need a revelation of God and His love.

Receiving New Armada Members/Receive Only the Truth

Thursday June 19, 2014

Comfort yourselves and edify one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11-21). Congregations are to get to know their leaders. Warn those who are unruly, comfort the faint-hearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks. Don’t quench the Spirit. Don’t make up manifestations. Don’t try to top the last meeting. Don’t despise prophecy. Prove all things – prophecy, teaching, doctrines. Make sure you judge truth. Test every spirit, even from your family or friend (1 John 4:1-2). Your purpose must be the truth. If you find out a truth, you need to change because of it. Know what you believe and why. Many false prophets have gone out into the world. Deception keeps close to the truth. The truth is that Jesus is greater than he who is in the world. Jesus came in the flesh, and the flesh He came in is your own. How do you test the spirits? #1 Does this hurt people? #2 Is it scriptural? #3 Is it corrupt? (How is it used? Does it hurt someone? #4 Addition. Does it add to Scripture? #5 Subtraction. Don’t hold off on truth. #6 Don’t mix it with man’s American traditions or thinking or doctrine. #7 Don’t make a truth THE truth (Acts 7:27).


Friday June 20, 2014

Text: Philippians 4:10-19. If you release more when things are tight, it increases the value of your giving. If you’re going to be a giver, you must also be able to receive. God seeks the fruit that abounds to your heavenly account. He provides your need because you planted seed. Sacrifice attracts God. It takes faith to give. Philippians 4:19only works for you if you give and plant seed. The love of and the mishandling of money is evil. Satan submitted to money. Psalm 78:40-41 says the Israelites limited God in the wilderness and desert. God has pleasure in our prosperity. Provision means “before seeing”. God will supernaturally provide, so be patient. You can’t surprise God with your need. Look to God and don’t limit Him with your mouth. Teach your children about trusting God. Fear negates your trust that God takes care of you. If you don’t tithe to God, you’ll tithe to Satan. John 6:5-14 is the account of Jesus’ feeding the 5000. God tests us sometimes. The ravens fed Elijah food from the king’s table. Act out what you believe. Keep your word and vows. It takes wealth to establish His kingdom.


Friday June 20, 2014

We are to duplicate Jesus. Be an example to and of the believer. We are the image of God. Model what you want to see in those who follow you. Excellence requires a higher standard. Demonstrate the kingdom of God. People will know you are Jesus’ disciples if you have love one for another (John 13:35). Love is proactive, looking for ways for others to prosper. Commit to stand with your pastor. The just will live by faith (Habakkuk 2). Faith is absolute trust in God. God’s Word is settled forever. He is! We are! Wisdom is in me. Get closer to God. His promises do not change. Do you believe God? Do your disciples follow Christ? Go to war with the Word and win. Demonstrate: Be holy as He is holy. It’s perfectly natural to be supernatural. Hang out with the genius of the Holy Spirit. Use every opportunity to share Jesus. Discipleship begins with parenting. Give no intentional offense that the ministry be blamed (2 Corinthians 6:3). Live a life of faith and live a life of holiness and integrity. Demonstrate what you want your disciples to emulate. Make disciples!

Working With The Prophetic Word

Friday June 20, 2014

Do things with His Word, not your own. We know in part, so we need the ministry gifts in others (1 Corinthians 13:9). It’s up to you to get the rest of the pieces of the puzzle and to walk out His way. Stay close to Jesus, keeping faith and patience so you get the rest of the word. You become a different person when you’re walking in the anointing and in His calling. What hinders us from fulfillment of a dream, vision, or word? #1 Unbelief. #2 Pride. #3 Impatience. #4 Deception. #5 Negligence. #6 Procrastination #7 Slothfulness #8 Disobedience. #9 Selfishness. #10 Fear. #11 Quitting. #12 Operating in two minds. #13 Lack of knowledge. #14 Fleshly-led, rather being led by the Holy Spirit. #15 Sin. Don’t stagger at the promise through unbelief (Romans 4:17-19).


Friday June 20, 2014

(Please listen for much more detail.) Nehemiah was an example of an intercessor. He had great identification and compassion for the Jews who had gone back to Jerusalem after captivity. His identification and compassion for the people caused him to weep, intercede, fast, and pray for them. He acknowledged God and His promises, stated the problem, and then prayed the solution. After a period of three months he went into action. As the king’s cupbearer, he could speak to the king. He appeared in service to the king with a sad face, which could have cost him his life, but because prayer preceded him and the hand of God was on him, the king granted him favor.

To intercede means to go to a higher authority on behalf of someone else. We can do that through prayer, but intercession is more than prayer. Jesus intercedes for us. He is not praying for you, but as our High Priest, He represents your prayers before the throne. Jesus receives them and then presents them to the Father. Identification is the key to intercession. When you identify with someone, you’re concerned about them, and the best thing you can do is pray for that person. Compassion is responding from your heart as you respond to another in need and affliction. Identification leads to compassion which leads to intercession and action to benefit the other person. Identify with the sins of the people and take responsibility for them. Compassion carries a weight (burden) to it. It causes you to take action by stirring your heart. Phase two of intercession is to do something to be part of the solution. Take responsibility in your heart. You may have to carry something for a time until the delivery time. You cannot have any sin in your life. Jesus identified with us and our sin as He took it upon Himself and became our intercessor. Intercession is identification with compassion, which will drive you to action.

Receive Only the Truth

Friday June 20, 2014

Don’t believe every spirit in what you hear preached or see in articles and books (1 John 4:1-4). Mormons believe that Jesus came in the flesh, but they don’t believe that He came in our flesh. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Be teachable but not gullible. Don’t read everything. Some people will depart from the faith (1 Timothy 4:1-5). Jesus did not bear witness to traditions, dogmas, Papal edicts, or anything that substitutes for the Bible truth. There are spirits involved in doctrines, seducing spirits. When a person breaks covenant by wanting something they shouldn’t have, seducing spirits get involved. Demons bring false doctrines. Watch out for hypocrisy and lies, and instead study truth. Paul was concerned about false doctrines (2 Corinthians 11:3). Don’t back off of the truth. He’s coming back. Get ready! Let all things be done, decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). Let all things be done. When it’s done, let it be done decently and in order. The reason why some ministers stop what’s happening is because they don’t how to test it. Don’t swallow false teaching. You may lose a relationship because you believe the truth. Be hungry for the truth. Sometimes you have to stop what is happening. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide.

Looking Ahead Part 1 – How to Leave Your Church

Saturday June 21, 2014

We have more and more of God in our lives (Proverbs 4:18). God gives increase (Psalm 115:14). Isaac sowed in famine, and he went forward and got richer (Genesis 26:12-15). The believer should be the envy of the world. God told the Israelites to obey His voice and walk in His will, that it would go well with them, but they disobeyed and went backward (Jeremiah 7:23-24). We are family. Don’t look back and think about those who have left. Be committed to one another. Sit down with the person who wants to leave. Release them and forgive them. Walk in love. We’re in covenant. We need to be committed to each other. Ask people who come to your church why they left their previous church. The only reason should be that the Lord told them to go. There is a place where you are supposed to be. Be in His will. When leaving a church, pray through it with them. The timing and the place are important for a blessing. Your leaving should leave everyone brighter. Submit to authority and repent if you left a church the wrong way. Some of the people Jesus called were looking back in a longing way (Luke 9:59-62). Look to the future. Hebrews 10:38 says that if anyone draws back, God has no pleasure in him. God’s time is now. Step into obedience.

Looking Ahead Part 2

Saturday June 28, 2014

The path of the just shines brighter and brighter, and the just shall live by faith (Proverbs 4:18 and Hebrews 10:38). We are different because of the light in our lives. Our future is brighter and brighter, and we are going forward with increase. Looking backwards will cause you to stumble and fall. Pulling back is the opposite of going forward in faith. Keep your eyes looking ahead. Complaining is looking back longingly. The Israelites couldn’t enter the Promised Land because of unbelief (Hebrews 3:7-19; 4:1-2; 1 Corinthians 10:1-12). What you look at, you will desire. Look to the future, where you victory is. It’s ahead of you (Exodus 14:10-23; Number 11:4-20). If you look behind yourself, you miss the miracle that you’re experiencing now. Don’t hate the provision of the Lord. Rejoice in His provision for you today. Look forward in faith. Philippians 3:12-15 says to forget those things which are behind and reach forward to the things that are ahead. 

Sergiy Demidovich – Strength in the Day of Adversity

Saturday July 5, 2014

Proverbs 24:10-11 says that if you faint in the day of adversity, your faith is small. We get so used to things going well that can we trust God when adversity comes, because it does come? Whatever Word we receive, it will be tested. We must be strong enough that when adversity comes, we not only can take it but can help others through it. Sergiy told of the war in Ukraine and how the church helped orphans and others who were affected by the war. The church is to be the answer in time of need. Ukraine had not completely separated itself from Soviet and communistic influence. Now Ukraine has taken a stand and can rebuild better than before. Unfortunately, the Russian Christians did not stand with the Christians in Ukraine. Cultural and ethnic influences should not override our faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for Russia to not go back to the “Soviet days” and away from freedom. Sergiy told of the attack on Christians by the Russians and Muslims. The church was and is the answer to many people, providing water, food, insulin, and housing. The church must have power and not fall into panic. Sorrows change us. What was important to us before changes in times of adversity. Relationship and faithfulness are important. Be strong in the day of adversity. (There was a video of testimonies from Ukraine.)

Looking Ahead – Getting Wisdom and Understanding With Focus

Sunday July 6, 2014

Texts: Proverbs 4:18-27 and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. There is natural and spiritual seeing. Spiritual seeing is getting an image from the Lord. David was able to defeat Goliath because he built a desire by his repeated asking about the reward for the one who would defeat him. He did not want the giant to keep defying God, so he kept his focus on the promise. Don’t look at the fear side of things but on the faith side. Keep God’s Word in your heart. Guard your heart. Look straight ahead. You go where you look, so don’t look at the problem. Proverbs 29:18 says that we need revelation (prophetic vision) and to listen to instruction to be happy. Otherwise, we’ll run wild, casting off moral restraint. Habakkuk 2:2-3 tells us to write down the vision. This is so that our eyes will be focused on it. Hebrews 10:38-39 and 11:1-12:2 tell examples of people who lived by faith by focusing on the eternal and spiritual (not seen) promise. Psalm 123:1-2 tell us to keep our eyes on the Lord.

Looking Ahead – Just Looking

Saturday July 12, 2014

Genesis 2:16-17 and 3:1-6 tell of Adam and Eve hanging around the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve became deceived by what she was looking at, and Adam was deceived because he obeyed his wife rather than God. Looking at the tree brought desire, which is a great motivating force. You will go after the greatest desire you have. Desire will lead to action. Keep your eyes where God wants to take you. Husbands and wives should make a list of the positive attributes of their spouses and keep focusing on the positive list. You become what you look at. Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:15-26). If you look at the wrong thing long enough, you will become dull and insensitive. If God tells you to do something new and difficult, don’t look back longingly. Make sure that what you’re looking at brings light and not darkness (Luke 11:34-36). Desire the best gifts, the gifts of the Spirit, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Expect miracles. [Other Scriptures: Psalm 63:1-8; 1 Peter 2:2; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; 1 John 3:2.]


Saturday July 19, 2014

Loyalty is an act of binding yourself intellectually or emotionally to a course of action; an alliance; a commitment. You choose to be loyal. Proverbs 3:3, 5 says to bind mercy (loyalty) and truth around your neck and trust in the Lord. We can do that because God’s love and mercy made us alive with Christ (Ephesians 2:1-9). Loyalty to God demands discomfort, testing our faith as we go through rough times. Loyalty is birthed out of love. We need to be selfless to move immediately at God’s direction. Loyalty is taught (Ephesians 6:1-4). Children learn loyalty from the father showing his love to them, and then they can obey and be loyal to their Heavenly Father, too. Obedience comes before loyalty (Colossians 3:18-21). The church needs loyal “pillars”. The apostle Paul learned obedience and became loyal to the point of being willing to die for the Gospel (Acts 9:1-9, 16-30; 1 Corinthians 15:8). Are you willing to suffer persecution for the Lord? We must be able to stand forever, because loyalty is a lifestyle of abiding in His love (John 15:9). Help one another first and be loyal in your giving and living (2 Corinthians 9:1-2, 8).

Miracles By Faith

Saturday July 26, 2014

Pastor Syd has found three conditions in the miracles he has seen in his own life. They are: #1 Having a great desire or desperation; #2 Finding the Word of God concerning your situation; and #3 Releasing your faith by speaking it out and acting on it. Luke 18:1-8 tells about persistent faith. The trial of your faith is patience, the lapse of time until you see the manifestation. The gospel is the power of God (Romans 1:16-19). We will press in when we see God as our only source, and we don’t back off of it. Pastor Syd shares how he believed God for a set of new tires and how God provided for them without his sharing the need with anyone else. We have God’s thoughts, and He has revealed the deep things to His people. Find the will of God for your situation by getting His Word on it, and then you can pray according to it. Don’t be money-led. His power is in His Word, and when you take it like a pill, it releases His power and faith. Pastor Syd relates how the Lord supernaturally told him to which school to send his son. In Luke 17:11-19 the ten lepers were cleansed because they were desperate and acted on Jesus’ word to go to the priest. The one leper who returned to thank Jesus was saved and made whole – spirit and body (sozo). Pastor Syd demonstrated point #3 by the supernatural way God took care of their need for their house after the economic crash in 2008. In Acts 14:7-10 a lame man heard the gospel, had faith that could be seen, and then released that faith by acting on it by leaping up and walking. You can stand on the Word, because it will work for you. Release your faith by speaking and acting as though it is true.

Miracles By Faith

Sunday July 27, 2014

Message is similar to July 26, but is condensed. Pastor Syd has found three conditions in the miracles he has seen in his own life. They are: #1 Having a great desire or desperation; #2 Finding the Word of God concerning your situation; and #3 Releasing your faith by speaking it out and acting on it. Luke 18:1-8 tells about persistent faith. The trial of your faith is patience, the lapse of time until you see the manifestation. The gospel is the power of God (Romans 1:16-19). We will press in when we see God as our only source, and we don’t back off of it. Pastor Syd shares how he believed God for a set of new tires and how God provided for them without his sharing the need with anyone else. We have God’s thoughts, and He has revealed the deep things to His people. Find the will of God for your situation by getting His Word on it, and then you can pray according to it. Don’t be money-led. His power is in His Word, and when you take it like a pill, it releases His power and faith. Pastor Syd relates how the Lord supernaturally told him to which school to send his son. In Luke 17:11-19 the ten lepers were cleansed because they were desperate and acted on Jesus’ word to go to the priest. The one leper who returned to thank Jesus was saved and made whole – spirit and body (sozo). Pastor Syd demonstrated point #3 by the supernatural way God took care of their need for their house after the economic crash in 2008. In Acts 14:7-10 a lame man heard the gospel, had faith that could be seen, and then released that faith by acting on it by leaping up and walking. You can stand on the Word, because it will work for you. Release your faith by speaking and acting as though it is true.

Prosperity: Listening to God’s Voice and Obeying Him

Saturday August 2, 2014

Text: Philippians 4:6-9. Be anxious for nothing, but by prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving, pray to God and His peace will keep (guard) your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. The screening process for our minds is to think on the noble, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtue, and praise-worthy things. Those are the things that you are to do and then you’ll have peace and prosperity. Get rid of the apathy in your life. We are told in Joshua 1:5-8 to be strong and very courageous. Be strong to do what He has already told you to do. The love of God is unconditional, but His blessings are not. Do according to the law (the moral law) and then you make your way prosperous. Courage is tied to prosperity. Deuteronomy 28:1-2 admonishes us to listen to the voice of the Lord, and then we must be strong and courageous to obey it. Find out what God has told you to do and do it! Apostle Dale shared the wondrous things God did in the meetings he had in the Ukraine as he listened to God’s voice and then acted in obedience. The root of faith is obedience. The blessings overtake you when diligently obey the voice of the Lord. Tithing and giving are just part of prosperity. The other part of prosperity is obedience to do what God has told you to do. 

Prosperity: Your Part, God’s Part

Sunday August 3, 2014

(This sermon dovetails to Saturday evening’s.) Texts: Philippians 4:6-9; Joshua 1:5-9; Deuteronomy 28:1-2. You do not know how much stress you carry, because it accumulates. Stress spiritually produces “static” making it hard to hear God. Get worry out of your life, letting every care be turned into a prayer request with praise and thanksgiving. It stops Satan’s firing worry at you. Live in the peace of God keeping your heart and mind. To get rid of bad thoughts replace them with greater thoughts. Think on the good things and then do them. No peace? Are you thinking the good things? Are you doing the good things? Stir yourself up to be strong and of good courage and then do what He tells you to do. Actions can be scary, but let faith get you up and doing. Prosperity is linked to action. The reason you meditate is so you know what to do. What is your part in prosperity? Listen to God’s voice for what He has told you to do, observe and do it (obey), walk in holiness, and obey His moral commandments. You will make your way prosperous. What is God’s part? It shall come to pass that blessings shall overtake you, and you will have good success. 

Overcoming Fear

Saturday August 9, 2014

In Mark 4:35-41, after His teaching on the Parable of the Sower, Jesus told His disciples that they were going to the other side of the lake. That word was the seed, and His disciples heard it. However, cares and fear overtook them when their boat was filling up because of a violent storm and high waves. Jesus was sleeping, and after rebuking the wind and calming the sea, He rebuked them for not believing His word. Everything that God tells you to do has the grace in it for it to be done. Being obedient does not mean you will never have storms. When storms come, the devil will tell you that you were not obedient, and if you believe him, fear and doubt come in. Psalm 34:17 tells us that God delivers us from destructions. He does not say that we will not have problems but that you can come through them unscathed. Get rid of nightmares by changing what you are thinking about when you go to bed. Fear is a spirit. It does not go away by mental exercise. The enemy will often tell you that God does not love you. Do not question God’s love for you or His character. Faith works through love. We must believe that He loves us. God will NOT abandon you in any crisis. The power is in the Word of God. When He gives you a word, speak to the mountain, and it must be removed. Find God’s Word and speak it in Jesus’ name. In Acts 27:9-24 Paul spiritually saw trouble ahead on a voyage he had to take, but when the storm lasted for days and days, he did not command the storm to stop. Why? An angel of the Lord told him not to be afraid, that he and all the other people on the ship would arrive. Why did the angel tell him not to be afraid? It was so that he would know the will of God in the situation and so that fear and doubt could not get in, if he believed the angel. Faith begins where the will of God is known. God leads you by a spirit of peace, but you need to follow His leading. Determine God’s will for yourself and let Him guide you by His peace. How do you know if it is the devil putting fear on you or God warning you? If it inspires fear, it is of the devil. If it is of peace, it is from God, even if it does not make sense. We need to have a sincere and genuine faith that believes what God has promised. We should build each other up in our faith (2 Timothy 1:2-5). Fear is a spirit, so take authority over it, and even better, do not let it in. Only Caleb and Joshua believed the Lord when they spied out the Promised Land. Caleb had a different spirit – one of faith (Numbers 14:24). Listen to the Holy Spirit; He will guide you (John 14:1, 26, 27). Speak to fear and tell it to get out! Make null and void any agreements you may have made with the devil. Do not let fear in!

Overcoming Fear – part 2 – Yield to Faith

Saturday August 16, 2014

Text: Mark 4:35-41. God’s Word carries us to the power of God. God had to speak to bring forth the power of God (at and since creation). Do not hide fear, but walk in faith. There are times when you need to command, rather than to pray. When you have God’s Word, and He has already said something to you, you command whatever would try to hinder or stop that from happening to leave in Jesus’ name. Jesus could command because He was saying what the Father had already said. Praying is asking; the disciples were praying because they were in fear and did not yield to faith in what Jesus had said. There are difference levels of fear and faith. The difference is how much you yield to one or the other. Fear is a spirit and must be dealt with spiritually, not mentally. Resist and command fear to go (John 14:1, 26-27). We have believed and therefore speak because we have the same spirit of faith (2 Corinthians 4:13). The spirit of fear and the spirit of faith are both looking for someone to come into and express themselves through. Speak His Word. The spirit of faith will come because you have yielded to it. Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Fear of death is the power of death (Hebrews 2:14-15). Beware that many ads use fear to get you to buy their products. Do not let fear come in, but yield to faith. Satan cannot force you into fear, nor can Jesus force you into faith. How can you tell if you are in faith or fear? Faith accompanies hope. Fear accompanies dread. If you have no rest, you are in fear. Job said what he feared came upon him. Fear starts an expectation of whatever you are fearful of. That expectation is a force that causes an intersection later. What do you do with fear? You resist it and replace it. Guard your heart and do not yield to fear (Isaiah 7:2-4). The Lord is with you to fight your battles (2 Chronicles 32). Faith never brags on its opponent. For every fear that will put you in bondage there is a truth that will set you free.

Overcoming Fear – Resting in His Word

Saturday August 23, 2014

Offering message: Karen Burrows gave an inspirational word about finances. Is our praying complaining? God told Charles Capps, “I would appreciate it if you would stop telling Me what the devil said.” We bind God by the words of our own mouth. We must change our confession and agree with God’s Word. Confess aloud God’s promises. Sow more in tough times with joy. Sermon: Fear can influence our decisions and bind us up. Fear goes to whoever yields to it. Text: Mark 4:35-41. One way to get a truth down in you is to hear it again and again. Ask God to show you where you have yielded to fear, and then yield to His Spirit in faith. Fear is invasive. Choose to resist fear. Pastor Syd shares the testimony of overcoming fear which was trying to fill him and his wife in her high-risk pregnancy by confessing the Word and getting agreement with a faith-buddy. Pastor Dale used his authority to command the spirit of death to leave, and she was healed. During times when you are in the thick of things, you need to have someone, who is not emotionally attached, to come alongside to help you. We have authority over fear. The name of Jesus is greater than any phobia. Have a faith-buddy. Do not hide fear or be so full of pride that you do not ask for help. There is a spirit of faith (2 Corinthians 4:13). The Spirit of Jesus is the spirit of faith. Both the spirit of fear and the spirit of faith want to use your tongue. What do we do with fear? #1) We resist it. #2) We replace it with the Word of God. For every fear that would bind you up, there is a truth that will set you free. Where there is fear, there is no rest. Paul said that they had no rest, because there were troubles and fears, but God comforted them (2 Corinthians 7:5). To get rid of nightmares, go to bed without fear. No demon can force you to fear. Pastor Syd shared about the ALS challenge and what he learned about ALS. As he was reading that it can happen to anyone, fear tried to come in. He immediately replaced it with the Word. The first person mentioned having his part in the lake of fire in verse 8 of Revelation 21 is the coward (Revelation 21:6-8). The other sins named are based on fear. When you have the truth before you, but you are afraid to operate on it, there is no more help for you. Yielding to fear keeps you from being an overcomer. Those who believe, enter the rest (Hebrews 3:12-4:12). Monitor peace and joy in your life. We can be at rest believing in His promises and His Word since the foundation of the world. We can rest in the truth that our righteousness is in Christ, not in any works. Make every effort to enter into His rest in the Word. Declare the Word as truth over your problem. Live in love and have boldness. Love drives out and has no room for fear (1 John 4:15-18). Fear is a form of hell on earth. Heaven is living love, peace, and joy. Job yielded to the spirit of fear. Psalm 91 is a place of resting.

Overcoming Fear: Resting in His Word- Aug 24

Sunday August 24, 2014

Psalm 91 belongs to us and tells us that we do not need to fear any evil. The first person mentioned having his part in the lake of fire in verse 8 of Revelation 21 is the coward (Revelation 21:6-8). The other sins named are based on fear. Ask yourself what you are expecting? Are you in fear or in faith? A spirit of fear will grow on you if you yield to it. Fear is a spirit. We are a spirit. The spirit of faith is not knowledge. We are to operate in it. The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of faith. What do we do with fear? #1) We resist it. #2) We replace it with the Word of God. Fear is so pervasive that it can become a basis of what we do. Ask God to show you where you have been operating in a spirit of fear. Root out fear! It is our responsibility to walk in faith. Rest, taking hold of His Word and promises.

It Is Time for a Visitation

Saturday August 30, 2014

LaVere Soper, a missionary and evangelist from Scotland, preached on the timeline of God’s visitations to the earth starting from 1184. Do we understand what is happening in the world? (Luke 12:56; Luke 19:41-44) The percentage of Christians has dropped compared to the population. God wants to use us now! Romans 13:11 says that our salvation is nearer than we first believed. God can give you a vision of what is going to happen. (Ephesians 5:15-17; Revelation 7:9-10) The revival is coming, and we need to be alert and self-controlled (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6). LaVere compared the number of churches to the number of unreached people groups. (Matthew 24:14; 2 Peter 3:11-12). For what is ahead of us, we must be strong and courageous. Four different times and with four different circumstances, we read that someone (and that includes us) needed to be strong, to be of good courage, not to fear, and not to be dismayed. In Joshua 1:1-9 God was speaking to Joshua. I Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Moses was speaking to Joshua. In 1 Chronicles 28:20 David was speaking to Solomon when he was turning the kingdom over to him. In 2 Chronicles 32:7 Hezekiah told his military captains to be strong and courageous, neither be afraid or dismayed. In Revelation 21:8 God said that cowards will go to the lake of fire. Are you willing to die for Jesus? An extremely high number of people are martyred every day for their faith. How can you be strong? It is a command. There are seven keys that make it possible to be bold, courageous, not fear, and not be dismayed. 1) Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us the Lord goes with us. 2) He does not leave or forsake us. 3) He goes before us. God has already finished the works He has for you to do. 4) Joshua 1:8 God is not a respecter of persons. 5) 2 Chronicles 32:7 says there are more with us than with the enemy. 6) 2 Chronicles 32:8 tells us that the Lord is with us to fight our battles. 7) 1 Chronicles 28:20 He will not leave until the job is finished. What are the reasons that we can be motivated? 1) We will inherit the promises of God (Deuteronomy 31:7). 2) No man shall be able to stand before us. (Joshua 1:5). 3) Obeying God prospers you wherever you go (Joshua 1:7). What are some practical things for you to do? 1) Seek God (2 Chronicles 15:2-15. 2) Be loyal to God (2 Chronicles 16:9). 3) Hear and received words and prophecies of God. Get fear out of your mind and soul by filling your mind with faith. The more faith you put into yourself, the less room there is for fear. [Communion was served.]

Overcoming Fear

Sunday August 31, 2014

[There was a word at the beginning of the sermon about whom will you serve.] Text: Mark 4:35-41. In this passage it mentions that there were other boats with Jesus. Maybe there was a lot of fear in those people in the other boats. Those people benefitted also when Jesus calmed the sea. Sometimes we can experience what someone else is going through, especially when we are helping that other person. Learn what to yield to and what to resist. The disciples were expecting to die. Jesus told us not to worry and that we should not say things about lack or loss (Matthew 6:25-31). We are to ask in faith, not in fear and doubt (James 1:5-6). Are you expecting hope or dread? Fear is contagious. In Luke 8 Jairus would have had reason to fear, especially when the report came that his daughter was dead, but he stayed in faith. Fear will stop your miracle. Do not be afraid but only believe. How can we not be in fear? The God of hope fills us with joy and peace in believing so that we may abound in hope (Romans15:13). He has promised us the victory (1 Corinthians 15:57-58). Trusting in man brings a snare, but we are safe if we are trusting in God (Proverbs 29:25). Do not be led by the fear of man. If God tells you to do something, do it! People are held as slaves by fear (Hebrews 2:15). Do not be afraid of death. The Lord is our light and our salvation, whom shall I fear? God will conceal me in the day of adversity. Wait on the Lord. Your assignment: Personalize Psalm 34 and declare it. [Kaytie Lueke shared a testimony about trusting God completely.]

You Are Not Who You Use To Be

Saturday September 6, 2014

Offering message by Karen Burrows: God wants us to prosper (3 John 2) – spirit, soul, body, family, finances. Decide to agree with what He says about you (Joshua 1:8). Hear and do what He says. Giving is a principle of prospering. God increases and multiplies (2 Corinthians 9:6-11). Sermon: Lucifer (the devil, Satan) could not be like God (Isaiah14:12). He was a worshiper of God, but he brought sin into the earth (Ezekiel 28:12). He is a liar and a murderer (John 8:44). Satan is sin. God is love. Satan has no love in him. He is death. In Genesis 1:24-26, we see that God created everything according to its kind. When He created man, He made man after His image, according to their (God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’s) likeness. Genesis 3:1-7 tells us that the serpent (the devil) was cunning, and Eve was not where she was supposed to be. When she and Adam sinned, love drained out of them. Sin and death came through one man (Romans 5:12) and has spread to all men. The ungodly are estranged in their spirit, go astray, and speak lies (Psalm 58:3). After they sinned, Adam and Eve hid, and God’s heart was broken. Their fellowship and covenant with God was broken, but they could have repented (Genesis 3:8-13). We did not fall into the pit of hell (Psalm 9:17) because Jesus went there for us. God told His people that He would give them a heart of flesh and would put His Spirit in them (Ezekiel 36:25). This is possible by covenant. The first covenant made was when God made tunics of skins and clothed Adam and Eve. Jonathan and David made a covenant, which was for future families. Their covenant was based on God. David showed kindness to Jonathan’s kin, Mephibosheth, because of his covenant (1 Samuel 18:1-4; 20:13-17, 42; 2 Samuel 9:1-8). Covenant representatives must be related. Jesus came as a man. Covenant-makers walked through a split animal, representing living for the other person. What is mine is yours and vice versa. We used to be crippled with sin and fear. Through the Word we were led to salvation. Covenant is the strength of our righteousness. We are at the table with the Father. Coming before the throne of God was sure death, but God sees the blood of Jesus on us. God made Jesus to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). (Josh read a revelation God gave him about the light of Jesus Christ.) Tell others your testimony. You are the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Believe you are love, and you are loved.

Sword of the Spirit: Praying

Saturday September 13, 2014

Ephesians 6:10-19 tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of Hismight. The weakest person can be as strong as God is, but apart from Him, we can do nothing. Do not be afraid of the weak and hard times. Enemies are meant for you to defeat in the strength of the Lord. Who would David have been without a Goliath? Teach your enemies a lesson. When you cannot make it, He can. The devil is evil and tricky. God and the devil NEVER agree. God will bring good things around, but He does not cause the bad. Be a person who looks for good. Put on the armor of God so that you can stand against the tricks and strategies of the devil. Do not wrestle against people, but leave the door open for them to come to you after they repent. Dealing with principalities and power in prayer and spiritual warfare is  dealing on a higher level than with earthly authorities. Stand against the devil, so you can withstand in the evil day. Standing is warning the devil, “You will NOT take this away!” Do not chase after what Jesus already purchased, but just stand in it. The devil is defeated, so we do not have to wrestle with him. When we stand girded and equipped, we have the sword of the Spirit, praying always with all prayer and supplication. The two-edged sword coming out of His mouth is the Word of God prayed. The Scripture can be applied to your life. Apostle Dale tells of the Spirit using Scripture that he had in him to pray for their son, Ethen. He also shared about the Spirit waking him up at 3 AM to pray Psalm 75. He later found out that that was when Pastor Demidovich had been captured and later released. Pray in the Spirit and let the Spirit lead you to Scriptures to pray. Obey the voice of the Lord (Deuteronomy 28:1). Let the Spirit tell you what to do, and if you obey Him, He will set you high above the nations of the world. If the voice you hear tells you to do anything that violates His commandments, it is not God’s voice you are hearing! (Apostle Dale also shared about upcoming personal changes.)  Other Scriptures: Psalm 2:1-8; Acts 4:23-31.

Sword of the Spirit – Praying – part 2

Sunday September 14, 2014

(Apostle Dale shared about some things happening in Russia and Ukraine.) Romans 8:26states that the Spirit makes intercession for us. Your prayers pave the road you walk on and put signs on the road of your life. Have a prayer life and follow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Jude 20-21 tells us to build ourselves up in faith by praying in the Holy Spirit. We build ourselves up, but it is in God’s strength, not our own (Ephesians 6:10-18). Realize that you cannot do it and rely on His strength. The battle is the Lord’s, and the victory is ours. Even if you are struggling in your life, God is still Lord. It is a finished work. You are expected to defeat the enemy and your problems, not to be afraid of them. Pray in tongues and pray the Scriptures. The only part of the armor (Ephesians 6) that is offensive and brings external changes is the sword of the Spirit prayed (the Scripture prayed). Apostle Dale shares about a man who fell a couple stories and broke his back. When Apostle Dale yelled at the man screaming in pain to speak out a Scripture, he started quoting the 23rd Psalm. After a confrontation three times with the doctor, the man started repenting to his wife. He was admitted on Saturday with a broken back and went home on Monday without a broken back! Praise God! THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT IS THE SCRIPTURE YOU SPEAK AND PRAY!


The Mother of Jesus Was There

Saturday September 20, 2014

“The Mother of Jesus Was There”

Text: John 2:1-12. On the third day of a wedding celebration Mary was there as an invited guest, along with Jesus and His disciples. Mary was the first one mentioned. The third day was a resurrection day. Ask yourself why you are here at CWI. Without an answer you cannot be a blessing. We have to find our purpose. Adam was in the Garden of Eden to protect it and to be fruitful and to multiply. He had a job to do. We are to contribute to the kingdom of God. Mary was a game-changer at the wedding celebration. She was ready to be used by God to make changes. Weddings in this culture lasted seven days, and it was a shame and unheard of to run out of wine and water on the second day. When there is nothing in the natural, look to the supernatural, because there is no lack there. #1) God used Mary, not because she was the mother of Jesus, but because she was available. She gave herself as a living sacrifice to the Lord. We must be available and willing. God is always looking for someone to stand in the gap. (Ezekiel22:30; Isaiah 6:8) #2) She was used by God because she took their problem as her own. Jesus was moved with compassion. Missionaries must take other people’s problems as their own to go to hard places. Pastor Dale is a game-changer because he has compassion for the Ukrainians. Ezekiel sat where the captives sat for seven days to feel what they felt (Ezekiel 3:15). We cannot serve people if we do not feel their pain. #3) She sought Jesus for the solution. The answer is in Jesus, and He should be the solution to all of our problems. Go to Him first. (Psalm 121:1-2) God is our help. Come to Him, and He will give you rest. The throne of grace is a place of rest between heaven and earth. Sit in heavenly places before walking. #4) She acted by faith. She believed that the wedding would continue to the seventh day. She was sure of a miracle. Jesus’ response to asking why she would involve Him was because He was not in the realm of time. He was the beginning and the end. She said the servants were to do whatever He said. Pastor Demeke shared about his niece who was told by three doctors that she had breast cancer. She declared that God would heal her. She recently was given a test, and there is no cancer there, praise the Lord! Faith works! This is the third day for CWI. It is a time of resurrection and restoration. God is stepping in. A new chapter is starting. Step in and drink the new wine.

How to Be a Man or Woman of God in an Ungodly World – part 1

Friday September 26, 2014

Rocky Veach: [God wants you to do what He wants you to do, spirit, soul, and body. Our heart can let in things from the soul or the Spirit. The Word is what determines whether it comes from the soul or the Spirit. Ask God, “What do You want me to be?” What do You want this church to be? The soul needs to be transformed. It is hard to control what your heart wants. Get quiet and see what is in your heart. When we have been disobedient, it accumulates. We need to awaken to God and let God do what He wants to do. To be a man or woman of God we need to associate closely with Him. Today will require more of your heart. God’s plan is waiting for you. Use the S-L-A-N-T reminder: Sit up in life, saying, “I’m here.” Listen to God.Ask questions. Nod yes. Track with your eyes. A Christian is a follower of Jesus. Look for key people in your life. God wants you to talk to others about Jesus.] In 2 Kings 1, after Israel’s evil king, Ahab, died, Ahaziah became king. He fell and was injured, so he sent messengers to inquire of the god of Ekron whether he would die. The angel of the Lord told Elijah the prophet to intercept the messengers. He was to ask them if there is no God in Israel that they are inquiring of the god of Ekron and to tell them that the king was going to die. The king sent fifty men to get Elijah to come back with them to him. They called Elijah, “Man of God”. Elijah said that if he is a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume the captain and his fifty men. God did, because they were mocking Him. Two more times the king sent fifty men with the same result to the second group, but the captain of the third group pleaded with Elijah to go to the king. God told him that he was to do so and not be afraid. He went to the king, and the king died. Being a man of God is a serious thing. It means you are in strong association with God. Be established in the Lord, and do not let church and Christianity become common. The five-fold ministers train the saints. Apostles build things. The prophet says, “Thus says the Lord.” How do we treat a man of God or the concept of God? We cry out, “Let my life and the lives of these servants be precious in Your sight”. How far do you want to go with God? Let God reveal what He wants to do in you. Intercessors are needed to stand relentlessly in the gap and to make hedges. It has to come from within you. David worshiped God. God is inside you. The most important thing is the call of God.