Series ‘Armada Landmark 2014’

Fulfill God’s Will for Your Life

Monday June 16, 2014

Texts: Acts 26:13; Colossians 4:17. Every manifestation of the Spirit is for a purpose. You will be judged for what God has called you to do. Determine the will of God and then pursue that. Doing God’s will is about the ministry you have received, not the one you achieved. What have you received from the Lord? #1 You have received opportunities that God brings to your life. #2 You have received a place. Start out at your “Jerusalem”, and at some point God may send you other places and then back home again. #3 You have received a people. Be faithful to the people God has given to you. #4 God will give you projects. Do not preach the Gospel to raise money. #5 God will require you to be the provider of money, wisdom, etc., to others. (There were prophetic words and individual ministry.)

Working With the Prophetic Word

Tuesday June 17, 2014

1 Timothy 1. There is a season of releasing things. Sometimes you feel like you are sitting on eggs until they hatch. Giving God control is about trusting and submitting. When releasing a word to a person, make sure that the person is ready to hear what you have to say. Prophecy is what is in the heart of God. You can’t compare your faith with others’. Live out your life in relationship, not in your gifting, and don’t get so busy that you forget your faith. There are prophetic visions, dreams, and words in you. Are you practically doing all you can in that? Sometimes you have to let go in order to step into what He has called you to. Get rid of rejection, shame, and pain. Romans 4:14-16. There’s a level of faith that comes. We prophesy in part, and then we get into God’s presence. There’s a period of separation and preparation. God’s Word is a seed and will prosper in your heart if you allow it. Deal with the weeds. If you are getting into confusion it will not come to pass. God wants to use everyone. If you do not do what to do you know to do, you will be stuck.


Tuesday June 17, 2014

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:8. God wants us to prosper. He is able to make all grace abound toward you that you will have an abundance to share with others. Ecclesiastes 2:26 and James 5:3 refer to the transfer of wealth from the ungodly to the righteous. Other Scriptures: Proverbs 3:10-16; Proverbs 10:22; Malachi 3:7-10; Ephesians 4:28; Acts 24; Genesis 12:2-3; Psalm 35:27; Proverbs 13:22; Isaiah 53:12; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Ecclesiastes 9:13-16. God wants you to be willing to give. Reasons to be blessed: #1 To bring our tithes and offerings into the church. #2 To meet or bring supply into His storehouse. #3 To pay our taxes and government. #4 To take care of your family. #5 To take care of your parents. #6 To help the poor. #7 To have some clout. Can you imagine you are so blessed that you can pay someone’s mortgage?


Tuesday June 17, 2014

We are here to make disciples, which is kingdom business. We are to transform the world. Pass the baton, so the kingdom continues. Mark 16:15-18 says that we are to demonstrate and teach the kingdom. Go, because we love people. Preach the Gospel at all times. Wherever you are is a revival center. Who are you training to take your place? Discipleship is about growing and multiplying the work. If a ministry isn’t growing, it isn’t discipling people. Demonstrate the kingdom: cast out demons, speak in tongues. Teach people how to flow with the Holy Spirit. Take time to learn, submit to leadership and one another, and do everything so you know what your calling is. You are not responsible for what your disciple does, but model to him. We are not settlers, but doers. Send out with power and authority and be willing to go. Vision gives direction.


Tuesday June 17, 2014

Cyrus was commissioned to build the house of God (Ezra 1:1-5). Jeremiah prophesied that the Israelites would be in captivity for 70 years. You may never see what you are praying for. Raise someone else up who will fulfill what the Lord spoke to you. Believe that God will stir up the heart of a heathen king today. Go or help someone else to go. It doesn’t have to be far away. We need God to stir up people to go and to give (Ezra 1). In Ezra 2 and 3, the controlling-spirited crowd discouraged the people who were to rebuild. In Ezra chapter 5, Haggai and Zechariah prophesied to strengthen the rebuilders, and Zerubbabel and Jeshua began to rebuild. Ministry is work. We do it, not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). Purpose to be a finisher. Don’t do things by comparison, but do what God tells you to do. There may be mountains standing in your way (Zechariah 4:7). Speak to them.


Wednesday June 18, 2014

Proverbs 13:22 tells us that the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous. Wealth is not to be for the devil. There is power in money. God gives us the power to get wealth. Jesus became poor so that we can become rich. Jesus had a treasurer to handle His and the disciples’ money. The disciples were former businessmen and tax collectors. The grace that God gives us is so that we can glorify Him. God gave Jacob the grace to become exceedingly prosperous by a wealth transfer. The glorious church means loaded down with loot. Three things of a glorious church: 1) There will be signs and wonders (and the fear of the Lord will be brought back.) 2) The church will be holy and reveal God’s character. 3) The church will be prospering and growing in health. The restoration of all things shows the kingdom of God. When the Egyptians gave the Israelites gold, silver, and jewelry, they were paying back what the Israelites should have received for their honest labor. God daily loads us with benefits. Other Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 2:26; Job 27:16-17; Exodus 3:20-22; Exodus 12:35-36; Psalm 105:37-38; Deuteronomy 6:10-12; Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Corinthians 9:8; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Genesis 30:43-31:1; Genesis 45:13; Haggai 2:6; Ephesians 5:27; Acts 1:6-7; Acts 3:21; James 5:1-8; Psalm 68:19.   


Wednesday June 18, 2014

The goal of discipling is for someone else to become just like you. It is not the same as teaching. Serving is not glamorous. The church exists to worship, and disciples exist to make it happen without distraction. We are trained to demonstrate the kingdom. Be bold and do the Word wherever you are- Costco or Walmart. Disciples need to be teachable, learning from their masters or leaders. To be a witness means laying down your life. The disciples had to wait for the Holy Spirit. Elisha had to stick closely to Elijah. Real disciples do not quit but endure to the end. Disciples ask a lot of questions. They will work for free or pay to work. They are going someplace. They are part of a team. They do what they are supposed to do. They demonstrate the kingdom of God. When Jesus comes, what will you be doing? Disciples are chosen on purpose. They will get the work done. Do the ministry. Other Scriptures: Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Romans13:11– 14:4.

Working With the Prophetic Word

Wednesday June 18, 2014

1 Timothy 1:18-20 says that some people reject faith and good conscience and become shipwrecked. If you are sitting on a prophetic word, do what you need to do. Know God and rightly divide the Word so you can discern what the prophetic word is. There is a birthing process. Fight with the Word. Resist fear, because it takes you out of the place of faith. Know who your enemy is. Hang onto your faith and keep a clear conscience. Flee some things and pursue and fight for your faith (1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 4:7), pull down strongholds daily (2 Corinthians 10:4-5), and endure hardships (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Receive the word you’ve been given and operate like it’s true. Love from a pure heart and good conscience (1 Timothy 1:5). Don’t put more stock in “a word” than the Word of God. War with the Word of God. You have the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20, 27). As you yield to God, He can download to you. The Holy Spirit will teach you if you abide in Him. Live in a relationship with Him. What is the proper response to prophecy? #1 Discern so you can reject or receive the word. #2 Faith. #3 Obedience. #4 Patience. #5 Humility (Submission to God’s Spirit). #6 Meekness. #7 Submission to His lordship.


Wednesday June 18, 2014

God shows us the future and gives us vision, but we are to focus on what’s now, not the past or the future. You can read the Bible, looking for the character of God or you can look for the power of God. Matthew 25:1-13 is about the wise and foolish virgins. What’s the message? #1 Be ready. #2 Be filled with the Holy Spirit (the oil). Allow the Lord to interrupt you, allow time for compassion, be balanced in flexibility and structure, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss opportunities (Luke 9:51-62). Encourage yourself and minister to the Lord when you get tired. Feed the hungry, not wasting your time on those who won’t receive you and the message. Don’t worry about who is not here. Watch out for people who talk a lot about themselves. Know what can wait and what can’t. You may only have a moment to do and to go. Don’t compare yourself with others. Stay full. Be patient. What you need in order to go, He provides. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest (Luke 10:1-2). Obey God and do your part.

God’s Anointing

Wednesday June 18, 2014

(If you wait for the provision for what God has said to do, money is your god.) God asked Samuel how long he was going to mourn over Saul, since He had rejected him from reigning over Israel (1 Samuel 16). Saul failed because of his insecurity, but God didn’t give up. The anointing is not limited by man’s failures. Samuel had to let go of some relationships for the Lord. God always provides. An anointing service is important. In Samuel’s case, anointing David was worth risking Samuel’s death. Samuel looked on the heart and relied on God’s Spirit to know who would be the next king- called, chosen, and faithful. God sees in your heart, your destiny, your position, and your plan. Listen to the Word, not razzle-dazzle. Samuel anointed David in the midst of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David. The anointing needs to be in the midst of the brethren. God anoints families, a church, a body. God wants us to recognize what He does. Don’t turn your back on your brothers, but root for one another. God anoints what man anoints. Anoint means prosper, represent, come mightily. (Gene English was anointed and ordained. Pastor Sydney was anointed and installed as CWI pastor. Apostle Dale was anointed as admiral and apostle over the Armada.)


Thursday June 19, 2014

Moses was on the mountain with God, and Aaron listened to the desires of the people for a god (Exodus 32:1-35; 33:1). The pastor must have the authority. God speaks to the man in authority. Moses had to intercede, because he was more concerned about God being glorified than about himself. As an intercessor, sometimes it’s better not to know too much. A real leader takes responsibility for his actions and gives his life. Don’t respond out of emotion to other people’s sins. When we are challenged by people’s sin, keep your eyes on Jesus, and don’t be moved by emotion. You need to hear from the Lord. God deals with humanity because of covenant. You can’t trust in your own abilities. Exodus 33:14 says that God’s presence would go with Moses and the Israelites. Keep yourself in love toward the people you’re ministering to. All you need is faith in God. Keep a heart of love. The greater the work, the greater the revelation you need. To go to the next level, you must die to the things of the flesh. It’s an opportunity for God to show what He can do. Show me Your glory. If you lead people, you’ll need His revelation and help. We need His help to see them like He sees them. You need a revelation of God and His love.

Receiving New Armada Members/Receive Only the Truth

Thursday June 19, 2014

Comfort yourselves and edify one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11-21). Congregations are to get to know their leaders. Warn those who are unruly, comfort the faint-hearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks. Don’t quench the Spirit. Don’t make up manifestations. Don’t try to top the last meeting. Don’t despise prophecy. Prove all things – prophecy, teaching, doctrines. Make sure you judge truth. Test every spirit, even from your family or friend (1 John 4:1-2). Your purpose must be the truth. If you find out a truth, you need to change because of it. Know what you believe and why. Many false prophets have gone out into the world. Deception keeps close to the truth. The truth is that Jesus is greater than he who is in the world. Jesus came in the flesh, and the flesh He came in is your own. How do you test the spirits? #1 Does this hurt people? #2 Is it scriptural? #3 Is it corrupt? (How is it used? Does it hurt someone? #4 Addition. Does it add to Scripture? #5 Subtraction. Don’t hold off on truth. #6 Don’t mix it with man’s American traditions or thinking or doctrine. #7 Don’t make a truth THE truth (Acts 7:27).


Friday June 20, 2014

Text: Philippians 4:10-19. If you release more when things are tight, it increases the value of your giving. If you’re going to be a giver, you must also be able to receive. God seeks the fruit that abounds to your heavenly account. He provides your need because you planted seed. Sacrifice attracts God. It takes faith to give. Philippians 4:19only works for you if you give and plant seed. The love of and the mishandling of money is evil. Satan submitted to money. Psalm 78:40-41 says the Israelites limited God in the wilderness and desert. God has pleasure in our prosperity. Provision means “before seeing”. God will supernaturally provide, so be patient. You can’t surprise God with your need. Look to God and don’t limit Him with your mouth. Teach your children about trusting God. Fear negates your trust that God takes care of you. If you don’t tithe to God, you’ll tithe to Satan. John 6:5-14 is the account of Jesus’ feeding the 5000. God tests us sometimes. The ravens fed Elijah food from the king’s table. Act out what you believe. Keep your word and vows. It takes wealth to establish His kingdom.


Friday June 20, 2014

We are to duplicate Jesus. Be an example to and of the believer. We are the image of God. Model what you want to see in those who follow you. Excellence requires a higher standard. Demonstrate the kingdom of God. People will know you are Jesus’ disciples if you have love one for another (John 13:35). Love is proactive, looking for ways for others to prosper. Commit to stand with your pastor. The just will live by faith (Habakkuk 2). Faith is absolute trust in God. God’s Word is settled forever. He is! We are! Wisdom is in me. Get closer to God. His promises do not change. Do you believe God? Do your disciples follow Christ? Go to war with the Word and win. Demonstrate: Be holy as He is holy. It’s perfectly natural to be supernatural. Hang out with the genius of the Holy Spirit. Use every opportunity to share Jesus. Discipleship begins with parenting. Give no intentional offense that the ministry be blamed (2 Corinthians 6:3). Live a life of faith and live a life of holiness and integrity. Demonstrate what you want your disciples to emulate. Make disciples!

Working With The Prophetic Word

Friday June 20, 2014

Do things with His Word, not your own. We know in part, so we need the ministry gifts in others (1 Corinthians 13:9). It’s up to you to get the rest of the pieces of the puzzle and to walk out His way. Stay close to Jesus, keeping faith and patience so you get the rest of the word. You become a different person when you’re walking in the anointing and in His calling. What hinders us from fulfillment of a dream, vision, or word? #1 Unbelief. #2 Pride. #3 Impatience. #4 Deception. #5 Negligence. #6 Procrastination #7 Slothfulness #8 Disobedience. #9 Selfishness. #10 Fear. #11 Quitting. #12 Operating in two minds. #13 Lack of knowledge. #14 Fleshly-led, rather being led by the Holy Spirit. #15 Sin. Don’t stagger at the promise through unbelief (Romans 4:17-19).


Friday June 20, 2014

(Please listen for much more detail.) Nehemiah was an example of an intercessor. He had great identification and compassion for the Jews who had gone back to Jerusalem after captivity. His identification and compassion for the people caused him to weep, intercede, fast, and pray for them. He acknowledged God and His promises, stated the problem, and then prayed the solution. After a period of three months he went into action. As the king’s cupbearer, he could speak to the king. He appeared in service to the king with a sad face, which could have cost him his life, but because prayer preceded him and the hand of God was on him, the king granted him favor.

To intercede means to go to a higher authority on behalf of someone else. We can do that through prayer, but intercession is more than prayer. Jesus intercedes for us. He is not praying for you, but as our High Priest, He represents your prayers before the throne. Jesus receives them and then presents them to the Father. Identification is the key to intercession. When you identify with someone, you’re concerned about them, and the best thing you can do is pray for that person. Compassion is responding from your heart as you respond to another in need and affliction. Identification leads to compassion which leads to intercession and action to benefit the other person. Identify with the sins of the people and take responsibility for them. Compassion carries a weight (burden) to it. It causes you to take action by stirring your heart. Phase two of intercession is to do something to be part of the solution. Take responsibility in your heart. You may have to carry something for a time until the delivery time. You cannot have any sin in your life. Jesus identified with us and our sin as He took it upon Himself and became our intercessor. Intercession is identification with compassion, which will drive you to action.

Receive Only the Truth

Friday June 20, 2014

Don’t believe every spirit in what you hear preached or see in articles and books (1 John 4:1-4). Mormons believe that Jesus came in the flesh, but they don’t believe that He came in our flesh. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Be teachable but not gullible. Don’t read everything. Some people will depart from the faith (1 Timothy 4:1-5). Jesus did not bear witness to traditions, dogmas, Papal edicts, or anything that substitutes for the Bible truth. There are spirits involved in doctrines, seducing spirits. When a person breaks covenant by wanting something they shouldn’t have, seducing spirits get involved. Demons bring false doctrines. Watch out for hypocrisy and lies, and instead study truth. Paul was concerned about false doctrines (2 Corinthians 11:3). Don’t back off of the truth. He’s coming back. Get ready! Let all things be done, decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). Let all things be done. When it’s done, let it be done decently and in order. The reason why some ministers stop what’s happening is because they don’t how to test it. Don’t swallow false teaching. You may lose a relationship because you believe the truth. Be hungry for the truth. Sometimes you have to stop what is happening. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide.