Do things with His Word, not your own. We know in part, so we need the ministry gifts in others (1 Corinthians 13:9). It’s up to you to get the rest of the pieces of the puzzle and to walk out His way. Stay close to Jesus, keeping faith and patience so you get the rest of the word. You become a different person when you’re walking in the anointing and in His calling. What hinders us from fulfillment of a dream, vision, or word? #1 Unbelief. #2 Pride. #3 Impatience. #4 Deception. #5 Negligence. #6 Procrastination #7 Slothfulness #8 Disobedience. #9 Selfishness. #10 Fear. #11 Quitting. #12 Operating in two minds. #13 Lack of knowledge. #14 Fleshly-led, rather being led by the Holy Spirit. #15 Sin. Don’t stagger at the promise through unbelief (Romans 4:17-19).
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM