Texts: Psalm 23:1-5; Psalm 92:4-10; 1 John 2:20. God has prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemy (Satan), and He anoints our heads with oil, so that our cup runs over. We have an impartation of anointing that needs to go to others. There is a greater measure of anointing available, through communion in His presence. It’s time to receive a fresh anointing. We carry the anointing. We have the power and authority to take back what Satan has stolen. We as the church need to be doing what God is doing and see and hear with a fresh anointing. There is a shift, and there are many adversaries, but the greater One is in us. Get back to your first love, repent and go to Him so He can anoint you with fresh oil. You can know the strategies of the enemy and can bind and loose, declare and decree. This house must be a house of intercession.
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Lancaster, PA
Saturday – 6:00 PM